"Master Ball, that Pokeball that any elf in legend can absolutely catch?"

Before Ryusuke could speak, Xiao Xia on the side came over and looked at the Spirit Ball in Ryusuke's hand with a curious face, obviously even if she was a dojo trainer in Hualan City, she had never seen such a legendary thing.

"It's not so exaggerated, the principle that the elf ball can catch the elf is to deplete the elf's physical strength as much as possible before throwing the elf ball, only in this way can the elf hit with the ball, and let the elf have no strength to break free from the ball, the wild elf follows the rules of natural survival of the fittest, generally after being defeated and caught, it will obey the command of the winner, but the elf just caught is just following the command, if you want to make yourself and the elf have a heart-to-heart connection, you still need to cultivate enough bonds with the elf。 "

Dr. Ohki came over, explaining the habits of elves studied by humans and some unknown secrets about elves, as one of the most authoritative experts in the world, what he said immediately aroused everyone's interest, Xiaber as a scientist mainly studies about heredity and genetic problems, and the study of elves' habits is obviously not as good as Dr. Ohki.

"...this master ball made by Shiruf company, made of rare materials in the world, it is extremely strong and strong, plus the difficulty of the production process, it is very rare, I have only seen it once before when I participated in the academic seminar held by Shiruf company, this kind of poké ball as long as it can hit the elf, because of the particularity of its craftsmanship and materials, any elf can not break the elf ball from the inside to break free, as for whether the legendary elf can catch me I don't know, because there are no examples to follow。 "

"But even if you can catch the legendary elves, it is almost impossible to make them obedient, from the human record, those elves have extremely self-will and extremely high wisdom, and even themselves are the embodiment of the rules of nature, unless some special means are used, I am afraid that they can only rely on the feelings shared by humans and elves." "

Dr. Ohki smiled heartily, he seemed very happy to explain some knowledge to people, this may be the so-called instinct of scholars and teachers, you must know that Dr. Ohki has many students, it can be said that he is full of peach and plum, otherwise he would not have such a high status.

"That is, those legendary elves are simply impossible to catch?"

Ryusuke frowned, quite itchy, the master ball is such a thing, in this realistic elf world he doesn't know how to use it, but in the game, Ryusuke uses the master ball to catch the most powerful legendary elf in each generation of the game, and after seeing the terrifying power of Mewtwo, no matter who is estimated to covet the power of those legendary elves.

Only from the power shown by Mewtwo before, Ryusuke is very convinced that even if he is now a half-hanged trainer, he returns to the original world with Mewtwo, and it is easy to eliminate the Pacific Fleet of the United States, even if it is a giant aircraft carrier at sea, in the face of Mewtwo's superpower, it is just a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, although the various weapons and missiles of human science and technology are powerful, but in the face of the flexible type of Mewtwo, it is simply difficult to hit, even if it is hit, with the superpower skills of various protective abilities mastered by Mewtwo, the general missile weapon is estimated to have no effect on it。

Previously, Xia Bo said that the horror of Mewtwo can destroy the world Ryusuke did not believe it, but now he has completely believed, maybe Mewtwo can not destroy the world by material destruction, but it is absolutely possible to eliminate humans and human civilization, one move to paralyze human cities into ruins, followed by leaving to the next place, as long as the tactics are used properly, whether it is this elven world or the original world, humans can not resist the power of Mewtwo.

Among all the legendary elves, Mewtwo's direct expression power may not be the strongest, but it is definitely the most complex and changeable ability, and its comprehensive strength is definitely in the strongest column!

"The wildness of elves is also one of the topics I have studied, why elves with trainers are so different from wild elves, I have been curious to study, and finally I found that wild elves follow pure instinct when fighting, which gives them strength, but this instinctive wildness also limits their learning experience from battle. "

"The elves caught by humans will slowly lose their wildness after long-term contact with humans, and they rely on the combination of elves' 'power' and human 'intelligence' when fighting with trainers, which is also the different direction of human and elf evolution, and because elves lose most of the wild restrictions, elves with trainers also have the ability to learn experience, which will make them stronger more easily. "

“...... However, this is not without drawbacks, because they lose their wildness, so when the elves who have the trainer do not have the command of the trainer, they will become overwhelmed, so to speak, the elves in this state and the trainer are already inseparable. "

Dr. Ohki winked at Ryusuke and said mysteriously, "... The legendary elves are also elves, and they will also follow the behavior habits of the elves, in addition to using special means to seize and control them, or have emotional bonds with them, in fact, they can also be defeated again and again with strong strength, so that they completely surrender. "

Dr. Ohki's words made several people laugh, if the legendary elves are defeated so easily, then humans will not be on this path of harmonious development between man and nature, it is precisely because of the strength of those legendary elves, in the past wars because of the defeat of human beings, will embark on such a development path, people who can achieve the level that Dr. Ohki said, I am afraid that only the real trainers at the top of the world can do it.

