At the same moment that Xiaolan's faint passed, Miryusuke, Ash, and Xiao Mao all received a prompt from Xiaolan before he fell into a coma.

"A machine in the Shirouf building?"

Glancing at the contents of the book in his hand, Miyusuke closed it and his gaze fell on the 'ruins' of the Shiruf Mansion.

Today's Shirouf Building has only a rough outline left, the once more than 500 meters tall building has long collapsed, and the Golden City Financial District centered on the Shirouf Building has long been destroyed, leaving only pieces of rock bricks and tiles.

"According to the information sent by Xiaolan, the so-called machine should be located on the ground floor of the Shirouf Building, under strict protection, so it is no wonder that the building has collapsed and the machine has not been damaged."

Ryusuke's eyes flickered and he thought about how to find the location of the machine, while he also looked warily at the surrounding sky, watching out for Sakaki's large needle bee.

Compared with the three divine birds controlled by Nazi now, Sakaki's large needle bee makes Ryusuke feel a headache and even fear, although the combination of frozen bird, lightning bird and flame bird is strong, but it is not to the point of helplessness, and even Ryusuke is a little strange that even if the three god birds as the 'phantom elves' do not have the 'power' of those legendary elves, their strength should not be so weak.

In particular, the combination of the three birds should be enough to confront some powerful legendary elves, but Ryusuke, who controls the fantasy confrontation with the three sacred birds, is very comfortable, and even can easily gain the upper hand, as if the power of these three birds has been 'castrated'.

Research materials on legendary elves and phantom elves are relatively scarce even in human history, and Ryusuke gave up when he couldn't find the reason why the power of the three sacred birds was 'castrated', anyway, the weaker the opponent's strength, the better the good news for Ryusuke.

Now the only thing that makes him dare not relax is Sakaki, but after he took back Mewtwo, Sakaki is not chasing him, and I don't know if he has any dangerous plans.

For Sakaki, Miryusuke has always guessed him with the most dangerous and vicious thoughts.

The dream under him has once again become the 'Rift Empty Seat', for Mi Ryusuke or 'Dragon' is more suitable for his command, the 'Rift Empty Seat' and the three divine birds shuttle between the clouds in the sky, from time to time you can see the blade that cuts the air, the roaring lightning, the burning flame and the cold wind that freezes everything converge among the clouds, twisting the clouds that cover the entire sky.

"Don't admit defeat yet, Nazi! Your old Sakagi doesn't know where to run, the protective shield of the Golden City can't stop the attack of those dojo hall owners, look at the westernmost side, the trainer force of Rainbow City has broken through the front line of the rocket team and broke into the city, and it won't be long before the other three directions of the dojo hall owner will also enter the city, and your rocket team has no room for resistance! "

“...... If you surrender to me now, I may be able to give you leniency. "

Without Sakaki nearby, Miryusuke let himself go again, standing on top of the 'Rift Empty Seat' with his hands around his chest, unhurriedly flirting and teasing Nazi, who was irritable and inexplicable.

"Shut up! How could I lose, how could I lose to you! "

Natsu stood on the back of the Migami Bird and said in a vicious tone, but Miryusuke clearly sensed the panic in her words.

Only Sakaki and Nazi know that the reason why the Golden City was so easily attacked was that a hidden master took advantage of Sakaki and Nazi and Mazi to fight with Ryusuke, and secretly ran to the super-powered Enchantment Legion to make a sneak attack.

Without this thousands of superpower essence energy, the shield of the entire Golden City became precarious, and it was the Rainbow City side that allowed the strongest side of the Taoist Hall owner to break into the city and make a short attack.

Not long ago, Sakaki had informed Nazi that the rocket team was gone, making her want to get out of here, but Nazi stubbornly rejected Sakaki's retreat plan, even if it was fire, even if she knew that the defeat was decided, but she was still unwilling to admit her defeat and unwilling to admit that she lost at the hands of Ryusuke Goryusuke.

But she still underestimated the power of the Imperial Dragon, she is not Sakaki after all, even with the three sacred birds, in the face of the fantasy in the hands of Ryusuke and the Mewtwo that may continue to attack at any time, all she can do is postpone the defeat a little.

