Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 78 A Historic Moment, The Ten-Year-Old Master Hall Of Fame Member! ? 【Please Subscribe~】

When audiences around the world saw Lucario's gigantic Aura Sphere defeat Chibana's gigantic aluminum-steel dragon. …

All showed shocked expressions.

Gongmen Stadium Auditorium——

"I knock, knock, knock, what's going on, huge Aura Sphere... just incredible!"

"It's really awesome, this is the largest Aura Sphere I've ever seen, and this power is already a giant move.

"No, it's a super-giant move! Even a Mega-sized aluminum steel dragon can be easily killed in seconds. I'm convinced."

"AshNB, LucarioNB!"

"No, have you discovered a situation, who is Ash, who can actually rub a huge Aura Sphere with his hands like Lucario!"

"Could Ash's be a Pokémon!!?"

"It needs to be investigated in the future, but it's too shocking. The huge Aura Sphere, let alone the gigantic aluminum steel dragon. Even Mr. Dandi's gigantic Charizard bears it head-on, I don't know what will happen Sample!?"

The audience at Palace Gate Stadium was going crazy.

This giant Aura Sphere...

It was so shocking.

Alola Region, Alola College.

"Win, win, Ash win."

Shui Lian looked at Ash on the screen with a happy face.

"Wow!!! Burning like Volcano. Ash, you are the face of our Alola Region.

Kiawe was on fire.

"Lillie, Ash.....he won!"

Mao quickly looked at Lillie who was on the side.

"Yes! Yes! Ash wins!!"

Although Lillie has never met Ash.

But Lillie has an inexplicable familiarity with Ash.

And also touched by Ash's love for Pokémon.

She firmly believes that they will meet again in the future.

Ash for Alola, not far from Norman's for the World Championships.

After fierce battles again and again, I finally got a place to participate in the Alola Alliance Trainer.

Can Alola's partners feel the hardships of this journey for Ash!?

Kanto Region, Team Rocket headquarters.

"wnm!! Win, this special meow is Aura Sphere." (It's Dayu Helixwan!)

The Rockets' Executive Archer has been completely flabbergasted.

Didn't Chibana play well in front?

Mega's giant aluminum steel dragon completely ignored Lucario's Aura Sphere attack.

But what happened just now!?

Could it be amazing......

Ash and Lucario say some strange words.

What fetters!

What towns and villages!

What a dream!

Did the huge spiral Aura Sphere burst out suddenly?

What is going on here.

"Ash won, isn't that already listed as one of the eight masters. A veritable Region champion Trainer-level trainer. Such an honor... seems to be exactly the same as Crimson #!?"

Although the Executive Ariana of the Rockets is also very surprised by the huge Aura Sphere.

but now...………

She panicked even more, Ash now gets the credit!

10-year-old master Hall of Fame member??

Isn't this the proper crimson template?


At the same time, Giovanni, the leader of the Rockets, was completely panicked at this moment.

Ash's potential...

Far taller than they imagined.

Today, Ash has defeated Chibana and became the Trainer of the world's eight masters for the first time.

In another parallel time and space, the 10-year-old Indigo Alliance champion Crimson has already wiped out the Rockets.

And now Ash has the honor.

Will it also...

Destroy Team Rocket!?

Sinnoh Region, Iron Island.

"Lucario, did you see that?"

Yaxuan, the descendant of the hero of the waveguide, looked incredulously at the appearance of Ash and Lucario condensing a huge Aura Sphere together in the video playback...


Lucario on the side nodded.

This move, it will definitely be remembered for a lifetime.

Yaxuan pressed down his blue top hat, and then a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"You can't be wrong, Ash and Lucario, it's this generation - waveguide brave!!"

As a result, Yaxuan felt even more incredible.


That is, the waveguide brave...

Another one of the world's eight masters!

Quite powerful!

【Region Elite chat group. 】

Aaron: Unbelievable, unbelievable! Ash... actually won that Chibana.

Daye: I would call it the strongest Pokémon who defeated Chibana Gigamax with a normal Pokémon!

Bruno: Ash's Lucario... is really handsome. Even I want to go to Sinnoh Region to get one.

Lian Wu: It's really too fierce, the huge Aura Sphere... I don't know how it was made.

Drake: During the release process, Ash and Lucario seemed to be united in spirit. Even Ash exudes fine lines of waveguide all over his body, which is quite magical.

