Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 151 Subduing the Kitten Monster


Hearing Ivan's words, the kitten raised its head strangely.

It opened its mouth, and its eyes met Ivan's.

In fact, it wanted to say that it wanted to stay, but after recalling what Ivan said just now, it fell silent again.

After thinking about it seriously, it suddenly didn't know how to answer.

"It seems you don't have an answer yet."

"Then why don't you try to stay first, starting from this home."

"Little Andy, Uncle Darby and Aunt Irene, they are all very easy going people."

"During this period of time, you can continue to think about it carefully. If you really feel that you can't overcome it, then I will send you away at that time."

After hearing Aiwen's words, the little cat monster suddenly raised his head, hesitant to speak again!

"Don't answer me in such a hurry, don't worry, even if you return to the forest, we still have many opportunities to meet."

"During this period, I will also help you train. When you return to the wild, you will be able to live more easily."

After touching the head of the kitty monster, Aiwen spoke out his thoughts.

The little cat blamed it, and after a brief hesitation, he nodded very solemnly to Aiwen, expressing that he wanted to give it a try!

"In the next period of time, please give me your advice." Ai Wen stretched out his hand, with a bright smile on his face.

Beside him, Lily Gen Doll also seemed relieved, looking at Ivan's outstretched hand, he took it without hesitation.

The snow demon girl in the air tilted her head, looked at the Lily root doll suspiciously, and also floated over, putting her hand on the lily root doll's hand.

meow meow meow~

The little cat monster stood on the bed, glanced at Ivan, the Lily root doll, and the Snow Fairy, and also stretched out its claws, placing them on top.

"From now on, we will be companions." Aiwen solemnly announced.

After the simple ceremony, Lily Root doll reluctantly withdrew her hand, and immediately ran to the kitten monster.

It feels that as the big sister of the team, it needs to have a good talk with the cat monster who just joined the team to deepen their relationship.

Looking at the elves playing on the bed, Ivan walked slowly to the table with a smile on his face, took a sip of the nutritious juice.


On the farm, Uncle Darby and Aunt Irene are collecting vines.

Since mastering the method of making elf food, Aunt Irene feels that her life has become more fulfilling.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

"Ivan brought back a lot of monsters this time, and the vines are not enough."

Aunt Irene said to her husband in her own loud voice, she tied up the vines in her hand and threw them onto the cart very quickly.

"Okay, okay, I see." Uncle Darby responded quickly.

At this time, he was also thinking about the monsters outside the village, and he was still a little worried.

Among these monsters, apart from the familiar monsters such as the walking grass and the wolfhound, there were also Lada and the tank skunk.

This is a notorious monster among the villagers. He didn't know why Aiwen brought these monsters back.

If he wanted to strengthen the defense of Chengguo Village, he felt that it would make the management of Chengguo Village more troublesome, and it was also very dangerous.

The other is the food problem. The food consumption of so many monsters in a few days is very scary, and it is impossible for Chengguo Village to afford it.

But after thinking of those big wolf dogs in the abandoned orchard, he sighed again, feeling that Aiwen should have his own plan.

Soon, the cart was filled with blue vines.

After seeing this scene, Uncle Darby patted the vine monster and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, let's rest well."

The vine monsters immediately waved the vines on their bodies happily, and then took root, absorbing the nutrients in the soil comfortably.

After the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus came back, the soil of Chengguo Village was full of vitality again, which made the vine monsters very happy.

Boom boom boom!

It wasn't long before Uncle Darby and Aunt Irene collected the vines.

I heard a slight vibration from the ground suddenly, and then I saw the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus with a white ribbon on its head running over.

After returning to Chengguo Village, the armored tyrannosaurus obviously restrained a lot, fearing that the vibrations caused by its running would cause trouble to the villagers.

In addition, after this period of training, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus can now better control its own strength.

After evolution, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus changed from running on four legs to running on two legs, and added a long tail, which still took a while to adapt.

Ho Ho Ho ~

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus was also very excited to see Uncle Darby and Aunt Irene.

Quickly coming to the cart, the armored Tyrannosaurus grabbed the cart easily and happily walked towards the farm.

In the past, armored rhinos were pulled, but now they can be pushed like normal people after walking on both feet.

Aunt Irene looked at the still hardworking and sensible Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus, and nodded with satisfaction, liking the new shape of the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus very much.

After transporting the blue vines home, Uncle Darby handed everything over to his wife and walked out of the farm.

He was still a little worried about the monsters outside the village, and planned to go there with the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and send the elf food there as well.

At this time, the vicinity of the abandoned orchard was surrounded by elves.

As soon as he came back here, Aiwen laid out a grassland through plowing moves and growing fertilizers.

At this time, a large number of elves live on the grass, and they are organized under the management of the grass attribute elves.

The grass attribute group is the most powerful group here, and the Tutai Turtle, as the only high-level monster among this group of elves, has also become the leader here!

At this time, the Turtle lay quietly on the ground, looking towards the direction of Chengguo Village in the distance.

It originally thought that Aiwen would take them to the black forest here in the southeast corner, but Aiwen actually brought them all near the human village.

However, the vitality contained in this grassland is indeed rich, not worse than that in the Black Forest, and it is still very satisfied with the living environment.

Are you going to live with these humans in the future... Tutaigui recalled what Ivan said in his heart.

The most important point is that they cannot take the initiative to harm humans, and can only fight back when humans attack them.

In addition, Aiwen also very much encourages them to live with humans, become good friends with humans, and fight and take risks together!

Of course, this is under the condition that they voluntarily recognize those humans, otherwise no human can force them.

We become good friends with humans, fighting and taking risks together?

For Aiwen's proposal, Tutaigui reserves its own opinion. Of course, if any tribe really wants to try it, it will not stop it.

At present, I have coded four chapters, and it will be published first.

Usually three chapters, one more chapter, and five chapters are still owed.

There should be another chapter in the evening, I will code it first, and post it when it is coded.

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