Ryusuke is very sad for the human beings in this world, Mewtwo is already so terrible, think of those few elves who are not much different from Mewtwo's strength, plus a group of elves with inferior strength, their combined power is really enough to destroy human civilization several times, no wonder ancient human civilization has been annihilated I don't know how many times.

"These are not the things you want to think about, let's talk about the more important things now..."

Xia Bo interrupted Dr. Ohki, "... I expected this situation before, when escaping from the institute, I stole the master ball belonging to Team Rocket, the liquid in this master ball is the gene adjustment liquid in the culture tank of Mewtwo before, as long as Mewtwo is in these liquids, its genes will be slowly debugged, how long it will take I dare not determine, but it must not be too long, before the gene of Mewtwo is completely adjusted, it has a strict limit on the time it can fight each time, and your body will collapse after time。 "

Xia Bo frowned again when he said this, touched his chin and said, "... Before, I thought that the Master Ball was strong enough and should not be destroyed, but I saw in the institute that Mewtwo could tear those Shiruf steels, and I would make some genetic adjustment liquid after I went back and inject them into several high-level balls to send to you, just in case this Master Ball was really destroyed, so that Mewtwo had nowhere to go. "

Listening to Xia Bo's words, Ryusuke was also at ease, although this old man was seduced by his own desires and hopes before, and committed many wrong things, but he was not bad in nature, and as a scientist, he was thoughtful and prepared for many possible things in advance.

"Why do the Rockets have a Masterball?"

Mi Ryusuke picked up the ball in his hand, all the poké balls are made of special materials, only when you take the poké ball to your eyes, you will find that half of the poké ball is actually transparent, you can easily see the elf inside, and if it is slightly farther away, people see the opaque color, in case someone steals what the elf you are going to use with your sight.

Mewtwo sat in the genetic fluid in the Pokéball as if resting, and when Ryusuke opened his eyes and smiled at him.

"Jiejun, you are very sensitive and sensual, in fact, the elf alliance has long suspected that the rocket team is related to the Shiruf company, the rocket team was created at least thirty years ago, the past rocket team is just a small illegal organization, although it will do some things that violate the law, but they are all within the controllable range, the rocket team appeared at the beginning is to do some secret business for the Shiruf company, but the Xiluf company, as the largest manufacturing enterprise in the Guandu area, is a giant company in the entire alliance, and it has extremely advanced technology, and the alliance turns a blind eye to the existence of the rocket team。 "

Xia Bo shook his head, as if dissatisfied with the appeasement policy of the Elven Alliance in the past, "... It's just that no one expected that the rocket team would develop so fast, and now the rocket team even feels very tricky in the league, I am afraid that Shiruf company has long lost control of the rocket team, the person who directed the rocket team behind the scenes is really powerful, has not exposed himself for so many years, and developed the rocket team into this. "

"Jiejun, you need to be careful, Team Rocket will definitely not let you go easily now that you have ruined their most important plan and taken away the finished goods of the plan, I can see that you really want to become an elf trainer, and you will definitely travel and train in the Guandu region and even other areas in the future, which will give Team Rocket an opportunity." "

Dr. Ohki pressed Ryusuke's shoulder hard, his hand was very strong, which made Ryusuke very surprised that such an old man still had so much strength, "... Don't rely too much on Mewtwo, which will get in the way of becoming a powerful trainer, but don't hesitate to use it when you encounter real danger, no matter what, your life is the most important thing. "

Dr. Ohki's words were heavy, but the strong concern in them warmed people's hearts, and Ryusuke nodded vigorously and said gratefully: "... I know what to do Dr. Ohki! "

"Well, in the institute I knew that you are different from other children, you are more precocious than most children, and I believe you will be able to grasp that degree." "

Xiaoxia on the side did not speak, but her face was a little gloomy when talking about Team Rocket, and every time she opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she wanted to say nothing.

Dr. Ohki and Xia Bo's attention was on Ryusuke Mikasuke, and did not notice Xiao Kasumi's inappropriateness, and Mi Ryusuke, as a young and cute teenager, compared to the two old men, he paid more attention to the beautiful girl next to him, and found that something was wrong with Xiao Kasumi, and Mi Ryusuke asked with concern: "... Is it because you are not feeling well?"

