Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 307 Prince of the sea, Mana Fei!

Binhai City is located at the southeasternmost corner of the Sinnoh continent.

This is a seaside city built on a part of the coastline of the cape, and the only channel connecting it to the mainland is also blocked by the coastal mountains.

In the winding mountains, the big-tailed civets are running fast, and the steep mountain road is nothing to them.

"His Royal Highness Aiwen, as long as we cross the mountain ahead, we can enter Binhai City." Kalei said to Aiwen.

He found that Aiwen had been lost in thought from the very beginning, and he was worried that Aiwen could not stand the steep mountain road, after all, it was not a good experience to travel here.

"Well, is it coming?" Ivan nodded.

Then he looked back at the mountain he had climbed and narrowed his eyes slightly.

According to the map, it can be seen that the distance between Binhai City and Black Forest is not too far.

If you go straight, you can cross it in half a day, but they have traveled for three days now.

This is because they have these big-tailed civets who are good at climbing mountains. If it is an ordinary caravan, the time will be longer.

Moreover, it is impossible to pass through the Binhai Mountains at ordinary times. If you rely solely on elves and manpower to transport, the cost is really too high.

This should be one of the main reasons for the impoverishment of Binhai City. After all, without caravans willing to go to Binhai City to do business, Binhai City would naturally not be able to develop.

"Kare, hasn't Binhai City tried walking on water?" Ivan asked after a moment of thought.

After hearing Aiwen's words, Kalei immediately reacted, shook his head and said: "Actually, we have also thought about the waterway, but there are too many monsters in the sea."

"If you want to sail in the sea, you need not only a strong ship, but also corresponding water guards. Binhai City can't solve these two points."

Kalei shook his head. After he became the lord of Binhai City, he naturally thought about starting trade between territories, so that the food shortage problem in Binhai City could be solved to a large extent.

But the sea is really too dangerous. The simple wooden boats in Binhai City can't travel too far. As long as they encounter even the weakest underwater monster, they are likely to capsize in the water.

"Sturdy merchant ships and water escorts" Ivan nodded silently.

These two points are indeed necessary for the development of maritime trade. He also has some headaches when he thinks of merchant ships. He doesn't know how to build merchant ships at all.

As for the water guard, this is easy to solve, as long as all the sailors on the ship become trainers, it can be solved, and the same is true for the sailors in the future world.

In the future world, if you don't have a few water-attribute elves in your hands, you will be embarrassed to go to sea.

Of course, he will definitely have to solve the problem of merchant ships in the end, and the development of maritime trade is only one of the reasons. The most important thing is to explore the ocean.

The ocean can be said to be the most resource-rich place in the entire world. If you can successfully explore the ocean, you will be able to obtain a steady stream of resources.

In addition, there are still many continents waiting for him to explore in this world. He has been curious about what those continents were like in ancient times for a long time.

Of course, this is something he will consider in the future. If the communication between Binhai City and other territories cannot be solved by sea now, then he can only continue to travel by land.

Aiwen glanced at the mountains behind him again, and if he wanted to open a land route connecting Binhai City and the Elfland, he could only pass through the Binhai City Mountains.

In this case, there are only two ways to go: digging the cave and moving the mountain. Compared with Aiwen, he is more inclined to move the mountain directly, if it can be done once and for all.

After hearing Aiwen's words, Kalei opened his mouth, "His Royal Highness Aiwen, you said to move the mountain?" He was really surprised now, after all, this is a whole mountain!

"Well, move the mountain away."

"As long as there are enough rock-type and ground-type elves to help, it's not impossible."

Aiwen nodded lightly. In fact, many rock attribute elves use stones as food. As long as they are given time, they can completely eat up the mountain.

Now there is just a group of ground and rock attribute elves in the elf collar, and after the winter is over, the biting land shark will also bring the group back.

At that time, he can completely let these rock and ground attribute elves live in the Binhai Mountains, let them help to move mountains and rocks, and open up a road connecting the elves and Binhai City.

Now, since Kalei has handed over Binhai City to him, the next thing he has to do is to unite the two regions to develop together.

