Pokemon: Dominate the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice

Elves: Dominating the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice Chapter 280

This is a huge office with a huge floor-to-ceiling window, surrounded by green potted plants, and Ibrahimovic is lying on the sofa next to him.

Hearing the opening of the door, Bing Ibrahim opened his eyes, and when he saw Lin Feng's figure, he screamed excitedly and quickly jumped on the ground.


Seeing that the visitor hadn't spoken for a long time, Sirona frowned slightly, and slowly raised her head.

The next second, she was stunned on the chair.

"So fast?" After a while, Sirona smiled and stood up.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, and 110 said, "The earliest flight arrives earlier."

When Sirona heard the words, a trace of apology flashed in her eyes, and she said, "Sorry, I don't have time to go..."

Lin Feng looked around for a week, ignored Sirona's words, but said to himself: "Yes, it is indeed the office of King Sirona, it is magnificent."

"I just don't know when the king's office will be changed to the champion's office?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng looked at Sirona with smiles in his eyes.

Sirona laughed dumbly, she shook her head helplessly, and said softly, "Thank you."

Lin Feng sat in front of her, looked closely at the blonde beauty in front of him, and asked, "I've been busy with work recently, thank you for your hard work."

Sirona shook her head and said, "Wu Song Tianwang helped me deal with a lot of work when I asked for leave, and I am more relaxed now."

Afterwards, she gritted her teeth lightly and said embarrassedly: "But I may have to stay and work here for a while."

"So during this time, I may not have a lot of time to accompany you."

"very sorry."

Lin Feng stared at the woman in front of him, and pushed back the golden hair on his forehead. The latter's delicate body trembled slightly, but he didn't stop it.

"It's okay, I'm planning to go to the secret place of Tianguan Mountain to have a look during this period of time."

"I have longed for this secret realm for a long time.".

Chapter 374 How about staying at my place tonight?

"The secret realm of Tianguan Mountain?"

When Sirona heard this, she thought for a moment, then stared at Lin Feng and asked, "Have you decided?"


During the speech, Yue Yibu jumped off Lin Feng's shoulder, walked quickly to Bing Yibu, and called softly.

Afterwards, the two little guys squatted in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, whispering.

Seeing Lin Feng's resolute attitude, Sirona stopped talking, took out her mobile phone and pressed the screen, and said to him at the same time: "I have sent relevant information about the secret realm of Tianguan Mountain to your mobile phone."

"Okay." Lin Feng said that he had inquired about Tianguan Mountain's information on the Internet before coming, but the free information on the Internet could not compare with that of the Elven Association.

Secondly, who would refuse Sirona's kindness?

Afterwards, the two sat on the sofa, and Sirona carefully explained the details of the secret realm of Tianguan Mountain to Lin Feng.

"The secret realm of Tianguan Mountain evolved in the central area of ​​Tianguan Mountain. It is one of the only high-level secret realms in the Sinnoh region. The powerful elves inside are unknown, and there are even some heavenly king-level elves."

"Because of this, the minimum strength required to enter the secret realm of Tianguan Mountain is an elite trainer."

This is the same as the requirements of the secret realm of Honglian Island.

"The Tianguan Mountain Secret Realm has the same geographical features and the same climate and temperature as the Tianguan Mountain in the outside world. Now it's winter again, and the roads inside have long been covered with thick snow, making it difficult to walk."

"You need professional outdoor equipment, thick jackets and snow boots, and secondly, bring enough supplies according to the number of days. It's not easy to find food in winter..."

Sirona took the trouble and patiently explained the relevant precautions to Lin Feng.

As a child from the south, Lin Feng really has no experience of walking in the snow, these are valuable experiences.

"If walking is too much trouble for you, you can also use a snowsled."


Hearing this, the scene of two erhas having fun with a snow sled immediately appeared in Lin Feng's mind, and the master behind him trembled.

"Yes, the big wolf dog, mount goat, wind speed dog, etc. are all suitable snowshoe elves." Sirona nodded and continued.

Too bad I don't have any of these sprites.

Elves suitable for pulling snow sleds need to be mature, stable, durable enough, and not afraid of severe cold weather.

In Lin Feng's team, no elf met all the above conditions.

"It's really not possible, you can rent a snowshoe elf." Seeing this, Sirona suggested.

Lin Feng shook his head and replied: "Forget it, it's enough to have crows."

A flying mount is enough to deal with all terrains.

The high-grade ball containing the crow shook for a while.

Touched dead crow!

"Okay, I'll look at the next information by myself. You have a busy day at work, so let's work first and don't bother you." Lin Feng stood up and said to Sirona.

I had to pay back the debts I owed when I asked for leave at the beginning.

The two are not immature people, although they have good feelings for each other, and even have unexplainable feelings, but everything should be done first.

Sirona stared at Lin Feng with dark gray eyes, moved her lips, and asked, "When are you going to the secret realm of Tianguan Mountain"¨?"

"Tomorrow, take a good rest today, and buy what you need by the way." Lin Feng replied after pondering for a moment.

When Sirona heard this, she hummed slightly, her red lips parted seductively, but she didn't speak for a while.

When Lin Feng looked at her with a puzzled face, Sirona coughed lightly, with a voice like a mosquito: "It's noisy outside, so I can't rest well."

Then, she paused for a moment, then lowered her eyes, and whispered: "You can stay with me tonight, and I will send you the location and password later."


The last two words exhausted her whole body strength, she looked down at her feet, waiting for Lin Feng's reply.

Looking at this scene, Lin Feng secretly smiled in his heart.

