Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 282 Everyone Shocked! Ash Was Kissed! !

When you see the scene in front of you...

Audiences all over the world showed extremely shocked expressions.

【Region champion Trainer chat group. 】

Wallace: How, how did this happen?? The sea area near Aldo Mare has all turned into this appearance,??

Steven Stone: This is too surprising.

Cynthia: Regarding the Legendary of Aldo Mare, the city of water, I have carefully checked the relevant information just now.

Cynthia: That important treasure named "Soul Dew" is closely related to the existence of Aldo Mare. If it is contaminated and defiled by evil people, it will be filled with darkness.

Cynthia: And Odomare will also lose the blessing of Soul Dew, and will sink into the silent deep sea together with the treasure!!!

Professor Kukui: It sank into the deep sea together with the drops of water?? So that means... all the residents and tourists in Odomare at this time are in danger.

Dan Di: Logically speaking, that should be the case. This........is simply creepy, what should we do to save it all!!!

Cynthia: It's quite hard to say...So at this moment, Soul Dew has already been broken, and even Ash...should be irreparable.

Yulongdu: No way, such a cruel thing would happen.

All the Region Champion Trainers showed expressions of astonishment.

Kanto Region, Rocket Hideout.

"Odomare...is going to sink.

Giovanni, the leader of the Rockets, said lightly.

"Soul Dew is in a relationship with Otto Mare, once Soul Dew loses its power, everything will be irreparable.

The Rockets Executive Archer next to him said indifferently.

The reaction of all members of the Rockets was not so intense.

after all…………

Odomare is not where the Rockets are involved.

Even if it sinks into the bottom of the sea...

It is also indifferent.

But Giovanni is extra curious, now Ash...

How to be like the previous theater version, no matter how difficult things happen, 01 can recover!!

Silver Conference Stadium Guest Seat——

"What...Professor Oak, could Aldo Mare be sunk??"

Compared with the calmness of the Rockets.

The president of the Pokémon Alliance, Damaranchi, was fidgeting suddenly!!

"This is very likely to happen. The existence of Soul Dew and Aldo Mare is closely related. In the picture, the year-old Soul Dew has been broken, and the waters near Aldo Mare... It has become like this.

"It's unimaginable what will happen next.

Professor Oak said with a serious expression.

And the expression of President Damaranci also turned pale in an instant.

Even the Elite Four Trainers next to them......

They all suddenly became uneasy.

"Odo Mare... Will it really be destroyed under such circumstances?? There are still many residents and tourists there!!!"

Fighting Elite Bruno roared.

But almost no one can answer Bruno's question...

In the picture, such a bad situation, it is really the audience all over the world...

It is obvious to all!!

Even the audience in the auditorium didn't know what kind of symbiotic relationship Soul Dew had with Otto Mare.

But seeing the waters off Odomare...  

Soaring in the sky has long been covered by dark clouds, and the originally blue Soaring in the sky has already been transformed into gloomy darkness.

The whole Soaring in the sky, plus the roar of the rough waves.

It's like a vision of the end of the world.

This made the audience gasp.

And started talking about it.


It seems to be coming.

What about visitors and residents of Odomare?

What's going to happen in Odomare's native land......?

Ash and Pikachu...what to do with them??

All fears rush to my heart!!

Video continues—

Johto Region Region, Oddo Mare.

【Facing such a terrifying scene, Ash, Kanon and their partners all showed expressions of astonishment. 】

[At this moment, they seem a little overwhelmed. 】


【Meanwhile, as guardians of Aldomare, Infinity Pokémon Latios and Latias are not going to sit still!】

[After swinging with the sound, looking up at the dark Soaring in the sky, he quickly flew to the top of the Tower of the Sun. 】

【After circling a few laps at the top of the tall tower of the sun, the eyes glowed with crystal blue light, and made an attacking posture. 】


[With a huge rumbling sound, a dazzling white line rose rapidly from the sky, and upon closer inspection, it was a huge tsunami. 】

"NIMA...this tsunami!"

