Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 86 If This Dragonite Uses Body Press For Gardevoir, Can It Be Played All Over The World? 【13

In the second match of the World Championship, the match between Johto Region Champion Trainer Yulongdu and Carlos Region Champion Trainer Diantha is in full swing.

Trainers all over the world say that it is quite enjoyable.

The game is about to enter the final chapter, and both sides have only two Pokémon left.

However, Yulongdu is still at a disadvantage in terms of Attribute.

"Brother Yulongdu's Pokémon are only Dragonite and Gyarados, and Ms. Diantha has Gourgeist and Gardevoir. In summary, I can only say that it depends on the battle situation of the two Pokémon.

"The two sides still have a system. Will it be Mega evolution or extreme vision? It's really exciting."

With audiences all over the world watching, the battle between Yulongdu and Diantha continued.

In the video——

[After Dragonite won, Diantha sent Gourgeist. 】

[Gourgeist is a Pokémon of the Grass + Ghost type, and the moves of the Grass type only have a quarter of the damage to Dragonite. 】

[Although Ghost-type moves deal normal damage, don't forget that Dragonite of Yulongdu can handle Hurricane and Flamethrower. 】

【The audience didn't know what Miss Diantha meant. 】

【But soon, I will understand!!】

“Gourgeist, Trick-or-Treat!”

[On the Stadium, Gourgeist resorted to Trick-or-Treat, countless pumpkin smiling faces and little white ghosts were all wrapped around Dragonite's body. 】

Gongmen Stadium Auditorium——

"Trick-or-Treat, what kind of move is this, I've never heard of it."

"Let me explain, Trick-or-Treat, this is the exclusive skill of Gourgeist. By casting Trick-or-Treat, you can add Ghost Type to Pokémon in Rival.

"Oh, so that's the case. That means that the current Dragonite has three Attributes. Dragon + Flying and Ghost?" "Three Zero Zero"

"That's right, that's how it is."

"But what's the benefit of adding a Ghost-type Attribute to Dragonite?"

"Of course there is. You know, Ghost Pokémon can restrain each other. If Dragonite Ghost Type is given, Ghost moves such as Gourgeist's shadow ball will have double effects on Dragonite."

"So it is! It is indeed Miss Diantha."

There are still quite a few viewers who have seen Diantha's intentions.

If Dragonite is given Ghost Type, then

There is no such thing as being restrained only by Dragonite.

both sides.………

are mutual restraint.

Palace Gatekeeper Stadium——

"Defending the dignity of Dragon Pokémon, I will not lose this game.

Yulongdu said quite imposingly.

As the representative of Carlos, I will finish the game seriously. "

Miss Diantha said carefully.

Now there are only two Pokémon left on both sides, and the starting line is similar, so there are still many states left.

image continues

Galar Alliance Stadium.

[Entrusted with Ghost Type's Trick-or-Treat, Dragonite also activated Flamethrower without delay. 】

【The scorching flames swept over, and Gourgeist's whole body was filled with dark purple evil aura, sneaking into the space of another dimension when the Flamethrower was about to hit. 】

Ghost-type moves————Phantom Force!!

First avoid Rival's moves by entering the different dimension space, and look for opportunities to attack Rival!

【Dragonite carefully observed everything around, and at this moment, a dark purple space vortex appeared behind Dragonite. 】

[The Gourgeist reappears, a Phantom Force hits Dragonite in the back, smacking him down to the Ground. 】

"Dragonite, wind."

[During the fall, Dragonite regained its strength, flapped its wings, raised dust, and leaped again at the nick of time, and rolled up a violent tornado. 】

[Under the attack of Hurricane, Gourgeist could hardly move forward, and his whole body was floating in the air. 】

"Dragonite, Dragonite swoops."

【With this momentum, Yulongdu is not prepared to give up this excellent opportunity. 】

【Soaring in the sky, the original naive Hugging Dragon's eyes were full of chilling intent, and his eyes were precisely fixed on Gourgeist's body, then he let out a roar, dived down at a high speed, and a huge blue-purple dragon-shaped flame was ignited all over his body !!】

【The powerful momentum even made Gourgeist even forget to use Phantom Force to escape. 】

【But fortunately, Diantha summoned Gourgeist to use the shadow ball at this critical moment. 】


[Almost at the same time, the moves of the two Pokémon hit each other at the same time, resulting in an explosion. 】

【Among the smoke from the explosion of the dark purple energy shadow ball, Gourgeist poured out, losing his fighting ability. 】

【Region Elite chat group. 】

Bruno: Humph! As expected, it is Lance's strongest Trump Card Pokémon, which has gradually reversed the initial disadvantage.

