Monday, September 5th.

Today is the official time for class.

Li Feng took the Poké Ball of the Little Fire Dragon to the specialty class, the 29th class of the third year of high school.

There are a total of 30 classes in the entire third year of high school, and 29 and 30 are the two specialty classes.

The number of people in each class is about 50 or less than 60.

There are three types of special classes: music students, art students and sports students, and Li Feng entered the special class as a music specialty student.

Not to mention, although there are many beauties in the entire third year of high school, at least sixty or seventy percent of them are in the two specialty classes, especially those who study music, and they don't have the appearance to get ahead, it's really too difficult.

As for the handsome guy, it was not within Li Feng's scope of observation.

"Li Feng, have you really transferred to the specialty class?" Li Feng

looked up and saw his former junior high school classmate, Mi Ying.

"yes, I want to be a full-time trainer. Li Feng explained casually.

Mi Ying is not tall, about 1.6 meters tall, and her appearance gives people a round, small jasper feeling.

"Then which elf university are you targeting?" Mi Ying said curiously: "Is

it the Elven National Defense University or the Elven Guard Academy?" "Or is it the Elven Battle Academy that is comparable to Imperial Capital University?"

Li Feng shook his head and said, "I plan to enter the Guangdu Conservatory of Music." "

Mi Ying: ???

Didn't you say that you should be a full-time trainer

? How did you go to the Guangdu Conservatory of Music?

Mi Ying recalled Li Feng's personality and liked to talk nonsense.

Actually, Li Feng didn't want to be admitted

to the Imperial Capital Conservatory of Music? No

, the main reason was that the Imperial Capital Conservatory of Music actually required the scores of cultural courses to reach the level of a key school, and this Nima was not a pit person?

Moreover, in fact, no matter what university he studied, there were elf subjects now, but most of the elf battle subjects in most universities were equivalent to ornaments.

It's not that they don't want to fight for rankings, it's that high-quality combat trainers must have chosen prestigious universities.

How could you come to these places like the Conservatory.

Isn't that a waste of your talent!

" I'm not kidding. Li Feng didn't plan to explain that much.

Isn't that funny!

Many people greeted Li Feng one after another, and he was also a figure of the year in the Memorial Middle School, and he was rich and good-looking, and his grades were good, and this kind of almost perfect template would definitely be very popular with girls.

Therefore, most of the people who greeted Li Feng were girls.

Except for one or two male classmates who had known Li Feng in the first place, almost the entire boys in Class 29 chose to ignore him.

The difference between the student period and the social period is that money does not come first.

Instead, something weird will come first.

As for what it is, it seems that each session has some special conventions.

But Li Feng didn't take it to heart, a group of little kids gathered to isolate themselves, what does it matter? Li Feng

, who is thirty years old in psychology, looks at the so-called classmates like juniors, and it is really strange that he cares about what the other party does in this case.

Someone is doing something, and this can also add some color to the next year of high school life.

After a few years, these things will turn into troubles and jokes that will be discussed over and over again.

That's a beautiful thing, too.

As the class bell rang, the head teacher of Class 29 came to the podium.

Ms. Wei is a female teacher who is over half a hundred years old, and her eyes are not big, but she is very divine.

"First of all, let's welcome the new students and let them introduce themselves.

Li Feng stood up in the third and introduced himself, and then there was a coping applause.

"Next is the future schedule, which is the class schedule. Teacher Wei turned on the slide projection.

Language, Mathematics, English, Politics, History, and Geography, there is also an elf course in addition to the six fixed subjects.

In addition, there are three special classes.

The number of languages, English, politics, and history is evenly distributed from Monday to Friday.

The elf class is fixed in the fourth period of each morning.

A day is four classes in the morning, four in the afternoon, and one in the evening.

The three specialty classes are one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.

Except for the elf class, other classes will be adjusted according to the needs of specialty classes.

This novel reversal situation is like a physical education teacher who came in one day and said that the math teacher was sick, and I was in today's class!

Li Feng chose music expertise, so he had music knowledge, musical instrument mastery, singing skills, and so on.

These will also have detailed classifications, such as singing, bel canto, ethnicity, and a whole bunch of classifications.

You can't take all the subjects, you can only choose to specialize.

Li Feng's idea must be pop music, after all, there are so many vague pop music in his mind, if he runs to sing bel canto, isn't it a waste? And pop music must be

one of the fastest ways to gather popularity, how could Li Feng miss this.

With popularity, there are fans, there are fans, there are fans, there are popularity, and if you have popularity, you can help the elves improve their skills, develop their skills, and even help the elves become stronger, it seems that they are not doing their jobs, but this is the performance of Li Feng's concentration!

