Pokemon: Dominate the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice

Elves: Dominating the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice Chapter 283

more importantly...

Lin Feng glanced around and thought to himself: "If a battle breaks out here, it is very likely that the cave will collapse and be buried under the mountain."

At that time, it will be called that every day should not work, and that the earth will not work.

And, looking at Absolu in front of him, Lin Feng suddenly had a bold idea in his heart...

Seeing that Absolu's eyes were much softer, Lin Feng waved his hand to make Geng Gui take a step back.

"Jie Jie Jie."

Geng Gui floated back a step away, but all his attention was still on Absolu, preventing him from bursting out suddenly.

Looking at this scene, Absolu's face softened, and he was no longer as vigilant as before, but quietly looked at the humans in front of him.

"As a reward for us borrowing the cave, I'll give you some energy cubes I made myself." Lin Feng thought for a moment and said.

Absolu's eyes were calm. It had no interest in the "energy cube" that Lin Feng said. Seeing that the facts had been settled, it turned and left without wanting to start another dispute.

Lin Feng was slightly taken aback, this Absolu was really cold, and he left just like that.

"Wait, you don't have to go, this cave is so big that it can accommodate us." Lin Feng looked at Absolu's back and said loudly.

Absol didn't respond to him, he speeded up, turned into an afterimage, and arrived at the entrance of the cave a while later.

It raised its head and stared at the scene of heavy snow in front of it, recalling what Lin Feng said just now in its mind.

Absol's expression was tangled, until a snowflake fluttered and fell on it, and finally made it make a decision.

Absol can keenly perceive the changes of nature, and can also perceive the emotional fluctuations of human beings.

This human being really has no malice towards himself.

the other side,

Lin Feng asked Geng Gui to take out the outdoor equipment from the dimensional bag, and at the same time said to himself: "He is really a cold little guy."

"It's snowing so much outside, I don't know where it's going to find shelter."

"Jie Jie Jie."

Geng Gui responded while fiddling with equipment in the dimension bag.

"You mean, it will definitely come back?" Lin Feng replied casually.

"Jie Jie Jie." Geng Gui stuck out his wet tongue and licked Lin Feng, then nodded.

A numb feeling spread all over his body in an instant, Lin Feng's hands trembled, he skillfully took out an anti-numbing fruit from his pocket, and swallowed it.

"I don't believe it." Lin Feng said seriously.

Each elf is unique and has its own personality. They are the same but different from each other.

Absolu has always been aloof, living in the mountains, criss-crossing the fields, his figure is hard to find, quite mysterious.

The same is true for this Absolu. Although it has a gentle personality, it does not want to have close contact with humans.

Even if it was snowing heavily outside, it would rather find a habitat in the ice and snow again than live here with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng put the light taken out by Geng Gui in the center of the cave, and the warm yellow light illuminates the cave, so that Yue Yibu doesn't need to be a walking flashlight.

Then, he released Vulcan Moth to light a bonfire with the dry firewood he had prepared. The fire was warm and the surrounding temperature gradually increased.

Yue Yibu lay down beside the bonfire, and then stared at Lin Feng who was preparing the food without blinking.

Dinner is very simple, Lin Feng is a small instant hot pot, and all the elves are energy cubes.

When all the elves were happily eating the energy cubes in the basin, a white figure suddenly broke into Lin Feng's sight.


The crow's body is too large, its head reaches the top of the cave, and it occupies a huge space.

Lin Feng didn't want to wrong Yaya at first, but Yaya regarded food like his life, and he would feel depressed if he didn't eat a meal, and he had no fighting spirit.

Then there is only grievance for it.

All the elves raised their heads and looked at Absol who suddenly appeared.

Absol: "..."

Absolu froze in place, looking around, the steel armored crow full of oppression, Bangira with fierce eyes and terrifying figure, Gengar with a smirk on his face, Vulcan moth like a sacred flame, and …

The most calm martial arts bear master in the middle, Yue Zhiyuan, looked at him with calm eyes, and Absol couldn't help being afraid.

It suddenly regretted the decision it had made.

"It's really back." Lin Feng stared at Absolu who suddenly appeared, and was taken aback for a moment.

Then, he turned his head to look at Geng Gui, who really looked at him with his hips akimbo.

Lin Feng laughed dumbfounded, and said, "You won."

"When you go back, you will be rewarded with a touch of Bing Kuo Luo."

"Jie Jie Jie!" Geng Gui's smile became even more rampant, his eyes full of pride.

Afterwards, Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "Since you are back, let's eat together."

Absol subconsciously wanted to refuse and escape from this terrible place.

But a figure jumped out, and Yue Yibo ran up to it with the feed basin in its mouth.

Absol subconsciously took a step back, staring at Yue Ibrahimovic with vigilant eyes.

Yue Yibu pointed to the energy cube in the basin with his finger, and then swallowed it in one gulp, with a satisfied expression on his face for a moment.

Absolu looked at it suspiciously, then raised his head to meet the "terrifying" gazes, and he swallowed involuntarily.

All the elves looked at Absol with full eyes, and seeing that Absol had not opened his mouth for a long time, Bangira raised his head and roared, which was deafening.

Seeing this, Absolu lowered his head and swallowed a crystal clear energy cube...


