Subduing Gastly, Aoki released Gastly again.

"Gastly, you will be my Pokémon from now on, do whatever you want to do."

"No problem, I'm going to spread the girl's story now, and I'll find you when the celebration is over. 33

Gastly didn't feel too sad, just more training.

And this training is actually not bad, I am willing to let it continue to spread the story of the girl.


Seeing Gastly leaving, Aoki suddenly stopped Gastly.

Gastly also subconsciously stopped.

"Anything else?"

"Of course, the reason why you can't evolve is because you have an extra Everstone. Do you want to evolve?"

Aoki is ready to make Gastly Evolution.

Only with a successful Evolution, Gastly can continue to become stronger, so that he can become his ace.

Although the trump card of Ghost Fan is Hu Pa, Hu Pa is too strong in the future and can't be used to bully people.

"Of course I am willing to evolve. Only with evolution can I become stronger and do more things."

Gastly said impatiently.

It really wanted to evolve, but couldn't, and I don't know why it couldn't.

Obviously it has become stronger.

"You have Everstone on your body, you rhyme everything you have on your body, and you should be able to experience Evolution.

"Everstone, do I have this on me?"

Gastly was suspicious.

It also knows Everstone, but doesn't know it has it.

Curious though, Gastly spat out all the collectibles.

Aoki looks like it's densely packed, it's pretty good, and even has some Evolutionary stone/ite.

After all the spit, Gastly suddenly glowed.

This is where Evolution shines.

Gastly was stunned, thinking that he would not be able to evolve, but he did not expect to be able to evolve.

The light is getting stronger.

There was joy in Aoki's eyes, Gastly was already very strong.

Now that he has evolved again, he may be able to use the power of Evolution to break through and become an Elite-level Pokémon.

In this case, Gastly will be the first to become his next Elite Pokémon.

It is even possible to use the power of Evolution to become a Gengar and become a Champion-level Pokémon.

It's not impossible.

After the light dissipated, Gastly changed greatly, with two more hands, which were hooked out of thin air.

In addition, the strength has also become stronger.

Name: Gastly

Strength: Elite level

I don't know if it's because of the difficult years of life and the accumulation of special police officers. Once Evolution, he has reached the profound meaning.

It seems that if you evolve again, you might be able to get the Champion level.

However, before Evolution, it is best to reach the peak of Elite, so the probability will continue to increase.

"Great, I finally succeeded in Evolution, and my strength has become stronger.

Haunter circled happily, then disappeared, and hooked again.

This is clearly a newly born child, very naughty.

"Okay, Haunter, now that you've become stronger, go and complete your mission, and remember, when you're done, find me in Saffron City."

Aoki doesn't plan to stay, enough time has been wasted, he wants to go to the next town.

And Haunter was going to stay for a long time, and he didn't want to wait here.

"No problem, I'll find you immediately after I'm done."

Haunter will naturally not refuse, since it has been subdued, then it is Aoki's Pokémon.

"By the way, I took this stone and it has Everstone on it.

Before Aoki leaves, take one of Haunter's collectibles.

This collectible is an ordinary stone, but inlaid with Everstone.

Because it just exposed a part and touched Gastly, Gastly has no Evolution.

"No problem, I'll go first.

Haunter took away all the Last Resort items, then turned and disappeared.

He is ready to fulfill his promise.

Aoki looked at Haunter who left, and then looked at the stone in his hand.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this stone?"

Seeing the look in Aoki's eyes, Misty couldn't help asking, staring at the stone at the same time.

I always feel that this is an ordinary stone, at most there is Everstone.

"Metagross, Bullet Punch.

Aoki threw the stone into the sky.

Metagross kept throwing fists with both hands, fists as fast as bullets.

0...for flowers.....

The stone was quickly shattered, and two other stones popped up inside.

One of them is Everstone, and the other is a super-evolutionary stone/ite.

Yes, although the super evolutionary stone/ite is floating in the sky, the unique pattern still caught Aoki's attention.

Aoki immediately took over the Ultra Evolutionary stone/ite, took a closer look, and was sure.

This is Gengar's Ultra Evolutionary stone/ite.

No wonder it will be collected by Gengar, it is estimated that the hook is unusual, so I collected it.

Unexpectedly, the Ultra Evolutionary stone/ite, and Everstone, are actually inlaid with another stone.

"This stone is very good, I want it.

Aoki pockets the ultra-Evolutionary stone/ite without explaining much.

When Haunter evolves into Gengar, this super evolutionary stone/ite will be useful.


Alas, I feel more and more that I have the protagonist treatment, and Gastly, who is a Champion, will be delivered to the door, and a Gengar super Evolutionary stone/ite will be included.

"Misty, let's hurry as soon as possible, I want to go to Saffron City.

Aoki took Misty's hand and continued to walk forward.

"No problem, just, is it really okay to put the Haunter here?

Misty was still worried about Haunter.

"Don't worry, Haunter is very strong, and he has lived for so long, and there is nothing to worry about.

Elite Haunter, what's there to be afraid of.

It's only a short distance away, it's already very good if it doesn't bully the police, do you still need to worry about being bullied?

Misty saw that Aoki didn't care, so he didn't tangle too much, and followed Aoki silently.

Not long after Aoki left, Ash and Brock happened to pass by, along with the Team Rockets trio.

Several people were treated badly by Haunter and beaten again.

After completing the task, Haunter came to the side of the girl ghost.

"I've found a very good training and will travel with him, but don't worry, I'll be back next year.

"Gastly, no, it should be Haunter, congratulations, not only evolution, but also found a training, please come to you next year.

The girl ghost sincerely thank you.

The two communicated again, and Haunter left Xi after all,

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