[Special editing question: Which of the following Pokémon was the Pokémon that the young Ash encountered flying in the air on the day he set off from Pallet Town? 】

[A: Ultra-ancient Pokémon Groudon. 】

[B: The legendary Pokémon Zapdos in the Kanto Region. 】

[C: Flash Fearow. 】

[D: Holy Pokémon Ho-Oh! 】

[Friendly Reminder: Every audience present can answer the questions, there will be rewards for correct answers, and Punishment for incorrect answers. There are only two chances to answer in the audience! 】


When this text surfaced, audiences all over the world were at a loss, but after reading the relevant items, they understood.

"Live question and answer? It seems quite interesting."

"Get rewards for correct answers, and Punishment for wrong answers? It seems to be quite interesting. Let me see what the questions are."

"Speaking of which, Groudon... ultra-ancient Pokémon Groudon what is that"

"I don't know, I don't seem to have heard of it much. It's just that I feel that the first answer to be ruled out is it."

Hoenn Region Champion Trainer Steven Stone explained when the audience at Palace Gate Stadium was talking about Groudon:

"The ultra-ancient Pokémon Groudon, said to be the embodiment of the earth, has long been described in mythology as the land-creating, continent-expanding Pokémon."

"Possesses the power to make rain clouds disappear, expand the earth with strong light and high temperature to evaporate water, and once appeared as a savior to people suffering from floods. In a natural scramble, sleeping in the lava underground, it is said that once Volcano wakes up It will erupt."

"Oh? Groudon, Pokémon of the Earth, don't think too much about it, just rule out the first answer. What Ash sees is a Pokémon that can fly. Groudon is absolutely impossible to fly."

Diantha said relentlessly.


Hoenn Region, base of Team Lava.

"The champion of the Carlos Region, dare to insult our Groudon, I'm going to the Galar Region, clean them up!!"

After hearing Diantha's words in the video, Maxie, the leader of the lava team, couldn't hold back the Rage in his heart anymore, and looked at Diantha with glaring eyes.

"Boss, calm down, calm down! The Galar Alliance now has the eight masters of the Alliance. If we act rashly, we will be wiped out!"

Lava's Executive Tabitha and Flame scramble to stop Maxie from doing something stupid.

Alliance Champion Trainer...

That's not easy to mess with! !

Although they really insulted Team Lava's faith, but...

The other party seemed to be right.

Groudon, but he can't fly! !


Palace Gate Stadium——

"Since the first answer has been ruled out, the rest of the answers...I think Zapdos is the most likely. Reminiscent of the thunderstorm weather just now, and the keyword [Saffron color], isn't this the proper Kanto Region The Thunder King Zapdos?"

Yu Longdu said confidently.

After what Yulongdu said, the audience at Gongmen Stadium was enlightened.



Definitely Zapdos.

The Zapdos of the Kanto Region are legendary Pokémon that can manipulate lightning at will.

It is said that Zapdos lairs in a dark thundercloud and can be seen when the thundercloud splits in two.

Zapdos will make a crackling sound when Flying, thunder will fall when flapping its wings, and intense lightning will be generated by flapping its dazzling wings.

When Soaring in the sky is dark and thunder is falling, this legendary Pokémon will appear. If it is hit by this Thunder Shock, power will emerge from its Thunder Pokémon body.

Didn’t Pikachu absorb the violent lightning when he jumped into the sky just now, and then instantly defeated a large number of Spearows?

On the Stadium, Yulongdu quickly raised his hand and replied:

"The answer is B. The legendary Pokémon of the Kanto Region, Zapdos!!"

The audience felt that Yulongdu was stable this time! !

Because what happened just now is almost in line with the Zapdos information!


Reality directly gave Yulongdu a big stick.

A strange mechanical cold sound came——

[Wrong answer, the answerer Yulongdu will be punished, and his favorite red cloak will be printed with Dandi's Hiroshi for a week? ? 】

Yulongdu:? ? ?

Before Yulongdu could even react, he saw that the red cloak he thought was handsome at this time was shining with a startling light.

When all the light disappeared, all Hiroshi's obituaries originally received by Dandi appeared on the cloak behind Yulongdu.

"Ah!! My cloak."

Yulongdu wanted to cry but had no tears.


The champions, Trainer, took a deep breath. This Punishment execution is really a little scary.

Not long after Lance defeated Mr. Dandi, the most handsome cape now was painted with Mr. Dandi's Hiroshi obituary.

The only difference between this and Lance pulling Grimer on the street is pulling Muk on the street for a week! ! !

Yulongdu's answer is wrong, so the remaining two answers are even more worth thinking about.

However, at this moment, a spectator at the Palace Gate Stadium immediately got up, quickly raised his hand and replied:

"I choose C, Flash Fearow. As a Trainer of the Kanto Region, it is quite clear that the evolution of Spearow is Fearow, and the Spearow who just appeared to attack Pikachu and Ash is the Spearow group. These dozens of Spearows have evolved Fearow. It must be possible!!"

"So, I think Flash Fearow, the C answer, is the most likely answer."

When the audience finished answering, many people nodded again and again.

This guy……

It seems quite reasonable.

The original answer of A must be the wrong answer in the ancient legend of Pokémon Groudon.

As we all know, none of the Earth Pokémon can fly!

Then there's most likely the legendary Pokémon Zapdos all gone wrong.

The only possibility left is the special and rare Flash Fearow! !

The audience at Gongmen Stadium looked enviously at the answerer.

This guy is about to get a reward!


The facts were once again beyond everyone's expectations.

I saw a strange voice coming slowly——

[Wrong answer, the answerer will dance more and accept punishment...]

Another frightening punishment.

However, after everyone recovered, they discovered an important problem.

The answer to A is wrong, and the next two answers were screened out by the two respondents.

Then only the final answer remains...

Holy Pokémon Ho-Oh! ?

First day out in Ash Pallet Town, meet the divine Pokémon... Ho-Oh!



PS: there will be another chapter update later

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