Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 221 The Ultimate Investigation Team

Lunala, the Moon Pokémon.

It maintains life by converting all light into energy. Its outward-stretching wings absorb the surrounding light, shining like a crescent moon, and its figure is like the gorgeous night sky.

Solgaleo and Lunala are both legendary space Pokémon.

From Little Nebula's current nebula-like body, it says it all.

"Now that the decision has been made, we will enter the reverse world at 12 o'clock tonight."

Lunala's attribute resistance is not as good as Solgaleo's.

But the ghost attribute is still very valuable.

In addition, Lunayara's characteristic is called Phantom Defense.

According to Bai Chen's memory, the effect of phantom defense is.

Phantom Defense: When HP is full, the attack damage received is reduced to the original 12.

The strength of the characteristics is quite satisfactory, but compared to the characteristics of Nergigante and others, Lunayala's characteristics are not very strong.

This feature can reduce a large amount of damage when encountering evil or ghost-type moves.

In addition, this is only an in-game characteristic effect. If placed in reality, this effect may be improved.

For example, when his health is higher than a certain percentage, he can continue to reduce the damage by half.

The specific situation can only be known after viewing the panel after the small nebula evolves.

What Bai Chen has to do now is to accompany Little Nebula to complete her own evolution.

After Little Nebula confirmed her evolved form, everyone began to wait for the arrival of 12 o'clock at night.

Time passed by, and Xiao Xingyun was waiting nervously beside Bai Chen.

"It's okay, the evolution will go smoothly."

"Mogu." Xiao Xingyun got into Bai Chen's arms, so that he could feel an unparalleled sense of security.

Finally the time came to 11:55 pm.

Everyone has arrived in front of the Sun Altar.

Bai Chen asked Xiaoruan: "How do we enter the [Reverse World]?"

Xiao Ruan didn't answer, and he waited for a moment. From the four directions of the Sun Altar, four Pokémon came to the sky above the altar at extremely fast speeds.

They hovered 30 meters above everyone.

After Gladion saw these four Pokémon clearly, he said in horror: "Are those Capos?"

Kapu's fin on Poni Island, Kapu's chirping on Melemele Island, Kapu's moo on Ula'ula Island, and Kapu's butterfly on Akala Island.

The four guardian gods of the island came to the sky above the Sun Altar.

They stood at the four corners of the altar.

Xiaoruan jumped forward two steps, and his body emitted circles of emerald green energy.

The four Kapu responded to Xiaoruan's power guidance.

"The altar has been activated!" Gladion pointed at the sun disk in the center of the altar.

The power of the five legendary Pokémon poured into the altar, and the energy groove of the sun disk was filled with golden energy.

Soon, the altar's mechanism was fully activated, and a beam of light shot straight into the sky.

Xiao Ruan turned to look at Bai Chen and said, "Bring Xiao Xingyun here."

Bai Chen followed Xiao Ruan to the center of the altar.

The ground under Bai Chen's feet also emitted a golden light at this moment, and a mysterious mark was lit up.

Suddenly, the little nebula in Bai Chen's arms slowly floated up under the guidance of mysterious power.

Golden soft light enveloped his whole body.

Cha cha cha cha~ bang~

The four patron saints of the island performed a prayer dance around the small nebula.

Their dance was full of mysterious power, and the light on Little Nebula became stronger and stronger.

There was a loud bang.

Above the Sun Altar, a huge [Ultimate Cave] opened.

Looking inside, the strange light is full of mystery.


Xiaoruan called out to the sky.

In the sky of Alola region, green meteors were summoned by the core, and they rushed into Xiaoruan's body one after another.

Green light flashed, and Zygarde in 50% cell form was born!

At a glance, Zygarde in 50% form looks like a cobra. Its eyes are composed of four green hexagons, like the compound eyes of an insect.

Xiaoruan released his power and wrapped Bai Chen and Xiao Xingyun together.

He took Bai Chen into the ultimate cave.

Lillie and Gladion were left in their original world.

Bai Chen was still led by Xiaoruan, and he observed the world that was flashing around him one by one.

These are complete worlds.

There is something strange about this feeling, like looking at the Earth from outer space.