Sidney: As expected of Dragonite! It's so strong, it defeated Diantha's Hawlucha and Gourgeist in a row.

Shauntal: Although they are all advantages in Attribute, I have to admit that Dragonite has indeed exerted 120% of its power in the hands of Yulongdu. In the difficult battle, it finally pulled the score back. And beyond.

Jimmy: Although I really want to congratulate Mr. Lance, I have to interject here. Diantha's Gardevoir is a Pokémon with super power + Fairy.

Drasna: Fairy is the eighteenth type of Attribute newly discovered by Bratano, and it restrains evil, fighting and dragon Pokémon. And immune to dragon moves.

Wikstrom: Yes, the strength of the Fairy series is that it overthrows the status of the Dragon series Pokémon Totem. After all, being immune to dragon moves, Pokémon such as Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp and Hydreigon all of a sudden become quite uncomfortable. However, the Fairy type is restrained by my chivalry steel type, hahahaha!

Daye: Then, the reason why Gyarados has not played for a long time is to guard against Miss Diantha's Gardevoir.

Jimmy: That's about it, the entire "Dragon Army" [can only be resisted by Gyarados and Charizard.

[Region Elite Chat Group] Discussions are in full swing.

After all, the outcome of the second battle will be announced soon!

Palace Gate Stadium.

Yulongdu and Diantha were quite nervous.

They both hope that their future selves can beat each other.

And Yulongdu is also quite entangled.

Why doesn't my future self use Mega to evolve Dragonite?

The next World Championship is clearly one year away, and by then the Mega Evolution has already been fully announced.

Allen can get the Mega Evolution stone from Mega Charizard.

It is not difficult for me to search for evolution Key Stone and Mega Dragonite evolution stones all over the world!!


Dragonite doesn't have Mega evolution?

no no no!

This is absolutely impossible!

Steven's Metagross, Cynthia's Garchomp, Mr. Drake's Salamence, and Dandi's Charizard have all confirmed that they can Mega evolve.

My Dragonite is also a late-blooming Pokémon in Kanto, so there is no reason why it cannot Mega evolve!


There must be some reason for the future self to put other systems on Gyarados.

definitely is!


Under the worry of Yulongdu, the videos of the eight masters' knockout rounds continued to play.

[On the Palace Gate Stadium, there are cheers from the audience everywhere. 】

[However, although he successfully defeated Gourgeist, Baobaolong was also hit head-on by Gourgeist's Phantom Force and shadow ball when he was added a Ghost Type, and he was already scarred. 】

[Now there is only one last breath left, let's see if we can create another advantage for Yulongdu. 】

"I leave it all to you, Gardevoir."

Although Diantha has only the last Pokémon left, she doesn't panic at all.

【White light flashed, and under a gust of breeze, Gardevoir's white skirt rose slightly. 】

The audience of the two Stadiums shouted "Hello!!

Such a cute Gardevoir couldn't help but let the audience support him.

Of course, for this game, Dragonite has been banned from using Body Press, otherwise it will not be able to be played all over the world, and it will have a bad influence on children!!

"Gardevoir, Mega Evolution!"

[As the sound fell, Diantha's evolutionary Key Stone and Gardevoir's Mega Evolution stone resonated at the same time. After the radiant and strange light disappeared, one was wearing a pure white dress with a fluffy skirt, showing the demeanor of a queen The Mega Gardevoir appeared in front of audiences all over the world. 】

"I'll go, Mega Gardevoir is really cute."

"Quite Queen Fan! I remember Gardevoir's Pokédex information. It is said that when using Future Sight's ability to detect that Trainer is in danger, she will exert her maximum Psychic, and she has the determination to risk her life to protect her beloved master!"

"A complete wife beast."

"If it weren't for Pokémon and humans not being able to marry and have children, I would have long ago! Damn OVO.

"That's not necessarily the case. It was recorded in the Canalave Library in Sinnoh Region. Humans in the super-ancient period had a particularly small number and low reproductive capacity. But in an accident, some ancients discovered that humans and Pokémon , can also give birth to new life. So, in theory, it is really possible.”

