Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 306: The Elf Alliance President!

Lizhicheng Castle meeting room.

Members of the parliament have already gathered here at this time.

They talked to each other, and looked towards the door from time to time, as if they were waiting for something.

It can be seen that during the conversations here, the councilors here will show expressions of lingering fear from time to time.

This time the wizard organization's attack was really too dangerous, and many territories had already been lost. Fortunately, everything is over now.

Kevin was sitting on the left side of the conference table, and his face was very complicated at this time.

They rushed to Lizhi City in a hurry, and they were really relieved to see that Lizhi City was safe and sound.

But then, they learned about the situation of the battle from the guardian knights. If Earl Aiwen hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Afterwards, they learned about the specific situation of the battle at that time. After hearing that Aiwen commanded Aknom and Darkley to fight, and finally sealed Darkley, their faces changed again and again.

Aknom successfully defeated Darkley, and they were all relieved, but when they thought that Ivan was commanding Aknom to fight, their expressions became complicated.

Obviously, Aiwen has successfully obtained Aknom. According to the rules passed down from ancient times in Lizhi City, as long as he is recognized by Aknom, he can become the lord of Lizhi City and obtain the qualification for the king's election.

But the question is, His Royal Highness Mira has not abdicated, so is Lizhi City welcoming two city lords?

Thinking of this, they all frowned, and involuntarily set their eyes on His Highness Mira sitting on the main seat, wondering what His Highness Mira was thinking.

The other congressmen in the field were also thinking about this issue at this time, especially those lords who had social relations with Aiwen. Thinking of Aiwen's achievements in the past year, their eyes flickered.

At this moment, Mira sat upright, closed her eyes and couldn't see any expression on her face.

"Hey, if Aiwen wants to be the lord of the city, I will let him."

"In comparison, Aiwen is much better than me. Under his leadership, Lizhi City will definitely become more and more prosperous."

A lot of pictures appeared in Mira's mind, and finally they were fixed on the white clothes, and she also made up her mind.


At this moment, the sound of the metal door of the meeting hall being pushed sounded.

Then they saw Ivan in white walking in slowly from the door.

After seeing Ai Wen come in, everyone present stood up involuntarily and saluted slightly.

Regardless of whether Earl Aiwen can become the lord of Lizhi City, he is now a candidate for the king!

Moreover, in the battle with the wizard organization this time, Earl Aiwen can be said to have saved Lizhi City by himself, and all of them must accept this favor!

Aiwen entered the conference room, looked at these councilors, and then went straight to Mira and saluted, "Your Highness Mira, I have kept you waiting."

"Earl Irwin, don't be too polite."

Mira quickly stood up and helped Aiwen up, "Please take a seat quickly."

Looking at Ivan who stood up slowly in front of him, Mira felt her heart was touched inexplicably.

"Yes, Your Highness Mira."

Alvin smiled slightly at the female lord in front of him.

Then he stood up, looked around, and sat down on the only vacant seat in the field.

This place is on the lower left of the main seat. Originally, this place should have belonged to Marquis Homer, but now it is the place of Ivan.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Aiwen has participated in this kind of collective meeting of Lizhi City, and this kind of meeting will only be held when Lizhi City encounters major events.

After taking his seat, Aiwen looked at the opposite side of him. At this time, sitting opposite him was a gentle and elegant man with a delicate face and meticulous clothes. He was a born nobleman.

This is naturally the only marquis in Lizhi City, the owner of the western region, the Marquis of Bossie!

Seeing Ai Wen's eyes looking at him, Marquis Bossy smiled back, and all his movements were very natural, exuding an aristocratic atmosphere.

At this moment, the other councilors looked at Aiwen's movements, looked at each other, their faces moved slightly, and they all sat back to their seats.

"Now, the meeting begins." Mira nodded to everyone.

Seeing this, the councilors glanced at each other, and then saw Captain Kevin stand up, and began to report on the battle between Lizhi City and the wizarding organization.

The congressmen in the field listened quietly. Although they had already made some psychological preparations in their hearts, they still frowned when they heard that the front fortress was almost falling.