At this moment, Bai Chen actually felt extremely small.

In other words, on the scale of the world, all life is incomparably small.

The light ahead became stronger and stronger, and by the time Bai Chen regained his sight, he had arrived in a completely new world.

It is extremely quiet here, and there is no sound of any living creatures around.

Looking at the sky, the sun is hanging high in the sky. This is the [Reverse World], and time is completely different from the original world.

In front of them was an incomplete ancient building. The ancient stone building had not passed the test of time.

In front of him, Xiaoruan released 50% of his morphological changes, and his cells spread out in the reverse world.

"Lu." Xiaoruan called Bai Chen, calling Bai Chen back from observation.

He personally led Bai Chen and Xiao Xingyun from the front.

On Bai Chen's shoulder, Nergigante was also observing the surrounding scene.

Suddenly, she jumped up from Bai Chen's shoulders. She searched the ground and found a series of footprints.

This footprint leads directly into the ancient building.

She screamed to remind Bai Chen.

Bai Chen also noticed the signs of activity. He squatted down and observed the footprints.

The footprints were not big, and judging from their shape, they looked like those of a woman.

"It seems we are not the first guests to arrive here."

Bai Chen looked at Xiaoruan, wanting to ask him if he had noticed any outsiders. The most important thing was that the footprints here were very fresh.

Xiaoruan shook his head and said he was helpless.

The space here is very special, and his cells cannot help him explore the situation here.

Bai Chen didn't think that Xiao Ruan didn't want to help. He had brought them to the reverse world, so there was no need to not help with this little thing.

Bai Chen touched the elf ball on his waist.

Tonight's evolution was the most important moment for Little Nebula. He brought everyone here so that everyone could witness this crucial moment for Little Nebula.

Bai Chen whispered: "I hope the guys who come here come with a friendly attitude."

Bai Chen is not afraid of the enemy attacking him. As long as he is weak, he will retreat temporarily no matter what happens. There should be no problem in terms of safety.

At the same time, a piercing alarm sounded in a secret room unknown to Bai Chen.

A girl in a silver-white uniform picked up the alarm on her waist in surprise.

That is a device for testing the [Ultimate Aura].

"Wow wow wow wow, the detector keeps beeping. It has been detected. Huh? It turns out to be two powerful auras?"

The girl's skin is different from humans, it is light silver-gray, and she has an orange-red braid.

"Is there an ultimate alien beast that has come to the [Reverse World]? How is this possible?"

Amamo looked at the two red dots on the detector nervously.

The ultimate beast is very dangerous. If you continue to stay, you will be attacked by the opponent, and you may even die.


Amamo looked at the huge stone door in front of her again. She was about to unlock the secrets here and get the things inside.

Leave now and risk missing out again.

[Reverse World] didn't come so easily. They [Ultimate Investigation Team] also spent a lot of money to send her to this world.

At this time, behind Amamo, a purple bee-shaped ultimate beast flew towards her.

"Poison Babe? Have you also felt that terrifying aura?"

Du Beibi nodded, feeling a very bad aura.

Amamo took out the communicator and prepared to ask her captain.

But [Reversal World] is different from other [Ultimate Worlds]. This place is very special, and it is difficult for their communicators to easily contact other team members across the world.

After thinking for a moment, Amamo checked his weapons and equipment.

After confirming that all the equipment could be used normally, she made up her mind.

On the other side, Bai Chen had followed Xiao Ruan to the incomplete ancient building.

"This was once someone else's altar?"

Xiao Ruan only said that there was indeed life activity here, but now he doesn't know where these creatures have gone.

He had come here once before, and he came here with the purpose of fighting.

Xiao Ruan jumped directly into Bai Chen's arms along with Xiao Xingyun.

Of course he doesn't want a sense of security like Little Nebula.

He explained: "There will be fog next, so be careful."

Bai Chen nodded and walked into the ancient building.

Suddenly, his feet were empty, a feeling of weightlessness came, and Bai Chen fell downwards.

He thought he was going to fall hard to the ground, but with a thud, he actually stepped firmly on the ground.

It was like he had stepped down a flight of steps.

