Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 369 Sea Tide Incense

An elf like Marilou has a lot of similarities with auspicious eggs.

They are all elves of the goblin egg group, and their ability to reproduce has always been very weak. This is also common with the elves of the goblin egg group.

Therefore, in order to increase the reproductive ability of this elf egg group of elves, the researchers made many attempts, and finally found a way successfully.

This is a special potion called incense, which can greatly improve the reproductive ability of some elves.

However, the elves that were so specially bred have undergone some changes, becoming a kind of juvenile elves.

He still remembers that when the young elves were hatched, it caused a great disturbance in the academic and nurturing circles.

If these elves have not passed the incense, the hatched ones will be ordinary elves, but the corresponding young elves will be hatched through the incense.

Then, a long period of research was conducted on these juvenile elves.

At first, scholars found that these infant elves did not seem to have the ability to evolve.

And in the continuous research in the future, they discovered that these young elves did not lose their ability to evolve, but the conditions for evolution were very harsh.

After research, they even discovered intimacy energy from it, and most of the infant elves' evolution all require intimacy energy to complete the evolution.

The question goes back to Marilu, it is a kind of elf that can improve its reproductive ability through incense.

It only needs to use a special potion called sea tide incense to make Marilu hatch the young Lulili. .

And Lulili can evolve into Marilou again through intimacy evolution, and then her own group begins to expand continuously.

That's how the original Marilu group grew slowly, and once became one of the first-choice elves for a large number of water attribute trainers.

After all, Marilu can continue to evolve into a more powerful Mariluli, which has very good potential, and the fairy attributes they possess are also relatively rare attributes.

In addition, lucky eggs are also a kind of elves that can improve their reproductive ability through incense. Through lucky incense, they can hatch young lucky eggs.

However, there is a big difference between Xiaofudan and Lu Lili. The evolution of Xiaofudan does not require intimacy, but they need to use a prop called a round stone to complete the evolution.

When the lucky egg evolves into the happy egg, it needs to complete the evolution through intimacy, which is a special existence among the young elves.

Therefore, when Aiwen was thinking about breeding auspicious eggs, he didn't think about using incense, compared to the fact that he doesn't have such a special prop as the round stone in his hand now.

Only after he successfully found the round stone, could he choose to use incense to make the auspicious eggs hatch into small blessing eggs, so that the number of auspicious egg groups will continue to grow.

As for the search for the round stone, he started a long time ago, and the rangers have been exploring the Black Forest and the Lizhi Mountains during this time.

Among them, some large ore veins and even evolution stone veins have been discovered, but there has been no news about the round stone, so the ground and rock attribute elves can only continue to search underground.

"Anyway, let's make the tide incense first." Ivan exhaled.

When he came back, he had already prepared the materials needed to make sea tide incense, and then he only needed to make all these materials into sea tide incense.

Although it has been about three years since he traveled to this world, he is still very proficient in making sea tide incense, and soon a large amount of incense was prepared and put into special containers.

Next, he only needs to ignite the incense in it, and the medicinal effect will be released, and this energy can greatly improve Marilu's ability to reproduce.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er stood aside and watched quietly.

Now, Aiwen has almost handed over all the potions he has mastered to Miss Qun'er. Miss Qu'er was very excited to learn a new medicine preparation method.

Especially after hearing about the effects of this special potion, its eyes rolled.

In addition to increasing the reproductive ability of the corresponding elves, this special potion can also enhance the power of the moves of the corresponding attributes.

In this case, as long as the incense can be prepared to enhance grass attribute moves, it can also use this to enhance the power of grass attribute moves.

I just don't know if its aromatherapy moves can simulate the effects of these special incenses. If so, its aromatherapy moves can not only cure abnormal effects, but also have the effect of improving grass attribute moves.

"That's good, has Miss Qun'er learned it yet?" Ivan smiled and looked at Miss Qun'er.

skirt skirt~

After a moment of hesitation, Miss Qun'er's eyes revealed a hint of cunning, and she slowly shook her head.

"That's it, I'll teach you again after I come back." Ai Wen touched Miss Qun'er's head.

After making the incense, he quickly rode the Gyarados to the island of Marilou. Now the island has been strictly protected, and the safety of Marilou must be ensured.

Next, he will use sea tide incense to attract Marilou who lives here. It would be best if the entire group could follow him back to the Elf Territory.

If some Marilou wanted to stay here, he would also divide this area to ensure that Marilou could continue to multiply and grow here.

Since the auspicious egg family only has females, they can only find elves from the same egg group if they want to reproduce. These Marilou are still very precious.

Next, the Marilou group here grew stronger, and he could bring the auspicious eggs to this island to multiply, so as to grow the auspicious egg group and serve more elf centers.

"His Royal Highness Aiwen." After seeing Aiwen, the guard knight immediately came over to salute.

Now there are carp kings living around the island, there is nothing that can see the carp kings, so that the guard knights can grasp the situation of this island.

Aiwen patted the shoulder of the guarding knight, and led the elves quickly towards the island, and soon came to the lake where Marilou lived.

This time, he didn't hide his footprints, but as soon as he approached, the Marilou immediately pricked up their ears vigilantly, and their ears had very strong hearing.

Lilu Lilo!

Seeing a human being approaching, all these Marilou became alert.

"Marilou, I mean no harm." Ivan's figure stopped in the distance.