Seeing Aiwen's constant meditation, Kalei felt very relieved. He believed that Binhai City would definitely be better built in the hands of His Royal Highness Aiwen!

meow meow meow~

The Roentgen cat ran quickly among the mountains with Ivan on its back.

Its pace is very steady, and its figure can directly cross from one hillside to another with a single leap.

Behind the Roentgen cats are the big-tailed civets, who are carrying various supplies on their backs, so their speed will naturally be much slower.

In the end, the knights of Binhai City guarded behind these big-tailed raccoons carefully. These supplies are the hope of the civilians of Binhai City.

After crossing the last mountain, their eyes suddenly opened up, and a plain appeared in Aiwen's eyes.

Compared with the territory of Lizhi City, this plain looks much more desolate. The land here is very barren and not suitable for large-scale farming.

"Binhai City, I'm back." Kalei stood beside Aiwen with emotion in his eyes.

Squeak, squeak, squeak~

The big-tailed raccoons also came to the top of the mountain at this time.

Their eyes looked at the land below. Although this land was very barren, it was also the place where they were born and raised!

"Let's go home." Ivan stroked the hair of the big-tailed raccoon beside him.

Afterwards, he quickly ran down the mountain with everyone, stepping into the territory of Binhai City.

Due to the heavy snowfall just the day before yesterday, the snow in many places has not yet melted, and the river in the territory is frozen.

Ai Wen ran with the big-tailed raccoon for a very long time without seeing any human habitation. After another period of time, they finally saw the first village.

But when they saw the appearance of the village, the expressions of all the people present changed. At this time, the village appeared to be in a mess, and they all saw faint traces of blood.

Meow meow meow meow~

At this moment, the Roentgen Cat suddenly barked in a low voice.

And after its roar came out, there was a sudden sound in the distant village.

Then I saw the figures of little Ladas suddenly walking out of the village, with scarlet eyes!

"Little Lada, there are a lot of them." Ivan frowned.

Could it be that Binhai City also suffered from the winter beast horde, but I don't know if these civilians hid in the cellar, or

"Little Rada!" Kalei gritted his teeth in the distance.

He spent most of the winter in the elves, and he almost forgot that winter is also the time when monsters invade most frequently.

Tread Tread ~

The Knights behind them also moved forward quickly at this time.

Without too much hesitation, the knights quickly rushed to these little Ladas, and rushed straight into the village.

Not long after, the sound of continuous fighting came from the village. Facing the Knights of Binhai City, the Little Lada group was no match at all.

The battle ended quickly, and it didn't take long to see a knight commander walking out of the village, shaking his head at Kalei, indicating that the villagers were all dead.

"Damn" Kalei's face was gloomy, and then he looked further away.

Ai Wen frowned, and had a bad premonition in his heart, "Knights of Binhai City, you all go to each village to see the situation."

At this time, he already had some premonitions in his heart. Since most of the knights in Binhai City went to the battlefield, there were no knights guarding Binhai City at this time.

In this case, facing these invading winter monsters, civilians simply don't have much resistance.

"Lord Kalei, we..." the Knight Leader opened his mouth.

At this time, they naturally also thought of the reason why these monsters would invade here. In addition to losing the protection of the knights of the coastal city, the shortage of food may also be a large part of the reason.

In order to gather enough supplies for the Knights of Coastal City, they began hoarding various resources a long time ago, and the resources of the Coastal Mountain Range were basically emptied, which is why these monsters invaded the territory.

Due to the shortage of materials in the Binhai Mountains, these monsters can only invade human territory to snatch them. This is also the main reason for the winter beast tide. Otherwise, it is very rare for monsters to invade on a large scale in winter in previous years.

"Your Highness Aiwen, what should we do?" Kalei looked at Aiwen who was thinking.

Ai Wen nodded lightly, thought for a while and said, "The Knights of Binhai City sent some people to check the situation in the nearby villages. The big troops will follow me to Binhai City."

After hearing Aiwen's words, the head of the knights immediately took orders, and separated some knights to scatter around, while others followed Aiwen and ran directly towards Binhai City.

The Roentgen cat kept running, and from time to time you could see messy footprints on the ground. Obviously, many monsters passed by here, which made them more convinced of their thoughts.

