Pokemon: Dominate the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice

Elves: Dominating the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice Chapter 293

Ailu Leiduo's eyes froze, he condensed the materialized heart blade out of thin air, stepped forward, and slashed at the martial arts bear master!

The Dragon King Scorpion wields its double blades, with a strange light flashing, and the terrifying poisonous blade strikes at the martial arts bear master!

In just a moment, the battle started, and the move went straight to the vital point!

Restraining Geng Gui's [Surprise Hi-Five Attack], restraining Martial Arts Bear's [Spiritual Blade], and blocking the [Earthquake], Zhen Xing did everything that should be done.

But at the moment when he just turned around, Lin Feng's expression was still calm, and Da Wu beside him had a faint smile on his face.

They didn't seem worried about the situation at hand.

Only Ke Meng and Ke Qingyu were anxious, and the latter even let the flame chicken jump over the ravine, chasing Zhen Xing and the other two.


In the line of sight of Zhen Xing who had just turned around, the poisonous skeleton frog was already close to Geng Gui. It struck out with both fists, and Geng Gui immediately turned into a puff of smoke.


"Mouth and mouth!!"

The next second, there was a playful sound above the poisonous skeleton frog's head, and Geng Gui laughed wantonly with his hips on his hips.

At the same time, Geng Gui's eyes glowed with bright blue light, which turned into a powerful force of thought and instantly hit the poisonous skeleton frog below.

In the next moment, the poisonous skeleton frog's eyes were wide open, and it was severely injured by the four-fold restraint of the super energy system, and it let out a cry of pain.

However, the 190-degree offensive did not end. Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black shadow ball exploded on its body, and the poisonous skeleton frog's chest was scorched black, and it collapsed on the ground dying.

Although it has not completely lost its ability to fight because of its level advantage, it is obviously no longer able to fight in a short period of time.

Looking at this scene, Zhen Xing's eyelids twitched, this Geng Gui's fighting power was really fierce.

He tried his best to calm down, and turned to look at Master Wu Dao Xiong.

At the same time, Master Budao Bear looked calm in the face of the two attacking elves, his fists glowed with dazzling white light, as if carrying an unstoppable momentum.

Zhen Xing recognized this skill, it was a general skill [Million Ton Heavy Punch].

But how can a mere celestial king-level martial arts bear master be able to deal with the attacks of two elves at the same time?

He saw the figure of Martial Dao Bear Master, and sneered at it.

But in the next second, Martial Dao Xiongshi hit Elle Duo with a punch, and the Dragon King Scorpion with a punch.

Before the two elves even came into contact with the Martial Arts Bear Master, they flew upside down for several meters in an instant like a kite whose string was broken.

Zhenxing's complexion changed drastically, and he turned his head to see that Elle Duo and Dragon King Scorpion had fallen to the ground, unconscious.

Seeing this, Zhenxing and Cangshan fell into a terrible silence at the same time.

All in all, what is really terrifying is not the giant metal monster, but this kind of martial arts bear master who has just entered the heavenly king level?

Punch a kid, right?

Cang Shan swallowed involuntarily, looked weakly at Zhen Xing, and asked, "My lord, are you still running?"

After a while, Zhen Xing gritted his teeth and said, "Run!"

However, the giant golden monster who had been silent all this time suddenly opened his eyes, and a burst of pale blue light appeared, which turned into a weak wave of thought power that enveloped Zhen Xing and his body, controlling his body.

"Mind power." Zhen Xing, who was restrained by mind power and unable to move, said in despair.

The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus looked at the trainer under control, and the Poisonous Skeleton Frog and Elle Duo who fell on the ground froze in place.

Do you want to make a move? .

Chapter 389: Lin Feng's Interrogation Methods

Obviously, this super iron Tyrannosaurus rex understands the truth, seeing the trainer and his partners all fell to the ground, he didn't intend to hold back.

It first used the [Power of the Earth] to restore the collapsed ground to its original state, and then looked pitifully at Lin Feng and the others.


Looking at this scene, Zhen Xing's eyes were shattered, if he was not still controlled by [Mind Power], he would have wished to get rid of this traitor immediately.

At this time, Ke Meng saw Lin Feng and Dawu's smooth movements and was stunned, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

In sum, you two have already made plans, and I am here alone for a long time!

No, there is also Ke Qingyu.

