That's it?!The

little fire dragon clasped his arms and stared at the little saw crocodile that had fallen to the ground.

"Next. Li Feng didn't bother to look at Huang Mao, but looked at the other two non-mainstream hair dyeers.

Yoji Totsuka and Kazuro Fujita glanced at each other, and Yoji Tozuka, with blue hair, walked out of the crowd.

"Xiushan-kun was just careless and was attacked by you. Yoji Totsuka said as he walked out.

Li Feng smiled: "Ah, yes, yes, yes, what you said is right, can you send your elves with so many words?"

Yoji Totsuka snorted coldly, and chose to release the Poke Ball without continuing to talk nonsense.

They must succeed in this dismount, Boss Long personally ordered, if they can't do it, they will be unlucky in the future.


This is a strange elf with a bone helmet on its head and a bone club in its hand.

It looks harmless to humans and animals, but this spirit is also very good at using emotional energy, but unlike the anger of the little fire dragon, Caracalla is better at using the power of grief.

You must know that Caracalla immediately put on his head the skull of his mother, who was eternally separated from him, and this is a special emotional elf that is very dependent on his mother.

Even the marks on the skull are the tears left by elves like Caracalla who cry out loud when they are lonely.

However, pity this kind of elf is pitiful, and Li Feng, who fights normally, will never be soft.

Caracalla, who appeared later, was obviously not good at stubble, and the first time he appeared, he brandished his bone stick, and then the bone stick was inserted into

the ground, and a huge rock shot at the little fire dragon like a cannonball! Primordial power! This is a Caracalla that has inherited the primordial power!

The tail of the little fire dragon rose slightly, and then the tail slammed into the ground, and a huge rock much bigger than Caracalla rose from the ground!

Under the collision of the two pieces of primordial power, it shook like the earth shaking the mountain, and a large amount of gravel and sand dust spread all over the entire battlefield!

The next moment, the little fire dragon who had been holding his arms with both hands kicked his legs, and his body instantly burst out with strong power and disappeared directly in place.

Immediately afterwards, the sand and dust were directly dented by the strong air current.

The metallic luster permeated the whole body, and the armed color domineering was instantly covered

! The metal claws of the top proficiency turned into three scimitars that were extremely sharp, and under the sound of

breaking the wind, Caracalla's bone rod broke in response! The bone rod that was divided into four fell to the ground, and Caracalla still looked incredulous, but in the next second, the sharp pain from his body made it clear that this was not a false illusion.

Eight Childish Girls

!The little fire dragon that grabbed Caracalla's flaws retracted its armed color and turned into an angry form!

The skill switch of the top proficiency is very skilled, and the smooth skill switch makes Caracalla unable to even resist.

Bang, bang, bang!

The crazy continuous flurry attack caused Caracalla to completely fall to the ground and pass out before he was still in the breath of fire burns.

"Next. Li Feng's voice was as terrifying as a demon asking for his life at this time.

Long Shanshan looked at Li Feng's little fire dragon, and helplessly found that the gap between his green cotton bird and this little fire dragon did not seem to narrow, but was getting bigger and bigger! It's


Most of the students in Kaicheng High School's trainer specialty class looked at each other, killing the little saw crocodile in seconds and then killing Caracalla in an instant, the strength of this little fire dragon ...... It's too strong

! The sense of oppression given to them is as amazing as facing

the dragon boss! But what kind

of person is the dragon boss? That is the latest generation of the Dongying Xunlong clan's pride in the sky!

Why is this Donghuang person on a par with the dragon boss?

Fujita Kazuro's blue hair blew in the wind, and his eyes were staring at the little fire dragon, he knew that he had really kicked the iron plate, although his strength was a little stronger than Totsuka Yoji and the others, but he definitely couldn't do this little fire dragon.

But if you surrender directly, you won't have to study in Kaicheng High School in the future.

Dai Ruby!

Fujita Kazuhiro decisively released his elves, and whether he could beat it or not had to be known by beating it.

What's more, the development of his own elf Tianke fire type elf to the level of proficiency will definitely greatly reduce the strength of this little fire dragon.

[Li Feng's little fire dragon strength is improving by leaps and bounds, and it is easy to defeat the two elves of the devil. [

Compared with the little fire dragon during the Freshman Cup competition, the current little fire dragon can beat more than a dozen

of the previous little fire dragons, right?] [How long has it been! Is this little fire dragon eating hormones?]

Netizens who watched Li Feng's live broadcast were shocked by the performance of the little fire dragon, playing a professional-level elf is the same as killing chickens, if you come back to play a doubles match, it won't be a random killing?

At this time, Mr. Koizumi's face was not so good-looking, and he boasted all the way about how strong and excellent he was in high school, and this is how you are behaving now?

"Ignite Dai Ruby?" Li Feng looked at the black puppy-like elf in front of him, and subconsciously guessed.

The little fire dragon also probably guessed the situation on the other side, and chose to tentatively test the fire moves.

The small fireballs that scattered and bombarded like impatiens and the small fire dragon flicked out of its tail.

Dai Ruby, who looked calm, didn't even look at those small flames, and after letting these small flames fall on his body, they were directly inhaled into his body, and at the same time, the energy of his body surged fiercely, followed by genetic skills, flame vortex!

After the fire jetted out of his mouth, it turned into a vortex and trapped the little fire dragon.

The little fire dragon was very clever and instantly used the ability to dig a hole to avoid being ignited, and enhanced the flame vortex.

Generally speaking, unless it is a ground elf after digging a hole, it is not easy to accurately attack and hit the opponent because of the obstruction of vision after digging the hole.

But who let the little fire dragon and Li Feng be soul-bound or even in a telepathic state all the time?

This is equivalent to digging a hole in the ground, but the little fire dragon can feel the world through Li Feng's eyes and ears

! That is, it is equivalent to a scoundrel like Mingtu Kaihang!

Accurately track down Dai Ruby who is running on the ground, generally speaking, the other party uses a hole, like Dai Rubi, a flyless elf, and it is a very practical means to run quickly to avoid being locked in position.

It's a pity ......

A small fire dragon that broke through the ground after digging a hole appeared right in Dai Ruby's abdomen

! Punching

into the sky! This punch made Dai Ruby stunned for a moment, and his eyes directly bulged!

The effect of the ground tie was a blow, so that Dai Ruby almost couldn't stand up.

"If this is your strength, then I still say the same ......

" "You are still far behind!" The

little fire dragon stepped on the ground with one foot, and then the terrifying dragon energy condensed in the mouth position

! Dragon breath! It seemed that the dragon breath with electricity was as shocking as

the dragon roar! The ignition characteristic was useless in front

of the dragon energy! With

the explosion of the dragon breath, it rose to the sky!

The little fire dragon easily picks three!

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