Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 295 Caitlin thinks about sex and Aoki (4)

"You can make power cubes?"

There was suspicion in Caitlin's eyes.

The recent energy cube, SWAT is hot, and the SWAT has a good business.

There are countless people who like it, after all, can increase the strength of angry baby.

"That's right, I have my own recipe for energy cubes, and even Cynthia is custom-made by me.

"I also have an energy cube that can speed up Elite-level Pokémon's comprehension of profound meanings."

Aoki is not hiding.

He also intends to help Caitlin, after all, between him and Caitlin, there is a relationship between husband and wife.

Although only in the spiritual world.

"Accelerate the comprehension of the profound meaning?"

There was some brightness in Caitlin's eyes.

Half of her Pokémon are still continuing to comprehend the profound meaning, and only the profound meaning is complete, and they will be able to comprehend the origin.

If she can speed up the realization of the profound meaning, she might be able to become a Champion training as soon as possible.

"Yes, it can indeed speed up the speed of comprehending the profound meaning. My Pokémon can complete the profound meaning within a year."

This isn't really a lie.

One year of profound meaning is complete, this is naturally the crystallization of profound meaning in the middle, plus the racial value is relatively high.

Even ordinary Pokémon can achieve profound meaning within a year, approaching the perfection of profound meaning.

"I understand, then I'll ask you in the future, I hope you can prepare energy cubes for my Pokémon. 39

Caitlin didn't suspect much.

After all, Aoki Pokémon is so powerful, it should have its own energy block.

"No problem, leave it to me.

Aoki politely agreed, Caitlin would be his person anyway.

"Okay, let's continue eating."

While eating, Caitlin noticed that Aoki had prepared many kinds of energy cubes.

Every power cube that her Pokémon SWAT likes.

Description Aoki is excellent, and there are many recipes for energy blocks.

If she can get these energy blocks to formulate, she can learn to use them herself.

She didn't think too much about it, such as gaining benefits and the like.

It's just that she is now an Elite of the Jianzhong Region, so she can't follow Aoki every day.

At that time, you need to prepare energy cubes for yourself.

After the meal, Caitlin tried to mention it to Aoki, but was rejected by Aoki.

Do you really think Aoki is a fool?

That is an energy cube recipe, and it is still the best energy cube, how can it be given to people.

The police are kidding.

Not even Caitlin.

Caitlin was a little pissed, she remembered, Cynthia also has excellent power blocks.

Not prepared for her.

Wait, Cynthia seems to be in a relationship recently, she's already noticed it.

Could it be that Aoki gave Cynthia the recipe for the energy block, because Cynthia used her beauty at the expense.

Also known as seduction.

I really didn't expect Cynthia to be such a person. Although Aoki is handsome, he is indeed good.

But you can't do anything like that.

Caitlin despised for a moment, and then wondered if he wanted to seduce Aoki too.

This energy cube is really good, she must get it, even if she pays some price.

Anyway, they have already been bullied by Aoki in the spiritual world, and it is not unacceptable to do anything.

Caitlin's eyes twinkled.

Aoki didn't know that Caitlin already had an idea for her and wanted to start seducing him.

If Aoki knew, he would be very happy, and the mood of the SWAT was happy.

It's almost "almost", pack up, it's time to continue the journey 99

Aoki cleans up and hangs, and he has to rush to the next town.

Caitlin thought to herself, she didn't pack anything, she didn't have any luggage.

Can only follow Aoki silently.

Over the next few days, the three traveled together, and Caitlin followed Aoki, not wanting to leave Aoki.

After all, you have to learn your control from Aoki, and the energy cubes made by Aoki are really delicious.

Her Pokémon love it all.

The idea in Caitlin's heart is getting stronger and stronger, and he must be with Aoki.

No, what does it mean to be with Aoki?

Can she be with Aoki?

It should be said to seduce Aoki, get the formula first, and then talk about other things later.

At noon, Aoki was preparing lunch and Valerie was training Eevee from a distance.

Seeing this rare opportunity, Caitlin walked over immediately, grabbed Aoki's arm lightly, and leaned against him.

Of course, because he was too shy, Caitlin didn't dare to get too close.

"Aoki, how can I leave all the rough work like cooking to you? How about I help you?"

Aoki looked at Caitlin who had a fever in front of him and was a little puzzled.

Do you really have a fever?

It is possible that Caitlin might have a fever, otherwise, how could he be so proactive and kind.

Or have other purposes.

Aoki had a hint of curiosity in his heart, what was Caitlin thinking, and he took the initiative to hook up with him.

But no matter what kind of idea, it has already been delivered to the door, so don't blame him for being rude.

Beauties who are delivered to your door for free, don't be free.

Aoki immediately stretched out a hook-hand and gently pulled Caitlin into his arms.

Caitlin didn't react, just lay in Aoki's arms, feeling Aoki's warmth.

At this moment, Caitlin's face flushed, and he really liked Aoki's embrace.

No, I can't just sink like this, even if Aoki is a little better, I can't be with Aoki.

Who doesn't know Aoki isn't a good guy?

When SWAT asked Aoki to be together, he always thought of the scene of the spiritual world.

(Wang Zhao's) In the spiritual world, she was brutally bullied by Aoki, and I still reminisce about that scene.

Really nice and quite warm.

The corners of Aoki's mouth were slightly raised, since he came for free, don't blame him for being rude.

"Come on, sit here and leave it all to me."

Aoki suddenly hugged a princess, took Caitlin into his arms, and put it aside.

Caitlin leaned against Aoki silently.

Just after being put down by Aoki, Caitlin felt that something was wrong, and he fell so quickly.

Her goal is Aoki's energy block blueprint, how could Aoki get it?

But she had to admit that Aoki's charm was too great, and she ignored it all at once.

"Come on, sit down.

Aoki tried her best to be very gentle, her heart burst into laughter, and she was another big beauty throwing her arms around her.

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