After this battle, the pressure on the frontline fortress was undoubtedly the greatest. The erosion of the gray fog and the tide of returning beasts made it a major crisis at any time, not to mention the wizard organization standing behind it.

And when they finally heard that Aiwen successfully expelled the gray fog and defeated the four king-level monsters in the hands of the wizards, they couldn't help but exclaim.

It seems that even without relying on the power of Aknom, the current Earl Aiwen has already mastered a very powerful power, and he is completely competent to be the lord of other cities!

After successfully understanding the situation and distributing military exploits, the next step is naturally the issue of rewards.

And the first victory in this battle naturally still belongs to Aiwen, and everyone naturally has no opinion on this point.

However, when the reward was mentioned, everyone's expressions changed, they looked at each other, and communicated with each other.

"His Royal Highness Mira, I feel that before we talk about rewards, we should talk about the king's election."

At this moment, Earl Ruize suddenly stood up, his eyes scanned the audience, and he said what everyone had been thinking about.

After hearing his words, the faces of the members present all changed. They looked at Earl Rize, who did not expect him to bring up this matter.

"In terms of qualifications for the king's election, Earl Aiwen does indeed have the qualifications for the king's election now!"

The lords of the eastern and northern borders stood up one after another. From the perspective of the community of interests, they have been firmly tied to Aiwen.

If Aiwen can really become the lord of Lizhi City, they will naturally rise, which is in their common interest.

"Sure enough." Kevin put his arms around his chest.

As Mira's chief knight, he was naturally on Mira's side.

It's just that the problems of these lords cannot be ignored, so we must make it clear here.

"As long as you can get the approval of Aknom, you can be qualified for the king's election."

"This is the rule set by the King of Sinnoh back then, so Earl Aiwen does have the qualifications to be king."

Mira also looked at the lords in the field at this time, nodded and said very seriously: "I fully approve of Earl Irwin's qualifications for the king's election!"

After finishing speaking, her face softened, "In this battle, it was Earl Aiwen who saved Yaknom and Lizhi City!"

The lords in the field did not expect His Royal Highness Mira to agree so simply, and fully recognized Aiwen's status as the king's candidate.

Involuntarily, they all looked at Ai Wen who was sitting there, wanting to see what Ai Wen's expression was like now.

"In the legend, as long as you get the approval of Yaknom, Emrido and Yuxi, you can become the king of Sinnoh?"

At this time, Aiwen was also lost in thought. Although it seemed to be a legend, the King of Sinnoh seemed to have existed, but he didn't know if it had anything to do with Yaknom, Emrido, and Yuxi.

But from another point of view, if you have three legendary elves in your hands as combat power, with the power Yaknom showed before, you can indeed compete for the supremacy of Shenao.

This doesn't seem to have much to do with Yaknom, Emrido, and Yuxi. If they can successfully master the three legendary elves, they can do it, just like the current wizarding organization.

Closing his eyes, he could feel a colorful light in his consciousness. Through this colorful light, he could faintly feel a certain connection between himself and Yaknom.

At the same time, this light also contains a strong will energy, through which it seems that it can be connected with countless consciousnesses. The whole strong will has given Aknom a powerful force!

"Then let's talk about the position of the city lord of Lizhi City." Mira looked around and her expression became firm. "Compared to me, I believe Earl Aiwen is more suitable to be the lord of the city."

At this moment, the entire conference room fell into silence, and the faces of all the people present changed. Obviously, they did not expect that His Highness Mira would personally propose to make Aiwen the new lord of Lizhi City!


At this moment, even Ivan himself was stunned.

Originally, he only thought of Wang Xuan's identity, but he didn't care about it.

If it can really be recognized by Aknom, Emrido and Yuxi, it will definitely be beneficial to the construction of the Elf Alliance.

But for becoming the city lord of Lizhi City, he really never thought about it. At this time, he didn't know why His Highness Mira in front of him suddenly said that!

"I reject!"

After a while, Ai Wen suddenly spoke.

This time, everyone present was stunned again.

They looked at His Royal Highness Mira, and then at Earl Aiwen. Neither of them wanted to be the lord of Lizhi City?

