Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 278 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 277th chapter Zygarde B skills outbreak (4)

In the sky, the battle between Deoxys and Moltres has completely entered the white-hot stage.

Moltres is really strong, and coupled with the power of the office, Deoxys simply can't hold any advantage.

If it goes on like this, maybe Deoxys will be defeated by Moltres, and Aoki is a little anxious.

"Zygarde, please."

Aoki looked at Zygarde next to him, Champion's full strength.

If you add the Z skill and get a Sucker Punch, you might be able to injure Moltres.

Just beat Moltres.

Zygarde immediately rushed forward and let out a Roar.

Lugia also glanced at Zygarde, with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

Isn't this the guardian of order in the Kalos Region?

He actually turned to Aoki too.

"Six Six Zero" "Zygarde, answer my call, the ultimate dragon shakes the world.

Zygarde's body, and Aoki's Z-Bracelet, were radiating white light at the same time.

The two rays of light quickly shrouded together, and the aura in the air instantly changed.

"dash forward."

Zygarde rushed into the sky quickly, and the surrounding aura quickly formed a powerful force, whistling, and quickly approached Moltres.

Moltres was in Rage, unaware that the goal was still to defeat Deoxys.

So before he could react, he was put on his body by Zygarde's Z skill, the ultimate dragon.

Zygarde's full blow quickly knocked Zygarde into the hook and almost fell to the ground.

"Deoxys, take advantage of this opportunity to use mental dash."

Deoxys quickly transformed into an attacking form, using the strongest force to explode with all his strength.

Invisible power broke out completely, constantly impacting Moltres.

Moltres, who was already wounded, was hit in the head by Deoxys' full blow, and let out a whimper.

Then it fell from the sky and lost its ability to fight.

In the end, the Lightning Bird was left.

It's just a pity that Aoki's three strongest Pokémon consume the SWAT seriously.

As for the Boss Lairon, he just reached the Champion level and is not eligible to participate in this battle.

Wait, Aoki suddenly thought of Moltres and Articuno.

The reason why these two Pokémon did not recognize their six relatives and attacked wildly was because they were in a state of rampage.

Maybe he can use the power of Viridian to help these two Pokémon recover.

Wait until the two Pokémon calm down and can help suppress Lightning Bird together.

Aoki immediately walked over to the two Pokémon and used the power of Viridian to help the two Pokémon recover.

The recovered Moltres Articuno, as expected, had nothing to do, and just looked at Aoki silently.

"I'm so sorry, Moltres, Articuno, I just attacked you, please help to suppress the lightning bird."

Moltres Articuno nodded, and then flew into the sky at the same time, joining the ranks of suppressing the Lightning Birds.

Aoki also rehabilitated Hoopa and helped Deoxys rehabilitate it.

"Deoxys, you also go up to help, Hupa, Zygarde, you are supporting by the side, and strive to defeat the Lightning Bird as soon as possible."

Several Pokémon join the battle at the same time.

Seriously, Aoki would still love to use Hoopa, Encore Destiny Bond.

But the lightning bird is obviously not a fool, and it may not be able to do it, so Aoki chose the safest way.

Moreover, Hupa Destiny Bond, Aoki still felt a little embarrassed twice.

Lightning Bird is indeed very strong, but in the face of so many Pokémon, it is not an opponent.

After a hard fight, the Lightning Bird was finally defeated.

Aoki immediately came to the front of the Lightning Bird, and quickly helped the Lightning Bird to recover.

After the Lightning Bird recovered, his consciousness was also clear, and he knew what he had done.

The three divine birds flew to the front of Aoki at the same time, called out, and then each left, preparing to return to their own territory.

Aoki breathed a sigh of relief, although the three gods left, but left behind a king's treasure chest.

That's right, there is only one King's Chest.

The Treasure Chest of the King of the Three Divine Birds.

If you defeat one, you will get it, if you defeat three, the rewards will be even richer.

Wait, more than one king chest.

Aoki took a look at Fantong, and in addition to the king's treasure chest of the Three God Birds, he also received Lugia's recognition of 0..

This time it can be described as a great harvest, two king treasure chests, plus Jill Lutai's diamond treasure chest.

After a while, Aoki can open the treasure chest again, I don't know what to open this time.

What about the Three God Birds?

Still able to drive to Lugia's Pokémon Egg, the more Aoki thought about it, the more excited he became, even a little ecstatic.

Lugia looked at Aoki from the side, and felt that he couldn't understand this person.

Why so excited?

What's so exciting, it doesn't know what Aoki is thinking.

Lugia called out suddenly, then turned around, and flew into the sea just like that.

Aoki watched Lugia leave with his own eyes, and felt very sorry in his heart.

Unable to subdue Lugia, he felt a little sorry for the vast number of travelers.

After all, those who have passed through have all subdued divine beasts, first-level gods, and second-level gods.

As a result, he was only a phantom beast, the only divine beast Zygarde, and he did not become a complete body.

"Aoki, you are really good."

Ash excitedly ran in front of Aoki with joy in his eyes.

"Aoki, you are too strong, Akatsuki, and you actually defeated the Three Divine Birds, and one day I will defeat you.

The face of Pikachu next to him changed.

It is very clear that Aoki is strong, and it is absolutely impossible to defeat Aoki, and he does not want to fight with Aoki.

If there is a fight, it will definitely be repaired severely.

5.1 Pikachu immediately shook his head, expressing his unwillingness to fight Aoki.

"Pikachu, Aoki is very strong, but we will never lose, you must muster up your courage. 11

Ash seemed to understand what Pikachu said, and said it very seriously, hoping that Pikachu could help.

Pikachu shook his head constantly, expressing that he didn't want to fight at all.

One Pokémon per person, just talking like this.

Aoki didn't say much, the battle was over, the treasure chest was in hand, and it was time to leave.

"Ash, it's almost time, I should leave too, if there is anything, I can talk about it later."

"I know, how do I go to challenge the Orange League, the next time I have a chance, I will definitely challenge you. 59

Ash was still eager to try,

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