Looking at these Marilou from a distance, he didn't approach them immediately, but asked Miss Qun'er to use her life energy to appease these Marilou.

Shanai Shanai.

At the same time, Xanadu's figure can be seen slowly approaching.

It exudes pink fairy-attribute energy, and Xanadu is also a fairy-attribute elf, which can make these Marilu let down their vigilance slowly.

Xanadu then directly activated his telepathic ability and began to communicate with these Marilou. This kind of direct telepathy can quickly bring their relationship closer.

"It seems that these Marilou have calmed down." Ai Wen's face softened a little.

Afterwards, he put the sea tide incense on the ground, lit it with a flint and steel, and immediately a puff of blue smoke came out, accompanied by a strange fragrance.

He also specially checked the direction he was approaching. The wind just blows towards the lake from here, and it can carry the fragrance in the wind to the side of those Marilou.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er leaned forward slightly, sniffing the fragrance in the air lightly.

The fragrance emitted by the sea tide incense is indeed very strange. It contains rich water attribute energy, and at the same time, it can gather the surrounding water attribute energy into the smoke.

After a while, the surrounding air began to become humid. If there is an elf who can use the rain-calling move here, he must be able to feel it. In this case, it is easy to trigger rainy weather.

In addition to the strong water attribute energy, the incense also contains a stream of other energy, which is closer to life energy, but not just life energy.

After feeling the fluctuation of life energy, Miss Qun'er's face moved slightly, and the life energy on her body also surged slightly. No wonder this kind of incense can enhance the reproductive ability of elves. This life energy should be the key.

Lilu Lilu~

Marilu in the distance is huddling together at this time. Although they have the power of telepathic communication with Xanadu, the vigilance in their hearts will not disappear for a while.

However, after smelling the fragrance from the sea tide incense, they still showed unconcealed surprise on their faces, and faintly felt the huge attraction.

They could feel that there was something beneficial to them in that fragrance, and the impulse from their hearts made them want to get closer to the past.

"Marilou, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to talk to you." Aiwen walked over.

"The one in my hand is called Sea Tide Incense. In addition to increasing the water attribute power contained in the surrounding environment, it can also help you reproduce."

He explained as he walked forward, "As long as you have the tide incense, you will be able to reproduce faster, and the potential of the offspring will be stronger."

After hearing his explanation, Marilou's face immediately showed emotion. In fact, there is no need for Aiwen to explain, they can feel the attraction of the tide incense to them, which has already explained everything.

After arriving at a suitable location, Aiwen stopped, put the sea tide incense in his hand on the ground, then turned and left towards the distance, leaving the sea tide incense to these Marilou, he knew that it would not take a short time to subdue these Marilou.

Watching Aiwen's figure gradually leave, Marilou and others were stunned for a while, and then they were intoxicated by the feeling of bondage brought by the tide incense, and kept playing with their companions.

In this way, a few more days passed. During this time, Marilou Island received special treatment. Every day, besides the tide incense, Aiwen would also bring elf food.

The strength of the Marilou group is not strong, so they have not been able to occupy those resource-rich islands. Except for this lake, the Marilou island is actually quite barren and does not have much food.

Now, they suddenly got a lot of elf food, which immediately excited these Marilou, and they became closer and closer to Aiwen, and the relationship between the two parties rose rapidly.

However, Aiwen was not in a hurry, and wanted to continue cultivating feelings, and then took advantage of the situation and proposed that the entire Marilou group should follow him back to the elves.

In addition, there were also some small episodes. Because the sea tide incense can continuously condense the surrounding water attribute energy, the water attribute energy of Marilou Island has increased a lot.

Under such circumstances, a large number of other water-attribute elves were attracted to land on Marilou Island, which was originally resource-poor, and wanted to snatch this territory that suddenly had rich water-attribute energy.

Fortunately, Aiwen had already made preparations. During this period of time, he did not stay around the Marilou Lake, but he did not leave the island, so he rushed over as soon as he discovered the situation.

Just relying on Miss Qun'er as an elf, he easily resisted all the water attribute elves invading here, and showed his powerful strength to the fullest, instantly shocking all Marilou present.

Afterwards, everything went much smoother, perhaps because of the better living environment Aiwen promised, or because she felt threatened and wanted to find shelter for the ethnic group, Marilu agreed to go to the elf collar without any hesitation.

The Marilou themselves ended up on this island by accident, and they don't have much sense of belonging here, so they don't have any burden to leave this island, as long as they can be with their own clansmen, that's enough.

"In this way, everything will be resolved." Ai Wen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, he took all these Marilou away from the island without stopping too much, and brought them back to the Elf Territory by the waterway.

Now with the construction of the water elf cultivation area in the coastal area, the threat on the water has been basically eliminated. Ai Wen also saw many fishing boats going out to sea fishing along the way.

They will salvage the seafood in this area, but when encountering elves, they will very consciously put them all back into the sea, and the two sides have established a basic tacit understanding.

Continuously moving along the coastline, they finally passed the pure river, and they returned to the Big-tailed Beaver Lake in the Elven Territory. At this time, a lake was excavated again near the Big-tailed Beaver Lake, which will be used as the habitat of the Marilou tribe.

At the same time, this Marilou Lake is close to the castle. When the time comes, those lucky eggs will also come to rest in the castle after finishing their work at the elf center. The habitats of the two are closely connected, which can provide more opportunities for reproduction.

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