After a long while, Absolu's eyes lit up, and the indescribable deliciousness bloomed instantly in his taste buds, and his tired strength was restored to a certain extent.

Immediately afterwards, Absolu swallowed the second energy cube, and the third energy cube. …

After swallowing a full five yuan, Absolu felt full. He stopped, suddenly remembered something, and raised his head weakly.

It looked at it, only to see that the six elves in front of it didn't pay attention to itself, but ate the energy cubes in the basin by themselves.

It secretly breathed a sigh of relief, only to see the human on the opposite side suddenly walk up to it, and said with a smile on his face: "Hello, Absolu, I'm Lin Feng."

Absolu stared at Lin Feng quietly.

Seeing Absolu's calm expression, Lin Feng continued: "I may live here all this time, and I will disturb you for a while."

Hearing this, Absolu's first reaction was to reject this unreasonable request, and then he looked down at the energy cube in the basin.

It is silent.

Seeing that Absolu did not refuse, Lin Feng smiled even wider, and said slowly: "Then, do you know what powerful elves are around here?"

"Although my elves are friendly, they are eager to fight against the strong."

Absol turned his head and glanced at the six vicious elves.

"As long as you take us to find a powerful elf, I can give you an energy cube as a reward." Lin Feng said with a smile.

The correct usage of Absolu - guide.

This elf, who comes and goes like the wind and moves surreptitiously, must be very familiar with the terrain and elf habitat here.

Absolu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded slightly immediately.

"That's good." Lin Feng clapped his hands, and then said, "Then it's decided, you take us to a place called Mingyue Lake tomorrow."

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't know the name of the place, anyway, just follow the map."

Afterwards, Lin Feng returned to the bonfire and took all the elves back into the elf balls, leaving only Geng Gui and Yue Yibo.

Moon Ibrahimovic is a born assassin in the dark, and Geng Gui is the best bodyguard hiding in the shadows.

The bonfire crackled, sparks sputtered, orange light swayed, and 5.2 shone on Absolu's face.

It was late at night, it looked up carefully at Lin Feng in the sleeping bag, and Yue Yibu who was snuggling beside him.

An unspeakable emotion welled up in my heart.

Early the next morning,

The wind and snow have stopped, and the warm sun shines on the earth.

Lin Feng looked at the scene in front of him, stretched his waist, and then put a well-made snow sled on the ground.

"Absol, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Absolu on the side cast a puzzled look.

"You know, our human body is weak, and it is very difficult to walk in the snow, so we can only use this tool."

"This thing is called a snow sled, and it needs an elf to pull it forward before it can move forward."

Absolu turned his head to one side, ignoring Lin Feng.

What a joke, how could I, Absolu, do such a shameful thing!

"Five energy cubes." Lin Feng said lightly.

Absolu's eyes flashed, but he still ignored it.

"Ten." The devilish voice sounded in my ears again.

Absolu swallowed, and wanted to turn his head around, but the arrogance in his heart made him ignore it.


That's all, it's difficult to find food in winter...

Chapter 378: Carp King Terminator

Tianguan Mountain Secret Realm,

Snow covered the mountains, and the whole earth was covered with a white veil, and the sky and the earth were white.

A group of ivory pigs are walking slowly in the snow, looking carefully, there is a group of small mountain pigs waddling among them.

This is to survive herds of ivory pigs who are constantly looking for food.

The ivory pig has a very tall body, covered with brown hair, white hooves, pink nose, long and sharp ivory.

Ivory pigs are herd animals that live in the ice and snow, and their thick hair resists all cold.

The group of ivory pigs are walking leisurely and leisurely, and the little boars are chasing and fighting with each other, creating a peaceful and peaceful scene.

But at this moment, a strange sound came from behind.

The leader of the largest ivory pig stopped and looked around with steady eyes. Then he let out a long cry, and the surrounding ivory pigs suddenly stopped with vigilance, and surrounded the small boars tightly.

The entire herd of ivory pigs is ready for battle.

Not long after, a figure suddenly appeared on the distant skyline, with white hair swaying in the wind, and a vigorous posture galloping like the wind. It has bright eyes and a high spirit.


The leader of the ivory pig recognized the identity of the person, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It was about to lead the group to move on, when suddenly its pupils shrank, and a figure appeared in sight again.

A figure was sitting on a snow sled. The ivory pig looked carefully. There were two thick ropes on Absolu's body, which pulled the snow sled forward.

The ivory pig has lived here for decades, it knows the snow sled, and it also knows that humans will use it to drive in the snow.

But from what it has seen, the elves used to pull the sleds are almost all wind-13 speed dogs, mount goats, and even its own kind, the ivory pig.

And Absolu...

This is the first time it has seen it in its life.

The leader of the ivory pigs was stunned, watching Absolu pull the snow sled over them at a high speed, cut a piece of snow, and disappeared before his eyes in a blink of an eye.

Lin Feng was sitting on the snow sled, Yue Yibu was lying in his arms, his black hair was swaying with the wind, and the cold wind slapped his face.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the vast and magnificent scenery in front of him. His heart was so full of pride that he wished he could recite a poem.

However, when the words came to his lips, there were only four words in a daze: "What a beautiful snow."

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