After conquering the fossilized pterosaur, Aoki continued on his journey.

He first found a Pokémon center and passed on his Boss Lairon.

The purpose is naturally to let Boss Lairon teach the fossil pterosaur a lesson and teach it to make a Pokémon.

The main thing is not to let it eat people.

After grinding its wildness away, it's nothing to worry about and can be placed with the Birch Professor.

Having done all this, Aoki starts heading towards Cinnabar Island, ready to challenge the Gym there.

If Aoki remembers correctly, Blaine from Red Lotus Gym was also an excellent trainer.

One day, Aoki passed through the woods, saw a Farfetch'd, and came over from a distance.

The green onion in this Farfetch'd electric hand seems to be attracting Aoki's attention.

Aoki ignored the Farfetch'd and continued walking forward. "Six Three Seven"

He never cared about Farfetch'd, after all, it was a Pokémon with a low combat power.

At most, it is rare. Is he still lacking rare Pokémon?

So many fossil Pokémon, you can go to open a fossil exhibition.

Seeing Aoki ignoring himself, Farfetch'd immediately pretended to be upside down, ready to steal Aoki's Pokémon with both hands.

Aoki's face darkened immediately.

These days, Pokémon will steal Pokémon too.

Wait, he remembered, there was a Pokémon thief in the original Zhong, who also used Farfetch'd.

The key is that this person has nothing to do in the end, I really don't know what to think.

Isn't this similar to a tauren novel?

Aoki would never accept it.

Farfetch'd was about to leave when a Psychic took hold.

This is naturally what Aoki did.

Aoki immediately came to the front of Farfetch'd and took his Pokémon Ball.

"It's good enough, I didn't expect you to be so crazy, very good, I must have a good chat with you.

Farfetch'd had a look of panic on his face, but he was discovered, and it was over.

"Metagross, find another person who dares to steal a Pokémon, must not let it go. 99

Metagross immediately appeared, the powerful Confusion spread to the audience, and soon found another person.

"Wait, I was wrong, I will never dare again, please let me go."

This man was so frightened that he didn't expect that he would provoke such a powerful person by stealing Pokémon.

Aoki picked up the stick on one side and threw it twice lightly.

"I'm so sorry, the thief who steals Pokémon is absolutely unforgivable. 99

"That's right, I have to teach you a lesson, it's a bit too much to dare to steal our Pokémon.

Misty also said dissatisfiedly beside him.

She also hates people who steal Pokémon, after all Pokémon are everyone's most important partner.

The most important partner is stolen, and everyone will feel sad.

bang bang bang...

"Aaaa... I was wrong, I'll never dare again, just let me go!

A shrill scream resounded through the woods.

After Aoki vented his anger, he did not kill, but found Officer Jenny nearby.

"Officer Jenny, this kid stole my Pokémon, I caught it, I taught it a lesson, and now I'll bring it to you.

"Mr. Aoki, that's really bothering you, I've been looking for this thief recently, but unfortunately it's really hard to find.

Officer Jenny sincerely thanked him.

She was really looking for Pokémon thieves recently, but unfortunately the woods are too big to find.

I was about to give up, but I didn't expect that Aoki actually sent the thief to the door in person.

"You're welcome, this thief will give it to you, and I have to continue on my way, so I will leave for now.

Aoki glared at the thief.

There are really enough people to seek death, to dare to be so arrogant, and to steal his Pokémon.

Don't you know how awesome he is?

This thief should be punished severely.

After breaking up with Officer Jenny, Aoki embarks on a journey again.

Along the way, Misty remained indignant.

"That guy is real, he knows stealing things, and he actually steals Pokémon, he's just a waste.

Sabrina didn't speak, just a dangerous look in her eyes.

If it wasn't for Aoki, the person who dared to steal her Pokémon would definitely turn it into a toy immediately.

It's amazing how crazy it is.

Needless to say, Aoki, I just beat up a guy, enough has been taken, and now the SWAT is in a happy mood...

"Don't worry about those guys, let's continue to rhyme and try to get to Cinnabar Island as soon as possible, I'm going to challenge the Gym there to train you."

Aoki-hand followed the two of them, speeding up, and after a while, he left this town and came to the next town.

Next town, Pokémon Center.

Aoki called Birch Professor immediately.

"Professor Odazaki, how is it? Has the fossil pterosaur been obedient recently? 39

This is what Aoki is more concerned about.

As long as the fossilized pterosaur is obedient, it can make Boss Lairon come back.

With only Boss Lairon around, he's rest assured, even though he already has three Champions.

"Cough, fossil pterosaur? It was really disobedient before, but it was repaired severely by your boss Lairon, and it has been obedient, at least it won't eat people."

"Then please pass me the Boss Lairon, I need it.

"no problem."

After getting the Boss Lairon back, Aoki called Professor Oak again.

As soon as the phone got through, Professor Oak couldn't wait to say.

"Aoki, I've heard that you seem to have conquered the fossilized pterosaur. Is this true?"

"That's right, I not only conquered the fossil pterosaurs, but also the spiny ammonite, the ammonite, the Anorith, the Armaldo, the cradle, the tentacles, and so on.

Aoki is not hiding.

By the way, Professor Oak, he is still very respectful, after all, he sent a very good frog seed with 5.1.

Really "really? You have conquered so many, can you lend me some to study?"

Professor Oak is a little excited, any research, SWAT likes rare Pokémon.

Not to mention fossil Pokémon.

"Professor Oak, you see what you said, in this way, I will let Professor Odamaru, each type, give you a pair, so that you can reproduce.

Aoki SWAT is generous.

Anyway, it’s okay to take hundreds of fossil Pokémon and give away a few.

And it's not that the quality is relatively high.

"Really? That's great, thank you, I really want to study fossil Pokémon.

Professor Oak is really happy, and has a better impression of Aoki,

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