Ye Yue browsed the Pokémon available for rent on the intranet, but he couldn't find a suitable one for a long time.

As far as I can see, the highest level is a level 46 tyrannosaurus.

In terms of attributes, it is quite restrained to Bangiras, but the level is lower.

Since the level is not enough, then win by quantity!

Picking and picking, Ye Yue found four Pokémon information, which are the level 46 tyrannosaurus with intimidating characteristics, the strange power with no defense characteristics at level 43, Heracros with the level 43 perseverance characteristics, and the fast swimming frog with the level 41 leisurely characteristics (the new version translates to mosquito swimmer).

"Attribute restraint can't always be lost!" Ye Yue said to himself, "If I don't succeed, I will lose a lot..." Renting

Pokémon is not cheap, just these four Pokémon, Ye Yue will cost 4800 points for three hours to rent, you must know that Team Rocket will only have about 100 points for an ordinary mission.

Set to arrive at one o'clock the next afternoon, Ye Yue completely closed the doors and windows of the room, and then sat cross-kneeled on the bed, luck the source qi, he had to adjust his state as soon as possible to prepare for tomorrow's battle.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't cross your knees, this is not a cultivation, Ye Yue just mobilizes the source qi to move the whole body, so as to restore the physical condition.

Sitting cross-kneeled just because Ye Yue felt that this was more felt, giving him the illusion of cultivating immortals.

A trace of source qi overflowed into the air with Ye Yue's breath, and Ghost Stone sniffed the air a little greedily, and also hurried up to train.

Training is always short, and in the blink of an eye, a member of Team Rocket comes to deliver supplies.

"These are the four Pokémon you rented. Please return it to the mission center on the first floor before 4 o'clock. The rocket soldier said expressionlessly.

Ye Yue took the four baby balls and nodded: "I know." "

Team Rocket is not afraid of someone escaping with Pokémon on rent, because these Pokémon have special teleportation devices on their Baby Balls that can directly control the return of Baby Balls remotely.

As for why he wanted Ye Yue to send it himself, Ye Yue didn't know, this was his first time renting Pokémon.

With the four on loan and four of his own, Ye Yue opened a relatively large private training room and spent him five hundred points, and Ye Yue's rocket team points were only 200, which was not far from bankruptcy.

Coming to the training room, Ye Yue first released his four Pokémon.

Looking at these few who were still a little confused, Ye Yue explained: "There will be a big battle later, you guys take a good look and learn well, some skills are universal." "

Ye Yue is ready to teach these Pokémon in his family a good lesson, high-level Pokémon must be stronger in energy control than Ghost Stone, which is also where Ye Yue hopes that Ghost Stone Six Tails can learn.

"Come out! Tyrannosaurus, Monster Force, Heracros, Fast Swimming Frog! After the explanation, Ye Yue threw four baby balls, and four behemoths appeared in the training ground.

It is said that it is a behemoth, in fact, the tyrannosaurus is relatively large, and this tyrannosaurus is seven meters long, which is undoubtedly a behemoth.

"Roar!" The Tyrannosaurus roared, and then his body tensed, listening to Ye Yue's next order.

Except for the Tyrannosaurus, the other three did not make a single sound from the beginning of their appearance, standing in place and waiting for the next instructions.

This well-trained gesture makes one have to admire the capabilities of Team Rocket.

Obliterate nature and form rules.

"Pokémon that have lost their personality have also lost their bonds..." Ye Yue sighed in his heart.

Ye Yue didn't say much, after all, he was also a beneficiary under this system.

From another point of view, this kind of Pokémon that can obey orders is more suitable for a large organization like Team Rocket.

In the event of something unexpected, these Pokémon can quickly become a force.

"There will be a very powerful Pokémon later, and the four of you will need to work together." Ye Yue solemnly explained what they would do later, "Listen to my command, is it okay!"

"Roar!" The tyrannosaurus roared and nodded the huge dragon head.

"Porphyry!" Heracros also answered, his eyes like a torch.

Wei Li just nodded, and the muscles of his four arms bulged, ready to attack.

"Uh-huh!" The fast-swimming frog also said that he understood.

At this time, the information of the four Pokémon also appeared in front of Ye Yue, and he had to understand it well in order to arrange the work according to their respective situations.

Elf: Tyrannosaurus

Attributes: Water + Flight

Qualification: Advanced Gender: Level: 46

Features: Intimidation

Skills: Water Splash, Impact, Glaring, Biting, Dragon's Fury, Tornado, Frozen Fang, Asking for Rain, Biting, Water Cannon, Water Flow Tail

Elf: Monster Attribute

: Fighting


: ♂


Gender: Level: 43 Characteristics: No Defense Skills: Empty-Hand Split, Glaring, Kick Down, Qi-gathering, Wide Area Defense, Wake Up Slap, Bodybuilding, Cross Split, True Qi Fist, Brute Force Elf: Heracros Attributes: Bug + Fighting Qualification: Advanced Gender: Level: 43 Characteristics: Perseverance Skills: ♀

Corner Bump, Impact, Glaring, Holding, Pushing, Stealth Attack, Feint, Yan Return, Splitting Tile, Super Horn Strike, Melee

Battle Elf: Fast Swimming Frog


: Water + Fighting Qualification: Advanced

Gender: Level: 41

Characteristics: Free Wandering

Skills: Serial Slap, Foam Light, Hell Tumbling, Bursting Fist, Hypnosis, Water Gun, Water Cannon, Tarzan Topping, Asking for Rain

Looking at these panels, a plan had already emerged in Ye Yue's heart.