Ke Qingyu commanded the flame bird to step over the ravine just now, and the battle was over, leaving the flame chicken with a confused face.

At this time, Dawu turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and said with a gentle smile, "We are happy to cooperate."

Whether it was just letting Geng Gui and Wu Daoxiong go around to the back first, or the thunderous offensive just launched, Dawu was quite impressed. He is not only a trainer who is proficient in exhibition games, but also a good fighter in actual combat.

Lin Feng restrained the elves, and the golden monster directly controlled Zhen Xing and the two. They cooperated seamlessly and the result was perfect.

Just now Dawu specially spoke to Zhen Xing in order to distract him and let the golden monster take the opportunity to control it.

Being able to directly control the trainer is much safer than fighting elves. After all, this place is located in a cave, and if a fierce battle is triggered, it will be very dangerous.

It's just that I didn't expect that Zhen Xing had the same idea and pretended to talk, but he was still thinking about how to escape.

Seeing that the battle here had come to an end, Lin Feng, just to be on the safe side, ordered the martial arts bear master to stun the half-dead poisonous skeleton frog, and then asked Geng Gui to use hypnotism to put the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus into a sleep state.

After doing all this, he ordered Geng Gui to search Zhen Xing and Cang Shan, and after confirming that there were no weapons, he took away the remaining poke balls.

After this action, Zhen Xing and the two had no ability to resist at all, and everyone was stunned when they saw it.

"So cruel." Looking at Lin Feng's back, Ke Meng couldn't help shivering.

He is three full years older than Lin Feng, which makes him not as strong as Lin Feng, but relying on his age advantage, he claims to be better than Lin Feng in his actions.

But looking at these operations, Lin Feng is like an old fritter soaked in the wild for several years. He acts cautiously, never carelessly underestimates the enemy, and has no soft-heartedness.

But he was only a freshman, and this strong sense of separation made Ke Meng silent for a long time.

Ke Qingyu's beautiful eyes shone with a strange light. After getting along for a long time, she understood Lin Feng better.

And the deeper you get, the more you can understand the frightening aspect of the gentle smiling young man in front of you.

Seeing that Zhen Xing and the other two were not threatening, Dawu said softly: "Let them go."

"Kang Jin."

The giant golden monster nodded slightly, touched the thought force one after another, and let go of the two of them.

Zhen Xing and the two immediately fell to the ground, panting heavily, and at the same time looked at the martial arts bear master, Geng ghost, flame chicken and giant golden monster with complicated eyes.

We are just two ordinary human beings, it shouldn’t be like this!!

"Where are the others here〃¨?" Lin Feng asked first.

Hearing Lin Feng's question, Zhen Xing and Cang Shan closed their eyes and closed their mouths, apparently not intending to cooperate.

Seeing this, Ke Meng sneered: "It's almost time to die, so let's confess as soon as possible."

Committing crimes against the wind and mining ore illegally on a large scale, it is estimated that he will spend the next ten years in prison.

Seeing that the two of them didn't plan to answer his question, Lin Feng chuckled and said, "It's okay, we'll search later and we should be able to find them."

Hearing this, Zhen Xing's expression remained unchanged, his eyes and nose were watching his heart, and he didn't respond.

On the other hand, Cangshan's body trembled slightly, obviously struggling in his heart.

Lin Feng watched the reaction of the two, and narrowed his eyes.

Zhenxing is one of the four major cadres of the Galaxy team. He was promoted by Chiri to have his current status. He is highly valued by Chiri and has extremely high organizational loyalty. Unless he uses special means, he cannot speak.

On the other side, Cangshan was not wearing the Galaxy team uniform, and his status was lower than that of Zhenxing. He was obviously not a core member, and such a person was easier to attack.

Thoughts flashed, and Dawu's voice rang in my ears.

"What kind of organization are you? How dare you illegally mine ore on a large scale in the secret realm of Tianguan Mountain. Do you know that this is strictly prohibited by the alliance!"

The two of them also showed no reaction, as if they were not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Feng asked Ke Meng and Ke Qingyu to continue to search for the rest of the people here.

They are not combatants, two people are enough to deal with them, but for the sake of safety, Lin Feng asked Martial Dao Xiongshi to go with them.

Dawu asked several questions in a row, but the two still didn't speak, but he was not discouraged, and his expression was calm.

If it is so simple to betray the organization, then the loyalty of the two will be marked with a big question mark.

