Extremely dazzling colors -

Standing high in the very center of the Golden City, Miyusuke saw the huge hood that shrouded the entire Golden City ripple.

Countless flames exploded in the south, like beautiful fireworks, the sky due north was full of huge currents of water and ice, the east was countless rocks falling, and in the westernmost part it was more like a sea of flowers.

Team Rocket was smart and knew that this huge shield could not completely block the attack of the elven army led by the four Dojo Pavilion Owners, so they opened a gap in the shield at the four traffic arteries in the Golden City and fought to the death with the trainer army led by the four Dojo Hall Lords.

Between intersections, in alleys, and even in every building, there are elven-to-elven battles, trainer-and-trainer duels.

The high-rise buildings built by humans can not stop the attack of these 'biological weapons' of the elves, black smoke rolls up, fires burn, and rivers wash in the city like a flood, if you are accidentally involved in this battlefield, I am afraid that death is more miserable than in the war of modern thermal weapons, and it is better to die from a bullet than to be burned or drowned.

In this war between trainers and elves, ordinary humans can only huddle in houses or hide in underground bunkers to keep warm, praying that the gods will bless them, but ironically, every demise of human civilization is actually the handiwork of those gods.

The largest city in Guandu was plunged into the flames of war.

The sky and earth were dusty, and Ryusuke didn't need to think about it to know that this was the environment that Sakaki had let his elves create nowhere.

The grinding stone-like sound of rolling stones sounded again, and the rumbling rock was hidden in this sandstorm that obscured everything in front of him.

"Pay attention to the surrounding environment, bite the land shark!"

Under the reminder of Ryusuke, all of the mind of the fierce biting land shark paid attention to the surrounding to prevent sneak attacks, and Ryusuke also calmed down, listening to the twisted sound of crashing through the building coming from all directions, and the rumbling rock was actually using the surrounding buildings as a springboard and was moving in an irregular roll.

"Here it comes!"

In a hurry, the body of the fierce biting land shark twisted to avoid the rolling of the rumbling rock, the speed of this rumbling rock rolling was extremely fast, so that the surrounding air turned into an attacking wind, and when it rolled in front of Ryusuke's eyes, one wind blade after another scraped on his body, leaving a trail of blood.

Without a hit, Longlongyan once again disappeared into the sandstorm, and continued to hit these skyscrapers as a means of moving, I am afraid that it will not be long before the nearby high-rise buildings are all hit by Rumble Rock.

Gathering his mind and preparing again, when the sound of rumbling rock breaking the air sounded again, Ryusuke suddenly said: "... Water Elf, "Turbid Flow"! "

The fierce biting land shark lowered its head sharply, and from behind appeared an elf standing on its skull and spewing out a turbid high-pressure water gun!

The water ejected from this stream was not clear river water, but mixed with muddy water, and the powerful force shot into the rumbling rock under the restraint of the attribute.

With a scream, the rolling rumbling rock was hit back by the powerful current, and its body smashed into a building, smashing an unknown amount of office supplies in the building, and the mud in the turbid stream spread under the surface of the rumbling rock like tarsal maggots, obscuring its senses.

"Lost consciousness, see how you determine my target position in this sandstorm."

Although the "turbidity flow" did not directly solve this rumbling rock, it was enough to make it unable to sneak attack in a short time.

"Water elf, 'Black Mist'! Hackron, roll up the rainstorm! "

Miryusuke quickly threw out the Halkronball, the pitch-black mist began to fill the sandstorm, the fog made of ice stained the sand grains in the sandstorm, increasing the sand, followed by the thunder, under the dragon groan of the Harkron, the sky was obscured by dark clouds, heavy rain poured in, dry sand grains met the soil, plus the weight of those ice particles could no longer float in the air, with the rainstorm these sand and dust all fell to the ground and became mud.

The skills of the two elves work together to crack Sakaki's environmental advantage, and also allow Ryusuke to see where Sakaki is.

He actually ran directly from the top of the building to the hall on the first floor with "running through the entire five-hundred-meter-high Shiruf Mansion!" before!

"The beautiful cracking method also made my rumbling rock temporarily lose its vision, but..."

