Because Xiaotian’s most powerful Pokémon is Mega Charizard, and only Charizard can compete with Hirona’s Pokémon, others like Benjira are a little reluctant, as for Pikachu and Water Lord, it is completely a dish, the level difference is too big, Hirona’s Pokémon Ace 96’s Bite Land Shark, Pokékiss Level 90. Menas Class 86. Roseredor level 85, Lucario level 83, and Flower Monster level 85

Xiaotian Bangira level 82, Charizard level 80, after mega evolved strength Bangira level 86, Charizard level 84

Although Bangira is quite strong, against the champion Hirona, with the command ability of the champion Hirona and her knowledge of her Pokémon, Benjira is a little reluctant

Only Charizard’s strength after the meta evolution has directly caught up with the champion ~ peak, and it is not afraid of the Pokémon below the hero of Hirona, but it is enough to choke on the champion level, not to mention the fierce bite land shark of the 96th level, so this battle is an ace battle

Came to the battlefield Xiao Tian did not talk nonsense directly sent Charizard, and ordered Mega to evolve, colored light flashed, and a black domineering Charizard X appeared on the field

Seeing that Xiaotian directly sent the strongest fire-breathing dragon and directly mega evolution, Shirona also sent her own fierce bite land shark and said

“Xiaotian, you gave the sundae evolution stone, the sundae sent me, thank you very much for the evolution stone, I like it very much”

“Don’t thank me, it was sent to you by the sundae” Xiao Tian is now on the battle, and does not care about those things, now Hirona has not entered the battle state, but has already made Xiao Tian feel the pressure, this is self-confidence, sent to bite the land shark Hirona’s strong confidence in her strength, can also be said to be a momentum, that strong confidence makes Xiaotian Alexander, and now Hirona has not yet entered the battle state, you must know that Hirona in the battle is very serious, at that time Hirona was more powerful

“Although it was given to me by the sundae, the evolution stone is yours, so thank you, then let’s start fighting” Hirona’s eyes changed after speaking

I changed my previous attitude and started to get serious

The serious Shirona is indeed under a lot of pressure on Xiaotian, but the belief in her own fire-breathing dragon makes Xiaotian have his own pride, even if it is a failure, I want you to see my strength

“Charizard Jet Flame” Xiao Tian took the lead in commanding

“Bite the land shark, dragon’s claw” Shirona had a serious expression, beautiful and stunned, but Xiaotian did not care about this, but his heart was full of shock

I saw that the fierce bite land shark directly dodged the jet flame at a very fast speed and rushed towards the fire-breathing dragon, and its claws were shining, it was the dragon’s claw

“Charizard Dragon Claw blocked” Xiao Tian hurriedly said, did not expect the speed of the fierce bite land shark to be so fast, and Shirona directly commanded the dragon’s claw, the fierce bite of the land shark himself understood that it was dodging the jet flame and rushed up to use the dragon’s claw on the fire-breathing dragon

Watching the fierce bite land shark in the air and the fire-breathing dragon wielding the dragon claws formed by the light constantly fighting, but the fierce biting land shark is much faster, so many times it is the fire-breathing dragon that is resisting the attack

“It is worthy of being the champion’s ace Fierce Biting Land Shark, the strength is really strong” Xiao Tian is also boiling in his heart, Xiao Tian’s fire-breathing dragon is positioned with a strong attack, and it is rare to see more violent and powerful than Charizard’s attack, let alone bite the land shark faster

“Fierce bite land shark, destroy the death light” Watching the two Pokémon fight against each other and separate the two sides after striking a dragon’s claw, Hirona commanded

Hearing Shirona’s words, Xiao Tian was shocked, and before he could react, he bit the land shark with a destructive death light, directly hit the fire-breathing dragon, and the powerful power directly blasted the fire-breathing dragon down from the air

“I fuck, so fast speed, so powerful power” Xiao Tian’s face was shocked, although Xiao Tian had seen the continuous destruction death light of the fast dragon of the Royal Dragon Degree, the continuous launch of the powerful destruction death light was simply shocking to the world, Xiao Tian also knew that Shirona’s fierce bite land shark is likely to not destroy the rigid time of the death light, but I didn’t expect the launch speed of the fierce bite land shark to be so fast, what about the gathering time? Was it eaten

Seeing Charizard being destroyed, the death light hit Shirona’s eyes lit up and continued to command

“Bite the Land Shark, Billions of Impacts” seems to want to directly solve the battle, without using continuous destruction death light, because although the champion-level Pokémon destruction death light does not have a stiff time, continuous firing is also quite physically consuming