You know, this is the position of the city lord of Lizhi City. Every time they compete for the position of the city lord, all the lords will go crazy!

"Earl Irwin." Mira opened her mouth.

"Sorry, Your Highness Mira."

"Compared to being the lord of Lizhi City, I feel that I am more suitable to be an ordinary lord!"

"In addition, I never thought that I saved Lizhi City. The ones who really saved Lizhi City were actually all the people and elves in Lizhi City."

"It is your strong willpower that gave Yaknom its strength, and I am only your representative, so... I refuse to put all the credit on me!"

Aiwen stood up, and then his eyes softened, "Your Highness Mira, I feel that you have done a very good job."

"For the sake of Lizhi City, you fought to the last moment, and you didn't back down even in the face of death. You are a good lord."

Listening to Aiwen's soft words, Mira opened her mouth, her nose was sore, and she suddenly felt like crying, which was a feeling of being recognized.

"Okay, now let's talk about the Elf Alliance."

"We had discussed a general idea when we were in the Iron-Blooded Fortress, and I think we can confirm it now."

"Creating a world where humans and elves live in harmony is my promise to Yaknom, and now we may be able to take a crucial step!"

Aiwen looked at the lords in the field, "Now, let me explain the situation of the last meeting again, and members of parliament can discuss with each other."

Afterwards, he explained the situation, and the lords of the eastern and northern borders already knew about it, so he mainly talked to the lords of Lizhi City, the western border and the southern border.

"Elf alliance? Elf cultivation area? Related industries built around the elf cultivation area?" The faces of the lords in the field became serious.

"I think I have the most say in the construction of the elf cultivation area."

At this moment, Earl Ruize suddenly spoke, and he couldn't help thinking of the battle on the front line in his mind.

In the initial battle, thanks to the help of the elves in the elf cultivation area, the front fortress was able to last for so long.

And during the battle, these elves were all disregarding life and death, and indeed a lot of casualties were caused during the battle. He has decided to build an elf cultivation area after returning, and take care of those elves who fought for the fortress.

Listening to Earl Rize's narration, the other lords looked at each other and nodded. These elves have indeed helped a lot this winter, and they have a little more approval for the construction of the elf cultivation area.

"Indeed, if the elf cultivation area can really be established, maybe there will be no more winter beast tides in the future." Kevin smiled.

It can be said that he watched the establishment of the elf cultivation area in the iron-blooded fortress. The elves there can indeed live in harmony with humans and help resist foreign enemies.

Thinking of this, the figure of the desert dragonfly came to his mind. As long as this gluttonous guy has elf food, he can help him manage the elves in it well!

Hearing that the lords of the eastern and northern regions praised the elf cultivation area very much, the lords of Lizhi City, the western region and the southern region all showed strange expressions on their faces, and they couldn't help but look at Marquis Bossi.

In addition to the establishment of the elf cultivation area, there was another item in the original meeting to completely abolish the trading of monsters. This will undoubtedly have a certain impact on them. Will there be no trading of monsters in Lizhi City in the future?

Although the largest Warcraft business in Lizhi City is the Iron-Blooded Fortress and the Warcraft Chamber of Commerce, Marquis Bossie's territory actually has a small part of it due to its proximity to the Great Wetland.

"Your Highness Aiwen, is this really Lord Yaknom's meaning?" At this moment, Marquis Bossy suddenly said.

He called Aiwen His Royal Highness, obviously acknowledging Aiwen's status as the king's election, which is a title that can only be obtained if he is qualified for the king's election.

"Well, that's indeed what Aknom meant."

"When Aknom was able to defeat Darkrai, it included the will of all the elves."

"Therefore, for Aknom, the elves are also part of Lizhi City. The combined will of all humans and elves in Lizhi City gives Aknom power."

Aiwen looked at the Marquis Bossy in front of him seriously, and listening to his words, the councilors recalled the words of Earl Rize at this time, and they all nodded. Maybe that's why Aknom chose Aiwen. Bar.

"Then there's no problem."

"I fully approve of the establishment of the Elven Alliance!"

