Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 9 The Legendary PokéMon—— Articuno! 【Ask For Data~】

Palace Gate Stadium——

"This time it's an ice field environment? Could it be that the battlefield is here?"

"I don't know, but it is also possible that the Pokémon participating in the battle is of the ice type. I can't be sure yet."

"I will definitely pay attention to the details this time, and I will never lose again."

Because of the previous match between Ash and Diantha, audiences all over the world have already paid attention.

The video continues——

[In the ice and snow, a large bird Pokémon appeared in front of audiences all over the world. It was a bird with beautiful blue feathers, a crown of three dark blue prismatic feathers on its head, and strange red eyes.

Its beak is short and gray, the same color as its long, thin legs. However, it has a long, bunting-shaped tail, which is longer than the Pokémon's ice-blue body, which is the same color as the crown. Flying with its long tail, it conquered many Trainers on the spot. 】


When seeing this Pokémon appear, in an instant, the Trainer of the Palace Gate Stadium Kanto Region shouted.

"This is... the legendary Pokémon Articuno!!"

Yulongdu exclaimed.

He never expected to see the legendary Pokémon in this video.

"Articuno?? I've never heard of it before."

The audience of Gongmen Stadium comes from various regions, far away from the Kanto Region, and they have not heard of such a variety of Pokémon.

"Articuno is a legendary bird Pokémon that can freely control ice. It is said that it inhabits the snow-capped mountains of the permafrost in the Kanto Region, and will fly over the vast snow-capped mountains with its long tail fluttering."

"Articuno freezes the moisture contained in the winter air, flying through the air while bringing down Icirrus and creating Blizzard."

"Because flapping its wings can cool the air, it is said that when Articuno flies over, it will snow. If a human being dies on the snow and is about to freeze to death, Articuno will step forward and save the human being."

Professor Oak turned into a Pokémon encyclopedia, popularized to the audience present.

And Galar Alliance champion Trainer Dandi said unexpectedly:

"So this is the Articuno from the Kanto Region? It's a bit different from our Articuno from the Galar Region, Mikey."

In Dandi's impression, Articuno in Galar Region's crown snowfield has lavender feathers and a crown of three purple wavy feathers on his head.

(The picture attached is Articuno of the Galar Region.)

Articuno of the Galar Region is indifferent, calm and thorough, with elegant manners. He always uses his spiritual power to float in the air, and almost never flaps his wings.

Can manipulate powerful spiritual forces that can act on biological cells to fight. Therefore, Articuno in Galar Region is no longer the traditional ice + flying system, but...

Super energy + Flying system!


Kanto Region, Indigo Plateau Conference Pokémon Alliance.

"Articuno? I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ice Element Elite Lorelei pushed his glasses and looked at Articuno in the video very curiously.

For her, seeing the legendary Pokémon itself is quite a rarity.

And now meeting her favorite frozen Pokémon Articuno.

Lorelei was quite happy in his heart, and his eyes were fixed on the contents of the video.


Team Rocket headquarters.

"Boss, it's the rare Articuno."

Executive Ariana of the Rockets said excitedly.

"It's a pity we don't know the location of Articuno, otherwise we might have gone there to capture it."

The Rockets' Executive Archer said indifferently.

Giovanni quietly observed the contents of the video, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, watching Articuno soaring in the ice and snow with great interest.

This clip is just getting more and more interesting.

First the champion Trainer, then the bond-evolved hero Greninja, and now the rare and legendary Pokémon Articuno.

There are still eight wonderful peak battles to come.

I don't know what more interesting battles will appear.


Gongmen Stadium Auditorium——

"Although I don't really understand it, it is definitely not easy to be known as [Legendary Pokémon]!"

"I think so too. Legendary Pokémon... are stronger than regular Pokémon!"

As a legendary Pokémon, some Trainers will never see such a rare Pokémon in their lifetime.

Among them, some Trainers were quite emotional, while others were indifferent, perhaps because they did not understand the gold content of the legendary Pokémon.

And the next scene will make them dumbfounded.


The video continues——

[Articuno, soaring through the ice and snow, landed on an Icelandic island. 】

[However, Articuno did not expect that a crisis would strike suddenly. 】


[Accompanied by a loud noise, a huge icebreaker sailed into Iceland, and a group of men with hideous faces and hunting guns broke into the Icelandic territory and surrounded Articuno. 】


"Wait! Is this... Pokémon Hunter Group?"

In addition to being the champion Trainer of the Kanto Region, Yulongdu is also a world-renowned top investigator who specializes in dealing with the evil villains in the Region.

And at a glance, he recognized that this group of people were not good people, they were a group of bastard hunters who would capture a large number of wild Pokémon next year and destroy the natural ecosystem! !

When Yulongdu recognized the origin of this group of people, all the audience's eyes suddenly became solemn.

Hunter Organization...

This is an evil organization not to be messed with.

The image stretched backwards, a dozen men with hunting guns surrounded Articuno, and behind him was...

Dozens of majestic...Fire Pokémon! !

Fire-type Pokémon counter Ice-type Pokémon!

This group of hunters came prepared!



PS: This chapter is Celebrate200 evaluation votes plus more drops! There will be an update later.

After seeing Articuno, everyone should know the characters that will appear later, oh ho ho ho.

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