The knights ran very fast. After guessing that guess, they also regretted it very much at this time. They kept urging the big-tailed raccoon to run faster. The current Binhai City may not be able to withstand the monsters. Attack!

Faintly, they all showed regret in their hearts. They shouldn't just leave the city lord's civilians and go to the front line. Damn it, Binhai City must not have any accidents!

There is not much food in the nearby villages at all, so these monsters will definitely gather towards Binhai City, wanting to go to Binhai City to snatch food.

At this time, a large number of ragged soldiers gathered on the city wall of Binhai City. Their faces were ashen from the cold, but they still held the bows and arrows in their hands tightly, firing a few arrows from time to time.

And under the city wall, a large number of monsters are gathering at this time. These monsters are constantly roaring and attacking the city wall. The monsters who have mastered moves are constantly spewing out various energy fluctuations from their mouths, making the entire city wall continue to roar.

At the same time, in the constant battle, it can be seen that all the monsters are beginning to bite each other, and different groups will definitely usher in chaos when they gather together.

"I didn't expect that Binhai City would be reduced to the point of being attacked by monsters." The officials of Binhai City stood on the wall and looked at this scene mockingly.

In the past, it was impossible for these monsters to get under the gate of Binhai City, but now they have to rely on the killing of these monsters to survive.

The thick city walls can certainly guarantee some of their safety, but they can only shrink back and shiver in the city as tortoises.

Then their eyes fell on the soldiers guarding the city. At this time, Binhai City couldn't even gather a complete team of knights. It had to be said that it was a kind of irony.

Thinking of the new city lord who took away all the knights of Binhai City, the faces of these officials were gloomy. This new city lord didn't care about the safety of Binhai City at all.

In this way, they couldn't help but think of the Lord Kalei. In comparison, the Lord Kalei was thinking about the citizens of Binhai City. Even if he didn't send troops in winter, it was also for the safety of the people.

At this time, they were thinking about everything that Binhai City had experienced in the past six months. A large amount of supplies had been thrown into the battle, and it was difficult for the civilians to even provide basic food and clothing.

And now it's just the beginning, they can't even imagine how many civilians will die of hunger and severe cold this winter, if the Lord Kalei is here, this situation will definitely not happen.

Although they couldn't guarantee that the citizens of Binhai City would be well-fed, they could still provide basic food and clothing, and these were all thanks to the Lord Kalei.

At that time, Binhai City was obviously getting better and better, but why did the knights rebel, why did they drive away the Lord Kalei? Is it really so important to attack Lizhi City?

The more it was at this time, the more everyone in the city would miss the goodness of the original city lord. What people are most afraid of is the comparison. Thinking of the city lord Kalei, the new city lord Hill, who has just become the new city lord, really let them down so much!

chirp chirp chirp~

Just as these nobles were watching the battle below with gloomy faces, a bird song suddenly came from the air.

They raised their heads, and a big-billed gull flew quickly from a distance, and a scouting knight was sitting on top of the big-billed gull.

"That's the scouting knight of the Binhai City Knights!" Looking at the big-billed gull in the air, the official looked startled again.

This time, Hill took away all the knights of the Binhai City Knights, including the Sky Knights of the Touhou, but now they are investigating why the knights are here!

Immediately, the expressions of the officials became serious. Although they complained about the Lord Hill taking away all the knights, they still did not want anything to happen to the Knights of Coastal City.

The sudden appearance of the scouting knight now made them have a bad guess in their hearts, and looking at this big-billed gull, it was obviously injured, could it be that it escaped back?

The toucoped gull was flying very slowly, fluttering its short wings, and approaching the city with difficulty with its plump body.

Finally, the big-billed gull fell from the sky, and the knight above quickly jumped down, shouting: "Master clerk, Your Highness Aiwen, Your Highness Aiwen"

The knight was out of breath, and amidst the dignified expressions of many officials, he said excitedly: "His Royal Highness Ivan will be here soon!"

After the knight finished speaking, the faces of all the people present suddenly changed, and the clerk immediately lifted the knight in front of him, "Who are you talking about? Your Highness Aiwen?!"

Not only the clerk, but the other officials in the arena were also full of fear at this time. They looked at the knight in front of them expectantly, expecting that the knight was just too tired and said the wrong thing.

