After resting in the forest for the night, Ye Yue prepared to leave the Orange Hua Forest. Now his strength has become much stronger, and the next thing to do is to precipitate.

Moreover, the task given to him by Sakaki must be completed as soon as possible. Although Sakaki did not set a time for the completion of the task, he still had to be self-conscious as a subordinate.

Come to a Pokémon Center located on the edge of the forest, and further through a forest to Rin New Town (in the anime), not far from Rin New Town is a Pokémon Sanctuary, and after the reserve is Kanaz City.

Ye Yue handed the Pokémon to Miss Joy, and then sat down in the hall.

Here, most of the many trainers who come to practice in the Orange Forest will come here to rest. Therefore, the hall became a good place for these trainers to exchange information.

Ye Yue sat quietly on the side and listened to this group of trainers from the south and north of the world chat, which was quite interesting.

"Have you heard, Mr. Chisato of the Orange Hua Taoist Hall has accepted a disciple."

"I know about it. You said that this person has some skills that can be seen by Mr. Chiri.

"I don't know, it is estimated that the strength should be quite powerful."

"That's what I said."


Ye Yue raised his eyebrows, how, eating melons also ate himself. Ye Yue was not interested in mixing with the chat between them, anyway, it had no effect on himself, so let's say it.

At this moment, a strangely dressed man walked into the hall. The man had purple-black hair, a broad face, and a pair of bright eyes. Said to be strange, in fact, it was the Pokémon around him who were strange.

Meow, a very common Pokémon. In the anime, in addition to Ash and his group, the most appeared is Team Rocket's trio, including a talking meow.

The general meows are on all fours, except for the meows of the rocket team, Ye Yue can't remember that there are other meows that walk upright for the time being.

And the Pokémon next to this person in front of him is a meow. This meow not only walks upright, but also wears boots and a cowboy hat.

Ye Yue seems to remember that there is indeed a meow wearing boots in the original work, but the memory is too far away to remember many details.

"It's him." When someone saw this person coming, he looked strange.

"You know?" The person next to him asked him.

Ye Yue was also a little curious, and pricked up his ears to listen to the conversation of the group of people.

"His name is Tetsuya, and he seems to have something to do with the Zvoch family. I fought him the other day, and his weird meow was so strong that he beat all my Pokémon with one one.

"You're too weak! Hahahaha, a meow can beat you. The

man was surrounded by laughter.

"Tetsuya?" Ye Yue thought secretly in his heart, "The Zfuqi family..." Ye

Yue's eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hello, can I sit here."

While thinking, a person came over and interrupted Ye Yue's thoughts.

The person who came was none other than Tetsuya who had just been discussed.

Ye Yue was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Sit." "

Hello, my name is Tetsuya and I'm from Pansy City." Tetsuya introduced himself with a self-familiar look.

"My name is Ye Yue, and I'm from Kando Tokiwa City."

"Guandu area, is it so far away."

Ye Yue did not answer, and the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassed. The main thing is that Ye Yue can't stand this sudden enthusiasm, just like the fear of meeting the cow, and he always feels uncomfortable.

Instead of sitting here and talking awkwardly, it's better to continue training. Calculating the time, Miss Joy's side should be almost ready.

"The Guandu area is not far away, and if you take a boat, you will arrive in a few days." Ye Yue stood up, "My Pokémon has finished recovering, lose company."

After hesitating, Ye Yue still answered Tetsuya's question, and then found an excuse to leave.

Taking back his Pokémon from Miss Joy, Ye Yue left the Pokémon Center and headed towards Kanaz City.

I have to say that the healing effect of the Pokémon Center is really leveraged. The Pokémon that had been fighting for a few days suddenly recovered their energy, no, the fire chicken walked ahead again to open the way, full of vitality, so that Ye Yue's mood also relaxed.

Without Ye Yue's orders, the Fire Chicken has learned to deal with ordinary Pokémon on its own, and it has gradually developed acceleration characteristics in the process.

A white light lit up on the fire chicken, and it crashed into an arrogant swallow that came to block the way at a very fast speed, and then added a jet flame.

A flash of electricity! The Fire Chicken successfully learns a new move.

"Proud Bone Yan..." Ye Yue muttered as he looked at the Proud Bone Yan whose feathers were a little scorched, "If I'm not mistaken, it seems to be gregarious!" Thinking

of this, Ye Yue's face changed.

Perhaps in order to verify Ye Yue's idea, the sound of flapping wings sounded in the forest.

One by one, the proud bone swallows rose into the sky, covering most of the sky, and a large area of Wuyang was full of proud bone swallows.

"Run, Fire Chicken!" Ye Yue urged and began to run.


The fire chicken, who realized that he had made a mistake, also ran away.

"Hiss, hiss

" One by one, the arrogant swallows kept hissing, and the ears of the noisy people hurt.

The fire chicken has acceleration characteristics and quickly runs faster than Ye. Proud Bone Yan couldn't beat the fire chicken, so he transferred his hatred to Ye Yue.

Then Ye Yue was baptized by the horrific attack of Proud Yan.

Fortunately, there were three small alternating guardian skill defenses, and Ye Yue did not suffer too much damage, that is, his clothes were cut through several holes.

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