The sparring trainers of the Vulcan Dojo Pavilion range from the lowest nine hundred or eighty-eight to tens of thousands of yuan per lesson, and all kinds of prices are available.

One-on-one personal coaching.

"This is really profitable......" Although Li Feng is rich, he also has to sigh.

Trainer sparring sessions are an hour long, and prices are based on star ratings, ranging from the lowest elite level to the master level.

Li Feng didn't stupidly ask why there is no king-level sparring partner, the king-level is like a threshold, being able to become a hall master does not mean that you can become a king-level, the gap is very large.

That's why the young king is so respected.

He even came up with the theory of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Champion.

"I need a master-level sparring partner. Li Feng directly said his request.

"On top of that, I need a sparring partner with the Elf trait of Ignition and Fierce Fire. The

reception staff looked happy, but he didn't expect that the first order today was a big fish, and he nodded with a smile: "Prepare the information screening for you immediately, there are self-service refreshments and food in the tea area, you can wait there."

Li Feng nodded: "Okay." "

The hall master-level sparring is actually not often ordered, mainly because the price is expensive, so the two parties negotiate together to determine the time, and the trainer who can become the hall master level is basically a big person, and being able to do sparring is basically a signboard in the training hall.

At this time, the reception staff went to the backstage to negotiate with several hall master-level trainers to see who had the time to take orders.

Soon, Li Feng, who was holding a glass of warm water, saw the reception staff come back.

"Hello, you've got a trainer ready here, and you're ready to choose. The receptionist bowed slightly, stretched out a hand to guide the way, and said politely.

Li Feng nodded and followed to the front desk, after the reception staff entered the work number password, after a pause, he found that an interface appeared on the computer in front of him.

"This is a trainer you can pick from, and it has its training characteristics, training philosophy, training achievements, and elf profile.

"You don't have to worry about the elves being too strong and injuring your elves, we will use load items to suppress the elves' power to the same level as your elves' elves. The receptionist introduced.

Li Feng said that he understood, otherwise he would not have chosen the hall master-level sparring partner.

There is a saying that if you can defeat a high-level elf who suppresses the power of the elf, it means that your elf has the same or even better potential.

For example, if an elite-level little fire dragon defeats a pavilion master-level elf who wears a weight limit, it can basically be said that this little fire dragon has the qualifications of a hall master.

The elven combat experience of the hall master, as well as the special use of the skills developed by the gym, these are all things that Li Feng wants to learn.

After coming to this real world combined with Pokémon, Li Feng found that there were really a lot of capable people.

When he's free, he'll also watch some big matches.

Then he found that many skills were used by others.


principle of the Retaliation Shield is to rotate in place and no longer concentrate the energy in one direction, but to cover a very large area, transforming the damage skill into a move that is both offensive and defensive.

Essentially, this is actually Ash's method of increasing his tactics by not being too lazy to learn defensive moves, believing that "offense is the best defense".

After all, elf skills are proficient, and Ash belongs to a trainer who specializes in high-speed attacks, just look at the city wall elves like the Tutai Turtle who are used by him as high-speed attack elves.

The Shield of Retaliation is simple to conceive, but it is not easy to master, and the most fundamental point is that the elves need to have the skills of the highest level of proficiency to be able to do so.

From the perspective of this world, the Strike Back Shield is a relatively general prototype technique.

It's not that the creativity of people in the animation world is belittled, but even the creator Ash has forgotten this usage, maybe the entire Pokémon world will be regularly erased from the memory of battles?

For more than 20 years, the development of the real world is in a period of rapid development, and since someone came up with the prototype technique, many people have been inspired to form all kinds of messy prototype techniques.

Some are very practical, and some are useless.

Because of this, many of Li Feng's rudimentary skills are also shouted at the middle two, in fact, compared with those rudimentary skills that can produce obvious changes and amplifications to moves, the gap is still quite large.

This time when he came to the Fire God Dao Pavilion, Li Feng's purpose was very simple.

Learn the signature cheats of the Fire Shinto Hall, Fury!,

and the second is to learn the characteristics of Larulas.

However, the little fire dragon deeply suspected that Li Feng was planning to persecute it, otherwise why would he let a super-energy and goblin-type elf learn the fire-inducing

characteristics? Even if it is a copy of the characteristics, what can be said in the future that the Flame Orb Perseverance Battle Method, but why can't it be poisoned with the Poison Orb

? This is not persecution, so what is persecution?

The three hall master-level trainers released by the Fire God Dao Pavilion have their own characteristics.

You must know that the fierce fire characteristics are almost the exclusive characteristics of the fire system of the three royal families, except for the coconut ape family, no other fire spirit can learn.

Moreover, the reason why the Royal Three Family can become the Royal Three Family is also because the cultivation route is very suitable for novices, and the evolution chain is also approachable.

There's no mess of evolutionary limits or anything like that.

Therefore, the ace elves of these three hall master-level trainers all have a fire-type royal three, but the three fire-type imperial three are different.

Demon Fire Red Fox, Yanwu King, Fire Storm Beast (space-time distorted form).

Fortunately, I didn't plan to take the route of a researcher.,There are a lot of elves in this world with special evolutionary methods have been discovered.,Like what Menas and the like.,With the blessing of all kinds of strange talents.,Open and hang like a kind of gradual perfection of all kinds of things.。

If you take the researcher route, you probably won't even be able to eat the soil.

Even an elf like Menas that needs to evolve in beauty has been discovered, how difficult can it be to distort the evolution of time and space?

That can basically be said to be no difficulty, okay!

Therefore, Li Feng was not surprised at all that there was a Pavilion-level Fire Storm Beast (Space-Time Distorted Form) here, on the contrary, he was still a little surprised.

The Fire Storm Beast is a very good spirit of anger emotion, and the flames on its back will explode like a hair at every turn! But the Fire

Storm Beast with a distorted form in time and space is different, and its personality is very calm and unhurried, and it is a Pokémon with elegant and beautiful manners.

Usually mild and not belligerent, but can easily control angry outbursts if needed.

From the point of view of emotional control, the Fire Storm Beast with a distorted form of time and space is obviously more talented and outstanding.

What Li Feng wants is not only the use of angry emotions, but also the freedom to send and receive.

He didn't want to have a thing that breathed fire on himself at every turn, after all, he wasn't a super newcomer.

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