Aiwen, since the last time the Knights of Coastal City lost in Chengguo Village, they are really familiar with this name, and this time the Knights of Coastal City attacked the Elven Territory, which is the territory of Aiwen.

If according to what the knight said, Lord Aiwen is about to arrive in Binhai City, doesn't this mean that the Binhai City Knights have been defeated, and the opponent has already chased Binhai City?

This is definitely a bolt from the blue for the officials in front of them. Some officials have fear on their faces, and they have the idea of ​​running away.

"That's right, it's His Royal Highness Aiwen, and the Lord Kalei." The knight reacted and quickly explained.

When they heard about the Lord Kalei, the faces of these officials changed again, and they faintly realized that this matter seemed to be different from what they thought?

Immediately afterwards, the scouting knight also told a complete story of what happened in front of him, and the officials present were all stunned, and none of them thought of this situation now.

The wizard organization was completely defeated in this battle, and even the Darkrai, who could fight against a city, had been sealed by Ai Wen, which was really shocking.

However, after hearing about Hill's conspiracy and his murder of Captain Paul, everyone present fell silent. It turned out that everything was Hill's conspiracy, and it was all the conspiracy of the wizard organization!

In the end, after hearing that the Lord Carleigh and the Knights of Coastal City had recognized Aiwen's identity as the new Lord of Coastal City, everyone looked at each other again with complicated expressions.

After all, Aiwen is the lord of the elves and belongs to the nobles of Lizhi City. Does this mean that Binhai City has been annexed by Lizhi City?

They also didn't expect that after Binhai City and Lizhi City had been fighting for so long, there would still be such a day, but all this seemed to have become a reality, and they had no other choice.

"Moreover, His Royal Highness Aiwen brought a lot of supplies this time."

"With these supplies, the civilians in Binhai City will be able to survive this winter safely!"

The knight continued to speak, and this time the faces of all the officials changed again, with a look of surprise on their faces.

They were still worried about the wintering of the residents of Binhai City, but now this problem has been solved?

Thinking of this, they suddenly felt that they didn't seem to reject Aiwen as the new city lord of Binhai City.

They have also heard about the development of the elves during this period, and Binhai City may be able to get a great improvement in the future. It seems really good to think about it this way.

Tread Tread ~

Just as the officials in the field were engaged in an ideological struggle, there was a sudden tremor in the distance.

They looked over and found that a large number of knights had appeared in the distance and were rapidly approaching Binhai City.

A large number of big-tailed raccoons rushed to the front of the team. They were the Knights of Coastal City they were very familiar with. They were all relieved to see that the Knights were not damaged much.

The monsters under the city wall also noticed the approaching enemies at this time, and they reacted quickly and rushed towards the knights.

The scale of these monsters is not large, and naturally they cannot compare with the Knights of Binhai City. They were quickly suppressed below, and were sent flying upside down by the big-tailed raccoon's water gun moves.

"Don't hit hard, just let them lose their ability to resist." Aiwen explained to the knights.

Afterwards, he followed Carleigh and walked directly towards Binhai City through the cleared road. At this time, the gate of Binhai City had been opened, and a small number of knights came out of it.

At this time, Kalei was walking at the front of the team, and the knights who came out were very excited. They knelt on the ground and faced Kalei with one knee, "Greetings to Lord Kalei!"

"City Lord Kalei, you are finally back." The officials in the city also greeted him at this time.

In addition, there are many nobles. These nobles were all neutral in the original battle, and their faces were very complicated at this time.

Kalei glanced over the faces of these officials and nobles, and suddenly smiled freely, "Let him pass on the past."

Then he turned his gaze to Aiwen beside him, "This is Your Highness Aiwen. After I left Binhai City, it was His Highness Aiwen who saved me."

After hearing Kalei's words, the officials and nobles in the field were stunned, and suddenly realized that the Lord Kalei called His Highness Aiwen?

The word Your Highness is a very honorable title in this Sinnoh continent, and only those who are recognized by the three legendary gods can be called Your Highness.

Now there are only three people in the entire Sinnoh Continent who are qualified to be called His Highness, but there is a fourth person who can be called His Highness.