Zhimi: Rubbing the Aura Sphere with your hands, that's too much Brother Ash!! Are you a humanoid Pokémon?

Will: No, Ash should not be a humanoid Pokémon, but I guess this could be an alternative bond relationship!? Like Ash and Greninja.

Cattleya: This is also quite magical. When Lucario released the waveguide, Greninja did appear. The relationship between the two Pokémon...is quite complicated.

Daye: No matter what it is, if the normal form of Lucario can use such a powerful huge Aura Sphere, then if it is Mega Lucario, will it be stronger!?

Aaron: Yes!! Definitely 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt level!!

Jimmy: It's so shocking! Regardless of what we say, we have now witnessed a historic moment. This is a higher honor than what we thought a Trainer was here for.

Bruno: After defeating Chibana, then the Ash transposition battle is successful, and he is the youngest member of the Master Hall of Fame in history!!

In an instant, all the Region Elite Trainers cheered for Ash.

At the same time, I feel the gap between people...why is it so huge.

Most of them become Region Elite Trainers at the age of 20………

And Ash in the video "is the real 10-year-old master Hall of Fame member!

Palace Gate Master Stadium 1

"Win, Chitaro won 々w!"

Unova Alliance champion, Uncle Trainer Alder, was delighted for Ash.

"My uncle, I lost to Ash."

Chibana looked at Lucario who stood at the Stadium at the end on the screen, his face full of surprise.

"Chibana, it's not your fault, Lucario's huge Aura Sphere, even my Metagross, I can't bear it."

Hoenn Region Steven Stone replied seriously.

"That's right, Aura Sphere, a super-large jade spiral with the same level as 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt, is not something you and I can easily take over. It's really amazing, will Ash's identity be a humanoid Pokémon!?"

Yulongdu, the champion of the Johto Region Region, speculated.

After all Ash's body...

Many secrets are hidden.

"It's great, our Alola Alliance finally has a Trainer stepping into the eight-master knockout round of the World Championship."

Professor Kukui was quite moved.

The heart is quite fiery.

As a child, Professor Kukui's dream was to establish Alola Alliance.....

It's not far away now.

And now...

Ash pushes Alola Alliance to the top again!

When the knockout round of the eight masters officially begins, the reputation of the first Alola Alliance champion, Trainer, will resound to every corner of the world!!

"Whatever it is, let's congratulate the 10-year-old Master Hall of Fame member.

Ms. Trainer Cynthia, the champion of Sinnoh Region, slowly raised her head and looked towards the blue Soaring in the sky.

She has a hunch.

Time to fight Ash on the world stage.......

not far away!!

As Miss Cynthia said...

Everything should be put on hold. Now......

Audience, stand up!

Celebrate the world's youngest Eight Masters, Ash from Pallet Town!

Honored Master Hall of Fame!!!

Applause came like a tsunami.

Audiences around the world who were watching the live broadcast also applauded Ash for his hard work along the way.

This is.....…

Historic moment!

10-Year-Old Master Celebrity Member Ash!


The sensational applause lasted for a long time, and then the final screen of Fist Off Stadium was opened.

In the video——

[Defeated Trainer Kibana, the strongest Gym in the Galar Region, and with the announcement of the Rotom phone, Ash officially became one of the eight masters. 】

【The audience at Fist Gate Stadium also cheered for Ash. 】

【After using the whole body waveguide and Lucario condensation waveguide, Ash looked up at Soaring in the sky. 】

【Then, he slowly stretched his hand into the air, as if grasping something illusory, and showed a long-lost smile. 】

"Pikachu, Lucario, when I was young, I wanted to meet Pokémon, so I went into the forest alone. I got lost. Then I hid from the rain with the Pokémon, and I was very happy at that time."

"At that time, I wanted to become a trainer early and embark on a journey with my partners.

"I have many partners by my side, and they are all...the best partners."

"I have a dream, to become a Pokémon Master!"

"I'm really happy to work hard for my dream. Although I will be quite sad when I encounter things that don't go well, but the results brought about by success are doubly happy." 【Quotes from Ser Lena. 1



Pikachu and Lucario approached at the same time.

"Pikachu, Lucario.......Aren't we pretty close to Pokémon Master now!?"

You are now!!

Palace Gate Stadium…….


Audiences all over the world have recognized Ash!

He is a well-deserved Master Pokémon Trainer!

Video continues—

Galar Region. Fist off Stadium.

"You are now... the Pokémon Master!!"