The Marquis of Bossy nodded slightly, seeing that the other members of parliament looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Mira watched quietly, seeing that everyone agreed, and a happy smile appeared on her face, "Then now, the vote on the construction of the Elf Alliance begins."

Without any doubts, the vote was passed unanimously. After all, the elf cultivation area had already demonstrated its significance and value, and the development of the elf collar was clearly in their minds at this time.

If their territory can also catch the ride of the Elf Alliance, it will definitely develop better, and at the same time drive the development of the entire Lizhi City.

"Okay, all the votes of the Elven Alliance have passed." Mira smiled and said: "Then another vote will be made, and His Royal Highness Aiwen will be the president of the Elf Alliance!"

Hearing what the female lord said, Aiwen looked over in surprise. According to the result of the previous discussion, he planned to let Mira be the president of the Elf Alliance.

But before he could say anything, Mira laughed and said, "I really can't do the League of Elves."

"The Elf Alliance can be said to be established by you alone. Only you can lead the Elf Alliance forward, and no one can replace it."

Ivan looked at Mira seriously, and then exhaled, "Okay, I see."

Seeing that Aiwen didn't make any comments, Mira breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the other members of parliament, "Then, the voting begins now."

Without any accidents, the votes were all passed. It is indeed the best result for His Highness Mira to be the Lord of Lizhi City and His Highness Aiwen to be the President of the Elf Alliance.

"Okay, this vote has also passed." Mira sincerely expressed her happiness for Ivan, "The next step is to formulate corresponding laws about the Elf Alliance."

In this way, the meeting was proceeding in an orderly manner, and each law was passed and voted, which was recorded in the history of Lizhi City and was destined to be remembered by everyone in the future.

"President of the Elf Alliance." Ai Wen also had an inexplicable feeling in his heart at this time. After so long of his efforts, the Elven Alliance has finally stepped onto the stage of history.

Determined to be by the lake, this is the first time Aiwen has come here.

Looking at the water attribute elves playing in the lake, Aiwen's eyes showed surprise.

The number of water attribute elves in Lizhi City is very small, and they were all concentrated here.

After all, Lizhi City's attitude towards monsters was not friendly before, and all monsters that appeared in the territory without wearing monster costumes would be expelled.

Therefore, these water attribute elves living in Lizhi Lake are not allowed to leave Lizhi Lake, which is why the water attribute elves cannot be seen in Lizhi City.

The figure of Mira is squatting by the lake, and at this moment, she is sprinkling brown-yellow granular food to the elves in the water, causing the elves in the water to keep scrambling for food.

Seeing this scene, Mira let out a silvery laugh, dragged her chin and looked at these water elves, her eyes bent into crescent moons.

These elves really like the elf food made by Ivan, and these elves will be able to eat such delicious food every day in the future!

"She really likes elves too." Ivan stood by the lake and watched quietly.

But at the next moment, he suddenly felt a flower bloom in front of his eyes, and suddenly a large number of petals floated and fell into the lake.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er pouted, and when she raised her hand, a large number of petals appeared in her hand, and they kept floating out.

"Miss Qun'er, you still have to be careful when training the petal dance."

"Although your aromatherapy can relieve the confusion, it still takes a certain amount of time to take effect."

Aiwen's eyes fell back on Miss Qun'er, and he smiled and began to point out Miss Qun'er's training.

The biggest special ability of Miss Qun'er may be that it has a very strong influence on flowers, so it has just completed its evolution and comprehended the petal dance move.

This is a grass-type big move, much more powerful than the draft-type Falling Flowers, but it's easy to fall into chaos while using Petal Dance.

skirt skirt~

After hearing Ivan's words, Miss Qun'er nodded immediately.

With its figure dancing, a large number of petals appeared around it, and strong grass-attribute energy condensed.

While dancing, Miss Qun'er was also secretly looking at Ai Wen, and suddenly its expression froze, and found that Ai Wen's eyes were looking at the female lord again!

Qun'er Qun'er~ I'm so mad, I won't dance anymore!

Miss Qun'er stopped sullenly, and the surrounding petals continued to scatter.

"Miss Qun'er, are you tired?" Ivan squatted down to check Miss Qun'er's condition, "Let's take a rest first."

