"To be elegant, to be elegant, to be elegant, to be elegant..."

Back in the hallway of the bedroom, Gadria was there as if she was stunned, making Shi Lan, the housekeeper who was walking behind her, smile bitterly, always feeling that Gadria was not enchanted.

Unlike those housekeepers who completely obey the master's orders, Shi Lan, who was originally a powerful trainer, agreed to become a butler to take care of her because of her employment and pity for Gadria, and he was not so much a housekeeper as Gadria's elder.

He will resolutely stop some of Gadelia's nonsense, which is why Gadria does not find her housekeeper when she has crazy thoughts, because she knows that Shi Lan will definitely refuse and educate her~.

At the fork in the road, Gadria finally came to her senses and said to the butler who followed behind: "... Shi Lan, I'll go to rest first, you go to rest too-. "

"See you tomorrow then, Miss!"

Mr. Butler smiled and bent slightly to watch Gadria's back disappear between the floors of the stateclass, before he shook his head and turned to leave.

When he saw that Ryusuke was able to suppress Gadria's superpower, the housekeeper Shi Lan was also very happy, if Ryusuke could follow Gadria's side, then Gadria would gradually control her superpowers, slowly become a normal person, can communicate with others, and can live like an ordinary person.

But the premise of all this is that in the case of the Royal Dragon Introduction Association voluntarily agreed, if the other party did not agree, although regrettable, Shi Lan can only accept it, compared to Gadria who has a somewhat perverse personality, the housekeeper Shi Lan is a very honest person.

Gadria, who walked back to her bedroom a little lonely, suddenly saw a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye, and she said 'heh' softly, and her face immediately showed joy.


After temporarily parting from Ash, Miryusuke came to the restaurant specially prepared for VIP guests in the special class, this is a secluded restaurant that only entertains guests in the first class, and the chef is also a top chef from different parts of the world, when Miryusuke came to the restaurant, there were no guests here, and after satisfying his appetite, he returned to his guest room to rest.

Before the crossing, Ryusuke was an ordinary person, and now he can feel the prosperity of the upper class, he naturally will not pretentiously refuse, all this is what he has obtained by working hard, and it is not like those rich second generations, there is no need to pay anything.

Find a set of dark casual clothes from the waist bag, the night probe 'St. Anno' is not suitable for wearing this red suit, come to the 'St. Anno' he is here to rest and enjoy life, as for the promise of Ash is also convenient, but since he agreed, he will help with his heart.

Taking off his suit jacket and tugging at the shirt inside, there was a sudden knock on the door of the house, and Ryusuke thought that Ash was coming, and he didn't think much about it: "... Come in, I don't lock the door! "

"Ash, you came really early, just in such a hurry... Hey? It turned out to be Miss Gadria. "

Miryusuke felt the person behind him approaching, and was wondering why Ash was suddenly so quiet, he turned around and saw that he was thinking wrong.

Her hair more delicate than the golden sand, the grace of a princess, and her delicate white face tell the beauty of a fairy tale, she complements the luxury of this luxurious cabin, as if these elegant furnishings exist for her.

An impeccable beautiful girl.

"Just call me Gadria, Dragon."

At this time, Gadria grabbed the corner of her skirt with a ladylike style, so that the beautiful legs wrapped under the dress revealed a mysterious corner, and the calves were as tender and white as white lotus, and she bent her knees slightly to show respect.

"You've investigated my identity... I know why you came to me, but coming uninvited is not a lady's behavior. "

"No, you don't know, I..."

Gadria's face was anxious, she thought that Ryusuke was going to refuse again, and she wanted to explain in detail in a hurry.

Ryusuke raised a finger and used his superpowers to shut her up directly.

The girl couldn't open her mouth no matter how hard she spoke, and could only make a 'woo-woo' sound.

Mi Ryusuke just smiled and said, "... Of course I know why you came to me, uncontrollable superpowers, superpowers that will bring disaster, can't contact normal people, are disgusted by everyone, disgusted by their own family, and even disappoint their parents, can only live alone in an uninhabited castle, standing on the balcony and watching the moon look at the shadow of self-pity, there is no one else around except the butler, and even afraid that one day even the housekeeper will abandon him, leaving pure despair! "

Although Ryusuke Miyusuke has not investigated Gadria, it is very simple to guess Gadria's life from the gossip whispers in the casino and from the uncontrollable fluctuations of her superpowers.

········ Ask for flowers...

Because her life is a mixture of simplicity and despair.


Gadria's pupils shrank, as if she had been told the most painful point in her heart by Ryusuke, and Ryusuke lifted the restrictions on her language, but Gadria opened her cherry lips and tried hard for a long time but couldn't say a word.

It was the sadness and weakness that people least wanted to see, but they were watched like this and torn off mercilessly.

"You... Now that you know... Why, why refuse me ?! "

Gadria widened her beautiful eyes, even if her eyes were still beautiful like fragile porcelain dolls, her face was a little obedient and crazy, eager and hoarse shouting, if not for the sound insulation of the stateclass is very perfect, it is estimated that it will attract the attention of countless people.

... 0

Gadria she has completely can't tell, whether it is her easily angry personality that causes the loss of control of superpowers, or because the loss of control of superpowers affects her personality, the relationship between cause and effect is endless, and she has completely fallen into a state of chaos.

Whether it's restraining her anger or trying to control her superpowers, she won't become like this if she can get results, but sadly she can't do anything.

"Why did I promise to help you?"

Ryusuke looked at Gadria strangely, even if it is the eldest miss, even if it is to ask for someone, it can't be too presumptuous, Miryusuke is very busy, he still has a lot of important things to complete, where is the time to play with a big miss.

His time is precious.

"What do you want? As long as you say it, as long as I have it, I will give it to you, even if I don't, I will help you find it! "

Gadria found herself increasingly unable to control her emotions, her superpowers began to riot, she was terrified, she was afraid, she prayed, she longed.

Ryusuke frowned, grabbed the gentleman's staff next to him and pointed it at Gadria's heart again, completely dispersing the other party's superpower that was about to erupt, and then he was like a wizard from 'Hogwarts', under Gadria's exclamation, he waved the cane in his hand and threw the girl into the bed with his superpower for a long time. _

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