Such an organization is bound to be a mess.

His task is to bring all the people here back to the outside world, and these problems can be solved by professionals in the alliance.

Their methods made all the criminals terrified.

"I'll do it." Lin Feng patted Dawu on the shoulder, smiling warmly, making one feel refreshed.

He glanced at the two Zhen Xing who still had their eyes closed, and first said: "Okay, stop here, Team Galaxy."

The moment they heard about the Galaxy team, Zhenxing and Cangshan opened their eyes instantly. The former's eyes were round and he said in disbelief: "Impossible! How do you know!"

At this time, the Galaxy team is still hidden in the dark, and few people know about it.

Lin Feng didn't answer his question, only to see Geng Gui drifting into his eyes, the scarlet pupils flickering with strange light.

A deep tiredness hit Zhen Xing, he tried his best to stay awake, but his eyelids, which were getting drowsy, started to fight, and his vision was gradually occupied by darkness.

Looking at Zhen Xing who fell into a sleep state, Cang Shan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Lin Feng did not intend to continue asking questions, and was going to send himself and others to the outside world to be judged by the alliance.

However, the next scene made Cangshan tremble, and fear appeared in his eyes.


Lin Feng snapped his fingers, and Geng Gui laughed strangely, with a strange black light in his eyes, and used [Nightmare] at Zhen Xing who was in a sleeping state.

[Nightmare], let the opponent in the sleeping state have nightmares, and the life value will slowly decrease every round.

Soon, Zhen Xing was trembling all over, his eyes were ferocious and terrifying, his face showed a look of fear for a while, and frightened for a while, his hands were trembling constantly, his teeth were clenched, as if he was enduring unimaginable pain.

Looking at this scene, Lin Feng realized that the effect of Geng Gui's trick on elves and humans was completely different.

Humans are far less powerful than elves, and their resistance is very low. When they fall into a nightmare state, their life is worse than death.

Zhen Xing in front of him is a living example.

"Cough cough."

Thinking of this, Lin Feng coughed lightly, and suddenly felt like a cruel and ruthless villain.

"It's all for the cabbage." After a while, Lin Feng gave an answer with peace of mind.

The Galaxy team will wreak havoc on the Sinnoh area in the future, causing disasters in order to capture the beasts, which seriously affects Sirona.

After all, she will be the champion of Sinnoh in the future, and she cannot escape the blame for major problems in the Sinnoh region.

Since Lin Feng met the Galaxy team, he naturally had to find a way to kill it in the cradle as soon as possible, or weaken its strength.

For cabbage, he is willing to be misunderstood.

Sure enough, looking at Zhen Xing's tragic situation, Dawu looked at Lin Feng with even weirder eyes, and for a moment he couldn't tell who was the bad guy.

Afterwards, Lin Feng turned his head to look at Cangshan who was beside Zhen Xing, just as he cast his gaze over, the latter seemed to be stimulated, showing an expression uglier than crying, his whole body was shaking with fat, he raised his hands and said: ".々 Brother, don't mess with me, I'll do it all."

Lin Feng cast a gratifying look and nodded.

Seeing that Lin Feng agreed, Cang Shan breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Zhen Xing who was full of pain from the corner of his eyes, exhaled deeply, and then said: "This brother, and the champion of Dawu, my name is Cang Shan, and I am a member of the Galaxy team. a member."

Galaxy team?

Dawu squinted his eyes, first glanced at Lin Feng who had known about this organization for a long time, and then looked at Zhen Xing thoughtfully.

"His name is Zhen Xing, he is me... one of the four major cadres of their Galaxy team, a heavenly king-level trainer, and a capable general for the leader of the red sun."

Afterwards, Cangshan described the development process and general strength of the Galaxy team, as well as his own position in it.

"Brother, I'm really just a neglected member. I was sent here to guard the mine, and I can't go out a few times throughout the year."

Lin Feng chuckled when he heard the words, and said, "Not being taken seriously? I'm afraid you have a lot of status in charge of this mine located in the secret place of Tianguan Mountain."

Cangshan laughed.

(De Nuo's) Lin Feng's voice continued to ring: "Okay, tell us, where is the entrance to the outside world?"

Hearing this, Cangshan was taken aback. He didn't expect Lin Feng to say such a secret thing in one go, and his tone was very sure.

Cangshan struggled for a while, then whispered: "In my office."

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