Involuntarily, they thought of what the knight said before, that Lord Aiwen sealed Darkley. Could it be that Lord Aiwen has been approved by Darkley?

When they thought of this, their eyes all showed awe, and then these officials and nobles knelt down on one knee, "Meet Your Highness Aiwen."

"Get up, everyone, let's enter the city first." Aiwen nodded, "You cleared up an area to store supplies."

The officials immediately took orders and welcomed Aiwen and Kalei into the city. The first time they entered the city, Aiwen saw the simple camp set up on the square.

At this time, in front of the camp, a large number of yellow-faced and emaciated civilians were huddling together, trying to increase the temperature in this way, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Lord Kalei, these are civilians who fled here from the territory"

"Because the Knights of Binhai City took most of the supplies when they set off, there is not much food in the city."

The clerk was a little hesitant to speak, remembering the account of the city lord Kalei last winter, reducing the castle's expenditure and spending more on the commoners.

Kalei nodded silently, "I see, you have done a very good job on this matter." Then he looked at Ivan.

"Let's open the castle area." Ivan nodded.

"It's winter now, what can these simple tents do!"

After hearing his words, all the officials present were taken aback. What did they hear, open the castle area?

That's the castle area, and now it's open to these civilians and serfs to live in?

This was something that the officials and nobles present couldn't even think about, but just saying it from the mouth of His Royal Highness Aiwen, doesn't he know what it means?

On the contrary, there was a hint of clarity on Kalei's face at this time. This Highness who grew up from a commoner, his way of thinking is indeed different from all nobles, and he has long been aware of this.

"What are you still doing in a daze, and you haven't followed His Royal Highness Aiwen's orders." Kalei reminded.

Although it is still hard to believe, His Royal Highness Aiwen and Lord Carleigh have both spoken at this time, and they have to bite the bullet and prepare for this matter.

"In addition, you inform everyone in the city to go to the square in the castle area, where Binhai City will distribute winter supplies to the civilians in the city." Ai Wen added.

After he finished speaking, the officials and nobles in the field breathed a sigh of relief, and looked towards the direction of the city gate. At this time, a large number of big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons with supplies on their backs had already entered the city.

Ai Wen took these big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons directly to the castle area. In the castle, the big-tailed raccoons and the big-toothed raccoons were relieved, and they finally returned to Binhai City.

"There are so many supplies!"

After the supplies were unloaded, they piled up into a hill, and everyone present was stunned again.

Afterwards, their expressions all showed ecstasy. With these supplies, the civilians in Binhai City will definitely be able to survive this winter!

"This is just the beginning, and the coastal city will definitely become more prosperous in the coming year." Kalei's face showed softness.

The image of the commoners in Binhai City plowing in the spring could not help appearing in his mind. The hardworking people of Binhai City must be able to live a prosperous life with their own hands.

Squeak, squeak, squeak~

After the leader of the big-tailed raccoon put down his supplies, he whispered a few words to Aiwen.

Now the civilians in Binhai City have solved the material problem, but there are still a large number of people in it who are suffering from hunger and cold.

Especially after seeing those monsters invading human territory along the way, it showed worry on its face, wondering how those clansmen were doing now.

"Well, take the remaining supplies and find your own people."

"Be careful on the road, come to Binhai City to find me as soon as you encounter anything."

Aiwen nodded to the leader of the big-tailed raccoon. The situation in Binhai City is indeed not very good now.

If possible, he wanted the leader of the big-tailed raccoon to bring as many people as possible back to the elves.

The current Elven Territory is almost extending its territory to the Black Seashore, and with the fact that the Pure River and the Big-tailed Beaver Lake lead directly to the sea, no amount of Big-tailed Beavers can accommodate it.

And with these big-tailed raccoons and big-toothed raccoons, it will also be of great benefit to his next ocean exploration plan.

squeak squeak~

After hearing Aiwen's words, the leader of the big-tailed raccoon nodded.

Then it took its own people and quickly ran out of the city, towards the sea.

Not long after these big-tailed raccoons left, the civilians in the city also gathered together, looking at the piled up supplies, there was a look in their eyes.