Xiao Xia, who had a gloomy face, came back to her senses, and she quickly showed a sunny smile and said, "... It's okay, it's okay, it's just remembering something unhappy ... By the way, Jiejun, are you going to become a trainer, then we will still meet in the future, and when you come to Hualan City and want to challenge my dojo, I will not show mercy to my subordinates. "

The girl blinked, and her lively tone made the atmosphere cheerful again.

"Hahaha, Jiejun, you have to be careful, Xiaoxia won a high rank in the last Guandu Conference, and after her unremitting efforts, she defeated many challengers and successfully inherited the Hualan Taoist Hall at home. "

The vigor of the young girl made the two old men feel a lot better, and joked on the side.

"Then I think it's better to let Xiaoxia show some mercy to my subordinates." "

Miryusuke shrugged, made a somewhat afraid look, and joked.

He knows that the Taoist hall owner in this world is very powerful, as the Taoist hall owner, their status is actually equivalent to the shi chief of the city to which they belong, but they don't do clerical work, they are like the city's sea god needle, and other trainers or Taoist gym trainers belonging to the same city jointly guard the safety of the city, and can even be understood as the army guarding the city.

Just like Xia Bo is actually a scientist, as the owner of the Red Lotus Taoist Hall, he is not the strongest compared to other dojo hall owners in terms of strength, even so, he can face hundreds of militarized trained rocket team elites alone, if it were not for the protection of Ryusuke and Dr. Ohki, who had no combat effectiveness at that time, he alone could defeat hundreds of elves with six elves as long as he was not restricted to the terrain.

"Xia Bo, where are you going next?"

After saying some more gossip and everyone had almost recovered their physical strength, everyone knew that a temporary separation was coming, and Dr. Ohki looked at Xia Bo with a worried tone.

"I am ready to return to Red Lotus Island, as the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place, I have a secret research institute that I established myself under the Red Lotus Taoist Hall, no one knows its existence, as long as you hide there, but the Taoist Hall is temporarily unable to open..."

"...this time Team Rocket's plan is completely destroyed, all the materials and materials are destroyed by Mewtwo, they will not give up, even if this time Mewtwo can create success more by relying on miracles, even if there are more dream genes and experimental data, it is impossible to create a second Mewtwo again, but Team Rocket will not give up even if they know this, this is the plan they spent twenty years researching, and now their behind-the-scenes mastermind is absolutely angry and irrational, Ohki, what are you going to do next." ?"

"I will go back to the institute in True New Town. "

Dr. Ohki said of course.

"Back to True New Town? It's so conspicuous, isn't this a door-to-door for Team Rockets?"

Xia Bo's tone was anxious.

"No, I have to go back to Zhenxin Town, I can give up anything, but I won't give up there, this is my lifelong dream, more important than my life... When I go back, I will call on the trainers and the league to carry out a new round of attacks on the Rockets in my own name, and they should not be too active in a short period of time, and they will temporarily hibernate. "

Seeing Dr. Ohki so firm, Xia Bo was not persuading, and he always felt that this old man was actually hidden deeply, and he couldn't see through him at all.

Would you like to come with me to Shinshin Town, which was born in Tokiwa City, which also belongs to the villages and towns under Tokiwa City, which is also your hometown. "

Dr. Ohki said to Ryusuke in a sincere tone.


Just hesitating slightly, Miryusuke just nodded and said, "... Okay, then I'll go back to Zhenxin Town with you, Dr. Ohki, in fact, I don't have any land to go to now. "

Ryusuke smiled a little bitterly, he didn't know anyone in this world, nor did he have any relatives and friends, to say that the closest people except for Mewtwo in the Spirit Ball he held in his hand, only Xia Bo and Dr. Ohki in front of him, as for Xiaoxia, he just met, and the two sides didn't even have more contact and communication.

"After arriving in Zhenxin Town, Jiejun will treat it as his own home, and treat me as your relative... Xiaoxia please please next please, please use your water system elf to take us to Zhenxin Town, which is not too far from Zhenxin Town. "

Dr. Ohki said to Xiaoxia on the side.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Xiao Xia patted her chest and assured, although Miyusuke felt that her chest was really a little... Small....

"Then I also leave and return to Red Lotus Island, Jiejun, I hope that by the next time I see you, you have become an excellent trainer!"

Natsuber gave a thumbs up to Ryusuke, and he threw the Poké Ball and jumped onto the back of Charizard, flying away from the reef and heading southwest under the roar of Charizard.

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