“You are ruthless enough,” seeing that Hirona’s fierce bite land shark attack attacked Charizard so quickly, and even more to use billions of impacts to solve Charizard or hit it hard, Xiao Tian gritted his teeth and said, and then commanded

“Charizard reverse scale, burst burning” burst burning, fire system big move, burn the opponent with explosive flames, then can not move, there is a stiff time

It doesn’t matter so much now, Charizard doesn’t fight back next, this game is almost over, as for stiff time…. Let’s talk about it then

Let Charizard use the reverse scale, because the fire-breathing dragon use skill after using the reverse scale is not only more powerful, but also the speed of launching is faster, otherwise it is likely that the fire system burst flame before it is launched, and it will be attacked by billions of impacts

I saw that the fire-breathing dragon that was falling in the air with the damage of the destruction death light suddenly turned red, which is the state of using reverse scales, and then spit out a super large fireball in its mouth and spit towards the fierce biting land shark that is using billions of impacts to crash into the fire-breathing dragon, the super large fireball directly crashed into the fierce biting land shark, and produced a super explosion, directly blowing the fierce biting land shark out, and the flying car is far away, which shows its powerful power, and the explosive flame power is even more powerful, constantly burning the fierce biting land shark to cause damage to it

The powerful force caused great damage to the fierce biting land shark, and Shirona flashed a trace of surprise,

The fire-breathing dragon that was originally destroyed and died was falling, at this time, the rapid use of hundreds of millions of impact fire-breathing dragons by the fierce bite land shark could not react, small skills would be scattered if they were useless, large skills could not catch up with time, the sky injured fire-breathing dragon was falling, and it could not be avoided, but Xiaotian did not expect that Xiaotian directly let the fire-breathing dragon use the reverse scale to make up for the lack of time, and issued a big move to cause serious damage to the fierce bite land shark

However, the powerful Pokémon of the Fierce Bite Land Shark as a champion level could not be knocked down with this big move, although the damage was quite serious, but it quickly stood up and flew into the sky

Seeing that the fierce bite land shark quickly flew up, Xiao Tian chuckled in his heart, and the secret passage was over

Before let Charizard use the reverse scale after releasing the flame move, although it caused serious damage to the fierce bite land shark, but the next stiff time is a hard injury, it is likely to be directly knocked down by the fierce bite land shark, Xiao Tian just hopes that the power of the fire system blessed by the reverse scale is strong enough to allow the fierce bite land shark to stand up for a little longer, insisting on the stiff time of the fire-breathing dragon, and some fights, now it seems to be his own whims

“Fiercely bite the land shark, continuously destroy the death light” Hirona directly commanded this time

The fire-breathing dragon that was thought to be easy to solve before in turn caused serious damage to his fierce bite land shark, and now Shirona plans not to give Xiaotian a chance, even if the physical exertion is serious

The stiff fire-breathing dragon could not move, and could only helplessly hard connect in the face of the continuous destruction death light launched by the fierce biting land shark

The powerful destruction death light constantly hits the fire-breathing dragon and constantly produces ability explosions, looking at Xiaotian’s face full of black lines, too ruthless

The continuous destruction of the death light ended, the smoke of the explosion dispersed, although the fire-breathing dragon was scarred, but it was still standing, although it was obvious that it was about to fall down in one breath, but it was indeed still standing, Xiao Tian was overjoyed, such a powerful destruction death light hit so many times in a row, Xiao Tian thought that Charizard would lose its combat effectiveness, but he didn’t expect that Charizard was still standing, watching the fierce bite land shark because of the continuous destruction of the death light just now was very physically consumed, and was panting, Xiao Tian hurriedly commanded “Charizard uses burning out”

I saw that Charizard used its last strength to smash into the ground with all its strength, and then the ground ejected powerful flames, rushing into the air to attack the fierce land shark

The powerful flames deal a lot of damage to the Fierce Biting Land Shark, but unfortunately these are not enough to defeat the Fierce Biting Land Shark

“Bite the land shark, the charge of the dragon” Seeing that the fire-breathing dragon was already at the end of the strong crossbow, Hirona directly commanded

The fierce bite land shark directly emitted a murderous aura to lock the fire-breathing dragon so that it could not move, and then quickly rushed over and crashed into the fire-breathing dragon, the powerful power directly knocked out the last strength of the fire-breathing dragon, and the fire-breathing dragon lay on the ground and lost its combat effectiveness

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