After hearing that all these supplies would be distributed to them for the winter, they all became excited, and when they knew that the castle area would be open to help them survive the winter, they all exclaimed.

The eyes of all the people present showed disbelief, the castle area will be open to them to live in, to resist the severe cold?

Even if it is not the lord's castle that is open, but the castle area, these civilians are also dumbfounded. You must know that this is a place where only nobles can live!

Involuntarily, everyone turned their gazes to Aiwen, to the person who gave orders that made them all unbelievable, and a warm current inexplicably appeared in their hearts.

"Your Highness is merciful," someone couldn't help exhaling, and then the voice quickly became high-pitched, "Long live Your Highness Aiwen!"

A civilian in the front row knelt down following the shouts, followed by the second and third

Until the crowd knelt down in the field, the voices came and went, more and more, and louder, and finally the voices of the people merged into the same rhythm, "His Royal Highness Aiwen is merciful!"

They are just civilians and don't care who the current city lord is. They only know that His Royal Highness Aiwen has brought them enough supplies, and they will start to praise His Highness Aiwen, and easily accept Aiwen's new identity.

In the lord's castle, Kalei stood by the window of the study, looking at the familiar and no longer familiar scene in front of him.

After going through all kinds of things, he finally came back here again. Everything in front of him seemed to have not changed, but everything seemed to have changed.

Then, he looked back at the desk. At this time, Aiwen was sitting at the desk and flipping through books. There were still many books on the desk, all of which had traces of being flipped through.

When they came to the lord's castle, they first took a look at the treasure house, but it seemed that the treasure house had been emptied by Hill and the wizards at this time, and there was nothing valuable left in it.

Ai Wen just shook his head at this, and then went straight to the study, and flipped through the books in the study. In his opinion, this is the most precious wealth of Binhai City.

"So, a long time ago, Binhai City also had a patron saint."

"And you also built a temple on an island near Binhai City to enshrine this patron saint."

Aiwen raised his head, just met Kalei's gaze, picked up the book and asked about the specific situation in a low voice. At this time, there was a portrayal in the book.

"That's right, the one depicted is the former patron saint of Binhai City."

"But according to the records, the patron saint of Binhai City has not appeared for two hundred years."

"So it gradually became a legend. In Binhai City, there are very few people who know the information of this god."

Kalei nodded, "But as the city lord of Binhai City, the news about the patron saint will be passed down from generation to generation, and every year the city lord must go to the temple to worship!"

While speaking, Kalei suddenly took out a black metal box from his body. The box looked plain and unadorned, but from Kalei's expression, he could tell there must be something inside.

"This is something passed down from generation to generation by the lord of Binhai City."

"Your Highness Aiwen is now the new owner of Binhai City, and it's time for me to hand over this inheritance to you."

Kalei took a deep breath, then nodded to Emperor Napoleon, and saw a black key suddenly spit out from Emperor Napoleon's mouth.

Aiwen, the inheritance of the lord of Binhai City, looked dignified. From the fact that Kalei and Emperor Nabo kept the box and key separately, it can be seen that the things inside must be of great importance.

After successfully obtaining the black metal key, Kalei inserted it into the card slot of the black metal box, and the metal box was slowly opened with the sound of metal friction.

At the same time, I saw a bright light suddenly emanating from the metal box, attracting the attention of Miss Qun'er, Snow Fairy and Kirulian beside Ivan.

This is an energy fluctuation of the water attribute. The energy fluctuation is not strong, but it is very pure, and it is mixed with a trace of inexplicable sacred aura.

"Huh? Is this a water attribute treasure?" Aiwen narrowed his eyes slightly. From this breath, he faintly felt the breath fluctuation similar to Yaknom's body.

Finally, the box was completely opened, and the blue light continued to scatter, but when the box was fully opened, it all converged back, and the energy fluctuations gradually dissipated.

Looking into the box, I saw a drop-shaped crystal that blended light blue and dark blue in the box at this time, and at the same time, strange golden lines could be seen in the crystal!

"This is... the mysterious water drop?" Ai Wen was taken aback, and the mysterious water drop, a treasure of water attributes, appeared in his mind.

