Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 152: Register them as hunters! Really! Don’t make the children suffer! (Make up for yesterda

At night, at the Star Base, on the Star Ship.

A group of hunters from the fifth group looked at the receptionist in disbelief.

"I didn't hear you clearly just now. Can you please say it again?"

The receptionist also sighed and said, "Now all the lower-level tasks have been accepted. You can wait for the new tasks to be released later. If you have enough authority, you can also accept the higher-level tasks."

There was silence on the Star Ship.

There were still many four-star and five-star tasks yesterday. How come they were all gone when I looked at them at night! ?

Has Bai Chen started to work on those four-star and five-star tasks?

Everyone thought about it and shook their heads.

This kind of task is not like the tasks below three stars. Many of them require time to make adequate preparations, then explore, and finally hunt.

If a task can be completed within five days, it is extremely lucky. How could he complete so many tasks within the time limit?

Everyone instinctively felt unbelievable.

"Are you kidding? How is it possible to complete so many tasks?"

The receptionist smiled bitterly and said, "The fact is that Knight Baichen has completed 7 tasks today, including 2 four-star tasks and 1 five-star task."

"7 tasks in one day??? Are you kidding?"

Everyone gasped.

"Is Baichen a superman? How can he complete the tasks so quickly?"

"That's absolutely impossible! No matter how powerful he is, he can't complete so many tasks in one day!"

Everyone really couldn't figure out how Baichen did it.

The receptionist said, "Maybe one person can't do it, but if his follower beast is added, then it can be done."

Everyone reacted, "Did he let the Thunder Wolf Dragon carry him? Even so, he can't complete the task so quickly. The entire hunting area is so large that he can't complete it even if he is fast."

"But what if his follower beast completes the task by itself?"

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned again.

"You mean Bai Chen's followers track monsters by themselves, and then defeat them after finding them?"

Everyone felt like they were listening to a magic story, which was even more magical than him completing 7 tasks a day!

"That's the truth." The receptionist's mentality was slowly approaching Ira's. The more shocking things she saw, the more stable her mentality became. "Well, at present, Bai Chen Knight and his followers are divided into four teams to hunt, so the efficiency is so high."

Everyone took a deep breath again.

Can this monster's IQ really carry out hunting tasks?

If it can be done, just register them as hunters, right? Really! Don't make the kids suffer!

It has to be said that Bai Chen really refreshed their three views again.

This is a path they have never imagined.

At the same time, on the other side of the headquarters.

The commander-in-chief looked at the report sent by the research department.

He glanced at the report sheet marked with the word "top secret", and then folded it up and put it away.

No one else will see this report sheet except him.

After finishing the top-secret report, the commander-in-chief looked at the other reports.

He nodded with satisfaction, and said with some surprise in his tone: "This guy really gave those researchers a big shock."

Let the monster hunt for him.

This is a path that no one has ever imagined.

Now that Bai Chen has done this, he has proved a fact to everyone.

Thunder Wolf Dragon and Rock Dragon have wisdom that is not inferior to humans.

The commander-in-chief put all these reports away, and he said in his heart: "With Bai Chen's help, other hunters can also get rid of the task. It's time to issue the capture task."

The commander-in-chief asked someone to issue the task of capturing the "Lava Mountain Dragon".

This is not an optional task, but an urgent task that everyone must participate in.

Those hunters who had no tasks to take immediately received urgent tasks from the headquarters.

The hunters who were originally dissatisfied with Bai Chen taking away their tasks suddenly realized.

"It seems that's what the commander-in-chief meant. To capture a super-large ancient dragon like Molten Mountain Dragon, it takes more than just a few people. It requires the participation of all the people in the group."

They received the summons and gathered at the headquarters.

Task lists were issued one after another.

Looking carefully, many of them were for collecting materials and materials.

This was a large-scale battle. Even if the investigation team had started preparing for it a long time ago, the materials were far from enough when the battle came.

The commander-in-chief ordered all the hunters: "The Molten Mountain Dragon capture operation will officially begin in 8 days. This is the key node for us to uncover the mystery of the ancient dragon crossing! Everyone cheer up."