"I knock! And this talk! Shocked me for a whole year!"

Male audiences all over the world discussed it quite intensely.


It's not the battle screen of the game.

The video continues——

【Gardevoir who completed Mega Evolution is very powerful, while Yulongdu is a preemptive strike...】

"Dragonite, Hurricane!"

[The strong Hurricane tornado swept again, relying on this move, Dragonite defeated Hawlucha and Gourgeist one after another. 】

[The storm filled the audience, and the skirt of Mega Gardevoir kept rising. 】

[However, Mega Gardevoir did not continue to maintain such a posture, the whole body was shrouded in pink light, and in the next second it turned into a pink star and Flash disappeared in place. 1

This is.....…

A super move!


[Through Teleport, Gardevoir appeared directly opposite Dragonite. 】

[At this time, the two Pokémon are on the same level, and Mega Gardevoir used the treble without any hesitation. 】

【The violently vibrating sonic energy glows with pink Fairy light. 】

This is Mega Gardevoir's Ability - Fairy skin!

When using a Normal type move, it will be converted into a Fairy Type move, and the power will be increased!

[Dragonite, which has been seriously injured, has already reacted quite slowly. Facing the high-pitched voice of Fairy Type, it has almost no power to dodge. It was hit directly and fell from the air, because it lost its fighting ability. 】

At this moment, both sides have only the last Pokémon left.

Champions can have many names.

But the list of the semi-finals of the eight master knockout rounds is only for one of the two champions


【With a deep breath, Lance dispatched the last Pokémon—the red Gyarados!】

The auditorium of the Palace Gate Stadium——

"Crimson Gyarados? I'm going, this is the first time I've seen it!!"

"NB NB! This is the first time I've seen red Gyarados when I grow up."

"It looks quite powerful and domineering, and even feels taller than ordinary Gyarados.

"I feel the same way."

"No wonder, I finally understand that Brother Du's final axis is not the general Dragonite, but Gyarados. Such a mighty and brave red Gyarados, I would also breed it into a Trump Card

Pokémon. "

"Hahahaha! True!"

At this moment, Yulongdu in the Palace Gate Master Stadium looked at the mighty and domineering red Gyarados on the screen, his eyes were full of surprises.

"I'm going, red Gyarados! I've captured Flash Gyarados in the future."

Yulongdu patted his thigh excitedly.

I really never expected...

He was actually able to meet Flash Red Gyarados.


To evolve into red Gyarados, Magikarp's breed is a unique Saffron color!

It's really amazing.

"Red Gyarados, is this Watataro's confidence?"

Uncle Alder looked up at the screen and couldn't help showing a bright smile.

"It's amazing that you can have such elegant Flash Gyarados."

The Wallace meter teacher next to him also cast an envious look at 3.8.

With such a mighty and domineering red Gyarados, Wallacemi Teacher has encountered many water Pokémon, and has never encountered Flash Gyarados.

"What a surprise Pokémon, Lance, next year's tournament, I'm really looking forward to our meeting.

Danny said happily.

"I'd love to fight the Crimson Gyarados too."

Cynthia smiled too.

Playing against Flash Gyarados should be much more fun than Dragonite.

"Brother, we agreed to become Dragon Masters together, but you secretly cultivated the Shiny Pokémon of the Flying type. It can't work."

Qibana gave Yulongdu a blank look.

But Yulongdu didn't care.

Gyarados in the image is dressed in a domineering crimson red.

It's exactly the same as your own hair color.


The Crimson Gyarados are all their own!

Stands for Pokémon!!

At the same time, the Dragonite Poké Ball on Yulongdu's waist shook.

Dragonite: So, will love disappear? ovo.

Yulongdu subdued the scarlet Gyarados before the next World Championship, and also sent its Breeder City such a powerful Pokémon, which was completely unexpected to audiences all over the world.

to things.

On the screen, facing Mega Gardevoir, Yulongdu didn't seem to hesitate at all.

Give the unique system of competition rules to the Flying Pokémon who is good at!

Slowly retracted Gyarados, and then revealed the extreme giant wristband!

PS: There are three chapters today, about 21-22 o'clock "There will be a new chapter!

②Thank you book friend [15954..] for the thousand rewards, thank you [I am a boss?] for the thousand rewards, and thank the book friends [13993..] for the thousands of rewards!.

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