Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 11 Charmander In The Heavy Rain【Seeking Data~】

Gongmen Stadium Auditorium——

"I knock, so strong!! Articuno, it seems that he killed all the poachers and many fire-type Pokémon in one move, so amazing."

"Before I thought that the legendary Pokémon was just a rarer Pokémon? Seeing it today really opened my eyes!!"

"The legendary Pokémon, also known as the beast Pokémon, is not in vain when I saw it today. Even if it is an inverse attribute, Articuno... is still a one-hit kill!!"

"Too awesome!!"

The auditorium of Gongmen Stadium suddenly became excited.

Before, most of the audience just didn't know the legendary Pokémon, at most they had heard of it.

Today, I saw the power of the frozen Pokémon Articuno, which directly impressed the audience.


[Region Elite chat group], this is a contact group chat organized by Elite Trainers from all over the world. We share some current affairs and chat together on weekdays.

If there are quite interesting activities in various places, you can also invite each other to participate together.

Seeing Articuno's strength, Sinnoh Region's Fire Element Elite Daye spoke directly in the chat group.

Daye: I have heard about Kanto Region for a long time. The legendary Pokémon Articuno is known as the "God of Ice". It is really extraordinary when I saw it today. I don't know if my flame can break its ice.

Lorelei: Please save yourself, Daye, Articuno is the face of our Kanto Region!

Lorelei, who was still worried about Articuno before, breathed a sigh of relief.

She is so naive.

Naive enough to think, how could the legendary Pokémon Articuno lose to these poaching gangs!

Daye: Hahaha, I’m just talking. If I have a chance, I would like to compete with Articuno. But my Infernape is Fighting-type, without air supremacy, it may be difficult to defeat, a pity.

Hoenn Region’s Ice Element Elite Jenny: It can only be said that we still have very little knowledge of the legendary Pokémon. Articuno is the card of the Kanto Region, and I also think of our Hoenn Region’s Regice.

Almost every Region will have team monsters.

The three sacred birds of the Kanto Region.

The Three Holy Beasts of the Johto Region Region.

Three toilets in the Hoenn Region.

Three Mushrooms in Sinnoh Region.

The Three Swordsmen of the Unova Region.

These legendary Pokémon actions are elusive, and these Elite Trainers are rarely seen on weekdays.

Today, I witnessed Articuno's performance with my own eyes, and I can't help but praise him.


Team Rocket's headquarters.

"The legendary Pokémon...you can't be careless."

Seeing the frozen poaching gang on the screen, Archer was terrified.

It seems that he still underestimated the legendary Pokémon.

Boss Giovanni's expression was calm.

The legendary Pokémon...

Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved.

However, the legendary Pokémon Articuno has such power.

So isn't the original Pokémon, the ancestor Mew, stronger?

And he is in the Niijima laboratory, the artificial Pokémon with the Mew gene...

Isn't it even more powerful? ?

Thinking of this, the corners of Chief Giovanni's mouth rose slightly.

The Pokémon beyond Mew is the strongest Pokémon! !


Palace Gatekeeper Stadium——

The champion Trainers couldn't help but praise Articuno when they saw Articuno's level.

"The legendary Pokémon, sacrosanct."

Charles Goodshow smiled slightly.

He was still worried about Articuno's safety before, but now Charles Goodshow suddenly realized it.

Such a powerful legendary Pokémon...

Do you still need their protection?

No need at all!

Ordinary technology, ordinary Pokémon, even the fire-type Pokémon that restrains it, is not Rival of Articuno.

The audience present, after witnessing this battle, thought so! ?

So, is that the answer?

Absolutely not! !

The video clip for this segment ends, and a new video is revealed.

In the video——

[The torrential rain is raging in the wild, and the rain pillars are flying all over the sky, like thousands of sharp arrows shooting towards the ground at high speed. The passers-by have taken refuge in the caves or stayed in the nearby Pokémon center. 】

【At the same time, the figure of the familiar boy Ash appeared in front of everyone. 】


"It's Ash!"

"Saw Ash again!?"

"What magical events will unfold this time."

After witnessing the evolution of the bond between Ash and Greninja, the audience present were quite curious about this young man.

Therefore, when it appeared, the Stadium auditorium was in an uproar.

The video continues——

[Due to the weather, Ash and two partners were on their way, but at this moment, they encountered a Pokémon that was not Normal. 】

[That's a Pokémon with an orange body, a cream belly and underside of the tail, and a burning flame on the tail. 】


"It's Charmander!"

Where there are Flying-type Pokémon, there is Yulongdu! !

Without any consideration, he said it directly in surprise.

"Charmander is one of the three Pokémon given to Rookie Trainer by the Kanto Region. It is quite a novelty to meet in the wild."

Steven Stone said.

"No, no, your focus seems to be wrong."

The strongest Pokémon of Trainer Dandi, the champion of Galar Region, is Charizard, the final evolution of Charmander.

He didn't care why Charmander appeared in the wild...

But he found out! !

In the torrential rain, the fire of life in the tail of the Charmander!

It's about to go out! !



PS: Please ask for flowers and evaluation votes, I hope to get everyone's support

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