While making sure that everything was ready, Ye Yue threw the treasure ball of Bangiras.


The beast roar shook the earth, and the sand in the training room flew in an instant.

Bangiras was very angry, just evolved and fought inexplicably, and was locked in the baby ball before the injury was healed, this lock is a month, who is not angry.

Desert tyrant Bangiras is a vicious Pokémon in his own right, not to mention that he has now been carried away by anger.

Elf: Bangiras

Attributes: Rock + Evil Qualification: Elite

Gender: Level: 51

Characteristics: Sand Skills:

Impact, Glaring, Falling Rock, for Tooth, Bit, Ghost Face, Sharp Stone Attack, Rockfall, Earthquake, Screeching, Crushing, Evil Fluctuation, Sandstorm, Destruction Death Light, Iron Wall, Ultimate Impact

This was also the first time that Ye Yue saw the information of Bangiras in its entirety.

In the field, the sandstorm intensified, and one by one the gravel hit Ye Yue's face, scraping his life painfully.

"Tyrannosaurus, fast swimming frog, beg for rain!" Ye Yue quickly ordered.

The first step in dealing with Bangiras, break the sandstorm!

Under the dual action of the tyrannosaurus and the fast swimming frog, the water vapor rose one after another and gathered on the roof of the training room.

It began to rain heavily.

The rain wet the gravel and made it heavy, so the flying sand stopped.

Sandstorm, break!

Bangiras hated the rain, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Roar!" Bangiras roared angrily, and rushed towards Ye Yue with a start.

Ye Yue didn't know when he was already standing at the edge of the field, still holding a black umbrella in his hand.

Ye Yue's eyes calmly looked at the field, everything was in his grasp.

"Weird power, bodybuilding and qi! Fast Swim Frog Hypnotism! Heracros, swallow back! Tyrannosaurus water cannon cover! Commanding

four Pokémon to fight in one breath, Ye Yue spoke extremely fast and did not dare to neglect.

The Tyrannosaurus spewed out a huge jet of water, blocking Bangillas' advance.

At this time, Heracros, who was hidden under the water column, puffed up the flight system energy, and a swallow return was right on the breastplate of Benjiras, leaving a shallow scratch on Benjiras's chest.

"Heracros, hand-to-hand!"

Seizing the opportunity, Ye Yue ordered Heracros to use a hand-to-hand combat with four times the restraint.

Although the double defense will be lowered after the use of hand-to-hand combat, what does it matter.

Heracros is not fighting alone!

Wrapped in crimson fighting energy, Heracros slammed into Bangiras.

At this moment, Bangiras was knocked out.

"Roar!" Bangiras roared in pain, and a brownish-yellow energy erupted from Bangiras' mouth.

Destroy the death light! It's generally the ultimate move!

"Strange power, wide-area defense!"

The strange force that had just been strengthened blocked in front of the remaining three elves, and with four hands supported in front of him at the same time, a huge energy shield appeared instantly.


A huge explosion filled the entire training room, and the ground suddenly began to shake.

This is the earthquake in Bangiras!

"Fast swimming frog, monster power to the tyrannosaurus, Heracros, fly!"

Ye Yue has already worked very hard in command, but because this is the first time to cooperate with the operation, it will inevitably be a little obscure.

The tyrannosaurus was a little dissatisfied with the fast swimming frog and the strange force coming up, and twisted his body to throw the fast swimming frog down.

The monster force firmly grasped the scale armor of the tyrannosaurus with its four arms, but it was not thrown down.

The poor fast-swimming frog became the target of the Bangiras earthquake outrage.

"Uh-huh!" The fast swimming frog screamed, was shot away, and did not know whether it was alive or dead.

The sudden changes on the battlefield made Ye Yue a little distressed, but he still did not give up.

"Strange power, use brute force, Heracros, another hand-to-hand battle! Tyrannosaurus Water Cannon! "

The strange force jumped from the tyrannosaurus, and the figure quickly approached Bangiras, in one word, it was overwhelming!

Heracros followed closely behind the monster force, and the melee strike was no weaker than the brute force of the monster force.

"Roar!" Bangiras suffered a series of heavy injuries and has now been beaten to the edge of the field.

Benjilas gasped violently, although the three Pokémon in front of him were not strong, they together made him very uncomfortable.

Of course, Bangiras knew that it was all because of the teenager on the sidelines, and he was the culprit.

Attacking trainer Bangiras was not without doing, but the man on the other side was very cunning and hid behind the tyrannosaurus. If you want to hit Ye Yue, you must solve the first three.

"Roar!" Bangiras roared, and countless sharp stones flew towards the tyrannosaurus.

Pinnacle Attack!

"Didn't this all fall?" Ye Yue looked at the panting Bangiras with some admiration.

"Strange power, wide-area defense!"

Admiration is admiration, but the command in Ye Yue's mouth does not stop.

The huge shield rose in response, and countless sharp stone attacks rippled on the shield.

"It's over! Give him the final blow! Ye Yue's flat gaze hid a trace of scorching, "Tyrannosaurus, water cannon!" Strange power, true qi fist! Heracros, hand-to-hand! "

One twice the restraint, two four times the restraint.

Ye Yue didn't believe that Bangiras could still carry this.

Using so many powerful moves in a row, the Tyrannosaurus was also a little overwhelmed.

You must know that using moves also consumes physical strength.


A huge roar sounded, and Bangiras finally fell to the ground as Ye Yue expected, losing his ability to fight.

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