At this time, Sirona is not the champion who always has a calm face and calm eyes in the future.

Now she...

Lin Feng's eyes were full of smiles, he stared at Sirona who lowered his head slightly in front of him, and nodded: "Okay."

Immediately, he said in a casual tone: "Finally, I have the opportunity to see King Sirona's boudoir."

"It's really not easy."


When the voice fell, the elf ball on Sirona's waist shot a red light, and the two icy sickles crossed and made a sound, the dangerous breath condensed, biting Lu Shark and staring at Lin Feng with an unkind face.

"Ahem, just kidding." Lin Feng laughed.

"Hmph." Sirona snorted softly, and then said to Lin Feng, "Okay, I won't keep you anymore, you go first."

"see you later."

"see you later."

Lin Feng turned and left, the murderous aura from Biting Lu Shark was getting farther and farther away, he couldn't help smiling when he thought of Sirona's every move just now.

Papa Lin's words resounded in my ears, deafening - you are abducted, and you must abduct her back.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly, and secretly said: "I would like to, but Lie Bite Lu Shark, who has broken through to the champion level, is not easy to deal with."

Although it's just a first-time champion, its combat power...

"Sure enough, she is about to become a champion trainer." Lin Feng sighed.

"I'm going to keep going."

The commerce in Zhuqing City is well developed, and Lin Feng, who is now well-funded, went directly to the department store to purchase supplies.

"It may take half a month in the secret realm this time, and the supplies must be sufficient."

Although there is no Xiaogang's magical storage bag, which can carry a lot of kitchen utensils with him, Lin Feng has Geng Gui's dimension bag, which has the same effect.

After a long time, Lin Feng walked out of the department store with empty hands, and a Geng Gui with resentful eyes floated beside him, attracting attention.

He bought a lot of energy cubes and food, as well as essential outdoor items.

In order to cope with the heavy snow, he specially bought a very warm jacket and snow boots, plus snow skis, snow poles, sunglasses and so on.

Of course, this expense is just sprinkled water for him today.

With the improvement of his strength now, he doesn't even need to obtain funds by making energy cubes, and the mission rewards are extraordinarily generous.

"After being certified as a king-level trainer, you can also get a fixed salary every month..."

Thinking all the way, Lin Feng quickly came to a villa according to the location given by Sirona.

Looking up at the tall villa in front of him, Lin Feng shook his head and said with emotion: "As expected of a well-known little rich woman."

Sirona owns several properties in Sinnoh, and even has a special holiday villa, which is a proper hedonist.

Lin Feng thought viciously, and planned to stay in Sirona's holiday villa for a while next year.

After entering the password and walking into the door, he looked around for a week, then sat on the sofa and began to check the detailed information given by Sirona earlier.

"There are a large number of elves in the secret realm of Tianguan Mountain, including supersonic bats, small fist stones, skin babies, masana, catfish king, bronze bells, ugly ugly fish..."

"Huh? Ugly fish?" Lin Feng's eyes lit up, he sat up straight, and clicked on the detailed information about Ugly Fish.

Although the ugly fish is extremely ugly, as long as it evolves into Menus, it will become one of the most beautiful elves in the world.

But as the phenomenon of Ugly Uglyfish being able to evolve into Menas became known to the public, the number of wild Ugly Uglyfish in the wild has declined at an alarming rate.

However, the trainers gradually found that the evolution conditions of the ugly ugly fish are harsh, and the evolution difficulty coefficient is very high, so they gradually gave up the ugly ugly fish.

The number of Ugly Ugly Fish has increased again, living in the bottom of the river with many aquatic plants.

Even so, Lin Feng still rarely sees wild ugly fish.

Thoughts flashed, Lin Feng noticed that there was a line of words at the bottom:

[Note: Due to the influence of the environment, the Ugly Ugly Fish in the Tianguan Mountain Secret Realm has a cautious personality. It lives in the deepest part of the river bottom and is difficult to catch. Those who are not skilled in fishing and water attribute trainers should not try it lightly. 】

Looking at this line of words, Lin Feng sneered: "々I am the best fisherman in Anhan City."

"Ugly fish, I've caught it!"

"I'll go out and buy a fishing rod later."

"By the way, how did you catch the fish?"

In addition to the ugly fish, Lin Feng was surprised to find that the secret place of Tianguan Mountain also lived in the miniature dragon and the round land shark, but these two kinds of quasi-god spirits were hidden and extremely difficult to find.

The most important thing is that they are always protected by the elders of the ethnic group. Non-powerful trainers suggest not to look for them easily.

Secondly, there are also resource distribution maps of Tianguan Mountain and elf habitat maps in the materials, which are of great help to him.

After a long time, the sun slipped into the horizon unknowingly, and night fell.


Lin Feng was about to rest on the sofa when the door of the villa was opened.

Looking at Sirona who walked in slowly, Lin Feng said with a smile: "I thought you weren't coming back (dede)."

Sirona said: "This is my home."

"This is just an inconspicuous one among your many villas." Lin Feng corrected.

Sirona gave him a blank look, put on her slippers, skillfully opened the fireplace, glanced casually at Lin Feng, and said softly, "Isn't it cold?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said seriously: "Your home is very warm."

The light of the fire reflected Sirona's delicate face. I don't know if it was the hot flames, or what, her face was hot.

The two sat silently on the fireplace for a long time, and the scene of Bingyibu chasing Yueyibu was reflected in their eyes.

"Tired?" Lin Feng broke the silence.

"Not tired." Sirona shook her head.

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