Then, he looked at Mira, and the white-haired female lord had already got up and walked over, "Iwen, thank you for your help, Ah Shui and Apo are treating their injuries."

"It's nothing, it's all Miss Qu'er's help." Ivan shook his head with a smile.

He appeared here naturally to help these water attribute elves heal their injuries.

In order to restrain these water attribute elves, the wizard organization could take a large number of ghost attribute elves to attack Lizhi City.

Especially after being involved in the battle between Yaknom and Darkrai in the end, they were all eroded by the power of nightmares, and suffered great mental trauma.

"Ewen, do you think they were corroded by nightmares?" At this moment, Mira suddenly asked.

At this time, the picture she saw in the previous illusion reappeared in her mind. If it was a dream, is everything real?

"Well, Darkrai is also known as the Nightmare God."

"She can weave dreams based on the frightening scenes in your memory."

Aiwen nodded and introduced Darkley's situation, "Although it is called the Nightmare God, it is not evil in itself."

Nightmare god Mira murmured, according to Aiwen, was what she saw before the most frightening scene in his heart?

Indeed, that scene really made her feel terrified, especially after thinking that the couple who might be her parents were also swallowed by the black air and turned into stone statues

Could it be that she chose to forget that painful memory because she didn't want to recall it?

"Your Highness Mira, are you okay?" Ivan hesitated to speak.

He recalled the picture of Mira's face with tears at that time, apparently she faced her inner fear again in the dream.

Mira came back to her senses, shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

"Also...Darkley is really pitiful, do you have a way to help it get rid of the control of the black crystal?"

In a word, she looked at the island in Lizhi Lake in the distance. At this time, the entire island was shrouded in colorful light.

It was the junction of the two worlds, and Yaknom lived on that small island, and it was one of the few places where it could come to the real world.

"If Yaknom has no choice, he can only find other three-color crystals." Ivan shook his head.

No matter what, since he has promised Darkley, he will naturally go back and work hard to do it, "Also, if you can find Dream God, maybe you can give it a try."

While they were talking, a colorful light suddenly appeared on the small island in the lake. With a flash of light, Kirulian's figure appeared in front of Ivan, with a poke ball floating beside it.

Hee hee hee hee~

After Kirulian appeared, she shook her head slightly at Aiwen.

Just now Aknom tried to wake up Darkley through his will energy, but it didn't work.

"Thank you, Kirulian." Ivan took the poke ball and put it in his backpack, and he could only think of other ways.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian cried out twice excitedly.

Through contact with Yaknom, it feels that it has gained a lot.

The will energy in it is actually very similar to the emotional energy, and the space energy in Yaknom's different space is very rich!

Aknom gave it a lot of help, and as long as it digested all these gains after returning, its strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Now the Lily root doll has evolved into Miss Qun'er and stepped into the king class, and the Snow Demon has obtained the mysterious crystal. It must work harder, otherwise it will only be thrown farther and farther away!

"Your Highness Mira, I'll go back if I have nothing else to do."

"There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with in the Elfland, and the things in Binhai City also need to be dealt with."

After hearing Aiwen's words, Mira nodded with some reluctance, "Well, you go, if you have time, often go back to Lizhi Lake to visit."

After waving goodbye to the female lord, Aiwen returned to the elf collar non-stop.

At this time, in the elf collar, a large amount of supplies are being mobilized and gathered towards the east of Pure White Town.

This part of the supplies will be transported to Binhai City to help the people in Binhai City survive this cold winter.

At the same time, you can see a large number of big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons gathering by the river, and people around are constantly tying these supplies to the backs of the big-tailed and big-toothed raccoons.

Since the Elfland and Binhai City are separated by a coastal mountain range, ordinary carriages cannot pass through at all, so only the big-tailed raccoon and the big-toothed raccoon can carry it!

Hearing that they can go back to Binhai City to have a look, these big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons are also a little excited.

Although they have long liked the life of the elves and regard it as their new home, after all, Binhai City is the place where they were born and raised, and there are many family members and companions there.