The commander-in-chief didn't need to make an inspiring speech.

Just the five words "Capture Molten Mountain Dragon" were enough to mobilize the enthusiasm of everyone on the scene.

In the Old Continent, how many hunters can fight ancient dragons? How many people can participate in the task of capturing ancient dragons?

Now, such a legendary task is in front of them, and they will become legends in the future!

All the hunters in the entire Star Base were mobilized.

Some of them were assigned gathering tasks, some were assigned hunting tasks, and no one could stay out of it.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

There were many monster hunting missions in the Star Base.

Many members needed to upgrade their equipment, and the investigation team allowed many hunting requests in order to prepare for the large-scale operation three days later.

Today, a very special "hunter" arrived on the Star Ship.

The receptionists looked at the "hunter" nervously.

Ira introduced this special guest with a smile.

"According to Mr. Bai's strength, he can now accept upper-level missions. If you want to accept it..."

Before Ira could finish her words, the "hunter" raised his claws and pressed on the five-star mission.

Ira asked, "Do you want to accept the five-star mission?"

The hunter nodded, as if he could understand what Ira said.

Ira helped take out four five-star mission sheets from the register, and then lined them up in front of the other party.

The hunter glanced and pushed all the mission sheets forward.

Ira asked again: "Do you want to take all of them?"

The other party nodded again.

Ira smiled and said: "Okay, I will help you register now."

Ira registered the task for the other party according to the rules.

With a snap, the other party put a bag of gold coins on the front desk with his mouth.

Ira took it and counted the gold coins with a scale.

She nodded: "There is too much deposit here, I will return the rest to you."

Ira took out the gold coins needed for the task, and then she took out the task supplies.

"How do you take these supplies?"

The other party looked behind him and saw a tailor-made waist bag hanging on his side.

Ira walked over and opened the backpack. There was a small compartment for these supplies.

Ira helped put all the supplies into the bag.

After confirming that everything was done, Ira closed the backpack.

She said, "All the tasks have been registered, and the supplies have been collected."

"Roar." The 'hunter' nodded to express his gratitude, and then left from the direction of the stairs of the star ship.

With a smile on her face, Ira said goodbye to him: "Please be safe when hunting."

Wait until the other party left completely.

The receptionists who had not dared to step forward breathed a sigh of relief as if they had been pardoned.

They ran to the side of the ship and looked at the Thunder Wolf Dragon jumping down from the high platform.

They secretly exclaimed: "I shouldn't be dreaming? That Bai Chen actually let his Thunder Wolf Dragon take the task himself!?"

Now in the whole team, the two people, the clever blacksmith and the love steward, can easily come to take the task, and can easily understand the map and text.

Their IQ is very high, even if the text of the two worlds is very different, they can still learn it in a very short time.

Among the monsters, the rock dragon has a slightly lower IQ. Bai Chen taught it many times, but he couldn't understand the text or the map.

In contrast, there is the Nergigante. Her IQ almost crushes the Rock Dragon. She has completely learned the words and maps after studying for a month.

If she could not speak, she would be able to communicate with others easily.

Then there is the Thunder Wolf Dragon. His situation is better than the Rock Dragon. He can understand the map by himself, and can also understand some totems and pictures, but still can't understand the words.

As for communication, he can talk to Bai Chen all thanks to the bond stone. When communicating with strangers, he can only guess a general meaning from other people's expressions and tones.

If Bai Chen had not explained the whole process to him before, and Ira could understand what he meant, he would not be able to accept the task so easily.

Bai Chen now hopes that the Thunder Wolf Dragon and others can accept the task by themselves and complete it by themselves.

Otherwise, every time a task is completed, he needs to go back to the base, which is really inefficient.

The most important point is that they can integrate into the base and make everyone in the base believe that he will not hurt everyone. After that, Bai Chen could also roam them freely in the base, without having to lock them in the ball or let them stay in the arena.

