(I will go to the wedding tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and it will be updated, but the update time and number of updates are not guaranteed.) )


The sound of shattering mirrors came from a house in Ziyuan Town.

"Hmph, well done, boy. "

Kikuko looked at the broken mirror in front of her and snorted a few times, her tone was appreciative, and she also had a very indifferent attitude towards her failure.

"Hakron is the dragon with the most special abilities, in addition to being able to freely manipulate the weather, it can also achieve free control of energy, but I didn't expect that kid's Hakron could also do this, it should be specially trained, and I have only seen it on the Harklong of Dudu before. "

Kikuko whispered, and she shook her head, as if dissatisfied with her carelessness.

Ordinary elves can only stare at the straight launch of the energy pillar after using the skill of "Destruction Death Light", and some powerful trained elves can slightly control the angle of the energy light beam after emitting the "Destruction Death Light", so as to greatly increase the hit rate.

Only if the Harkon has undergone special training, evolved perfectly, and tapped its own potential, it can be freely manipulated like a cruise missile with energy-type skill attacks such as "Destroying Death Light", not to mention the operation of turning a few corners, even if it is to draw in the sky with "Destruction Death Light".

Previously, Miryusuke asked Hakron to hit the "Destruction Death Light" from the Ghost Tower to the outside, and then let this energy pillar go around the Ghost Tower from the outside for a full half circle, and finally hit the large-mouthed bat from behind after destroying the opposite wall, catching Kikuko by surprise.

Although Harkon has a gap with its evolutionary fast dragon in terms of skill power and its own strength, but its special ability makes it more useful in the rapidly changing battlefield and various environments, Ryusuke has used Harkon as an auxiliary position in his team from the beginning, as for the warrior who charges ahead, it is enough to bite the land shark in the future.

There was also a large-mouthed bat hanging upside down in front of Kikuko, and she took out a broken mirror in the mouth of the large-mouthed bat, which was specially modified to accept the ultrasound of the large-mouthed bat.

Before Kikuko controlled Achio's large-mouthed bat to detect the entire ghost tower with ultrasound, her own large-mouthed bat received these ultrasounds as a receiver, and then sent the picture of the ghost tower into the mirror in her mouth, so that Kikuko could do the incredible thing of commanding the battle in the ghost tower in the town.

She slowly walked to the table on the side, picked up a pen with a solemn face and wrote in a notebook:

"Through this experiment, it can be proved that the limitations of the elf's thinking can be exploited, and the experiment of using the special ability of the ghost to manipulate the trainer and then manipulate the other party's elf is slightly flawed, but overall it is successful, and it can be used in the next plan with slight changes." "

“...... Through the research paper on the ecology of elf communities written by Ohki, I may be able to use the group life status of elves to manipulate wild elves without subjugating each other, but this still needs to be supported by certain experimental data. "

"The elf's loyalty to his master is unquestionable, unless the master completely breaks the elf's heart, the elf will never betray, but whether this 'foolish loyalty' with limited thinking is worth praise, then it is a matter of opinion. "

Kikuko is more of a researcher than a four-heavenly king, and after recording her experimental data, she has also completed the work of the past two months.

When Kikuko closed the notebook in his hand, a purple mist suddenly appeared in this room, and the mist gradually gathered into a ghost, the state of the ghost was very embarrassing, the body was much thinner, and at the last moment, a "dragon's wrath" hit by the fangs land shark made it very sad.

"Well done, Ghost. "

For her elves, Kikuko never spares praise.

"Hee haha~~~"

Ghost's voice was like a ghost's treacherous laugh, Kikuko took out the Pokeball and took the ghost and the large-mouthed bat back, a pair of evil ghost eyes suddenly appeared in the shadow under her feet, the strange eyes seemed to laugh and cry, and Kikuko held his notes, and the whole person was sucked into it by the shadow and slowly disappeared.

But where Kikuko couldn't see, even she didn't notice it, another person was secretly watching here, stealing Kikuko's research results.


The fourth floor of the ghost tower has become full of holes, fortunately, the construction process of this tower is very strict, even if the upper part of the fourth floor has been tilted, but it seems that there is a risk of collapse, which makes Ryusuke breathe a sigh of relief, just a week ago almost sank the Saint Annu, a week later to blow up the ghost tower again, then he is really no different from terrorists.

There were fine debris residues falling on the ceiling, and Aju's large-mouthed bat had lost its combat effectiveness and completely passed out, as for the ghost that was directly called away by Kikuko after being hit by the "Dragon Fury" of the fangs land shark, it is obviously impossible to solve the elves of the Four Heavenly Kings with one move.

Without the mist of the ghosts, the whole tower immediately became clear, but Ah Ju and Xiao Mao were also 'deeply poisoned', and even if they stopped taking drugs in a short period of time, it was impossible to recover quickly.

Without Kikuko's command, the two people stood there dumbfounded, and the elves of the two were also in a daze, and the scene was strangely quiet for a while.

Suddenly, Ryusuke sensed that Nazi and her Hudi launched superpowers, but the invisible and massless superpowers could be perceived by Ryusuke, those superpowers were like a huge battering ram, slammed into Atsumi's mind, in front of him wearing a ninja costume, the body of a man in his thirties and close to forty trembled, and he stumbled back two steps as if it was painful, but the cloudiness in his eyes slowly disappeared and became clear.

"Thank you, Nazi!"

Orange who had just regained consciousness thanked Nazi, and Ryusuke immediately understood that Orange should have memory and consciousness when he was controlled, but he couldn't control his body.

Nazi didn't speak, she just appeared next to Ah Ju with a teleportation with Hu Di, she was still in the posture of clinging her hands around her chest, leaning on Hu Di's body, and her eyes were looking sideways at Ryusuke but showing victorious eyes.

"Get rid of these two brats, Nazi. "

Ah Ju's body was a little weak, but he still said with a smile.

"Of course, these two people always make trouble for our rocket team, and now that one of them can't move, and the other person's elf has also consumed a lot of physical strength, it's the best time for us two dojo hall masters to join forces and solve them. "

A sneer appeared at the corner of Nazi's mouth, but Ryusuke always felt that Nazi had a little smug smile on her face.

This is really an ally who instantly becomes an enemy, but the enemy just now has become his own ally.

Miryusuke glanced at Xiao Mao, who was beside him with dull eyes, and secretly shook his head, that is, his current ally does not seem to be in a good state.

"Nazi, you are really ruthless, last night on that rainy night we still told each other heartfelt feelings, spent a good night together, this morning to kill the killer, this ruthless level I can't reach, heh, woman!"

Miryusuke smiled bitterly, his face lonely.

Nazi's forehead was bruised, and Ah Ju couldn't help but look at Nazi with a skeptical look.

At this moment, Ah Ju thought of her daughter who she raised alone, the irresponsible former wife, and an irresponsible mother.

Oh, woman!

Orange laughed to himself. _

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