One of the purposes of their trip to Binhai City this time is to bring back their family members and companions, and bring them all to live in the Elven Land.

As for staying in Binhai City, they really never thought about it. They have already fallen in love with the land of the elves, the humans and partners here, and the big-tailed beaver lake.

With Aiwen's continuous conquests, the number of water stones obtained is also increasing. Now there are a large number of water stones buried in the big-tailed fox lake. As long as it is a water attribute elf, it is impossible to leave .

"Master Aiwen, all the supplies have been prepared!"

Kalei suppressed the excitement in his heart, and came to Ivan and said excitedly.

Although he knew that he would return to Binhai City one day, he never thought that this day would come so soon!

And this time they went to Binhai City to help the citizens of Binhai City, not to fight there, which is really great.

"Well, let's go then!" Ivan nodded and rode on the Roentgen cat.

skirt skirt~

Seeing this, Miss Qun'er immediately jumped on Roentgen Cat.

Immediately, he saw the Roentgen cat's figure sank slightly, but it stabilized immediately.

It looked at Miss Qun'er on its back in astonishment, and it quickly realized that now the Lily root doll has evolved into Miss Qun'er, which is not a little heavy.

Seeing this, Ai Wen quickly hugged Miss Qun'er and hugged her in his arms, with a strange look on his face.

The current Miss Qun'er is more than one meter tall, and it is indeed completely different from the Baihegen doll when hugged, but it seems to be good to hug like this.

Hee hee hee hee~

Seeing this, Kirulian also floated behind Aiwen, reached out and hugged Aiwen's waist, and buried her head in it.

Everything was the same as before. Seeing that Ivan was sitting still, the Roentgen cat immediately ran quickly, and ran towards the distant black forest, followed by the figure of the Snow Fairy.

"Now. Let's go home!" Kalei patted the Roentgen cat under him.


The Roentgen cat nodded and followed quickly, with the figure of Emperor Nabo closely following him.

Following the movements of the Roentgen cats, the big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons with their bundles on their backs also moved, and the mighty team moved forward quickly.

At this time, at the foot of the Binhai Mountain Range, the Binhai City Knights are waiting.

Looking at the black forest in the distance, their expressions were very complicated. No one thought that everything would come to an end in this way.

Fortunately, the final situation is good, the biggest traitor in Binhai City has been punished as he should, and Binhai City will also receive assistance from the Elven Lord.

However, after thinking of the Lord Aiwen, they all sighed again. Now that even the Lord Kalei has expressed his allegiance to the other party, it seems that Binhai City will be regarded as the territory of the elves in the future.

But when they thought about the news about the elf collar they had received from the Lord Kalei, as well as the arable land of the big-tailed raccoon and the magical fertilizer, they all acquiesced from the bottom of their hearts to the occurrence of this kind of thing.

If the citizens of Binhai City can really live a prosperous life, it seems that it is not unacceptable for Binhai City to become a territory of the elves. From the bottom of their hearts, they have already recognized Mr. Aiwen!

"The elf leader's team is here!" Suddenly a patrolling knight came over to report.

Seeing this, the knights of the Coastal City Knights immediately stood up and looked towards the forest in the distance.

Not long after, I saw two figures appearing in the forest, it was Aiwen and Kalei, rushing towards their camp quickly.

Then, they saw the big-tailed raccoon and the big-toothed raccoon following them, and they were stunned for an instant!

"These big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons." A knight widened his eyes.

His eyes fell on the leading big-tailed fox, and they would never forget that familiar look for the rest of their lives!

"The big-tailed raccoon is Captain Paul's big-tailed raccoon!"

"And those big-tailed raccoons behind him, my God! They're still alive, they're all alive!"

The knights were all excited, and some knights couldn't help trembling all over, biting their lips tightly, trying not to let tears flow down!

Most of the knights in the current Binhai City Knights fled back from the battle with Chengguo Village. Although they fled back, their partner, the big-tailed raccoon, stayed in that land forever!

In the end, the image of the big-tailed raccoons leaving them was deeply engraved in their hearts, which was an eternal pain in their hearts.