But he faintly felt that something was wrong. This drop-shaped crystal was much larger than ordinary mysterious water droplets, and the golden lines on it all showed that this crystal was unusual.

"This is the token left by Lord Manafei."

"According to the records, as long as you communicate with this mysterious water drop in the temple, you can communicate with Lord Manafei."

Kalei began to introduce the inheritance in his hand, "According to the previous records of the lord of Binhai City, this is true, and Lord Manafei has helped Binhai City to overcome crises many times."

"However, since two hundred years ago, Binhai City has lost contact with Lord Manafei. Although the city lords of later generations have been trying to communicate with Lord Manafei, so far they have not succeeded."

Listening to Kalei's explanation, Aiwen's face showed thinking, and that portrayal really belonged to Mana Fei.

According to the legend, Manafei is called the prince of the sea. He possesses innate magical power, can communicate with any elf, and can call and control a large number of water attribute elves to fight!

Thinking of this, Aiwen's attention was once again placed on the mysterious water drop in front of him, which is also a token of communication with Manafei.

Stretching out his hand, he took the mysterious water drop in his hand. Normally, the mysterious water drop contains the power of the sea, but this mysterious water drop is even more unusual.

He had a vague feeling that apart from being used to communicate with Manafei, this crystal itself was a very powerful prop that could greatly help the growth of water attribute elves, and it was considered a legendary resource.

Quner~ yo yo yo, ji ji ji.

Miss Qun'er, Snow Fairy and Kirulian, the three elves also gathered around and looked at the mysterious water drop in front of them.

It's a pity that none of the three of them are water attribute elves, they can only feel this power, but they didn't absorb it, and they couldn't help showing regret on their faces.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er's small eyes are rolling around. In fact, when it comes to water, plants also need to absorb water.

Perhaps this mysterious water droplet can be soaked in water, and then use the water to water the flowers. I don't know if there will be any special effects.

yo yo yo~

The figure of the Snow Demon Girl fluttered around, saying that ice water doesn't matter, it might be able to absorb it.

However, before it could say anything, it was held back by Miss Qun'er and Kirulian.

Now that you haven't even studied the yellow crystal thoroughly, don't pay attention to this mysterious crystal.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian looked back at the water drop in front of her, and could faintly feel a familiar energy.

This energy feels a bit like emotional energy, but it is very different from emotional energy, more powerful and sacred.

"You mean familiar energy?"

"Well, Mana Fei has an innate magical power, and can communicate with any elf."

"This should be a very strong psychic energy. To a certain extent, psychic energy does have similarities with emotional energy."

Ivan nodded after hearing Kirulian's telepathy, and thought of Kirulian's special energy, both of which are the use of spiritual energy.

Hee hee hee hee~

After hearing Alvin's words, Kirulian looked very happy.

In this case, this mysterious crystal is indeed the best match for it, and it may be able to master special abilities similar to Manafei with the help of mysterious water droplets.

After finishing speaking, Kirulian looked at Miss Yanqu'er and Snow Demon Girl. Its current strength has fallen far behind, and it must improve its strength as soon as possible!


The Emperor Nabo next to him couldn't help scratching his head when he saw this.

I really don't know what these three elves are fighting for. This is obviously a training resource for water attribute elves.

In fact, he really wanted to say that he had been coveting this water droplet for a long time, but it was a pity that the stingy owner didn't even give it a second look.

"For the time being, this mysterious crystal cannot be handed over to you." Ivan shook his head with a smile.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes and tried to communicate with this crystal, and his spiritual power continuously penetrated into the mysterious water drop.

But no matter how he communicated, this mysterious water droplet didn't react at all, not even a little energy fluctuation, let alone communicate with Manafei.

He also shook his head helplessly if he wanted to go here. After all, Manafei has lost contact with him for two hundred years, so it is impossible to react to him all of a sudden. He doesn't think he has such a great charm.

However, why Manafei disappeared is a mystery. After thinking for a while, he said to Kalei, "Can you take me to the temple? Maybe there will be some information about Manafei left there." indefinite."

Every day, this is a 1900 monthly ticket plus change, minus the four chapters owed yesterday, it can be regarded as a 1500 monthly pass plus change~

Recently adjusted the update time, try to update at 7 pm in the future.

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