Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 118 New Developments

In the yard, Aiwen was still preparing potions.

Combining various options, he felt that using potions to get rid of the fog was the most reliable.

Different kinds of fruit also contain energy of different attributes, among which the pomelo fruit contains superpower attribute energy.

The grapefruit itself has a restorative effect and is often used to treat mental injuries.

But relying on the potion made from pomelo fruit, there is still no way to cure these eroded monsters. It needs to be mixed with potions to relieve the chaos.

"Among the medicines, there is indeed a panacea that can relieve any abnormal state." Aiwen fell into deep thought, but unfortunately he did not have the formula for this medicine.

In addition, there is another kind of medicine called Quanfu medicine, which can not only cure all abnormal states of an elf, but also restore all physical strength!

It's just that I don't know if the real panacea or full compound medicine can completely remove the erosion of the fog and restore the elves.

If these two potions, which are almost the most effective in the real world, are useless, it will be difficult to rely on potions to clear the fog.

"I can only lean here as much as possible..." Aiwen glanced at the medicinal materials in front of him, and started to study again.

After preparing a bottle of potion, he took the potion and walked towards the yard, intending to try the effect of the newly prepared potion.


Seeing him coming, the vine monster waved a vine to greet him, and at the same time pointed to the iron cage in the distance.

At this time, it was obvious that the gray fog around several iron cages had dissipated, which meant that the elf corroded by the gray fog had died.

The gray mist will continuously consume the life energy in the elf's body, and the monsters eroded by the gray mist will not have a long lifespan. Of course, his experiment is also part of the reason.

"I see, let's bury them." Ivan nodded silently.

After so long, he is very familiar with this situation. If the gray fog is not cleared, these elves will die sooner or later.

After shaking the potion with grapefruit in his hand, Aiwen gave it to the vine monster and let it be fed to the little Lada in the cage.

After little Lada drank the potion, the vine monster untied the vines wrapped around them, and saw the figure of little Lada standing there in a daze.

The gray mist on its body kept surging, and finally dissipated slowly towards the surroundings.

After the gray fog dissipated, little Lada opened his eyes, looked around in confusion, and let out a creaking sound from his mouth.

But at the next moment, little Lada's gaze became dull again, and a trace of gray mist floated out of his body!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ai Wen was stunned. At this moment, little Rada's confused eyes and that cry kept appearing in his mind.

Obviously, at that moment just now, little Lada was completely out of chaos!

However, the gray mist in Little Lada's body was not completely expelled, it only took a moment to absorb Little Lada's life energy again, and the gray mist reappeared!

The gray mist continued to linger around Little Lada's body. Due to the consumption of a lot of life energy, the hair on Little Lada's body became even darker.

In addition, little Lada's skin also became dry and wrinkled, and his figure quickly lost weight, as if he had stepped from a prime of life to an old age in an instant.

This is a manifestation of excessive consumption of life energy, and little Lada's life is running out at this time.

Although the little Lada was not completely cured, the momentary sobriety of the little Lada has already made Aiwen ecstatic!

Facts have proved that his research route is completely correct, and now the potion can completely relieve the chaotic state of Warcraft.

Next, what he has to do is to find a way to completely remove the gray fog from the monster's body, so that the monster can fully recover!

Glancing at the little Lada in front of him, Aiwen asked the vine monster to feed it the potion again in silence.

After drinking the potion, little Lada regained consciousness again, as if returning to the light, this time little Lada persisted for a longer time.

Immediately after the gray mist appeared, its life came to an end, and its figure fell into the iron cage, and the gray mist on its body also slowly dissipated.

With joy, Aiwen quickly returned to the room and started to prepare the medicine again. He still needs a lot of clinical data before he can make further adjustments.

After adding grapefruit to the potion, a powerful effect appeared immediately, so the next thing he had to do was to add more grapefruit!


Kevin did not expect that Aiwen's research progress would be so fast.

After seeing a little Lada that had been eroded by the gray mist regain its sanity for a short time, shock was also revealed in his eyes.

Although gray mist appeared on the little Lada in the end, and he died because he lost too much vitality, but the significance it represents is too great!

"Is it pomelo fruit?"

"This kind of fruit is produced in large quantities in the territory south of Lizhi City."

"I will inform His Highness now to send all the pomelo fruits in the territory!"

Kevin excitedly made a decision. Aiwen's research results gave him the hope of solving Guixu Warcraft in advance!


"But now, I still need stronger monsters as experimental subjects."

"Perhaps those monsters that are powerful in themselves can find a way to eliminate the gray fog by themselves after regaining their sanity!"

Aiwen nodded, and then said some of his next research plans.

He had already tried it on Wenyouguo, no amount of adding more could completely remove the fog, it could only affect the time it took for the elves to regain their sanity.

Even after adding an excessive amount of grapefruit, the little Lada showed the result of excessive excitement and accelerated death.

Kevin naturally had no objection to this, and the two quickly rushed towards the defense line with the prepared medicine.

As they got to the bottom of the line, a few tank skunks were attacking.

Kevin let his armored tyrannosaurus do it, subdued the tank skunk, and fed the potion prepared by Ivan on the spot.

After drinking the potion, the tank skunk shook his body, the bloodlust in his eyes began to dissipate slowly, and he temporarily regained his sanity.

After seeing this scene, it was obvious that the knights in the field were all surprised.

But it didn't last long, and gray mist gushed out of the tank skunk again, turning it into an irrational monster again!

"The persistence time has indeed been longer. It seems that different monsters have different resistance to the gray fog..." Aiwen recorded the data.

It stands to reason that the ghost attribute energy is contained in the gray mist, and those magical beasts that are resistant to ghost attributes should last longer.

In the same way, the gray fog will erode and attach to the soul, and the magical beast with stronger spiritual power can also last longer, and may even expel the gray fog directly by itself!

Plus update is coming, 1100 order plus update

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