Pokemon: Dominate the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice

Elves: Dominating the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice Chapter 291

Ke Qingyu thought about it carefully, and it was indeed so.

Afterwards, Lin Feng looked into the depths of the extremely dark road, then turned to face the three of them, and said with a smile, "How is it? Shall we continue to move forward?"

Caves hidden in the snow-capped mountains, roads with traces of humans, elves suspected to be stocked by trainers...

Everything here is full of weirdness and mystery.

However, for the three trainers, this is a natural place for adventure.

Trainers are never afraid of danger.

Ke Meng: "Of course! How can such an opportunity be missed!"

Ke Qingyu: "Me too."

Dawu: "Perhaps there are precious ores in front of us."

Seeing this, Lin Feng nodded and smiled, "Then let's go and see what's ahead."

The group moved on.

Only ten minutes later, the giant golden monster issued an early warning, and everyone stopped and looked forward.

Under everyone's gaze, an elf with a black body appeared. It had sharp silver-white claws and a red tail.

[Spirit: Yula

Level: Lv.67

Special Effect: Sharp Eyes]

Another quasi-king-level elf!

Dawu stretched out his hand and said gently to Lin Feng: "This time, let me do it."

"Kang Jin."

At the same time, the eyes of the giant metal monster suddenly became sharp, and it floated in front of Yula, ready to go.

Huanla clearly sensed the terrifying aura from the Metagros, its eyes were serious, and it attacked suddenly after half a moment!

It jumped up, turned into an afterimage and quickly came to the body of the golden monster, and at the same time, a black shadow stretched out from its claws, and slashed towards the golden monster!

Shadow Claw!

"Comet Fist." Dawu said calmly, with calm eyes.

The moment the sound sounded, the giant metal monster swung its hard fists towards the attacking Huola.

In Lin Feng's eyes, his fists dragged out the afterimage of a comet, smashing towards Yula like a storm!

The Shadow Claw collided with the Comet Fist, instantly disintegrated, and Yula was hit precisely by the Comet Fist!

Punch after punch, the blinking-eyed Metagro mechanically swung dozens of punches, each punch packed with enormous strength, causing Xuan La to scream.

Finally, the comet dissipated, and the bruised and swollen Huanla's eyes had turned into circles, and he collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

The familiar one-hit defeat.

However, compared to the previous scene, Ke Meng and the two have calmed down a lot.

After all, this is a champion-level golden monster, and they will be surprised if they can't defeat it with one blow.

"It seems that there is really a trainer in front." Lin Feng said while looking at Yula on the ground.

In such a place where the birds don't shit, it is absolutely impossible for two quasi-king-level elves to appear consecutively.

"Keep vigilant," Dawu said.

Lin Feng nodded. He still doesn't know whether the trainer in front of him is an enemy or a friend. Why are there two quasi-king-level elves here? Naturally, he must be cautious.

After finishing this Hula, everyone continued to move forward along the road.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water, everyone continued along the road until twenty minutes later, a faint light appeared in front of them.

"Be careful." Lin Feng squinted his eyes, and then the power of the waveguide quickly spread forward, until he sensed several small blue dots, and he showed such an expression.

"There's someone up ahead," he continued.

Everyone nodded in understanding, and continued to move forward under the personal protection of the elves.

Finally, a wide area suddenly appeared in front of him, and the dark river turned a big bend here, rolling towards the other side without a trace.

And in this open space, two kerosene lamps were shining brightly. Under the lamps stood two young men dressed as miners, with several fist stones walking around constantly.

····Ask for flowers······

At the same time, when the two saw Lin Feng and the others, they were all shocked and dumbfounded.

But soon the fat man recovered, he quickly took out a black walkie-talkie from his pocket, and pressed the red button.

Immediately shouted at Lin Feng and others: "Attack them!"

In the next second, Little Fist stepped forward and rushed towards Lin Feng!

"Start fighting without talking?"

"There is indeed a problem." Lin Feng looked at the situation and said.

"I'll do it this time." Ke Qingyu took a step forward and said proactively.

Until here, she still played the role of soy sauce, and the crisis encountered on the road was easily resolved by Lin Feng and Dawu.


The flame chicken let out a soft cry, turning into an orange phantom, and the flames surged out.

But at this time, the fat man turned his head to look at the thin man, and said quickly, "The superior said that as long as there are outsiders passing this road, they must immediately send a message and try their best to stop them!"

"But these people in front of us, it's impossible for the two of us to stop them."

. . . . . .


"Run! Run now!"

Although the fat man is not a powerful trainer, he also understands the gold content of the giant gold monster, martial arts bear master, and flame chicken. The two of them obviously cannot resist this lineup.

The fat man spoke very fast, but the thin man understood. He nodded repeatedly, turned around with the fat man, and ran towards the rear.

However, the moment they turned around, a terrifying Geng Gui appeared in front of them, staring at big scarlet eyes, and gave a strange laugh.


"Not good!" Looking at Geng Gui in front of him, the fat man yelled.

Sure enough, in the next second, a wave of drowsiness flooded his heart, his eyes became more and more tired, and his vision gradually turned black.

In an instant, the two fell asleep and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the little sneak attacking expert laughed triumphantly with his hips on his hips.