"How can this be resisted?"

"If Pound comes down safely, Odomare will be completely silent!"

Some of the audience, who were belatedly aware of it, jumped up hastily.

Yulongdu and President Damaranci, who were in the guest seats of the Silver Conference Stadium, looked pale.

Whether it's Cynthia, or what Professor Oak said...


If this huge wave with a height of hundreds of feet is pounded down.

The entire island of Oldomare will sink.

All tourists and residents will be buried under the sea!!

in the video

[The exclamation of the audience resounded throughout the Stadium. 】

[At the same time, the two Infinity Pokémon in the picture are facing a huge tsunami. 】

[As the guardians of Odomare, they have never been afraid. They unfolded their Dual Wingbeat, their bodies burst into bright light, and rushed into the huge tsunami with lightning speed. 】

audience around the world

"This, this is, the magic Pokémon Latias and Latios, are they going to stop the tsunami?"

"It should be like this. As the guardians of Odomare, neither Latias nor Latios will give up this city easily."

"Yes, Never Give Up."

"Come on, Latias, Latios."

"You guys will definitely succeed!!"

The audience around the world saw Latias and Latios whose eyes were shining with bright blue light and whose whole body was covered by White Lucas...

They all quickly cheered and encouraged him.

success or failure…………

There is a huge difference.

If successful, all disasters will subside and Odomare will be restored.

But if it fails.....

What was waiting for Aldo Mare was a terrible tsunami. In this catastrophe, it is almost impossible for anyone to survive.

And Aldo Mare, a beautiful city of water, will also become history!!

image continues

Johto Region Region, Oddo Mare.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

【Latios and Latias have activated their spiritual power to the maximum extent at this time. 】

[Under the cooperation of the two infinite Pokémon, the huge tsunami feels like it is being gradually suppressed. 】

[Seeing that the tsunami was suppressed, the audience's blood boiled immediately, and when they were about to start cheering, the variables changed again. 】

[The violent hurricane swept through the huge waves again, countless waterspouts began to fly around, and the overwhelming tsunami intensified again. 】

[The Latias and Latios, whose output power has reached the limit, obviously can't support it. 】


[Facing the huge tsunami, the tourists and residents in Odomare are in chaos at this moment, and countless human beings are in fear.....

The fear of being swallowed by huge waves!!

【As the guardian of the city of water Aldomare, Latios absolutely cannot see such a thing happen. 】

【Immediately, Latios made a pretty great decision. 】

[When Latias and Latias struggled against the tsunami, their soft eyes looked at Sister Hongshuidu. 】

【A trace of reluctance lingered in Latios' eyes for a while, and then, in order not to miss the last opportunity, Latias suddenly unfolded the Dual Wingbeat, like a jet helicopter, and flew towards the dark Soaring in the sky. 】

【When flying towards Soaring in the sky, Latios turned into rows of bright beams of light!!】

【The beam of light flickered in Soaring in the sky, and the released White Lucas suppressed the tsunami at once. 】

[And quite mysteriously, all the water flowed back to Aldo Mare, and the dark clouds Soaring in the sky slowly receded. 】

[The dazzling Gold sun hangs high in the sky, and the sun shines through the clouds in a straight line and falls in the beautiful and romantic water city of Odomare, everyone can't help but sigh with emotion. 】

【Region Elite Trainer chat group. 】

Lucian: I knock, strong, Latios, it is incredible that Latios resolved this crisis by himself.

Daye: After suffering such a serious injury, he was able to erupt with unparalleled strength at a critical moment and suppress the tsunami, which is worthy of praise.

Drake: This is the courage of our dragon-type Pokémon!!

