Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 286 Campanulaceae Gym, the first battle of Hackeron (4)

After breakfast, Aoki took Valerie to Kikyo Gym, ready to challenge the Gym training here.

"Hello, I want to challenge Gym.

Aoki recognized Gym training Falkner at a glance.

Before I came, I had already checked it out.

After all, he is not that idiot of Ash, he knows almost nothing, and it is all about his passion.

"I also know you, the Champion of this year's Quartz Conference. Since you are here to challenge me, I will naturally not refuse. 99

"By the way, do you know the strongest Pokémon in the world, what kind of Pokémon?

"I know, it's complicated to fly.

Aoki spoke seriously.

Since you, the Gym trainer, have asked this question, I will definitely follow your words.

After all, you are a flight trainer.

"Really? Do you also think that the best Pokémon are the flying ones? 99

Falkner's eyes lit up, he didn't expect Aoki to be his confidant.

"Of course, but unfortunately I was unlucky, I couldn't conquer the excellent Fei Fan, and I had to conquer other Pokémon."

Aoki babbled seriously.

663 Valerie knew Aoki very well, and naturally knew that Aoki was talking nonsense, but didn't say it.

"Then we move on to the Gym Challenge."

Falkner reacted, as if he shouldn't talk so much.

At this time, Gym should be challenged.

"My first Pokémon, I decided it was you, Hoothoot. 9)

Name: Hoothoot

Strength: Advanced

This is definitely a backdoor Pokémon training, and SWAT despises the Alliance.

But think about it again, if Gym can't keep the hard work for the league, who will work hard for the league?

And the duty of Gym training is just to train new Pokémon and eliminate a batch of them by the way.

Lest there be too many conventions around.

"If that's the case, then it's up to you, Huckron, don't let me down."

The first thing Aoki sent was Hackron, the strongest among the Pokémon that haven't evolved yet.

Several other Pokémon have already evolved, and using hooks to bully Gym training is somewhat uncomfortable.

"Hakron is also a flying Pokémon, I'm really looking forward to it, but it's a pity that Hakron is too rare (adfb). 9

Falkner looked at Aoki's Pokémon with a hint of envy.

As a celebrity, he is well aware that Aoki's Pokémon are all SWAT rarities.

However, Aoki is not a member of a big family, and those people from a big family don't necessarily have so many excellent Pokémon.

Turns out there are so many Aoki.

"Hoothoot, although the opponent's strength is very strong, but we will never lose, use hypnosis. 93

Hoothoot opened his wings, with white light in his eyes, and then came out in circles.

"Hackron, hurry up and dodge."

Aoki is calm.

If Hoothoot is stronger, its hypnotism might even make people afraid.

However, Falkner's Hoothoot is not very strong, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all. Hackeron is enough to deal with it.

Huckron dodged and ducked to the side in an instant, easily dodging Hoothoot's attack.

Hoothoot didn't even react, and Hackron disappeared.

"Hoothoot, right behind. 32

Although Falkner found Hackron, it was still too late.

"Hakron, the wave of dragons.

When Hakolong opened his mouth, a purple light shrouded Hoothoot in an instant.

After the light dissipated, Hoothoot fell to the ground and had lost his ability to fight.

This is the gap between the strengths of the two sides, which cannot be made up by command.

"You did well, Hoothoot, and it's on to the rest of the company."

Falkner withdrew his Hoothoot, and took a deep look at Aoki's hakron.

It's really a powerful Huck Dragon, it's not that easy to defeat the Huck Dragon this time.

"Then Dodrio, it's up to you, don't let me down.

Name: Dodrio

Strength: Superior

Aoki nodded, this Pokémon was not bad.

At least it's enough to educate those ordinary trainers.

However, to Aoki, this Dodrio is nothing, and the gap between the two sides is still a warning to the mud.

"Dodrio, use Agility."

Falkner gave an order, and Dodrio ran quickly.

As a SWAT Pokémon who is good at speed, Dodrio runs very fast.

In the competition arena, only the shadow of Dodrio was left.

"Dodrio, take this opportunity and charge me with a triple attack.

Dodrio's speed was very fast, but suddenly it accelerated again, and the momentum was as turbulent as an ocean wave.

"Hackron, Extreme Speed."

Hackron's speed suddenly became faster, much faster than Dodrio.

Dodrio didn't even react, so he was hit by Hacron, and his whole body was hit and hooked.

Extreme Speed ​​mini dragon, which is the favorite of many players.

Unfortunately, Aoki's Hackon had inherited the Extreme Speed ​​skill before Evolution.

On the contrary, his mother's hakron has a lot of strength, and it may be inherited from his father.

After being knocked down, Dodrio fell to the ground, struggling with pain and pain on his face.

"What a strong Harkron."

Falkner took a deep breath, his Dodrio was strong enough, and he was hit by Harkron and fell to the ground, almost incapacitating Akatsuki.

This made him even more envious, why didn't he find Ha Kelong?

It really can't, and it's not unacceptable for mini dragons and fast dragons.

"Hakron, use Dragon Dance.

Huck Dragon floated in the sky, twisting his body and doing a dance.

Dragon Dance can greatly increase attack and speed.

"No, Dodrio, there's a flash of electricity."

Falkner's expression changed instantly.

Originally, Ha Kelong was very strong, and if Ha Kelong succeeded in the Dragon Dance, it would be even more difficult to deal with.

Unfortunately, it is still a step behind.

Just as Dodrio stood up, he was about to rush over to plan the Dragon Dance of Hackron, who had already ended Akatsuki ahead of schedule.

"Rush up and use Dragon God Dive for me."

Huckron immediately twisted his body, turned in mid-air, and then descended from the sky, making a dive.

Accompanied by the purple light, the collision speed is getting faster and faster.

"Dodrio, get out of the way."

Falkner just glanced at it, and immediately guessed that Akatsuki, Dodrio couldn't bear the swooping of the Dragon God.

Doduo immediately stopped attacking, then turned around and prepared to run, but unfortunately he was still a step behind.

Hackron hit Dodrio head-on,

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