The tyrannosaurus successfully jumped over the heads of the two pirates with Ye Yue, and the dragon's tail slapped the surface of the water and shot towards the distance.

The two pirates looked at a white line left by the tyrannosaurus far away, looking at each other, a little overwhelmed.

Remembering the cruel methods of their own leader, the two tacitly agreed that nothing had happened, and drove the pirate ship towards the shore.

With their Pokémon speed, they can't catch up with the Tyrannosaurus that is moving at full speed.

Instead of letting their own leader know that they had let Ye Yue go, it was better not to see it. In this way, you may be able to escape punishment.

On the back of the tyrannosaurus, Ye Yue's heart was pounding.

It is not only the happiness of escaping, but also the excitement of carrying the most precious treasure.

But everything that is related to the divine beast is of great benefit to the elves.

At the beginning, the blessing of the flame bird completely raised the flame chicken by more than one notch. The flame of the flame bird is still improving the body of the flame chicken.

You know, Gaioka is several levels higher than the Flame Bird. This indigo orb is able to control Gaioka and bring it back to its origin, and the energy contained in it can be imagined.

After about two and a half hours at sea, the vicinity was all vast seas, and there were no islands or the like, Ye Yue found a reef nearby to rest.

As soon as I landed on a reef, several black spots appeared in the distance.

The black dot is a fleet of ships with a printed Tyrannosaurus flag fluttering in the wind.

"It's a real trouble." Ye Yue frowned, took back the tired tyrannosaurus, released the water arrow turtle, and prepared to evacuate.

The sea is vast and contains all the sins and evils of the world. Some desires that could not be released poured into the sea.

Therefore, there are all kinds of pirates and pirates on the sea.

Although this Tyrannosaurus Pirate Group is not the same as the Skeleton Pirate Group that Ye Yue encountered before, Ye Yue does not dare to guarantee whether the other party has colluded with the Ocean Team.

In the end, the Ocean Team is also a group of pirates, but they mix well and begin to develop inland.

"Wait..." Ye

Yue's spirit flashed, and he suddenly thought of a way to join the ocean team.

Now that Team Ocean and Team Lava are facing the recovery of super-ancient Pokémon, who is stronger on both sides means who can have the upper hand in the next move.

But nurturing and recruiting members is not an easy task.

Didn't you see that Ye Yue's rainbow organization had only more than two dozen people after so long.

But pirates are different, pirates have been rampant on the sea for a long time and are ready-made forces.

And most of the elves used by the pirates are elves of the water system, which are very compatible with the ocean team, and the ideal acceptance of the ocean team is also very high, and a little cultivation is ready-made combat power.

This sycamore will not accept it.

Thinking of this, Ye Yue made the water arrow turtle stop.

Standing on the reef, Ye Yue looked at the fleet of ships heading towards here.

This fleet was smaller than the one that had previously attacked the St. Terrence. There were only three ships in total, and they were smaller than before.

"Brothers, come to live a new life, there is someone here!" The man standing on the mast saw Ye Yue on the reef and quickly greeted his companions.

The boat was moving fast, and within a few minutes it came to the vicinity of the reef where Ye Yue was located.

"Little ghost, why are you here!" A big man stood viciously on the deck and said condescendingly.

"I, my ship was attacked by pirates, I fled, and I couldn't find a way and floated here." Ye Yue pretended to be weak.

"Hehe..." the big man smiled cruelly, "Have you ever thought that we are also pirates!" Arrest him for me!

"I haven't seen such a fine skin and tender flesh of the little ghost, taste it tonight."

The big man licked his lips.

Ye Yue suddenly felt that his butt was cold, and he was a little cold.

"No... Don't kill me. Ye Yue was terrified.

Forced to endure the discomfort, Ye Yue was taken onto the deck by two little minions.

"This little face is so tender..." the big man laughed wantonly, wanting to reach out and touch it.

After sailing at sea for so long, except for the people in my own team, let alone women, I have never seen even a man.

Now I met a small white face with fine skin and tender flesh, and the strong man came to be interested.

At the moment when the big man's hand stretched out, Ye Yue turned around and kicked two small minions into the sea, untied the rope and threw two baby balls.

"Flame Chicken, Spit Flames!"

"Geng Ghost, Shadowball!"

The big man was stunned, and he froze into eternity, and even his hand remained in an outstretched posture.


The scorched black body fell to the ground, and Ye Yue glanced at it in disgust and said, "Who is the captain of this ship?" "

He... He is..."

A little man cringed and pointed at the big man who turned into black charcoal.

"What's your name?" Ye Yue asked the little man who had just spoken.

"I... My name is Rare Ben. Shan Ben replied in a hushed voice.

"What would you do if I said, I'm going to be your captain?" Ye Yue said with a smile.


Shan Ben looked at Ye Yue in horror, his eyes were full of incredulity, he couldn't believe what he heard.

"You don't have to be afraid, as long as you cooperate with me well, then you can still continue to live, even more moisturized than before."

"I... "

Don't worry, listen to me, tell me first, how many people are left on your boat?"

Shan Ben swallowed his spit and said, "There are fourteen more!" "

Fourteen? That's okay. Help me gather all the people, there is one less, and you will go down to accompany your captain too." I may not find anyone else, you... I stared.

Ye Yue indifferently swept away this little man called Shan Ben.

The flame chicken shook his hand, looking eager to try. Geng Ghost floated to Shan Ben's side intimately and patted his shoulder.

"Mouth (optimistic about you)~"

Tyrannosaurus Pirate Group, in addition to two overboard, one captain died, and fourteen people, these people are of average strength, and all the crew has a king carp, and only a few lucky king carp successfully evolved into a tyrannosaurus.

Although Zenben looks like Wei Weinuo, he happens to be the owner of the Tyrannosaurus, and his strength in the fleet is still at the top of the ranking.

Two intact treasure balls were felt from the dead captain, and under the control of Geng Ghost, the corpse was thrown into the sea, smashing the two little minions who had just climbed halfway through fainting.

Even if they were unlucky and fainted in the sea, this is no different from death.

"Captain, everyone has arrived."

Not long after, Shan Ben respectfully came to Ye Yue and informed him that his task had been completed.

Following Shan Ben to the restaurant, a group of fierce and vicious men surrounded the table.

PS: Red tyrannosaurus, ukiyo-e style

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