You think that's the end of it?

No, no, no.

This is just an increase that comes with the achievement of millions of fans, and Li Feng, the achievement reward of the real highlight, has not yet been claimed!

[System: Congratulations to the host for receiving the achievement of millions of fans, please make persistent efforts and continue to work hard.] Elven


With the help of empathy, a elven physical fitness is shared with the host, and the host will gain the same basic physical fitness.

Li Feng was still a little incomprehensible, but he was able to see a humanoid light body on the system panel, and then a small fire dragon and a Lalulasi-like energy body surrounded by the humanoid light body.

Li Feng followed the instructions and pulled the little fire dragon-like light body into the humanoid light body.

The next moment, Li Feng instantly felt

that he was full of explosive power! If the original strength was one hundred kilograms, it is not strange that one punch is thousands of kilograms

now! And he can feel that he will not break his hand because of the reaction force generated by this outrageous increase

in strength! Now that he has the ability to increase the combat power of the elves, even the elves can lend strength to themselves

However, this kind of power is very similar to the way superpowers are used by superpowers in Egypt

! But in any case, it is the coolest thing that a trainer himself actually has the ability to pick up a guy and beat people

! I once dreamed of fighting with a sword to go to the end of the world!

This is the dream of many men's teenagers!

The elven body is to use the power of the elf to resonate, so that the trainer has the means of self-protection, not only that, because of the perfect adaptability with the elf, the original elf has a subtle effect on the trainer's body is enhanced dozens of times

......!" It's really possible for me to become a super blue star!" Li

Feng is going to be stupid by the system's big strokes, you have nothing to do to keep strengthening my life-saving ability, and you won't let Lao Tzu go to the front to face the legend of the elf, right?

Why don't you just give me a super-restraint power?

Li Feng was dumbfounded!

No, I'm just talking, why are you really here?

] [Enhanced by telepathy, the power that can seal all things, the identity of the super-gram messenger!]

Li Feng: ......

Lao Tzu doesn't have a pot of punishment, what's the point of asking you for this

super-restraint power? But as Li Feng looked at the explanation, he realized that the super-restraint power was not as one-sided as he thought.

Seeing through the illusion, sealing all things, and being born with a super high initial favorability for elves are all abilities that the super-gram messenger has.

As for the Pokémon anime theatrical version, the ability of the supergram messenger is obviously a castrated version, or it has lost most of its abilities due to the passage of time.

As the creator god Arceus's ability, how can it be inferior

to the power of the waveguide? You must know that the power of the waveguide is a universal ability that integrates sensing, combat amplification, and healing, and the power of supergram is too much to appease the double dragon of time and space.

Not to mention the setting in the Arceus game, all the worldly Arceus are clones! The clones

can deal with all kinds of world-destroying crises, and their abilities are so unremarkable?

Who can believe it!

The power of transcendence obtained by Li Feng is that he can see through the spiritual illusion, the reality illusion, and also has the power of sealing.

However, the strength of this seal is still related to the practical seal and the strength of its own super-powerful power.

But in any case, this is a very powerful ability.

But that's

not the end of it! The system seems to think that the elven body and the power of super-restraint

are not enough! The biggest highlight is the advanced lottery system! The advanced lottery system

completely separates the trainer from the star classification!

Li Feng can completely choose the category to draw whatever he wants to draw, which is very humane, so that if he wants to draw the items of the trainer, he will not draw a bunch of messy things.

Trainer category as well as star category.

However, what made the corners of Li Feng's mouth twitch was that the form of the advanced lottery had not changed, the only change was that the cost of the lottery was one million!"

"This is your sister, grab money...... No, grab popularity!" Li

Feng clicked on the lottery, and directly lost a million popularity, and everyone was stupid.

Meditation Skill Machine x1.

I'm going?!

Li Feng is numb.

Directly give such a top-level

skill? And it is also one of the super skills that Lalulath needs very much?

He deserves to be the chosen one!

It seems that the probability of getting good things in the advanced lottery is much greater

, and he has a meditation skill machine in the first single draw, and it is really hard to say what will appear in the future.

The only drawback is that it's too expensive!

According to his current fan value, he can only smoke one shot a day, which is really painful.

And Li Feng also found that a "???" lottery item appeared on the turntable of the advanced lottery again, but this time the turntable occupies a small area that is so fast that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

I don't know what the mysterious Poké Ball I drew back before is useless, but now there is another one.

However, there is no "???" option on the wheel of the star category, and it seems that this is a unique category related to sprites.

At this point, the rewards for the achievements of millions of fans have finally been received.

The old skills were fully upgraded, two new skills were obtained, and in the end, even the lottery was upgraded, and Li Feng's background can be said to be a complete shotgun for a cannon.

His own background has been super upgraded, so how can his own elf not be hung up?

Li Feng, who still has no advanced skill development left and has not been tested, walked towards the room where the little fire dragon and Lalulasi were training with the steps of not knowing their six relatives.

"Come on, come on, your master, I have broken through the mortal realm, let you see what an immortal caresses me, knots my hair and receives immortality!"

One million popularity points will raise a mastery-level peak skill

to the peak of the top level! With the popularity points accumulated during this time, Li Feng found that he couldn't make all of the little fire dragon's skills full!

So, he decided to increase two elves on average.

After all, Lalu Lasi has few skills, and with the simultaneous improvement, he will definitely have to focus on improving the little fire dragon in the future.

The little fire dragon and Larulath felt that they had been completely corrupted.

This kind of rocket-like way of opening and hanging is really cool.

Little Fire Dragon: ꉂ೭(˵ ̴̄͒ꇴ ̴̄͒˵)౨"

Lalu Lasi: (❀ฺ ́∀'❀ฺ)ノIn

addition, Li Feng also used up the meditation skill machine for Lalu Lasi, and he also wanted to see how strong Lalu Lasi, who can be suppressed by talent, will really break through the suppression?

And so the days passed.

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