""Then welcome to join us, Digger Rabbit!"

Shi Yu said, taking out a luxury ball.

Digger Rabbit took the initiative to hit the luxury ball without much hesitation.

It trusted Kokodora, and the partner that Kokodora trusted was also the partner that it trusted.

This is the friendship between elves.

Under the flashing red light, Digger Rabbit was put into the luxury ball.

The luxury ball did not shake at all, and when the sound of"dang" rang out, it also indicated that Shi Yu had successfully subdued Digger Rabbit.

"Come out, Digger Rabbit."

Shi Yu released the Digger Rabbit again.

At the same time, he called out to the Screw Hamster that was digging in the ground.

"Screw Hamster, come here."


The screw mole was a little confused when he heard Shi Yu's call.

Isn't it time for dinner yet?

Why did he call him?

He was in a hurry to cultivate the land today.

However, no matter how anxious he was, the screw mole still ran to Shi Yu.


"Let me introduce you to the screw rat, it is our new employee at the ranch....No! The new partner is called Digger Rabbit. It is very good at digging holes. Take it to familiarize itself with the ranch first, and then assign it some work to cultivate the fields. After that, you two can work together, and the efficiency should be doubled."

After hearing Shi Yu's instructions, the Screw Gopher nodded, and then looked at the Digger Rabbit.


The screw mole seemed to be saying to the digging rabbit, follow me


Digger Rabbit followed Screw Hamster, and the two elves dug a hole together, heading towards the field.

"Kuo Kuo~~~"

Kokodora seemed to be looking for her good friend, the iron dumbbell


At this time, the metal monster that helped Shi Yu catch fish floated over.

Kokodora met the metal monster. Did they feel like they were familiar with each other at first sight?


Kokodora got along well with the metal monster....After learning that Metal Monster is the evolution of Iron Dumbbell

"Kuo Kuo? ? ?"

Kokodora felt like his heart was splitting.

He was fine when he left in the morning, but how come his good brother became so ugly when he came back in the evening?

However, as a social expert with high emotional intelligence, Kokodora would not express it in this way.

Instead, he jumped onto the head of the metal monster, patted the head of the good pigeons with his hand, and comforted it not to be discouraged. After all, we have grown arms, right?

Shi Yu looked at the metal monster and Kokodora who were talking, and said that he did not understand the aesthetics of the elves.

【Complete the task: Conquer more different ranch partners (10/10)】

【Rewards: 3 metal films, 10 luxury balls】...

"Oh, what? I finally completed this reward. Metal film, get it!"

"System, extract"

【Successfully extracted. 】


, ten luxury balls and three metal films appeared in Shi Yu's hand.

The material of the metal film was very hard.

It felt a little cold to the touch and was full of steel elements.

Shi Yu glanced at Scyther.

Scyther needed metal film to evolve.


Scyther and Giant Mantis have the same racial stats.

The physical attack after evolution is not much increased, and the main increase is reflected in the sudden increase in physical defense after adding steel attributes.

And except for the four times weak fire, it has no weaknesses.

After thinking for a while.

Shi Yu decided to give up and not let Scyther evolve for the time being.

Mainly...After the evolution, it didn't become particularly strong.

Not only did it slow down, but its sickle also turned into a pair of pliers.

It was slow to work.

Compared with its combat power, Shi Yu's ranch was now more short of labor.

Looking at the two boasting by the river,

Shi Yu felt that they needed it.

The metal film significantly improved the strength of steel elves.

Thinking of this,

Shi Yu walked towards the river.

""Metal Monster, Cocodora."

Shi Yu called out to the two elves.

The Metal Monster and Cocodora turned around and looked at Shi Yu at the same time.

"In view of the great contribution you have made to the ranch during this period, I will give you a reward."

"What a clue?"

"Kuo Kuo?"

The two elves were confused at the same time.

There are rewards?

"Here, these two pieces of metal film are given to you. They should be very helpful to you."

Shi Yu handed a piece of metal film to each of the two elves. As for the remaining piece of metal film, Shi Yu put it into the system space. He planned to give it to Scyther in the future.


"Kuo Kuo..."

After the two elves received the metal film, they began to absorb the steel energy in the metal film.

Obviously, this energy brought them great help.

Under the surge of energy, the levels of the two elves soared at the same time.

【The metal monster absorbed the high-quality metal film and its level increased to 21 and 22...Level 24! And learned Comet Fist!】

【Cocodora absorbs high-quality metal film, and the level is increased to 13 and 14...Level 16! And learned Iron Head and Iron Wall!】...

Looking at the prompts on the data panel,

Shi Yu was somewhat delighted.

The metal film given by the system was indeed not the kind of metal film that could be bought on the market, but a high-quality metal film. It directly raised the metal monster to level three and Kokodora to level four!

It also allowed the two elves to learn steel-type moves that could only be learned at a high level.

At the same time,

Shi Yu discovered that the data panel seemed to have issued a new task.

【New side quest: Conquer more different ranch partners (10/20)】

【Mission description: The development of the ranch is inseparable from various elves. In order to make the ranch develop more comprehensively, please collect more different elves.】

【Mission rewards: exotic incense*1, random gem*1, ten luxury balls】


"A strange incense and a random gem? I don't know how much the gem can improve the strength of the elf."

Shi Yu murmured.

The metal film can improve the metal monster by three levels and learn a skill after the high level.

I don't know what kind of changes the steel gem can bring to the metal monster.

Thinking of this.

Shi Yu is going to criticize the blue ribbon braided sheep for slacking off at work.

The task reward for conquering ten braided sheep is a steel gem.

Just when Shi Yu was still complaining in his heart.

On the mountain road in the distance, there was a noisy sound of sheep.

Shi Yu turned around and looked.

In the last afterglow of the sunset.

The flock of braided sheep...Finally back!


The number of braided sheep that came back this time...There seem to be more than seven?

Shi Yu counted them.

"Seven, eight, nine...Ten?!!"

Exactly ten sheep with braids.

Shi Yu hurried over to meet them.


The blue-ribboned sheep looked very happy.

After running to Shi Yu, it bleated a few times, as if asking for a reward from Shi Yu.

"You completed this task so late....Still want a reward?"

Shi Yu glanced at the braided sheep.

It's not that he didn't want to give it.

It's just that there is no experience candy left.

All of them were used as materials for the evolution of the iron dumbbell.


PS: About the call of the elves...The author found them all in the video, some are Japanese dubbing, some are Chinese dubbing...As a result, many of the voices in the game are matched with the names of the elves themselves....If there is a special name, I will write it directly. If not, I will try my best not to use the original name, that would be too bad....Will Scyther evolve or become Giant Mantis? See the comments!

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