At this moment, the Pokédex in Ryusuke's pocket suddenly vibrate, and he moved his mind to let the 'Rift Empty Seat' entangle the Migami Bird, took out a Pokeball from his pocket, and threw it above the Migami Bird with his super powers.

"Water arrow turtle, use the 'water cannon'!"

What emerged from the Pokeball was the Little Blue Water Arrow Turtle, which was retracted from the ball before she fell unconscious from the battle with Nazi, and handed it over to Miryusuke by Mewtwo.

"Is that little girl's elf?!"

In the face of the water arrow turtle that could not fly but suddenly appeared in the sky, Nazi was stunned, but the three sacred birds entangled in the 'rift seat' had no time to evade, and the high-pressure water cannon bombarded the body of the three sacred birds like a real cannonball, and under the harsh birdsong of the three birds' heads, their entire bodies fell from the sky.

The sound of the wind poured into the ears, and when the three god birds were still a hundred meters off the ground, Nazi had already made them adjust their posture, but before the three god birds continued to fly to the sky, their three feet were bound by a sudden vine whip.

Immediately after that, a scorching flame burned in the air in large characters, even if the three divine birds had the characteristics of flame birds and did not suffer much damage, they were temporarily enclosed in the air by this flame.

"Jiejun, it's over to you!"

Ash and Xiao Mao's wistful shouts came from the ground, and Miryusuke did not hesitate, directly squatted down and pressed his hand on the head of the 'Rift Empty Seat': "... Dream, scan the ruins of the Shirouf Mansion under your feet with super powers and find this machine! "

Through the superpower to transmit the three-dimensional figure of that machine to the dream's mind, the 'Rift Empty Seat' turned into a dreamy body under a burst of distortion and change, a small, pink elf, it 'meowed', the huge superpower is not as sharp and cold as Mewtwo's, but it also covers a large area of the ruins under his feet.

In an instant, Ryusuke got the news he wanted, he let Dream use his super powers to float himself in the air, and threw two Poké Balls with a flick of his left hand.

"The Fierce Biting Land Shark flattens the ruins under his feet with the 'Destruction Death Light', the Hakron also uses the 'Destruction Death Light' for precision strikes, and Dream and Mewtwo gather their strength and prepare to separate the three birds!"

The huge amount of energy began to converge around Ryusuke's body, and the terrifying flow of energy made all around him thickened, and a ray of light that penetrated heaven and earth spewed out from the mouth of the fierce land shark.

"Boom ————"

The terrifying energy fell on the ground, and after a delay of about a second, the wind and shock wave suddenly spread, turning into a counterclockwise rotating air flow, and the energy visible to the naked eye was like a bowl on the earth, vaporizing all the substances it touched, and the full force of the land shark gathered the last strength was enough to blow an area of the city into powder.

The powerful destructive power of "Destruction Death Light" directly submerged the thick layer of ruins, revealing the space below.

Immediately afterwards, the light from the horn of the Harkon bombarded a precise point with a strange forward route, and the machine that made the Three Divine Birds suffered a blow "Destruction Death Light" frontally and cracked, and the stone disk placed on it fell to the ground under the 'clicking' cracking sound.


As the machine and the stone disk shattered, the bodies of the three divine birds that were fused together struggled violently, and they raised their heads to the sky and roared, directly throwing Nazi on their backs from the air.


Falling from the air, Nazi quickly summoned her beard and used her super powers to make herself float.

When she raised her head to look at the Migami Bird, what she saw was Ryusuke throwing a Pokeball again-

"Mewtwo still dreams, let those three birds be honest!"

On the left hand side stood Mewtwo, on the right hand side floated dream, the eyes of the two elves turned a deep purple, the fluctuations of the superpower seemed to turn into substance, and even broke the rules of heaven and earth, and the light of that field was all distorted, leaving only a huge nothingness like a black hole.

The flying lightning, flames and ice were instantly submerged under the torrent of superpowers, and the huge tearing force abruptly separated and torn the flame bird, lightning bird and frozen bird from the fusion state! _

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