Guchen Town, a place of accumulation. Compared with Weibai Town, Guchen Town is obviously much larger, but from the architectural point of view, Guchen Town restores the scene in the game, sparse.

Perhaps because of the Pokémon Center, there have become more trainers here. Along the way, Ye Yue saw many trainers fighting in pairs.

"Fire Chicken, cheer up, Guchen Town will arrive soon!"

"Chamo!" The interest of the fire chicken is very high.

Ye Yue moved forward with the fire chicken. Acting with the trainer is conducive to cultivating the relationship between the trainer and the Pokémon.

The wild Pokémon he encountered along the way, Ye Yue let the fire chicken go up to fight, so the tacit understanding between the two is gradually rising.

Before entering Guchen Town, Ye Yue stopped.

The main reason was that this stone forest in front of him attracted his attention.

Guchen ruins, legend has it that there is a gate between the ancient Pokémon world and the current Pokémon world.

"Guchen Ruins..." Of course, Ye Yue knew what place this was, and he also knew that there was actually nothing important in this ruin, it was just a group of ancient Pokémon Ancient Empty Stickleback.

"I don't know if Boss Sakaki is interested." Ye Yue rubbed his chin and pondered.

Without staying here for long, Ye Yue bypassed the tall stone pillar and entered Guchen Town.

Pokémon Center.

"Miss Joy, you're in trouble." Ye Yue handed the Pokeball containing three small ones to a nurse with pink hair and a pink dress and a white slip apron as her work uniform.

"You're welcome, it's my job." Miss Joy smiled and took the Pokéball, "Gili egg~

" "Lucky!" A pink egg-shaped Pokémon appears beside Miss Joy. Gili Egg is also wearing a similar nurse's uniform, which looks a little cute.

Ye Yue also really wanted to take an auspicious egg, so that he didn't have to worry about getting injured in the wild.

But most of the Gili eggs are controlled by the Joey family, and it is difficult to meet in the wild, just as the Junsha family controls the Katy dog. The two major families of the Pokémon world are far from being as simple as they seem.

Back in the room provided by the Pokémon Center, Ye Yue leaned against the edge of the window and enjoyed the scenery outside.

"Buzz-" The

bracelet on his hand suddenly vibrated and made a buzzing sound.

Ye Yue suddenly remembered that this bracelet also had the function of communication, and quickly pressed the button and turned on the call.

An electronic screen is projected from the bracelet, and Sakaki's figure appears on the screen.

"Boss Sakaki."

"It looks like you've arrived in the Fengyuan region." Sakaki sits on a single sofa, and the cat boss obediently lies at Sakaki's feet.

"Yes." Ye Yue replied, the first time he saw Sakaki on the screen, Ye Yue was slightly cramped.

"Don't be nervous. Am I that scary. Sakaki smiled slightly, "This contact is intended to let you go on a mission." "

Mission?" Ye Yue adjusted his mentality and said with some doubts.

"In addition to infiltrating the Feng Yuan Alliance, I hope you can steal the latest fossil recovery technology of Dewen." Sakaki said.

Ye Yue was not surprised to sneak into the Fengyuan Alliance, this was originally one of the policies of the rocket team, but stealing fossil recovery technology, Ye Yue heard about it for the first time.

If memory serves, Ye Yue remembers that the research institute on Red Lotus Island of Team Rocket has mastered this technology.

Sakaki did not explain anything to Ye Yue, but continued: "I will send someone to support you on this mission, with you as the commander-in-chief. "

This is the delegation of power to Ye Yue, which can also show Sakaki's trust in Ye Yue.

Ye Yue smiled bitterly and said, "I'll do my best, Devon is not a small company." "

The Devon Company, one of the two largest companies in the Pokémon world, is controlled by the Zvoch family. Devon's current president is Zvoch Hibiscus, and you may not be familiar with him, but when it comes to his son, you are no stranger.

Daigo Zvochi, former champion of Toyoen! It is the steel champion who "turned out to be my first, strong and powerful", and the top trainer who is handsome and golden. His ace, the heterochromatic giant golden monster, can also be ranked among the champions. If it weren't for more time to collect stones, perhaps the current champion wouldn't be Mikkoli.

To go to such a place to steal people's secret technology, Ye Yue really had no confidence. But having already taken over the task, Ye Yue couldn't stop doing it. As for how to do it, you still need to plan well. Kanaz City was still some distance away from this, which gave Ye Yue enough time to deal with and improve his strength.

"I will give you a sum of money for this mission, and when I arrive in Kanaz City, I will order someone to bring you a Pokémon that can assist you in completing your mission, I hope you don't disappoint me."

After Sakaki finished speaking, he turned off the call, not giving Ye Yue a chance to bargain.

Then Ye Yue received a message:

"Your account has arrived 500w yuan, please pay attention to check."

Ye Yue raised his eyebrows, Sakaki is really generous, this money solved his urgent needs. At this time, the start-up capital for cultivating the three little ones does not have to worry about it for the time being.

Perhaps this is also the charm of Sakaki, giving his subordinates the right to be autonomous, without worrying about their loyalty at all.

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