Chapter 265 99.99%!

The battle is in full swing.

The Nergigante enters the third gear.

She pounces at the Dark Lantern Dragon and slaps it on the head.

The red energy immediately generates a large number of black thorns, covering half of the Dark Lantern Dragon's head.

The Dark Lantern Dragon roars in fear, and he throws his head and hits the huge crystal on one side.

The black thorns are broken, but the roots still remain on the opponent's head.

Feeling the black thorns that are constantly eroding his body, he instinctively mobilizes the extremely powerful energy in his body.

Under the powerful energy, the rooted thorns of the Nergigante Dragon are finally completely cleared.

The Dark Lantern Dragon counterattacks the Nergigante Dragon, and he raises his upper body and presses down on the Nergigante Dragon.

The Nergigante Dragon holds the Dark Lantern Dragon with his claws, and a large number of thorns grow under her.

Like thousands of spears, the thorns pierce the body of the Dark Lantern Dragon.

The Dark Lantern Dragon was not to be outdone. He concentrated his energy into his throat.

Then he blew out his energy breath downwards in the most primitive way.

The bluish-white ghost fire burned the Nergigante and her thorns.

The crystal ground made of the ancient dragon's energy actually showed signs of melting slightly under the continuous scorching of the breath.

If he continued to spit out his breath like this, the Nergigante would suffer a lot of damage even if he had a strong physique.

But unfortunately, the Dark Lantern Dragon was just born, and his control over energy was still weak.

The breath lasted only three seconds before it ended.

The Nergigante seized the opportunity, she grabbed the side of the Dark Lantern Dragon's face from bottom to top with her right palm, and threw it to one side.

With a bang, the ground of the convergence place shook violently, and the Nergigante threw the Dark Lantern Dragon to the ground.

Everyone looked at the body of the Nergigante Dragon, which was hit directly by the opponent's breath, and a large area of ​​charred black appeared on the body of the Nergigante Dragon.

Those hard thorns were all destroyed.

Just when everyone was worried about the injury of the Nergigante, Nergigante used her rarity 9 [Natural Regeneration] move.

She drew out the natural energy she had absorbed into her body to repair her body.

Nergigante completed the super regeneration of her body at a speed visible to the naked eye, restoring her body to its most prosperous state!

Nergigante condensed [Extinction Palm] with both hands and then took turns to bombard the Dark Lantern under her.

Every time she bombarded, completely new thorns would grow on the Dark Lantern's body.

That was the purest violence!

Adding the corrosive attribute energy of the upper three gears, everyone even had the illusion that the Nergigante could destroy the world.

Xiaoruan watched the battle between the two monsters quietly.

After the battle just now, he almost confirmed that the Dark Lantern's [Dragon Vein] attribute has two special abilities.

1. His attribute energy can penetrate almost all attribute defenses.

2. His attribute has the [Life] characteristic. As an attack method, the dragon vein attribute can weaken the recovery of vitality. As a recovery method, the dragon vein attribute can also increase the recovery ability.

Xiaoruan thought to himself, "It's a really powerful attribute."

Such a powerful attribute naturally has corresponding limitations.

The most important limitation is that although the dragon vein attribute can penetrate the defense of all attributes, the damage it causes to other attributes is not increased by 100%, but by 20%.

This bonus may not seem much, but it is very useful as an attacker.

The second limitation is also the most fatal.

As an attack attribute, it can penetrate the defense of all attributes. At the same time, as a defense attribute, the dragon vein attribute is also restrained by all other attributes. The damage caused by other attributes attacking him will also increase by 20%.

It is equivalent to that the Dark Lantern Dragon has obtained the strongest attribute spear, but is also cursed by the attribute. He cannot resist any other attribute damage.

"I remember Bai Chen said before that the Dark Red Dragon after the Dark Lantern Dragon transformed has the means to absorb the energy of the earth vein to recover from injuries. If this point is added, then this guy's strength will be a little bit unsolvable."

Xiaoruan retracted his gaze from the Dark Lantern Dragon.

He looked at the violently bombarding Nergigante.

As early as when Nergigante started the second gear and fought Rayquaza in Miare City, he discovered that Nergigante possessed a new attribute.

That attribute was different from the [Dragon Vein] attribute of the Dark Lantern, and was a more special and powerful attribute.

Even if he had been observing Nergigante, he still could not analyze the special attribute of Nergigante as thoroughly as he analyzed the Dragon Vein attribute.

