Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 259 Mewtwo's Invitation Letter (4)

For the next period of time, Aoki was nearby for special training.

All the Pokémon, the strength has been significantly improved.

The SWAT is a mini-dragon, very strong, has been able to fight, and has learned a lot of skills.

It didn't take long for the mini dragon to successfully reach the Superior rank.

In addition to the Mini Dragons, Metagross and Tyrannosaurus have also been significantly improved.

The two Pokémon have already completed their profound meanings, reaching the peak of Elite, and can break through to the Champion level at any time.


Today, after training, Aoki is having dinner with Sabrina and Misty.

Suddenly a fast dragon flew over.

Aoki looked confused, did he think he was missing a fast dragon?

So I specially sent the fast dragon to the door.

Misty was equally stunned.

"This fast dragon just flew over like this, do you want to subdue it?

Just when Aoki thought so, Kuailong took an invitation letter and put it in front of Aoki.

Aoki immediately understood that this fast dragon was here to deliver the letter.

It is estimated that it is the super dream dragon.

Chaomeng is really a rich man. He cloned Yusan and a fast dragon, which is enviable.

Name 03: Fast Dragon

Strength: Elite

Qualification: Elite

As long as this fast dragon is taken down, it will be an Elite-level Pokémon again.

Forget it, this is Chaomeng after all, there is no need to provoke Chaomeng.

As soon as Aoki opened the invitation, a ghost appeared on it.

"This letter is for training the best Pokémon."

After reading the content of the letter, Aoki confirmed that this is the invitation letter from Mewtwo.

This time the mission is not dangerous, the main thing is to fight the super dream.

He can go to mess around and see if he can persuade Mewtwo and gain his favor and approval.

Even if you can't conquer Mewtwo in the end, you can still get a King's Chest.

"I will definitely participate."

Aoki clicked the OK to participate button, Kuailong nodded, and flew away.

"Aoki, do you really want to participate? This person is mysterious, it's better to be careful.

"It doesn't matter, just take it as a trip. 99

Aoki will naturally not miss it.

Misty saw that Aoki was going, so she didn't say anything, nodded silently, and packed her luggage.

A few days later, the three of Aoki came to a coast.

At this moment, the sea was violently raining, and the sky was full of thick dark clouds.

This storm, restrained by Mewtwo, caused such a powerful storm with its own Psychic.

Since this time, Mewtwo is estimated to have become stronger.

In addition to Aoki, there are many Pokémon training, all by invitation.

Even Ash was invited.

"How can I participate in such a heavy rainstorm?

Ash felt a headache.

After all, he doesn't have a water-breeding Pokémon, the only Squirtle, and he can't carry it at all.

Not to mention the rocky ones, Mr. Brock was soaked in the sea.

"Tyrannosaurus, I'll leave it to you.

Aoki unleashes his own water-breeding Pokémon.

There are two Tyrannosaurus carp dragons, one is from Aoki, and the other is from James.

"Ash, Brock, you get on my Tyrannosaurus, Sabrina, Misty, you follow me.

Aoki jumped on the Tyrannosaurus.

"Thank you so much. 99

Ash immediately jumped onto the back of the other Tyrannosaurus, followed by Brock.

The two tyrannical carp dragons rushed through the layers of wind and waves towards the sea.

"Blastoise, please.

"Pidgeot, it's up to you.

Other training, also released their own Pokémon.

Countless people slammed into the sea crazily.

No matter how Officer Jenny stopped it, only a few people gave up.

The vast majority of people are training bravely, and naturally they will not be afraid of this storm.

Half an hour later, Aoki's tyrannical carp dragon, the first to break through the wind and waves, came to a small island.

This is Niijima, where Mewtwo is located.

"It's that boy.

Chao Meng recognized rhyme Aoki at a glance, a teenage boy with a strong Psychic.

It is only natural to be the first to arrive here.

Ash followed, and thanked him loudly.

"Aoki, thank you for your Tyrannosaurus, if it weren't for him, I don't even know how I'm here now.

"Nonsense, while no one is there now, let's go in and find a place and change clothes. 99

"Change clothes.

Both Sabrina's and Misty's faces turned red. After a period of training, Sabrina was initially shy.

Naturally you will feel embarrassed.

Ash didn't think too much about it, his clothes were already wet from the rain, so naturally he should change his clothes.

After a while, other training also came.

Aoki doesn't know these people, and he doesn't need to know these people, and these people are not very strong.

The main thing he cares about is the super dream.

"You say, who can be the strongest training? 99

"I don't know, but I'm very strong and can definitely win.

A group of people discussed excitedly.

Aoki was much calmer, sitting at the table and enjoying the food leisurely.

There is no danger today, you can have a good meal, but maybe later.

And it's about to fight, how to fight if you don't have enough to eat.

After a while, a voice suddenly appeared in everyone's heart.

"Welcome to this gathering of the strongest training in the world.


While speaking, Chao Meng also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Name: super dream

Strength: First-class god

Qualification: First-class god

In Aoki's madness and speechlessness, the uncle's, this is the so-called artificial super dream, so abnormal.

The last time it was only a second-level god, and after not seeing him for a few months, he has actually reached a first-level god.

Compared with his own Hoopa, it developed faster, and Mingming Hupa also had a lucky egg, which doubled the growth rate.

Sure enough, Team Rockets is the strongest cultivator, nurturing such a perverted Pokémon.

"I am the strongest training Mewtwo in the world, Mewtwo who surpasses dreams. 99

Name: Dream

Strength: First-class god

Aoki saw another Pokémon, Dream.

This power is indeed very perverted.

After carefully looking at the data, the dream is still stronger, a little more powerful than the super dream.

Alas, they are all big bosses, and they can't afford to offend any of them. As expected, they should ignore them, so as not to be hit too hard by them.

"What are you kidding? Pokémon, how can it be used as training?"

A grumpy man yelled loudly.

Aoki felt speechless for him, didn't he see that the other party was strong?

If you search like this, you are clearly looking for abuse.

Alas, be careful in the future. If you don't get to know him, your IQ will be lowered.

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