By reading the lips, Charlotte got the words the other party said, "Hello!"

After thinking about it, Charlotte also replied to the other party in a naive way, "Hello!"

Although they were both amazed by each other's high looks,

but there was no legendary love at first sight.

Charlotte's communication with the other party was superficial.

Charlotte retracted his gaze and looked towards the podium. The girl also lowered her head to look at her mobile phone.

At the same time, Lei Si patted Charlotte on the shoulder.

"Hey, Charlotte, look at the blonde girl over there!"

Charlotte followed Lei Si's gaze and saw Shirona who was playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

"What's wrong?"

Facing Charlotte's doubts, Lei Si showed an excited and proud smile on his face.

"That person is a star trainer who has recently become famous in the Sinnoh region and has surpassed all trainers of the same age!

Her name is Sirona, a rookie trainer in Shenhe Town, Sinnoh.

The initial Pokémon is Sinnoh Quasi-God Cub Round Land Shark.

According to the news, it has recently evolved to the Fanged Land Shark stage, which is not far from the elite level.

And there is an extra Milotic in the team.

More importantly, he seemed to recognize that I am also from Sinnoh and greeted me and said hello!"

Ignoring Lei Si's narcissism and chattering,

Charlotte was thoughtful after noticing the key words.

"Shenhe Town?"

That is the place of origin filled in his household registration.

As far as Charlotte knows, Dr. Yamanashi's hometown is Masaga Town.

The registration place is Dr. Yamanashi's Institute in Masaga Town, and his hometown is Shenhe Town.

And now there are three Sinnoh people in front of Charlotte, one of whom is Dr. Yamanashi and the other is from Shenhe Town.

Could it be?

Was the exchange just now not an accident? Was the other party coming for him?

Keeping suspicion and vigilance, Charlotte observed the podium while not forgetting to look at Shirona and the curly-haired man with his peripheral vision.

At the same time,

On the podium, Professor Oak exchanged glances with the white-haired Professor Yamanashi and took the lead in speaking.

"Let me go first. Today I will bring you the topic of Pokémon's mastery of moves."

"Mastery of moves?"

The students below were talking about it,

Professor Oak did not stop, but gave them some time to comprehend.

"Moves or skills are the core part of Pokémon battles. I believe that the students present are not unfamiliar with them.

But I believe that many people have not heard of what I will talk about today, because this knowledge comes from the distant Xicui area."

As soon as these words came out,

including Shirona and the curly-haired man, all pricked up their ears curiously.

Especially Shirona, when she heard the word Xicui, her eyes were shining.

"The Xicui region is the name of the ancient Sinnoh region and the birthplace of human civilization."

After the students digested this information, Professor Oak continued.

"In that period, the division of moves was even more detailed than today. I call it mastering moves!

If you want to master a move, you need to divide the move into three realms to master, namely swift, normal, and fierce!"

Swift: The move can be released at a faster speed, but the effect is weakened.

Normal: Balanced in the middle.

Fierce: Release the move with greater power. The release process is slower, but the power is huge and comes with upgraded additional effects.

As Professor Oak cast the screen, the prepared courseware was cast in advance, and everyone saw the content on the big screen.

Professor Oak explained one by one.

"Take the more common advanced move, Flame Jet, as an example.

Modern Flame Jet has a power in the middle of advanced moves (90).

After mastering it,

the effect of Swiftness is that the power is reduced to the level of intermediate moves (60), with a small probability of burning for a short period of time, in exchange for faster attack.

The effect of Normal is that the power is slightly reduced to the power of the advanced move pass line (80), with a small probability of burning for a period of time.

The effect of Strong is that the power is increased to the highest level of advanced moves (100), with a medium probability of burning the target for a long time, and the attack is slightly slower.

It is worth noting that,

after mastering the move, Strong Flame Jet is as fast as the speed of your regular Flame Jet.

That is to say,

when your Pokémon has mastered their core output skills, you can work hard to develop in the direction of mastering the move..."

In the following time, Professor Oak explained in detail the specific methods of mastering.

After a long explanation, everyone was excited.

They gave Professor Oak a warm applause that lasted for a long time.

Principal Ohki looked at Dr. Ohki who was shining brightly on the podium, his eyes full of tenderness.

Dr. Yamanashi was also very satisfied with Dr. Ohki's performance. He sighed and thought that if he didn't show his real strength, it would be a waste of time.No more.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Dr. Yamanashi, who didn't want to be outdone by his junior, first looked at Oki with resentment,

Then he had to modify the topic he was going to talk about, and looked towards the assistant seat.

"Bratano, come here."


Charlotte couldn't help but look at the curly-haired man a few more times in surprise. He was able to call him up at this time, so it seemed that this man was not simple.

"Tell everyone about your discovery."

As Dr. Yamanashi finished speaking, Bratano stood up immediately,

Facing the gazes of thousands of people in the audience, facing this sudden change, the young Bratano was a little embarrassed for a while.

"But teacher..."

"It's okay, you talk, I will help you make up for the shortcomings, and I believe everyone will be very patient to listen to what you say."


With a heavy face as if he was going to the execution ground, Bratano plugged the laptop he carried with him into the connector.

He showed some pictures to everyone present.

What appeared on the screen was not a text description, but a picture.

Mega Charizard Y

Mega Gyarados

Mega Flame Just Because

Mega Lucario

Charizard, Gyarados, Blaziken, Lucario...

They were familiar Pokémon, but their appearances did not match everyone's impressions.

All the teachers and students in the school, including Professor Oak, felt a little strange.

"As you can see, these Pokémon have not only changed in appearance, but also in body structure.

This is not a Pokémon cosmetic surgery, but a real discovery.

In addition to the regular evolution of Pokémon,

Another, brand new, unknown evolution!

Based on the final evolution, it evolves again. I call it super evolution!"

The final evolution can evolve again.

This directly denies the existing cognitive evolution system.

In particular, among the Pokémon shown in the video, there are Charizard and Blaziken from the three starters.

There is also Gyarados, whose cubs can be easily obtained.

This made many trainers excited.


When these words came out, almost the whole audience was in an uproar, and all the teachers and students talked about it and imagined a bright future.

Not only ordinary teachers and students,

Faced with such an exciting new discovery, even Professor Oak couldn't sit still,

looking at Professor Yamanashi with expectation.

"Brother, what is this super evolution specifically? How to operate it?"

At the same time,

Charlotte fell into deep thought after seeing the colorful gene chain special effects wrapped around the body of Super Flame Chicken in the photo of Super Flame Chicken.

That gene chain...

Charlotte had a hunch that

this super evolution, when it met him who mastered the gene system, might produce unexpected effects.

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