"Stop fighting, don't fight! Jiejun, don't hit Xiaomao! "

Ash ran over and stopped in front of Ryusuke Miyusuke, opening his hands to protect Xiao Shigeru, who was lying motionless on the ground.

Miryusuke rolled his eyes, secretly complaining that Ash would really find time, he beat Xiao Mao before jumping out to stop him, why didn't I see you come over to stop him when he was happy before.

This guy is actually a black belly.

"Leave me alone!"

Xiao Mao, who was lying on the ground, snorted.

It was as if he and Ash would never deal with each other, obviously he was forced to endure when Ryusuke's continuous friendship was broken, but Ash immediately became arrogant as soon as he appeared.

"Calm down?"

Miyusuke looked down at Xiao Mao and asked.

Xiao Mao nodded.

"Can you talk and chat normally?"

Xiao Mao nodded again.

"Since it's okay, stand up."

Miryusuke stretched out a hand, and Xiao Shigeru, who was lying on the lawn, hesitated, before slowly raising his head and grabbing Miryusuke's hand, and was pulled up by him hard.


Seeing Xiao Mao's face swollen like a pig's head that climbed up from the lawn, Xiao Lan couldn't help laughing, and then she felt that it seemed a little impolite and immediately covered her mouth.

It's just that the smile in the corner of the charming eye can't be hidden.

Xiao Mao didn't have any idea of treating women favorably, and he glared at Xiao Lan fiercely and then closed his eyes.

"Where are we going next?"

Xiao Mao rubbed his face and asked in a deep voice, unconsciously, he regarded Ryusuke as the backbone of his heart like Ash, and he also knew that now was not the time to lose his temper, and he should think about how to solve things instead of complaining and shirking responsibility.

Ryusuke didn't answer, he just used the booklet to open the Internet function, and sure enough, the Internet was already chaotic, and if you casually click on a video, you can hear the news report inside.

"Here is a special reporter of the Pokémon Association, I am now in the gold city to bring you first-hand reports, the Guandu terrorist organization rocket team launched the largest terrorist attack in history, they quickly occupied the headquarters of the Shiruf company, captured the gold city hall, occupied the city transportation, communications and other important facilities, they are waging war against the gold city!

We can see that the streets of the gold city are now full of rocket team members and fleeing masses, the rocket team seems to be pouring out, although I don't want to say so, but the gold market has completely fallen! "

In the video, a reporter and photographer can be seen also fleeing, the camera shakes a lot, surrounded by the terrified shouts of citizens, the sirens of smashed cars, broken shop glass and garbage full of confetti, some local trainers in Gold City want to resist, but under the tens of thousands of troops of the rocket team, any resistance is futile, either defeated and caught or injured and waiting for death.

Although these rocket team members have little interest in ordinary people, just asking them to hide in shelters or hide at home not to come out, but when this order collapsed, there were also a large number of casualties, and from the reporter's shooting, it can also be seen that the gold city, the largest international city in the capital, fell into silence in a short time, the flow of people disappeared, everyone hid and did not dare to show up, and the streets were completely controlled by the rocket team.

Although there are no soldiers with guns, no trenches, and no heavy armored vehicles and tanks, the rocket team patrols in the form of squads, and the elves around them and the poké balls around their waists are the most terrible weapons and the most terrible threats to the people of this world.

The Pokémon Center in Gold City is also occupied, and all the elven recovery machines have become the pocket of Team Rocket, and with these machines in place and in shifts, their war potential is almost endless as long as they cannot kill Team Rocket members or elves on the spot.

Although Ryusuke has not experienced the war of this world, he also knows that the war in this world is completely different from the original world, and even the battles of powerful trainers are no different from the battles of Superman.

"You have also seen that the entire Golden City is occupied by the Rocket Team, and according to the geographical location and the importance of the capital city, after the Rocket Team completely devours and masters all the resources of the Golden City, their next target will definitely be Rainbow City, as long as the Rocket Team occupies Rainbow City again, the fall of the two largest cities in the capital will form a domino effect, and the fall of the entire Guandu is only a matter of time."

Miryusuke showed the video in the booklet to Ash and Shigeru, and the two clenched their fists silently and angrily.

"As the most important city in the Guandu region, the Golden City has been located in the center of the Guandu region since its establishment, and it is guarded by other cities around it, even if the strongest foreign enemies want to attack here, it is very difficult, but the people who built the city did not expect that the city would be attacked from the inside."

Mi Ryusuke said mockingly, he continued to click on the video, hoping to get more information through these videos taken inside the gold market.

“...... God, what do we see, a huge energy shield is slowly covering the entire city, this should be the skill "wall of light" of the super-powered elves! "

There was an exclamation in the video, and in the captured image, a huge wall of light that could envelop the entire city with a diameter of forty kilometers was slowly closing, enveloping the golden city, and I don't know how many elves the rocket team sent to make this wall of light, at least thousands of super-powered elves must join forces to do it.

At this moment, Ryusuke's picture book vibrates, and he glances at Xiao Shigeru and Ash and agrees to the call request.

"Suke-kun!! I know everything about Zhenxin Town, I am now in the Shen'ao area and can't quickly return to Guandu, but I will use my fastest speed to rush to Guandu!" Xiao Mao and Ash are also next to you, right? Please, go to the Golden City first to try to find the townspeople of Zhenxin Town and Nanami to rescue them, you don't need to go head-to-head with Team Rocket, wait until I return to Guandu! "

As soon as I connected the phone, I heard Dr. Ohki's roar, and from the video, I could see that this old man, who had always given the impression of a good old man, was really out of anger and was ready to roll up his sleeves and personally play.

"Well, Ash and Xiao Mao are next to me, okay Dr. Ohki, then we will go to the Gold City first to save people, don't worry, we try not to go head-to-head with Team Rocket, but I can't guarantee what Team Rocket will do."

After listening to some of Dr. Ohki's instructions, Ryusuke Oki hung up the phone.

At the same time, he received text messages from Lijia, Xiaoxia and Xia Bo on his guide, and they also received news from the Golden City, the Supreme Chairman of the Pokémon Alliance personally appointed Lijia as the commander-in-chief of the Guandu, fully responsible for all matters of the Guandu Alliance, and several dojo owners also set off with the trainers who had already been assembled, preparing to completely surround the Golden City from the four directions of southeast, southwest and northwest.

Even if you can't storm the Golden City and liberate it, you definitely can't let the Rockets free up their hands to attack other cities.

"You also know the specific situation, Xiaomao, your sister Nanami was caught, Xiaozhi, your mother and all the townspeople of Zhenxin Town were also caught, then I think you will definitely not sit still."

"Other hall owners can give us limited help, if we want to save people, we can only rely on ourselves, of course, you two are not stupid, you should also know that this is the trap of Team Rocket, forcing us to jump in."

Ryusuke flicked his own booklet and said calmly with his head raised slightly.

Although Ryusuke had no reason to join the battle at all, he and Team Rocket had long been dead, and if he didn't take advantage of the time when Team Rocket became the enemy of the people, it was estimated that he wouldn't have to worry about it in the future.

This is a good opportunity, a good opportunity to completely solve the rocket team, and a good opportunity to make Nazi completely surrender!

"In order to rescue the people of Zhenxin Town and my mother, I will listen to your command next, Jiejun!"

Ash turned his hat and said.

Xiao Mao on the side was silent, and he agreed with Ash's speech with a gloomy face.

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