Pokemon: Dominate the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice

Elves: Dominate the Alliance from the Bear Apprentice Chapter 369

Lin Tianwang's arrival in Lincang Town was a sensational news for such a small town.

"Lin Tianwang, these are my parents." Only Lei'er and Lei's parents are still here.

"Lin Tianwang, I have admired your name for a long time." Lei's parents respectfully greeted him.

"I feel that the two look familiar, as if I've seen them somewhere before." Lin Feng looked at the two in front of him, always feeling a little familiar.

Lei's father and Lei's mother smiled at each other, and Lei's father replied: "At the Donghuang Conference ten years ago, she and I were the final finalists."

Hearing this, Lin Feng suddenly nodded.

He heard this widely circulated story, two quasi-king-level trainers stood on the final stage of the Donghuang Conference, the boys lost, but they married the trainer who defeated him back home.

The standard loses the game and wins life.

"What! Donghuang Conference! Finals!" Lei'er stared wide-eyed.

Chapter 477 Appearance! Sarud!

Lei'er turned her head and looked at her parents with incredible eyes.

In her impression, her parents are just like other uncles and aunts in the town, they are so ordinary.

The buddhist and gentle father, the strict and careful mother.

Plus myself, formed an ordinary family.

But what did she hear now, that her parents had participated in the highest event, the Donghuang Conference, and even made it to the finals? ? ?

For a moment, Lei'er's heart surged, she blinked and stared at Lei's parents and mothers.

Seeing this, Lei's mother smiled dumbly, then pushed her glasses, and said softly: "Come out."

In an instant, ripples appeared in the space beside Mama Lei, and a figure of an elf emerged. It was slender, with a triangular head, and four launch-like holes at the corners extending to both sides. And the end of its tail is somewhat transparent, like a ghost floating in the air.

[Elf: Duolong Baruto

Ability: Eternal Pure Body

Level: LV75]

Heavenly King Duolong Baruto!

Duolong Baruto, a rising star in the dragon system, with its excellent speed and good output foundation, it has won many times the initiative in the battle, coupled with the "two six seven" Hengjing The convenience brought by the characteristics of the body has become a popular battle.

It's a pity that Duolong Baruto, as a quasi-god spirit, is rare in number, and there are very few trainers who own it.

At the beginning, it was this multi-dragon Baruto that Lei's mother defeated Lei's father's fire-breathing dragon. At that time, the two elves were only quasi-king-level strength.

Ten years later, the two have become fathers and mothers, and the two elves have also broken through to the heavenly king level.

After some introductions, Lei's parents and Lei's mother invited Lin Feng to their home as a guest.

The night covers the entire Kunlun Mountains, the bright moonlight covers the earth with a light and soft veil, and Lincang Town in the dark is calm and peaceful.

The fire-breathing dragon lay on its back in the yard, staring at Lei'er who was playing with Nidoro with one eye open, while Zeraora closed her eyes tightly and sat quietly aside.

In the cozy cabin, Lin Feng and Lei's parents were talking.

"After the Donghuang Conference, the two of us were tired of the fast-paced life in the city. It happened that the Elven Association needed two trainers to stay in Kunlun Mountain for a long time, so we decided to settle here." Papa Lei held Mama Lei's hands tightly. , said with a smile.

Accompanied by green mountains and green waters.

Seeing Lin Feng's thoughtful expression, Mother Lei added, "Tianwang Lin must know that Kunlun Mountain is very important to Donghuang, and it needs to be strictly guarded."

"On the surface, the garrison force is Miss Junsha, but secretly it is the two of us."

Dad Lei went on to say: "In the past ten years, we have encountered poaching teams, evil organizations, and attacks by elves, and everything has been resolved smoothly."

"However, some time ago, I suddenly felt a little restless. I always felt that something terrible happened in the depths of Kunlun Mountain." Lei's mother said softly.

After hearing these words, Lin Feng suddenly nodded, looked at the two and said, "This is the reason why I came to Kunlun Mountain this time."

Later, after confirming that the two were indeed members of the association stationed here, Lin Feng informed them of the basic information of the mission.

"Could it be caused by humans?" Papa Lei made a guess.

"It's not impossible." Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"No matter what, I need to go to the depths of Kunlun Mountain to find out the detailed reasons." Lin Feng continued.

Hearing this, Lei's parents and Lei's mother looked at each other, and they both understood what the other was thinking, so they said in unison: "Lin Tianwang, we will go with you."

Lin Feng looked at the two of them in surprise, and said with a smile: "No, you can just stay at home."

"I have everything."

Lei's father shook his head and explained: "Now that Lei'er has grown up, we don't need the two of us to stay by our side all the time."

"The trees in Kunlun Mountain are tall and block the light. In addition, the roads in it are twists and turns, and there are many steep cliffs. It is extremely dangerous to get lost or fall off the cliff."

"My husband and I have lived here for ten years, and we are fairly familiar with Kunlun Mountains. We can show King Lin the way forward. Although it won't be of great help, it will save you a lot of trouble."

Lin Feng pondered for a long time, and finally nodded: "Alright, then we will set off tomorrow morning."

After some conversation, Lin Feng got up and went to the elf center.

"Get all the equipment you need ready."

"Bring more insect repellent, there are a lot of mosquitoes on Kunlun Mountain recently." Papa Lei muttered as he packed his equipment.

"Sure enough, King Lin is just as rumored. Not only is his strength unfathomable, but his personality is also so approachable." Mama Lei sighed.

She saw the Zeraora just now clearly, and it was undoubtedly a champion-level strength.