The only thing he knew now was that Nergigante's attribute had a very strong [Collapse] characteristic.

She seemed to be able to destroy everything!

Xiaoruan, who was meditating, suddenly felt a powerful energy wave erupting from the black thorn forest.

That energy was so strong!

Xiaoruan didn't have time to think about it, he immediately absorbed the cells and entered the 50% form.

"Thousand Waves!"

The power of the Order Pokémon penetrated into the ground, and the extremely hard ground suddenly surged like a tsunami.

The swordsmanship master and others looked at the 20-meter-high earth wall in front of them in shock.

What kind of power is this?

Several huge walls were built in an instant.

Before everyone could think carefully, a terrifying energy suddenly erupted from the other side of the giant wall.

Standing behind the giant wall, everyone could only see the energy explosion that was as dazzling as the sun.

Then their ears seemed to be deaf, and they could no longer hear any sound.

It was not until the explosion destroyed the two giant walls that everyone heard the explosion sound that was more terrifying than the loudest thunder in the world.

The blue-white flames burned the last giant wall.

The crackling sound was heard, and the last giant wall made by Xiaoruan was completely shattered.

Fortunately, the energy attack of the Dark Dragon also ended at this time.

Everyone looked at the center of the battle area.

The crystal ground had been completely dissolved.

A huge pit with a diameter of 200 meters appeared under the Dark Dragon.

Looking at his whole body, head, limbs, tail, and even wings, there were ghost fires burning.

That was the new form of the Dark Dragon!

Critical state!

When the energy accumulated by the Dark Dragon exceeds the critical state, the energy accumulated in its chest will reach the limit. At this time, the Dark Dragon will release the energy accumulated to the limit as a violent energy torrent!

It is impossible for a newly born Dark Dragon to reach this level, but under the fierce attack of the Exterminating Dragon and the threat of the Exterminating Dragon's death, his experience in energy control is growing rapidly.


After releasing the energy in his body, the Dark Lantern could no longer maintain the critical state, and he returned to his normal state.

He looked nervously at the Nergigante buried in the ground by the fallen crystals not far away.

Should he defeat this terrible guy?

He had just raised the flag, and a large number of black thorns grew out from under his body again.

Nergigante has the regeneration ability of the unlocking level.

The energy explosion of the Dark Lantern can indeed cause her considerable damage, but that's all.

As long as she is in the third gear state and the natural energy in her body is not exhausted, she can complete the repair at an astonishing speed.

The Dark Lantern dragged his tired body to clear the surrounding thorns.

He looked at the Nergigante with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Nergigante is like a tireless fighting machine, and it is impossible for him to defeat the opponent with his current ability.

Seeing the Nergigante pushing the crystal pile on its back.

The Dark Lantern spit out another energy breath towards the Nergigante.

After repelling the Nergigante, he spread his wings like the sky.

He was going to evacuate!

Regardless of whether he would win the fight with the Nergigante, even if he did, the green snake that suddenly appeared over there could defeat him.

The Dark Lantern Dragon concentrated his energy and stretched out his wings completely.

The wings of the newly born Dark Lantern Dragon had not yet completely fixed their shape, but with the "help" of the Nergigante, he was finally able to fly.

He flapped his wings and rolled up strong wind pressure.

Seeing that the Dark Lantern Dragon was about to take off and escape, Tianhui Long knew that it was his turn to take action.

But he had just taken off when he was suddenly pressed down by a strong will.

Tianhui Long looked at Bai Chen in the crystal, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Why didn't he let himself fight?

The Nergigante Dragon had a good fight, so now it was his turn to have some fun, right?

But soon, that will rushed into his mind again.

Tianhui Long pouted his lips in grievance and landed back on the ground again.

Without anyone to stop it, the Dark Dragon flew out of the gathering place.

Everyone just watched the ancient dragon king who could only threaten the entire new world leave.

Here, the fighting dragon of the Exterminating Dragon withdrew from the third gear.

She fell to the ground with some discomfort.

To be honest, this was her first time to enter the third gear state, and the killing intent brought by releasing 50% of her potential was also a great test for her spirit.

She could enter this state for two minutes, which was almost the limit.

If she continued to fight, she would either risk losing control and fight the opponent to death, or withdraw from this state and fight the Dark Dragon in normal state.

Both of these situations were what she didn't want to see.

The battle ended very suddenly.