Bai Chen looked back. Where was the entrance to the ancient building behind him?

All you can see is white mist.

Looking around again, Bai Chen couldn't see anything around him. The visibility here was less than one meter.

"Where is this?" Bai Chen was also shocked by this strange situation.

This kind of space transmission capability really makes no sense at all.

Xiaoruan replied: "This is [Yuelun Lake]."

"Yuelun Lake?" Bai Chen suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a place in the game.

Players can conquer Cosmog here.

"It turns out that the key to evolution is here. It's just that the fog here is a bit troublesome. I'll leave the Nergigante to you."

The Nergigante understood, and she flew into the sky to release her shrinking state.

She flapped her huge wings and used 'Blade Storm' against the sky.

Huge strong winds blew in all directions, but the strange thing was that no matter how hard the Nergigante tried, the fog here showed no sign of being dispelled.

After fanning for a while, Nergigante gave up. She shrank again and came to Bai Chen's shoulder, complaining to Bai Chen.

It's no use, absolutely no use!

At this time, Xiao Ruan reminded Bai Chen: "Since it is Yuelun Lake, we may need Xiao Xingyun's help."

Hearing this, Bai Chen asked Xiao Xingyun if he could dispel the fog, but Xiao Xingyun naturally had no way.

But something seemed to be calling him.

His cotton little finger pointed in one direction: "Mogu."

"Do you want to go this way?" Bai Chen followed the guidance of the little nebula and walked through the fog.

I don't know how long I walked, maybe two minutes, maybe several hours.

In this place where visibility is less than one meter and the surroundings are extremely silent, Bai Chen's perception of time is very weak.

With a snap, Bai Chen suddenly walked out of the fog without knowing how.

There was no thick fog around.

Instead, it was a dark night.

Bai Chen looked around again. He was now standing on a round island.

The island was surrounded by calm lake water. In the sky, a full moon hung high in the center of the sky, and the bright moon in the sky was reflected in the dark lake water.

On the outer side of the lake, Bai Chen could see huge stone piers surrounding the lake, each of which was about 40 meters or even 50 meters high.

It was still as quiet as outside, and there was still no sign of any biological activity here.

"This is the Moon Lake."

Bai Chen looked at the altar in the center of the island.

There is no doubt that it should be the key place.

Bai Chen led everyone to set off there.

When they arrived at the center of the island, there was a stone platform, and the full moon in the sky shone its light on the stone platform.

Bai Chen looked at Xiaoruan inquiringly and asked, "Can I just put Xiao Xingyun there?"

Xiaoruan nodded, indicating that it was right.

Bai Chen let go of Xiao Xingyun, and Xiao Xingyun floated up. He looked at Bai Chen nervously.

He didn't dare to fly over for a while, he didn't know what would happen next.

"Don't worry, everyone will be with you."

Bai Chen released all his companions.

Everyone sent their blessings to Xiao Xingyun at this moment.

Ai Guanshi walked up and stroked Xiao Xingyun's head gently, telling him not to worry.

Under the gaze of his companions, Xiao Xingyun was finally full of courage.

Just as he was about to fly to the stone platform and accept the baptism of moonlight.

Bai Chen stopped him again.

"Wait a minute."

Bai Chen pulled out a knife for dissecting monsters in Xiaoruan's shocked eyes.

Bai Chen said to Xiao Xingyun: "Open your mouth."

Xiao Xingyun did as he was told.

Then Bai Chen cut open his palm, and golden blood flowed into Xiao Xingyun's mouth like a waterfall.

Bai Chen's body is now rich in a lot of giant stone energy.

After receiving the energy of the sundial, the energy in his body is enough to destroy the entire Pokémon world.

Although Bai Chen still doesn't know what the energy of the giant stone is, he can confirm that the energy in his blood is needed by almost all Pokémon.

If his blood can't affect Xiao Xingyun's evolution, then feed it to Xiao Xingyun as a tonic.

Anyway, it won't have any bad effects on Xiao Xingyun.

"Ru" Xiaoruan didn't expect Bai Chen to be so bold.

What is he going to do? Is he going to create a brand new Lunala?

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