Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 293 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 292nd chapter Caitlin personally found (1)

After leaving the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, Aoki got into the woods again.

He wanted to challenge those Pokémon in the woods and keep cultivating Larvitar.

Although there are many Pokémon in his small world, he often eats energy cubes and his strength becomes stronger.

On the contrary, there are many Pokémon in the real forest, and the special police's ~ Larvitar.

And if he encounters a good, excellent Pokémon, he will conquer the entire group and expand the number of Pokémon in the small world.

If he can meet a third-level police officer, Aoki will definitely be subdued.

That is, the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley belongs to the Alliance, and he is not good at doing it, otherwise, he will move the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley into the space.

Alas, Aoki feels sorry.

So many fire-breathing dragons, as well as many small fire dragons and fire dinosaurs, have moved into the small world.

At that time, the little fire dragon will be awarded to the subordinates.

And according to the time, next year, Team Magma and Team Aqua will be eliminated one after another.

At that time, his Sky team will be able to shine.

Not to mention doing some evil things, but at least it can increase the strength of the team.

Along the way, in addition to Aoki challenging Pokémon, Valerie naturally needs to challenge Pokémon.

Use this to train her Eevee.

At noon, while eating.

Aoki suddenly let go of the soup and looked at Fang Xiang in the distance with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?"

Valerie also noticed Akatsuki Aoki's abnormality and couldn't help but be curious.

"It's nothing, it seems that someone is coming, a very powerful person."

Aoki unleashes Metagross, the Tyrannosaurus, and pats Hoopa lightly again.

He felt a strong creativity, and this Psychic was too strong.

Although it is a little worse than him, this Psychic is definitely not owned by Pokémon, it should be what humans should have.

But this Psychic fluctuation is not Sabrina, is it possible that there are other Psychic people coming?

Looking at the entire Pokémon, there should be only a few people with Psychic.

Suddenly, Aoki thought of a person.


Among the people he remembered, only Caitlin had Psychic, the four Elites of the Asking Regions, and the Super Queen.

She is also a well-known eldest lady with a strong rhyme, with a powerful Psychic from the special police, but it is easy to get out of control and cause damage.

The future is still the master of the battle castle.

Of course, it's all just thinking, Aoki isn't sure if this is Caitlin or not.

Most likely not Caitlin.

Aoki waited silently, and it didn't take long for Psychic's fluctuations to get closer.

A blond-haired girl appeared in Aoki's eyes.

Until now, Aoki can be sure that this girl is the super queen Caitlin.

Although I don't know why Caitlin is here, it is certain that Caitlin is here.

"Mr. Aoki, I finally found you, you rarely hook up in the city, it's really not easy to find you.

Caitlin's face brightened.

Aoki looked confused, Caitlin came to look for him, is he related to Caitlin?

The two don't seem to know each other.

Although Caitlin is very beautiful, he also has ideas about Caitlin, but the two sides do not know each other.

Valerie's eyes were full of doubts, and she carefully compared the two, do they really know each other?

So what is the relationship between Caitlin and Aoki?

Could this person be a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Valerie suddenly felt a little nervous in her heart, and she was worried that there would be an inexplicable rival in love.

"Do we know each other? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Of course Aoki knew Caitlin Akatsuki, but he couldn't tell, and he was really curious, did the two know each other?

Caitlin immediately used Psychic to get to the front of Akatsuki Aoki.

"My name is Caitlin, I come from the Wenzhong Region, and I came here to meet you, Mr. Aoki."

It seems that the current Caitlin has become the Elite of the Wenzhong Region.

Indeed, Caitlin, is about to take up the position of Elite.

I just heard Cynthia say that Aoki is also a very good Psychic who is very good at manipulating abilities.

She happens to be worried about her uncontrolled Psychic, and naturally hopes to learn how to control Psychic.

It turned out, "You came to find me, what's the matter?" Aoki was still at a loss.

0... ask for flowers·

Although he thinks he is handsome, Caitlin shouldn't think he is handsome, so it's hard to come over and find him a date.

If Caitlin really thinks this way, it's not impossible, anyway, he reluctantly accepts it.

"Mr. Aoki, I heard that your Psychic is very strong, and my Psychic is difficult to control, so I want to come and visit you, and I hope you will teach me how to control Psychic. 93

Caitlin has Covet in his eyes.

Aoki understood instantly, it turned out to be here to learn Psychic.

Indeed, Caitlin's Psychic is particularly prone to collapse, and once it erupts, the destructive power of the SWAT is amazing.

Not only is he capable of gymnastics, but he also doesn't know how to have fun. He learned Psychic, which is indeed a good decision.

"It's not possible, but how do you know I can be Psychic? There are a lot of people who don't know I can be Psychic."

This can is what Aoki is more curious about.

His Psychic has never been said to be hooked, and as a result, someone knows that he can Psychic.

"Sister Cynthia told me, she said that your special police officer is good at Psychic, and asked me to come and learn from you, it was not introduced by her, you will never refuse.

Aoki's mouth twitched, this Cynthia actually knew how to introduce her to an apprentice.

Also said that he would never refuse.

Just kidding, does Cynthia have this treatment?

The police also said that Cynthia definitely has this treatment, and he is not unacceptable.

Who makes Cynthia beautiful and has a great body, it makes people want to move.

Since it was introduced by Cynthia, Aoki will definitely not refuse, not to mention Caitlin is also very beautiful.

Aoki has already started to imagine that he might actually be with Caitlin.

Approaching Caitlin in the name of a disciple, then, ah, Caitlin, get to know Caitlin, and finally stay with Caitlin.

Come to a song and cry teacher ~ love.

That's right, it's decided.

Aoki looked up at Caitlin.

"Since Cynthia has said it, then give her a face, and you will learn Psychic with me in the future.

"Thank you then.

Caitlin looked up at Aoki, his mental power fluctuated a little more frequently,

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