The singing mode is definitely pop.

The best match for pop music is probably the piano or guitar.

The piano is too troublesome, and it is estimated that it is not easy to learn, so Li Feng directly decided to learn the guitar first.

A whole bunch of pop music that can be played with just a guitar is enough to shake the world.

With a guitar in hand, he sang "Look at the Girl Opposite" directly to a beautiful woman, and then was slapped by the elf's spout of flames.

Li Feng, who had stopped daydreaming, was forced to concentrate for less than a few seconds, and then wandered outside again.

After routinely encouraging the students, Teacher Wei said directly: "Li Feng, you come out for a while." "

Outside the classroom, in the hallway.

Teacher Wei looked at Li Feng and asked, "Li Feng, do you really want to be a special student? With your grades

, there is no need to do this, right?" Li Feng already knew that this kind of problem was again, and said very simply: "It is my dream to be a full-time trainer, in the ordinary class, if I don't follow the class discipline too much in order to train elves, it will probably have a bad impact." "

The biggest difference between the specialty class and the ordinary class is that the students in the class themselves are in separate classes, even if Li Feng really skips class and runs to train elves, it will not cause strange things, but the ordinary class is different, a student is absent from class all year round, it is definitely a bad influence.

Li Feng didn't want to learn any language, politics, and history, but he had already learned it once, so why did he learn it now? Isn't it

funny? Politics

, history, and mathematics dare not speak, but Li Feng's English and Chinese are still very good.

As long as you can pass the mathematics of politics, history and geography in the future, it will be easy to be admitted to the Guangdu Conservatory of Music.

"You're right. Teacher Wei nodded, after all, in addition to Li Feng, there were several people in the class who wanted to be full-time trainers, and the identity of the specialty student was actually just a cover-up.

Even the state has begun to plan for high school students to specialize in trainers.

After the implementation of the elf education in the university, the next step is the high school stage.

As a memorial middle school that can be ranked in Guangdu, it must know this news, so it has set up two specialty classes to accommodate these students who want to become vocational trainers.

Students who can become special students as "trainers",The initial elves are very good.,As for whether the bright face is an art student or a music student.,It's just a cover-up.。

However, the others are mixed, Li Feng doesn't have this plan, he really plans to learn something, and if he wants to be a star, he needs too many skills.

It takes time to implement every education policy, and the world has just tied elves and universities together, and high school is only just beginning to be involved, but this does not affect the practice of having policies and countermeasures.

In the third year of high school, the initial welfare elf is added, and the basic course of the elf is added, which is the overall educational strategy.

However, for more details, it is necessary to conduct on-site research before discussing the next policy change.

Li Feng was at this time during this time period.

As for why the Initial Elf must be at least eighteen years old before it can be claimed, this is actually a great risk for the country.

As a country that prohibits guns, why is Donghuang's public security so good

? Isn't it because some things that are easy to injure the common people are strictly controlled?

And elves, as supernatural and lethal creatures, Donghuang will definitely have concerns.

But the combination of elves and people does have more advantages than disadvantages, after balancing various circumstances, the eighteen-year-old three views have been established, and the senior high school students with complete logical behavior and cultural heritage have elves, and they will basically make decisions that are more conducive to social development.

For example, the U.S. imperialists, who legally possess elves at the age of eighteen, but the problem is that their registration of the binding of trainers and elves is useless.

A large number of children who have elves at the age of ten or eight abound.

As a result, a large number of children die in elven battles every year.

When he saw this news, Li Feng felt that his worldview had collapsed.

This is really no matter which world the US imperialists are so maverick.

Children who do not have three views and no judgment have supernatural powers, and the probability of doing evil is far greater than that of positive ones.

But I have to say that the American imperialists, who have "cultivated elves since childhood", are indeed stronger in various competitions.

There's no way, others have more than ten or eight years of cultivation time for you, and it's really not that easy to catch up.

Therefore, Donghuang's vigorous promotion of elves would rather be slower and more stable.

Full of Donghuang characteristics.

Therefore, the senior management of Memorial Middle School must have received some rumors, so in the past two years, it has begun to carry out the pilot cultivation of special students.

On the bright side, there are music students, art students, and sports students.

It's a pity that Mr. Wei just had such good grades for Li Feng, so he gave up like this.

A total of 10 students with the best elf talent were selected from Memorial Middle School to enter the specialty class for the study of battle specialties, and there were five students in each of the 29th and 30th classes.

At this time, Li Feng, who sat back in the classroom, was also looking forward to the first elf class today.

However, what stunned Li Feng the most was that these teachers actually said in their own classes that if they needed in special classes, they could ask for leave with them at any time.

Is this a special student?


! Love! Love!

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