Sakaki, who was standing on the ground with his hands in his pockets, sneered, and he gave an order with a sharp wave of his hand, "... Echidna bee! "

Without any specific words, just a name made the big needle bee understand the meaning of Sakaki, and the needle on its tail turned into a "fatal needle" and stabbed Mewtwo at a tricky angle, and at the critical moment, although Mewtwo blocked this 'wasp's tail needle with a superpower barrier, but the huge force also knocked Mewtwo's body out.

"Since Rumble Rock has lost its vision, it is enough to send the enemy in front of it..."

Sakaki bent down slightly, that was his posture when he fought with all his strength, and as soon as he came up, he sent his strongest elf, which showed that he attached great importance to Ryusuke.

The direction in which Mewtwo was knocked into the flight was where Rumble Rock broke through a gap in a building, and Rumble Rock stood up at the ruin-like gap, and it showed a sinister smile and obeyed the command directly -

"Big Bang"!

"Boom ————"

It was as if several tons of TNT exploded at the same time, and the deafening roar and shock wave even turned the heavy rain in the sky upside down, and between the sand and gravel flying, the tall building could not withstand the power of the explosion and began to tilt.

"It's not over yet, 'Falling Rock'..."

Sakaki's hand waved hard, and the shattered body of the rumbling rock that had just used the self-detonation attack strangely fixed in the air, and then fell from the sky as if it had been cast magic, and smashed Mewtwo who was hit by the "big bang" on the front from hundreds of meters into the ground.


The dull sound was transmitted in the air, and Mewtwo who fell from high school smashed a large hole in the ground, but compared to this free-fall damage, the "falling rock" power of Rumble Rock was the culprit that caused its injury.

“...... Finally, "Pinnacle Attack"! "

The rubble that fell to the ground once again transmitted the remaining energy, turning into spikes that bulged from the ground and penetrated Mewtwo's body, spilling a piece of blood, and the foundation of the building was destroyed by the sharp stones and began to fall under the crunching twisting sound.

The merciless 'self-detonation three times', this is the power of Sakaki's rumbling rock, even if it is a self-explosion, it can carry out a series of attacks, although it makes Longlongyan lose its combat effectiveness when it comes up, but it also directly hits Mewtwo, making it lose its combat effectiveness before "self-regeneration".

At this moment, birdsong was heard in the sky again, the three sacred birds rolled up a storm under the heavy rain, flames, lightning and ice surged around Miryusuke and the fierce land shark, and the large needle bee higher in the sky raised its two needles and rushed down after losing the shackles of Mewtwo.

"It's over, if you let you grow up again, I'm afraid even I won't be your opponent, but the gap between you and me is still too big now."

Sakaki sighed, although he was known as the strongest dojo trainer, he actually had the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings, and even if he was the real leader, he could fight here.

It was a pity that a powerful trainer had fallen before he had completely risen, but Sakaki's actions did not hesitate, "... Send him to hell, Echidna bee! "

The two spikes of the big needle bee waved hundreds of times in an instant, even the raindrops were turned into gas by the heat of the rapid spike, and the fierce bite land shark and the Hakron let out two screams, leaving countless small scars on the body, blood sprayed out with the rain, and Ryusuke who was standing on the body of the fierce biting land shark also slipped under the painful twisting body of the fierce biting land shark and fell from the air.

What is it like to fall from hundreds of meters in the air?

Miryusuke was completely indescribable, his mind was blank and there was not even the fear of death, everything that had happened in the past ten months echoed in his mind, people said that before death, they would recall the past time, and he didn't know if the current scene was called returning light.

Or is he too weak as a trainer, if he is strong enough, he can also stand firmly on its body in the twisting of the body of the fierce biting land shark, if he has stronger strength, he will not be beaten by Sakaki's series of dazzling attacks without fighting back, if...

He knew that all this was hypothetical and would not help the current situation.

He changed his posture and looked into the air, but at this moment Ryusuke thought about hoping that Mewtwo and the Fierce Biting Land Shark could escape Sakaki's pursuit.

"Well? Ibrahimovic?! "

Suddenly, Ryusuke Miyusuke saw that Eevee, who had been firmly grasping the body of the fierce land shark, also jumped down, and he was anxious and even frightened.

Ibrahimovic can't fly, it doesn't have the strength of Mewtwo, if he falls to the ground from a height of hundreds of meters, I'm afraid he will become a paralyzed meat mud like him!

At this moment, Ibrahimovic's body flashed with evolutionary light again, and the form in that light made Ryusuke's heart move.

That is——_

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