Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 238 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 238th chapter subdues the mini-dragon, Huck Dragon (2)

"Come on, rhyme, my Pokémon."

Aoki throws her own Pokémon.

Powerful Boss Lairon, Metagross, Tyrannosaurus, Fire Raising, Sceptile.

All are Elite and Champion.

Deoxys, Jirachi, they, and Aoki didn't take the bait. To take the bait is to bully people.

But even so, Hackron was shocked by Aoki's strength.

"Hey, you bastard, what do you want to do?"

Caesar saw Aoki and couldn't resist firing a shot.

But before the bullet got close, it was controlled by Aoki's Psychic~.

Seriously, if it wasn't for Huckron's face, he would have taught him a lesson - Caesar.

"Hey, what's your name? What does it have to do with the portrait Huckron willing to come with me?"

Aoki rolled his eyes at Caesar.

"No, Huckron can't come with you."

Caesar refused the gap without thinking.

"No, it should follow me, it has followed you for 30 years, and it is Superior, completely ruining its talent.

"You also think about its son, the Mini Dragon. After a few decades, it will be Superior. Don't forget, it is a fast dragon and a quasi-god. 9

Aoki's words, like a knife, stabbed into Caesar's heart.

As Aoki said, Hackron's strength is so bad, it's really humiliating to say it.

With such a little strength, how can you protect your people?

Completely lost Kuailong's face.

On the contrary, it is the strength of Aoki, Metagross, Storm Flying Dragon, Boss Lairon, and SWAT.

Maybe it can make the mini dragon stronger.

Caesar turned to look at Harkron next to him.

"Huckron, do you really want to leave?"

Huckron glanced deeply at Caesar, then at the mini-dragon and Aoki.

The talent of the mini dragon is good, following Aoki, it can become stronger.

As a quasi-god, the descendant of the fast dragon, Huck Dragon also hopes to become stronger and become a fast dragon.

But following it, the mini dragon won't make much progress, maybe it's just like this in this life.

Caesar saw Hakron's hesitation, and knew that Hakron had already wanted to leave here.

Also, it has been 30 years, and he may not be able to protect Ha Kelong in the future.

Why don't you find a master for the Huck Dragon and the Mini Dragon.

Aoki is very strong, the Champion of the Ever Grande City Conference, and is also a member of the league.

In addition, Hacron himself has already made a decision, so there is no need for him to interfere.

"I understand, Huck Dragon, you follow Aoki, bring a mini dragon, become stronger together, and evolve into a fast dragon together."

Caesar knew Hackron's hesitation, so he took the initiative to make a decision for Hackron.

"I know you're worried, but there's no need to take it to heart, I'll take good care of them.

"Look at my Pokémon, one Champion, five Elite, and proper Elite training.

"Maybe in a few years, when I become league champion, you'll see two dragons. 9

Aoki comforted Caesar.

Since this guy has compromised, it is to give him a face.

Caesar looked at Aoki's Pokémon, and the SWAT was indeed strong.

Maybe in two or three years, Huck Dragon and Mini Dragon will evolve into Fast Dragon and become the Pokémon of Region Champion.

"Huck Dragon, Mini Dragon, you two must work hard."

Caesar was still a little reluctant.

Aoki walked over to Caesar and patted his shoulder lightly.

"A good warning, don't worry, I will take care of them."

Caesar walked silently to Hackeron.

Aoki didn't bother and left silently, ready to give the two of them a chance to be alone.

After a long time, Caesar ushered in.

"Hakron and Mini Dragon are handed over to you, you must protect them well."

"Don't worry, you will never be disappointed.

Aoki returned to the lake, picked up two Luxury Balls, and threw them gently.

Soon, Huck Dragon and Mini Dragon were conquered by Aoki.

Aoki thought for a moment, and decided temporarily to send Haunter, Wartortle.

Keep the Hackosaur and Minisaurus, plus the Fire Dinosaur and Ivysaur.

As for Huo Yan and Sceptile, after all, they just stayed, they can't be sent away, they should stay for a few more days.

After subduing the hakron and the mini-dragon, Aoki left.

Outside the Wild Wilderness area, Misty and Sabrina are already waiting here for multiple time slots.

"Brother Aoki, have you received any powerful Pokémon? Misty asked curiously.

0...for flowers.

"Huck Dragon and Mini Dragon, alas, it's a pity to have only two of them. 93

Aoki sighed, this expression makes people want to hit.

At least Misty was uncomfortable listening, and had the urge to fly Aoki with one kick.

His face is thick enough, he has never seen such a brazen person.

Huck Dragon and Mini Dragon, that is the degenerate type of the strongest Pokémon in the Kanto Region.

I still feel like I'm getting less.

"Aoki, you're a little over-aware, and it's too little. I only captured one Psyduck, and it was delivered to the door by itself.

Misty suddenly felt uncomfortable.

A silly Psyduck delivered to the door for nothing, how does it compare with Aoki's hakron and mini-dragon.


"Where's Sabrina? Have you captured any powerful Pokémon?" Aoki asked.

"A Sulip, very ordinary, can barely be cultivated."

Sabrina's tone remained flat.

Aoki shook his head, Sabrina needs super-breeding Pokémon, but there are too few super-power Pokémon.

On the contrary, he, all the phantom beasts, are super powers, plus Metagross, Kirlia, can become the champion training of the exclusive superman.

"Forget it, I have conquered the Pokémon anyway, it's not a waste of time, let's go on. 99

Aoki held the shoulders of the two with both hands, and was about to leave the wild wilderness area.

Caesar looked at Aoki who was about to leave, and the SWAT was reluctant to part, but he could only think about Hackeron's future.

"Hey, be sure to take good care of Huck Dragon and Mini Dragon, don't let me down."

Aoki stopped and turned to look at Caesar.

"Remember to watch the Quartz Conference, next year's Silver Conference, you will definitely see a fast dragon shining brightly."

"Really? Then I waited."

Caesar is also looking forward to the future.

Hackron, should be able to evolve into a fast dragon!

This jar is the fate that Huckron deserves.

"Let's go, let's go."

Aoki happily hummed a little song.

I have conquered another quasi-god again, set a goal for myself, and conquered the quasi-god in each Region.

Get three to five more divine beasts Xi,

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