Cattleya: Uncle Drake, when Latios stopped the tsunami just now, what he lost was his mental power. Having such a strong mental power must be related to our superpower Attribute

Will: Sister Cattleya said it well. Even in the theatrical version of "Hoopa of the Light Wheel", the Twister swept by the ancient high-altitude Totem Rayquaza, only through mental interference and strengthening the city's spiritual storm, can it withstand the attacks of the seven great beasts and Pokémon!!

Will: The main Attribute of Latios must be a super power to be so powerful!

Phoebe: Well, there's no need to argue, we've seen with our own eyes that this crisis has been quelled, so that's enough.

Lorelei: Yes, thanks a lot Latias and Latios!!

Not only in the Elite Trainer chat group, but also audiences all over the world. …

They are all very happy.

The romantic city of Odoma was preserved after all.

President Damaranci was overjoyed.


The finances of Johto Region Region have been saved again!!

Odomare, but a tourist attraction, has promoted the economic development of the Johto Region Region.

What's more, all the residents are safe and sound.

The biggest hero this time, besides Ash, is this infinite Pokémon Latios!!

Everyone is grateful for this Phantom Pokémon from the bottom of their hearts!!

The video continues——

[After the event was completely over, Ash started to look for Latias and Latios. 】

[On the distant shore, a group of Wailmers brought the unconscious Latias over, but Latios was nowhere to be seen. 】

[After boarding the boat, Latias wakes up in Ash's arms. 】

"Latias, where is Latios?

Kanon asked Latias curiously.


At this moment, Latias just looked sadly at the Soaring in the sky in the distance.

"Wait, could this be..."

Will, in the guest room at the Silver Conference Stadium, had a hard time accepting this reality.

"Let me just say, how could Latios, who was already seriously injured, be able to burst out with such power... But if he is inspired by his own life, he has a chance to achieve it."

Karen Elite sighed slowly.

"How could it be... like this."

Yulongdu was deeply saddened.

"La... Latios, the hero!"

477 President Damaranch also became silent after learning about Latios' situation.

"It seems that we will be in Aldo Mare in the future, remembering this hero."

Professor Oak spoke seriously.

And if this is the case, it will naturally get the support of everyone!!

If not Latios sacrificed his life to save Odomare.


image continues

Johto Region Region, Oddo Mare.


【Ash is very sad. 】

【However, at this moment, Latias suddenly opened his bright eyes, which began to glow with crystal blue brilliance. 】

[The next second, due to Latios' dedication, a crystal ball burst into dazzling light. 】

[Among the rays of light, the beautiful picture of the water blue planet comes into view. 】

This is…………

Dream mirroring.

At the same time...

The scene that Latios is currently seeing.


【Everyone couldn't help but sigh with emotion. 】

【 Latios didn't disappear, but changed his way. The guardian's favorite Aldo Mare. 】

【In the end, due to Latios' sacrifice, the crystal ball was transformed into Soul Dew again, replacing Latios to guard Aldo Mare!!】

Saw this ending...

Although the audience has regrets.

But also accepted!!

The video continues——

Otto Mare.

[All incidents are resolved. 】

[Because of the return of Soul Dew, Aldo Mare is back to its original state, and it is still the beautiful city of water. 】

[Ash, who has been with Aldo Mare for several days, will return to his own adventure. 】

[Ash is waving goodbye to Ben Grey on the Harbor in Old Mare. 】

Although time is short.....

But there have been so many unforgettable experiences.

Also saw such a beautiful grand scene.

Ash is also content.

"Where's Canon?"

[Canon, who often appears on camera in this work, disappeared at this critical moment of parting. 】

【In desperation, Ash and others, he had no choice but to move on. 】

【However, at this moment, the girl who took down a painting from the room rushed to Harbor before Ash was about to leave. 】

[The girl hands the painting to Ash. 】

Ash happily accepted the painting.

But next...

The next screen, however, amazes audiences all over the world......


I see.

beautiful girl.


The fragrant breath slowly dispersed, and before Ash could react, a beautiful kiss was left on Ash's cheek!!

this moment......

The whole world exploded!!.

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