The swordsman master and others were still immersed in the last wave of fierce energy explosion of the Dark Dragon.

The dragon hunter Cohen asked anxiously: "Is it really okay to let him go like this?"

The swordsman master looked at Tianhui Dragon and then at Bai Chen in the crystal.

He said, "Since it was Bai Chen who stopped Tianhui Dragon, it means that Bai Chen must have his own ideas, right? And the headquarters has given Bai Chen full authority to handle this matter, so we should just wait and see."

If it were before, Cohen would definitely not trust a person so much.

But looking at Bai Chen's powerful companions.

He understood that if there was a situation that Bai Chen could not grasp, even if he brought the entire investigation team, he might not be able to control it.

"Yes, anyway, Bai Chen will be responsible." Cohen directly started to play with the swordsman master.

Master Yuanye looked at the two and sighed.

If it were someone else who saw this scene, I'm afraid they would have played completely, right?

The departure of the Dark Lantern Dragon did not disturb the people in the Convergence Land.

At night, the swordsman focused on the chessboard in front of him.

He thought for a long time, and finally moved the soldier forward one square.

"It's your turn."

As soon as the voice fell, the Thunder Wolf Dragon opposite him raised its claws and pressed on the queen chess piece, eating the soldier that the swordsman master had just moved forward.

"Hmph." The Thunder Wolf Dragon snorted, meaning it was the Sword Master's turn.

"Oh? This is a really fierce attack. It's really in your style."

The Sword Master sighed.

The sword master only recently started playing chess.

Logically speaking, as a newbie to chess, his level should be very low, but looking at the situation on the chessboard now, he can actually have a 50-50 tie with Thunder Wolf Dragon.

This is naturally not because the swordsman master is a genius. He can play so well because there is a similar chess game in Monster Hunter World.

Although there are many differences in the rules, he can quickly master them after playing two games.

At this time, Master Yuanye sat next to the swordsman master with a cup of hot tea.

She glanced at the chessboard to judge the situation and said with emotion: "You are at a disadvantage. It is really rare."

While exploring the New World, hunters would also have some fun, and playing chess was one of their main forms of entertainment.

The swordsmanship master said: "Thunder Wolf Dragon's attack is very aggressive and fierce. I have never seen such a fierce attack."

Master Yuanye looked up at the Thunder Wolf Dragon on the other side of the chessboard.

If she tells others in the future, the swordsman master once played chess with a thunder wolf dragon and was defeated.

There is a 100% chance that she will be considered crazy.

This scene is really astonishing. If these discoveries were compiled into documents and published, they would definitely shock the entire world.

The knowledge that humans have accumulated over hundreds or even thousands of years will collapse, and the world will inevitably experience tremendous turmoil.

"Ah, it's such a pity that we still lost." In the time it took Master Yuanye to think about it, Master Swordsman had already lost to Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Master Yuanye laughed loudly. She raised her head and said to Thunder Wolf Dragon: "How about playing a game with me? Although I am not as good at chess as the swordsman master, I still have some knowledge."

Thunder Wolf Dragon nodded indifferently.

He was just exercising his strategic abilities after training.

It doesn’t matter who comes.

"Then please give me some advice."

Master Yuanye took over the position of Swordsman Master and sat across from Thunder Wolf Dragon.

While placing the chess pieces, she asked Lei Langlong: "Do you know when your master will wake up?"

Thunder Wolf Dragon shook his head.

How does he know when Bai Chen will complete his evolution?

He could only feel that the energy in the place of convergence was getting less and less, and the energy concentration had dropped by as much as 80% compared to when they first came.

Logically speaking, the evolution should be completed today or tomorrow.

Thunder Wolf Dragon had participated in the battle in Miare City and knew that Bai Chen had absorbed 80% of the energy of the boulder.

In addition, Bai Chen also absorbed a large amount of energy from the sundial in Baike City.

Later, he also absorbed the energy in Xiaoruan's ending cave.

Now even the energy that Ming Lantern Dragon has saved for many years has almost been absorbed.

With so much energy condensed in Bai Chen's body, he didn't even know what Bai Chen would become.

But the only thing that can be confirmed is that Bai Chen will definitely be completely transformed this time.

Thunder Wolf Dragon made up his mind.

After Bai Chen evolves, he must have a passionate head-to-head confrontation with Bai Chen!

Just when everyone was waiting.

Bai Chen's evolution progress has reached 99.99%!

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