Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 258 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 257th chapter treasure chests one after another (2)

After challenging Viridian Gym, Aoki took a special look, there were just so many treasure chests.

Saffron treasure chest, silver treasure chest, the number is not many.

Most are diamond treasure chests.

It's just that these diamond treasure chests are all in the hands of Elite and Champion, so Aoki doesn't feel anxious.

He is going to get the ordinary treasure chest, and then go to the final special training, and finally participate in the quartz conference.

In the next half month, Aoki challenged the remaining few gyms and got a few excellent treasure chests.

Finally, there are some bronze treasure chests. Because there are a lot of them, they are far apart, and there is not enough time, so they simply gave up temporarily.

Wait until you have a chance to talk about it later.

Two months before the Quartz Conference, Aoki came to the Professor Oak Institute again.

During this period of time, Professor Oak and other professors, after research, determined that they really have the attributes of goblin-elf.

Then, with the consent of Aoki, it was announced to the world and acquired the Fairy-attribute.

For a time, the training of the dragon system felt like a headache.

Inexplicably, there is one more natural enemy, which can be immune to Long Fan skills.

That is to say, there are not many Pokémon with the Fairy attribute, and most of them are not strong.

Otherwise, these dragon-type training will probably be a headache.

As everyone knows, there are still many powerful Pokémon with Fairy attributes, but they don't know it.

As soon as he returned to the Professor Oak Institute, Aoki saw that Professor Oak was excitedly running.

"Aoki, it has now been confirmed that the Fairy attribute does exist, congratulations, the alliance has recognized you as a professor. 3)

Professor, Aoki readily accepted.

From now on, he is the youngest Professor, and he is also a special police officer when he talks about it.

Misty heard it too, with admiration in her eyes, this is her man, who has become a professor.

Sabrina still sat next to her, didn't say a word, and didn't care so much about the finish.

She didn't even know what a Professor was or what it meant, she just wanted to be with Aoki.

"Professor? Very good, then thank you, Professor Oak. 99

"No thanks, this is what you should do. You are the best training icon, but you are also a professor. Don't let me down in the future."

Professor Oak really admires Aoki, with such strong strength, he is still an excellent Professor.

Just an unlucky teenager.

Aoki suddenly paused, with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

Just now, he was recognized by Professor Oak and got a diamond treasure chest.

This is another diamond treasure chest. At present, he already has three diamond treasure chests.

Perhaps, defeating the opponent is just a means, and the main purpose is to gain the recognition of the opponent.

For example, Aoki's scientific research ability has been recognized by Professor Oak, so he got a diamond treasure chest.

Now that there are three treasure chests, do you want to open the treasure chest?

Maybe this time to the treasure chest, you can make Zygarde reach 10% form.

No, we should wait a little longer, Ash will get eight badges right away, and he can come back later.

When Ash comes back, he will definitely challenge him again.

At that time, it will be another protagonist's treasure chest, and then open the treasure chest together to try to get more good things.

"Professor Oak, in the next period of time, I want to have a special training first, and may leave here first."

"No problem, the Quartz Conference is coming soon, and you should work hard to become the Champion of the conference. 9

Naturally, Professor Oak would not refuse.

Aoki said hello again and left the Professor Oak Institute.

Next is the final training.

In addition to special training, Aoki is also preparing to wait and see if he can get an invitation letter from Mewtwo.

Maybe you can take advantage of this dungeon to get the super dream, and by the way get the dream.

In addition to defeating the opponent, it is to gain the recognition of the opponent.

The last time I got the approval of Jirachi, I knew the first king's treasure chest.

Of course, defeating the opponent will get more rewards, but this is no need to think about it, it is impossible for him to defeat the opponent.

Or honestly get the recognition of the other party, and come to a king's treasure chest, at least it is better than a diamond treasure chest.

Just left the Professor Oak Institute, and both Ash and Brock are welcome.

"Great, Aoki bro, I finally met you, can I challenge you?"

When Ash saw Aoki's first glance, he couldn't wait to challenge Aoki.

0... ask for flowers·

He thinks he has become stronger and should be confident to challenge Aoki.

Well, challenge Aoki's recently captured Pokémon.

He didn't want to be single-killed by a Pokémon like before, which would make the SWAT embarrassed.

"No problem, since you want to challenge me, then I will accompany you to fight.

Naturally, Aoki will not refuse the protagonist's treasure chest that is delivered to the door for nothing, who will refuse?

This is the protagonist's treasure chest, and there are many good things in it.

"Great, Aoki bro, I will never lose to you this time, but I have eight badges to hang.

When Ash heard Aoki accept his challenge, he jumped up excitedly, and closed his badge box proudly.

There are indeed eight badges in it, but the last badge is not the badge of Viridian Gym.

I guess Giovanni was looking for Mewtwo and wasn't in the mood to take on the Gym challenge, so Ash didn't find it.

Exactly as Aoki expected.

Ash didn't find Viridian Gym's training, so he had to waste a while to challenge another Gym training.

"Ash, I'm sorry, I have ten badges here.

Aoki hit Ash hard.

He also obtained the remaining two badges later. The main purpose was the treasure chest, and he got the badges by the way.

Ash's face suddenly collapsed.

Having obtained eight badges by himself, Aoki actually had ten badges, which was a huge blow.

"This... badge doesn't matter, I will definitely defeat you, fire-breathing dragon, it's you."

Ash threw out his fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon just lay down, raging, and spit out a mouthful of flames.

When the SWAT saw Aoki, he became even more wary.

It's going to challenge Aoki's fire-breathing dragon.

Aoki looked at this fire-breathing dragon carefully. After a period of training and special training, he did grow taller.

Although it is still not as good as Aoki's fire-breathing dragon, it is about to catch up with the normal fire-breathing dragon.

It seems that his teaching is useful.

During this period of time, the fire-breathing dragon must have been undergoing special training, and it has continued to become stronger.

Coupled with high qualifications, so the progress is obvious,

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