And at Lin Feng's feet, there was even a strange aura surging, which made Doron Baruto, who was hiding in the shadows, startled all the time.

This is a powerful breath that cannot be resisted.

"I really don't understand why Lin Tianwang has improved so fast..." Papa Lei shook his head, unable to understand this matter.

However, in the next second, Lei's father suddenly smiled, and said to Lei's mother: "No one would have thought that the champion and runner-up of the Donghuang Conference would go to serve as guides for others."

Lei's mother glanced at him lightly, and said: "It is our honor to be Lin Tianwang's guide."

"I just hope to have a good relationship with Lin Tianwang." Lei's father turned his head to look at Lei'er outside the door, and said softly.

When Leier is destined to become a trainer, if she has a good relationship with Lin Tianwang, her future will be smooth sailing.

next morning,

When the first ray of sunlight entered Lincang Town, Lei's parents and Lei's mother came to the entrance of the town and saw Lin Feng who was observing the statue.

"Lin Tianwang, this statue has some history..." Seeing this, Lei's father took the initiative to say.

Lin Feng smiled and interrupted: "Lei'er told me this story last night."

"I just wanted to ask you a question, do you believe this story?"

The two thought for a moment, then nodded at the same time: "I believe."

This story is unremarkable, and there are no incomprehensible factors in it. It can be regarded as a very common hero legend.

And this kind of story is very credible, not to mention there are still statues that have been handed down to this day.

Lin Feng didn't comment, and he and the two began to move towards the depths of Kunlun Mountain.

Along the way, Papa Lei frowned slightly, staring at Zeraora next to Lin Feng, recalling the statue just now.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide suddenly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Lin Tianwang." After hesitating again and again, he still spoke.

When Lin Feng turned his head and looked around, Papa Lei considered his words and said, "Tianwang Lin, the elf statue on the left just now seems a bit like your elf..."

Hearing this, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, recalled the appearance of the elf statue on the left, and looked at Zeraora carefully, his eyes flickering.

After Lei's father said so, it is indeed very similar.

There is also Mewtwo, Zeraora, and the warrior named Feng. The more Lin Feng thinks about it, the more frightened he becomes.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, Lin Feng returned to normal, nodded and said: "It seems that I have subdued the same spirit as this warrior named Feng."

He looked at the rolling hills in the distance, and heard the rustling sound in his ears, realizing that maybe the truth was getting closer and closer to him.

The three of them walked all the way towards the depths of Kunlun Mountain. The beautiful trees were verdant, the tall trees covered the sun, and the ground was full of weeds, which made the walking speed of the three slow down.

"Strange, why are there so few elves here?" Mama Lei suddenly glanced around and asked in confusion.

In the past, when they entered Kunlun Mountain, wild elves kept appearing one after another, and they were overwhelmed.

However, going forward today, I didn't meet too many wild elves on the road.

Lei's father nodded in agreement, looked around, and said in a low voice: "It's really strange."

"Go ahead." Lin Feng said calmly.

The three continued to move forward, and as they got deeper and deeper into Kunlun Mountain, more and more elves appeared around them.

But according to Lei's father and mother, there is still a certain gap in the number compared with before.

It's as if part of the wild elves disappeared out of thin air.

"I don't know if you have noticed a phenomenon." Lin Feng said abruptly.

"The elves here seem to be heading in the same direction." Lin Feng squatted on the ground and looked at the footprints left by the wild elves for a long time, then said.

Hearing this, Dad Lei thought for a moment, and finally nodded suddenly: "Yes! It seems that they are really going in the same direction."

In the next second, the three of them looked to the northeast at the same time.

"It seems that there is an answer there." Lin Feng said in a low voice with flickering eyes.

"Let's go and move on."

The further you go, the more twists and turns the road becomes. No, it cannot be called Road 5.2.

This is a trail that was forcibly carved out in the cramped and dark woods, splitting the branches blocking the way, clearing the fallen trunks, and then moving forward.

At noon, the three found an open space where they ate and rested.

The boring advance continued until after five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was already hanging precariously in the west.

"This is already in the depths of Kunlun Mountains. We have reached here the farthest before." Papa Lei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, pointing to the valley ahead.

"Let's camp here to rest at night." Lin Feng suggested after thinking for a moment.

"No problem." The two replied in unison.

The three of them stepped forward and walked towards the valley ahead, but Zeraora suddenly took a step forward and put on a fighting stance facing the front.

In the next second, two figures flashed past and appeared in front of the three of them.

Black hair covering the whole body, gray hair on the abdomen and back form a special pattern, and vines are wrapped around the hands.

[Elf: Sarud

Ability: Leaf Defense

Level: Lv74]

[Elf: Sarud

Ability: Leaf Defense

Level: Lv75].

Chapter 478: Goodbye Chaomeng

"Sarund, how is it possible?" Papa Lei's eyes were wide open, his face full of disbelief.

Sarud is a fantasy Pokémon that has only been discovered in recent years. They inhabit the depths of dense forests in groups and are particularly aggressive. They will show hostility to existences other than their companions and attack indiscriminately.

So far, there are only three known habitats of Sarud, all of which are located in extremely dangerous forests.

When did the two Sarud live in the depths of Kunlun Mountains?


Salund's scarlet eyes stared at the three of them, his eyes were cold and terrifying, and his hostility was undisguised.

Then it turned its head to look at the three elves, its eyes were slightly slow, but still full of vigilance.

The three who were proficient in Elvish understood what Sarud meant.

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