Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 254 Gardevoir, announces Fairy attributes (plus more)

Professor Oak Institute.

After Aoki came, he gently rang the doorbell.

"Professor Oak, it's me.

"Aoki, you are finally here.

When Professor Oak heard Aoki's arrival, the SWAT got excited and immediately came over to open the door.

"Professor Oak, came to visit you on purpose."

Aoki walked in, still looking forward to the human-shaped diamond treasure chest in front of him.

It's a pity that Professor Oak, as a veteran Champion, is by no means easy to beat, and he should be safe.

Challenge again after a while.

"Aoki, thank you for your fossil Pokémon, I have new research during this time."

"Right, I heard that you have also done research. How has your research been during this time? Has it been successful?"

Professor Oak cares about Aoki.

This is what he thinks is the most talented research, and maybe there are new research results.

"That's right, my recent research has made a lot of new discoveries, and I've discovered a whole new property." 03

Aoki decided to announce brand new properties, not long before his Kirlia, successfully evolved into Gardevoir.

So Aoki is ready to announce it, and it can be regarded as gaining some fame.

Life is alive, fame and fortune, wives and concubines in groups, this is essential.

"So it turns out, a whole new property has been discovered. 99

Professor Oak nodded, but didn't respond.

It wasn't until a moment later that Professor Oak's jar reacted, with an incredible look in his eyes.

"What did you say? You discovered brand new properties, is that true? 99

As we all know, there are currently 17 attributes, all of which were found through alliance research and investigation.

It has been a long time since the 17th property was last announced.

Unexpectedly, Aoki can discover new attributes.

If this thing is true, then it will be a sensation in the whole world.

Aoki calmly took the Pokémon ball and released his Gardevoir.

Name: Gardevoir

Strength: Gym level

Qualification: Elite

"Professor Oak, what do you think Gardevoir should be?

Professor Oak stared at Gardevoir, seeming to understand what Aoki meant.

"The attribute of Gardevoir should be super power, is there any other attribute?

"That's right, Harkron, hook and use the Wave of Dragons on Gardevoir.

Aoki unleashes the hakron.

Hearing Aoki's order, Ha Kelong was a little stunned for a while and didn't respond.

But after taking a closer look at Aoki, Hackron immediately understood that facing Gardevoir, it was a wave of dragons.

Professor Oak didn't stop him, and he was actually curious whether there really was a new attribute.

And this new attribute should be related to Gardevoir and Hackron, and he can't wait.

Since Aoki can express the rhyme, it means that this thing is true, and the new attribute is already closed.

Gardevoir endured the wave of the dragon and did nothing, not even hurt.

Or not even feel it.

Professor Oak's eyes widened in surprise.

"Is this the new attribute you speak of? 99

"Isn't it, is it possible that there is no Gardevoir and dragon-type Pokémon fighting, and no one has found Mianlai?

Aoki felt a little weird.

I originally thought that someone had already discovered this, but I didn't expect it to be a new attribute.

"I really don't know that, but what did I find out about you? 99

Professor Oak felt a little embarrassed.

Gardevoir can ignore the damage of Dragon Wave, he has never heard of it.

Or there are too few dragon-type Pokémon.

"I found that, besides Gardevoir, there were Clefable, Porkby, Jigglypuff, Sucker Golem. 93

"These Pokémons are immune to dragon damage, I was thinking, this should be a brand new attribute, I named it Fairy.

"The Fairy type can make dragons, and the more famous skill is probably Moonblast.

"Gardevoir, use the less powerful Moonblast against the hakron."

Gardevoir immediately summoned a moon, shining brightly on it, and fell on Hakkron.

Although the power was deliberately controlled, Hackron still had a painful expression on his face.

"Huck Dragon, Dragon Breath, Dragon Wave, Dragon Claw."

Harkron once again uses a variety of things on Gardevoir.

Apart from the dragon's claws hitting him and taking physical damage reluctantly, there was nothing else.

Professor Oak watched the whole time, saw it all with his own eyes, and remembered what Aoki said.

"So, why didn't I think of it? Maybe only a brand new attribute can explain all this."

"Right, the sucker puppet you just mentioned, I remembered, you have one, Ash, and I'll borrow it now. 33

Professor Oak rushed out excitedly, and was ushered in not long after, bringing a sucker golem.

"Hakelong, use the dragon's wave on the sucker puppet, the sucker puppet, don't resist, let me try it."

Seeing that Aoki nodded, Huckron reluctantly spit out a dragon's wave.

The sucker golem just stood there, nothing happened, which also made Professor Oak firm in Aoki's research.

"It seems that there is a Fairy attribute, I will contact other Professors now, and try it out with the team, and try to determine the new attribute as soon as possible.

Big 643 Wood Professor couldn't wait to leave, leaving only Aoki alone.

Aoki: "..."

He is really a persistent research maniac, can you not ignore him?

What is he doing here now?

Forget it, let's find a place for special training, Ash and Gary haven't come back anyway, it's a bit boring here.

"Sucker Golem, you can go, Professor Oak has already investigated."

The Sucker Golem nodded and left alone.

"Gardevoir, Huckron, it's time for us to continue our special training and strive to become stronger in the next period of time."

Aoki snapped Gardevoir and Harkron, then took the two Pokémon back and was ready to go on a trip.

To be precise, if you are traveling nearby, you can't miss any treasure chests by the way.

Whether it is a silver treasure chest or a bronze treasure chest, it is a treasure chest anyway, and you can also see some Evolutionary stone/ite, or some precious tree fruits in it.

"Misty, Sabrina, is going on another journey Akatsuki.


Misty and Sabrina followed immediately.

Professor Oak quickly contacted many professors, and then proposed the Fairy attribute.

The entire research community was shaken.

Many professors have begun to study Fairy properties.

(107000 flowers plus more.),

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