【While Ash was still asking himself, Chibana had already walked over, showing a long-lost smile. 】

"I am very happy to play against you. I will not forget today's match. Now let me take a photo with the world's eight masters."

[Chibana's smile is quite bright, and Tian Rotom took a photo with Ash. 】

This game…………

Chibana lost without complaint!!

[Accepted by Qibana, Ash and Pikachu smiled at the same time, and then looked firmly at the highest auditorium of the boxing competition...Galer Region Alliance's strongest king Dandi, powerful


"I will definitely defeat Mr. Dante and become the strongest Pokémon Trainer in the world!!"

Ash declares war on the current world Trainer Dandi!!!

this moment!

Audiences all over the world are excited,

“Amazing, Ash!!”

"This is a proper declaration of war! Eight masters knockout, please come on, Ash!"

"We'll be waiting for good news from you."

".~The youngest Master Eight in history, Ash from Pallet Town!"

The Palace Gate Stadium and the audience all over the world cheered for Ash.

【Region Elite Trainer chat group. 】

Sidney: Too strong Ash, you must work hard to become a Pokémon master.

Daye: We also believe that you have no problems. I just saw my ranking for the season, 10th! Ash, take our share and work hard together. ovo

Cattleya: The dream of a Pokémon master, let me prophesy it for you, there is absolutely...no problem.

Psychic's Cattleya smiled slightly.

Will: With the Future Sight of the super family, Ash must be the strongest Pokémon Trainer in the future!

Drake: This old man is the Trainer of the old era, and the Pokémon master of the new era, so let Ash develop and undertake it!

Shauntal: Hurry up, I'm writing a novel with Ash as the main character now, and I must finish it before I become the strongest Trainer!

The entire Region Elite chat group was excited.

Ash's declaration of challenge.

It was so shocking.

Kanto Region, Pallet Town.

"Ash! Godfather, I'm sure you'll be fine.

Ash's mom, Delia Aunt, believes it all, and it's coming soon.

Sinnoh Region, Twinleaf Town.

"Great battle declaration!"

Future Coordination Trainer Dawn saw the scene in front of him, his lake blue eyes lit up.

"Yes, Ash, you can!!?"

Dawn is also looking forward to Ash's performance.

If one day, Ash and Mr. Dandi really meet on the world stage, then Dawn said.

Will definitely be there to cheer for Ash!

Carlos Region, Sprouts.

"Great, Ash. I'll do my best for you, too."

Today's Ser Lena has no exact goals, no dreams.


I want to meet Ash and pursue my ideals during the journey!

If Ash was to become the World's Mightiest Pokémon Master!

Then she will work hard to become the strongest existence in her dream job.

The future...Queen Carlos, the strongest performer left a message.

Palace Gate Stadium.

Ash is really an amazing Trainer.

Although he is not the strongest now. (No Zhao is good)

But emotions can strongly infect those around them.

Audiences all over the world have truly felt the spirit of never giving up, a hot-blooded boy.

"Come on, Ash! I will always be waiting for you on the world stage!"

Dandi at the Palace Gate Stadium showed a long-lost smile.

His eyes were full of anticipation.

Looking forward to someday......

Able to stand in the same Stadium as Ash.


Pokémon Trainer!

And this day......

It won't be very long!!

image continues

[After defeating Chibana, Ash has officially become the Eighth Master of this season. 】

[After the next week, the eight master knockout rounds of the World Championship will officially begin. 】

【at the same time. Before the Master Eight competition, Ash was invited by Professor Kukui to Alola Region. 】

【Ash also thought of the partners he hadn't seen for a long time, so he agreed to Professor Kukui's request. 】

[When he arrived in Alola Region, Ash was warmly received by his long-lost classmates. 】

"The current Ash is the representative trainer of Alola Region."

Professor Kukui said happily.

"I really envy you, Kukui. If our Unova Region Alliance has such a successor, I will feel extremely proud and honored."

Unova Alliance champion Trainer Alder said happily.


The video continues——

Alola Region.

[In order to welcome the triumphant return of Alola Region's champion Trainer, Alola Academy held a great feast. Swell]

【After the banquet, Ash went to Professor Kukui's house for a short rest. 】

[And Professor Kukui chatted with Ash about tomorrow's schedule. 】

It seems that with Ash as the protagonist, there will be a...

Battle Royale.

PS: Supporting the Conference in the next chapter! That exciting championship moment was really touching, and the quality was quite high. .

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