In order to achieve this goal, when he came back to deliver and accept tasks these days, Bai Chen specially brought the shrunken Thunder Wolf Dragon with him and let him follow him.

At first, everyone was very nervous, afraid that the Thunder Wolf Dragon would suddenly attack them, but when everyone saw that the Thunder Wolf Dragon had no intention of hurting them, everyone finally felt relieved.

There are even a few hunters who regard the Thunder Wolf Dragon as a colleague.

"The point is why Yila can be so calm."

In the previous few times, Bai Chen brought the Thunder Wolf Dragon, and they didn't feel scared. After all, the master was around. If the Thunder Wolf Dragon was fierce, Bai Chen would definitely stop him.

But today is different. Bai Chen didn't come, but the Thunder Wolf Dragon came to take the task by himself.

Yila heard the muttering of her colleagues.

"As long as you don't treat them as ordinary monsters, it's fine. Thunder Wolf Dragon is very smart." Ira explained briefly, and then she said to herself, "Should we set up a bulletin board specifically for monsters to see in the future?"

The people were shocked when they heard Ira's muttering.

Is this idea too advanced?

Under the Star Ship, Thunder Wolf Dragon landed steadily in the circulation area on the first floor.

When the logistics staff around saw him, some looked nervous, and some greeted Thunder Wolf Dragon very friendly.

There were also scholars who were excited to have a good exchange with Thunder Wolf Dragon.

But Thunder Wolf Dragon ignored these people at all.

He will take over the tasks according to Bai Chen's orders, and will also abide by the rules here.

But this does not mean that he needs to pay attention to these humans who he once regarded as ants.

Thunder Wolf Dragon left the stronghold from the west gate.

His body grew in size and returned to its normal size.

The hunter guarding the gate looked at the leaving Thunder Wolf Dragon and didn't know what to say for a while.

The scene before them was far beyond their understanding.

On the other side, the Commander-in-Chief and the Swordsman heard about the Thunder Wolf Dragon coming back to take over the mission and go hunting on his own.

The commander-in-chief laughed happily: "This guy really likes to do things that are shocking."

The swordsman master shook his head helplessly: "This is really a first of its kind, but are these monsters really willing to accept such rules?"

Logically speaking, if monsters like them want to hunt any kind of existence, they can just do it directly. There is no need to comply with the requirements of the Hunter Guild.

"After all, he has the identity of Bai Chen's follower beast. If he kills at will, it is no different from poaching by a hunter. And if he pursues trouble, Bai Chen will definitely not be able to escape. Well, but since the Thunder Wolf Dragon can accept the task on his own, After that, you can also post some tasks that he can understand."

“I really feel like I’m a little out of step with the development of the times.”

The swordsman who has been fighting monsters all his life really can't accept this science fiction reality.

"Don't be stubborn. If we can use the power of monsters, it will only benefit us and not bring any harm to our exploration of the new continent."

"Having said that." The swordsman master sighed lightly.

Just as the two were discussing whether Thunder Wolf Dragon would take on the mission, a young man in metal armor came over with his partner.

"Commander-in-Chief, we are back."

The commander-in-chief looked at the other party. This was the same recommendation team member as Bai Chen, named 'Aiden'. Next to him was a female editor with short black slightly curly hair, named 'Karin'. '.

The two of them had previously accepted the mission to investigate the Steel Dragon, and now they finally rushed back after receiving the urgent mission.

Karin presented the results of their investigation to the Commander-in-Chief.

"This is the information we have investigated so far. By the time we reach the depths, the steel dragon has already left."

The commander-in-chief took it, looked at it, nodded and said, "Well done. You should prepare in the next two days. In three days, we will start capturing the Laoshan Dragon."

Although capturing the Lava Dragon also made Aiden very excited, now Aiden is more interested in Bai Chen.

He excitedly asked the Commander-in-Chief: "Commander-in-Chief, on the way here, I heard that a Thunder Wolf Dragon came to take over the mission to hunt on his own. Is it true or false?"

Sorry for delaying it until now, I encountered some troubles, but luckily they were all solved. Today’s 10,000 is being written~

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