Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 204 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 204th chapter beat the protagonist's treasure chest (5)

"Frog seed, jump into the water."

Aoki said calmly.

Sleep Powder, you have to be hypnotized, this is useful.

The Frog Seed unceremoniously jumped into the water.

When Sleep Powder hits the water surface, it loses its effect immediately.

"Can you still do that?"

Ash was stunned, but did not expect the seeds of the frog to jump into the water.

"This... Although the seeds of the wonderful frog are not water-borne, they should be fine in a short period of time.

Brock also admires Aoki for being able to think of such a solution.

"Then use Hurricane. 19

Ash didn't think much of it.

In mid-air, Barda immediately used Hurricane, and a net storm roared.

The pool danced continuously, and a large amount of water was blown into the sky.

"Frog seeds, rattan, grab Butterfree's wings."

The wonderful "607" frog seed rushed out of the water using a vine whip, and instantly grabbed Butterfree's wings.

Butterfree lost the ability to fly immediately and was even pulled towards the water.

"Parasitic seeds.

The Frog Seed rushed out immediately and placed a parasitic seed on Butterfree's body.

Butterfree was constantly being drained of energy, with a pained expression on his face.

"Rush up, use impact."

Frog Seed pulled hard, his body slammed into the sky, and slammed into Butterfree's body.

Butterfree was knocked to the ground and incapacitated.

"To be defeated again, then, Pidgeotto, it's up to you."

Although Ash felt disappointed, he still sent his own Pidgeotto, the original Pidgey Evolution.

Aoki looked at the frog seeds and used the parasitic seeds many times, and the physical exertion was not very serious.

Against Pidgeotto, enough is enough.

"Pidgeotto, use a flash of electric light.

Pidgeotto moved quickly, and rammed the frog seeds with his wings.

Aoki stared at Pidgeotto and quickly figured out Pidgeotto's position.

"Frog Seed, dodge to the right, then use the vine whip, then grab the Pidgeotto. 99

Frog Seeds dodge quickly, dodge easily, and use the vine whip, approaching Pidgeotto.

It only takes a second to catch Pidgeotto.

"Pidgeotto, turned quickly, and used the steel wings.

Pidgeotto turned around quickly, his wings with white light, like steel, and slammed into it.

The vine whip was easily knocked aside.

As expected of Ash, he was hit twice, and now he is smarter and knows how to use other methods.

This method is really good.

"Wonderful frog seeds, sunshine flames."

The back of Frog Frog's seeds is shining with white light, constantly gathering sunlight.

"It's not good, Ash, Sunshine Flame is a grass-type ultimate move, and it absolutely cannot let it release its rhythm.

Brock didn't expect that Aoki's Frog Seeds would learn Sunshine Flames so quickly.

This talent is just too smart.

"I see, then Pidgeotto, immediately use the steel wings, hit me quickly. 9

Ash also knew that the frog seeds could not continue to accumulate babies.

Pidgeotto's wings flashed white and flew over quickly.

The distance between the two sides is gradually getting closer.

The next second, Aoki suddenly laughed.

"Since it's here, let's give Pidgeotto a close shot of sunshine flames."

The light behind the seeds of the wonderful frog burst out and lay down, engulfing Pidgeotto in an instant.

"It's not good, the speed of the Sunshine Flame Machine is too fast, and Pidgeotto is too late."

Brock probably guessed it.

Getting hit head-on by Aoki's Sunshine Flames, Pidgeotto is sure to be incapacitated.

As it was, Pidgeotto fell from the sky, his eyes circled, and he was incapacitated.

"Pidgeotto is incapacitated, the victory is the training of Cerulean Gym."

"I lost.

Ash felt disappointed by the SWAT.

The three Pokémon were actually defeated by one of Aoki's Pokémon.

"Ash, you don't need to care too much. Anyway, this is not the first time you have lost in your life, and everyone loses."

Ash glanced at Aoki helplessly.

"So, you've never lost, I've lost many times.

"Please, before you came, you should have challenged many times, right? Did you win more times? It can be seen that you are still talented.

Aoki continued to comfort him, but he couldn't knock Ash out of Akatsuki.

This is his future treasure chest.

"You're also saying, I'm a rookie training after all, it's normal to lose, after all, there are still many people who lose to me.."

Ash suddenly came to his senses.

Brock didn't know what to say. He was going to comfort him, but he didn't expect to be comforted so quickly.

That's fine, lest Ash was hit so hard that he really didn't know what to do.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, you successfully beat the protagonist, and achieved a perfect victory, getting a treasure chest of the protagonist. 33

Aoki paused.

what did he hear?

The protagonist's treasure chest, he didn't intend to have a treasure chest, at least until Ash's strength became stronger.

Otherwise, the strength is too weak, and the treasure chest obtained is nothing good at all.

Unexpectedly, there is a treasure chest of the protagonist.

Aoki immediately opened the traditional panel, and soon knew the protagonist's treasure chest.

Protagonist's treasure chest: Only the treasure chest that the protagonist has, once opened, you can get random items.

From the mythical beast Arceus to a roll of toilet paper, everything is possible.

Aoki suddenly felt extremely annoyed.

If I knew that there was a treasure chest of the protagonist, I would not be in a hurry to use the lucky charm.

After all, the lucky charm, plus the protagonist's treasure chest, might be able to open a mythical beast.

Unlike the divine beast he obtained, Zygarde, currently only has cells, and has not made up 10% of the form.

He suddenly felt that he had missed a mythical beast, and possibly a Shiny mythical beast.

Regret, really regret 5.1.

Aoki was about to cry.

But looking closer, Aoki suddenly had a happy smile on his face.

As expected of the protagonist, he carries a lot of treasure chests with him.

As long as it is the protagonist's challenge, there is no host's inducement. Every time you win, you can get a protagonist's treasure chest.

This is simply a treasure chest of action.

Aoki decided to meet Ash more in the future, try to challenge Ash, and then get some treasure chests.

Quality is not enough, quantity wins.

Get a few hundred protagonist treasure chests, he still can't believe that he can't open a mythical beast.

Well, Shiny Rayquaza, or Shiny Mewtwo, or Shiny original Groudon, or Shiny original Kyogre.

These are all good things.

Aoki has begun to imagine the future, fantasizing about the future,

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