At this time, the eyes of the small fist stones were in the shape of circles, and they had fallen to the ground.

Dawu first glanced at the two people who fell to the ground, and then glanced around, his eyes gradually became subtle.

After a long time, he turned to look at Lin Feng, and said, "They are mining ore illegally."

"Illegal mining of ore?"

Dawu nodded, and said: "The Elven Alliance now has regulations that prohibit large-scale mining of ore in the secret territory, and illegal arrests will be made."

"Their actions undoubtedly violated the league's regulations."

Lin Feng nodded, and continued: "According to this, the two quasi-king-level elves were indeed kept there specially to prevent people from entering this place by mistake."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng squatted down, took the walkie-talkie in the fat man's hand, and said, "He should have passed a message to other people here just now."

"If my guess is correct, many people will come to block our way, and even make us disappear from the world completely in order to hide this place." Lin Feng laughed.

Dare to carry out large-scale illegal mining in the secret realm, there must be a large organization behind this, there is no doubt about it.

For such a large organization, killing and blood are commonplace.

It is a pity that it will face a former champion, a next champion, and two soy sauce pills.

Chapter 387: Master Zhenxing of Team Galaxy

five minutes ago,

At the end of the road, there is a more luxuriously decorated room with all modern items in it, which is incompatible with the mine style here.

"Lord Zhenxing, this is the summary of this year's report." A middle-aged man with a pot belly said respectfully to the man sitting on the sofa, and handed out a document in his hand.

"Hmm." The man known as Lord Zhenxing has blue hair, and the hair on both sides is raised like a bull's horn. He is wearing a black and gray uniform with a full circle letter printed on his chest.

The middle-aged man saw Zhen Xing flipping through the report in his hand, and stood aside quietly waiting.

Time passed slowly in silence.

Five minutes later, Zhen Xing put down the report in his hand, looked up at the middle-aged man with his head down, and said in a deep voice, "Well, not bad."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man secretly heaved a sigh of relief, his tense nerves finally let go, he squeezed out a smile on his face, and said, "It's as long as Mr. Zhen Xing is satisfied."

Zhen Xing stood up, paced back and forth, and said slowly: "Cangshan."

"The subordinate is here." Cangshan replied like a conditioned reflex.

"You did a good job this time, and I am very satisfied. I will say a few good words in front of Lord Chiri when I go back."

"190" "Master Zhenxing, please." Hearing these words, Cang Shan's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

Zhen Xing hummed lightly, then picked up the glass on the table to play with, moved his lips, and continued: "We have developed very well in recent years, which is a good thing, and Master Chi Ri is also very happy."

Then he changed the subject again, and said in a deep voice, "But the more this happens, the more cautious you must be."

"Cangshan, you are in charge of this important mine. I don't need to say much about its importance. After all, this is in the secret realm of Tianguan Mountain."

"Once the alliance discovers that we have found the remaining entrances and exits of the secret realm, and mining mines here, it will seriously affect the development of the organization."

"The subordinate understands." Cangshan said solemnly.

"Hmm." Zhenxing patted Cangshan on the shoulder, and then said: "I heard that you have two quasi-king level elves at the other entrance?"

Cangshan nodded and replied: "Yes, Lord Zhenxing, those two elves are my powerful generals. Although their strength is not as strong as your elves, they are enough to deal with ordinary trainers who stray into this place and drive them away."

"Has a trainer entered by mistake?"

"Yes, a female trainer came here some time ago, but was scared away by the giant marsh monster."

Cangshan paused for a moment, then smiled and said: "Master Zhenxing, this place is extremely secretive, surrounded by continuous snow-capped mountains, it is extremely difficult to be discovered."

"It's better to be careful, and if you find a trainer who strays into this place, you should drive away immediately." Zhen Xing said.

Afterwards, Zhen Xing said: "Are there any problems with the employees?"

"Except for a small number of boredom from time to time, the rest are normal." Cangshan replied.

Zhen Xing waved his hand when he heard the words, and said, "Don't worry about them, every year there are people who want to join us."

"Your Excellency said so." Cangshan said with a shy smile.

"Cangshan, you have been a quasi-king trainer for several years, right?" Suddenly, Zhen Xing looked back at Cangshan and asked.

"Back to my lord, it has been seven years."

Zhen Xing nodded thoughtfully, and then said cryptically, "As our organization grows, Lord Chiri is getting closer to his goal."

In the next second, his expression became frantic and terrifying, and he said loudly: "As long as we catch those legendary super ancient elves, we can create a new world!"

"At that time, what is the quasi-Uranus! You can become a Uranus, or even a champion!"

Afterwards, he opened his arms and said with crazy eyes: "As long as you help Master Chiri create a new world, everything, everything we want, can be obtained!"

The scene that happened at this moment is exactly like a pyramid scheme scene.

But for some evil brainwashing organizations, they are often more terrifying and terrifying than pyramid schemes.

However, at this moment, a piercing bell rang in the room, causing Zhen Xing to frown, and turned to look at Cangshan.

Cang Shan was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a frightened expression on his face, and quickly explained: "Master Zhen Xing, this is the siren."

"Every employee has a red button on the intercom that, when pressed, will sound an alarm everywhere in the mine."

"And only when there is an emergency, such as the invasion of outsiders, or the collapse of the cave, can you press it..."

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