They all knew that it wasn't the big-tailed raccoon that abandoned them, but they abandoned the big-tailed raccoon, and they personally drove the big-tailed raccoon away.

After returning, they also regretted it, but they all knew that these big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons must have died, and they had no chance to say sorry to them.

But now, they actually saw these big-tailed raccoons again. They were carrying a lot of supplies, and they wanted to bring them back to Binhai City!

Thinking of this, some knights stood up quickly, stumbled and ran towards the big-tailed foxes in the distance, and couldn't wait to reunite with their companions!

In the distance, the big-tailed raccoons also spotted the knights in front of them, and their figures involuntarily slowed down.

For these knights, their moods are also very complicated, and it is for this reason that they are very reluctant to go to the battlefield.

They are just afraid that they will encounter these knights when they go to the battlefield, and they will not know how to face their original companions at that time.

But now, they really met again, the big-tailed civet's pace became very slow, and they began to stand still, they hadn't figured out how to face it yet.

But just as they were hesitating, they suddenly saw the knights in the distance knelt down on the ground suddenly, and they actually used this way to express their regret in their hearts!

At this moment, the big-tailed civets finally couldn't bear it anymore, they rushed out quickly, accurately found their knight, and rushed forward with all their strength.

"Great, great."

"Big-tailed fox, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you!"

In the arena, the big-tailed raccoon and the knights hugged together, while the big-tailed raccoons who hadn't found their companions stood there in a daze.

They realized that their original partner was probably gone, which made them feel sad, and slowly gathered around the leader of the big-tailed civet.


The leader of the big-tailed civet let out a low growl.

Paul rang in its mind. Although it had avenged Paul, he would never come back.

Then, it suddenly looked at Ivan, and ran over quickly, with a whimper in its mouth.

"Cry if you want to cry." Ai Wen hugged the big-tailed raccoon in his arms, stroking its soft hair with his hands.

Sometimes elves are more emotional than humans. As long as you give your heart to them, they will respond to you twice. Compared with complicated humans, elves are really simple.

"Master Aiwen, thank you for giving the knights a chance to redeem themselves." Kalei came to Aiwen's side and bowed his head slightly to express his gratitude.

Ai Wen shook his head with a smile, "It's nothing, as long as they can live well, everything is worth it."

"If they really want to go back to their knights, let them go, and I will respect their choice."

After hearing his words, Kalei was shocked, bowed his head deeply again, and told himself again in his heart that this is the lord he is willing to follow to the death!

At this moment in the distance, the moods of the knights and the big-tailed raccoon finally calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, these knights stood up one after another, and then walked slowly with the big-tailed raccoon.

The next moment, these knights knelt down on one knee in front of Ivan. This is the etiquette for knights to show their allegiance to the lord.

At this time, these knights didn't know how to express their feelings at all.

They all knew that after the big-tailed raccoons separated from them, it was Mr. Aiwen who rescued the big-tailed raccoons and brought them here!

Everything doesn't need too much explanation, they all know it clearly at this time, so now they don't know how to express their gratitude.

As for the knights, all they can think of is to be loyal to Lord Aiwen and teach everything about themselves to the lord they are loyal to, even if it is death!

After seeing this scene, Kalei also showed a smile on his face, and then he quickly came to these knights, and also knelt on the ground on one knee.

Farther away, the Knights of Binhai City also moved. They came behind the knights and knelt on the ground one after another. They all empathized with the feelings of their companions at this time!

Without any hesitation, all the Knights of Binhai City chose to express their allegiance to the new owner of Binhai City. In their hearts, Lord Aiwen is fully worthy of the identity of the new owner of Binhai City!

"Master Aiwen, accept the allegiance of the Knights of Coastal City."

"In the future, the Knights of Binhai City will become the sharp blade and strong shield in your hands, and we will go forward indomitably!!"

Kalei looked at Aiwen seriously. At this moment, he completely handed over Binhai City to Aiwen's hands. He firmly believed that Binhai City would become better and better in Aiwen's hands!

ps: The 30th day in a row!

Everyone, I did it! ! Day million achievements light up! !

President = Chairman.

Does anyone know if this will be harmonized?

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