Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 320 What? Liliae wants to destroy the kingdom?

Bai Chen took Aina directly back to the Pokémon world.

If Aina is left in Monster Hunter World, she and her dragon egg will likely get into trouble.

As I said before, before Aina hatches the Wings of Destruction and activates the power of the Wings of Destruction, Bai Chen needs to ensure Aina's safety.

In the Ultimate Cave, Aina looked at the miniature of the world flashing past her.

these are.?

World after world? !

Aina's dynamic vision is not bad. In those flashing worlds, she saw some creatures she had never seen before at a glance.

She also saw a world falling into disaster.

Where is this place?

Aina clung to Bai Chen's clothes in confusion to prevent herself from being involved in the torrent of space.

Little Nebula quickly returned to the Pokémon world with Bai Chen and Aina.

Coming out of the Ultimate Cave, Aina looked at the new world with a divine light in her eyes.

She originally thought that the different world Bai Chen was talking about was a different dimension or something.

But she didn't expect Bai Chen to actually bring her to a whole new world.

"Where is this?" Behind Bai Chen, Aina asked Bai Chen.

"This is my other home. I'll introduce it to you later. Let's go to my island first."

The position of the small nebula passing through the ultimate hole is relatively random.

The location where Bai Chen appeared was still a certain distance away from his forbidden island.

Looking at the sea and islands below from the air, everything here was extremely novel to her.

Seeing his forbidden island from a distance, Bai Chen noticed something strange.

There are traces of battle on the island! And they are external traces of battle.

Bai Chen landed on the island with a solemn expression.

Sensing Bai Chen's return, the three holy birds flew from three ends of the island to Bai Chen.

Aina was secretly surprised when she looked at the three holy birds in front of her. Based on her perception of these three giant birds, these three guys were all ancient dragon-level creatures.

"hold head high--!"

The three holy birds stopped in front of Bai Chen.

Seeing the three holy birds, Bai Chen felt a little relieved. The fact that they stayed on the island intact at least meant that the island had not been invaded.

"What happened here before?"

Flame Bird quickly explained to Bai Chen.

About 10 days ago, a group of thieves driving a steamship suddenly appeared over the Forbidden Island.

After sensing that the island was in danger, the three holy birds took action at the same time to drive away the other party, but the other party possessed a technology that could directly force the super evolution of Pokémon.

The opponent was also very strong, and the Three Sacred Birds almost failed to beat the opponent.

Fortunately, Bai Chen left monsters like the Thunder Wolf Dragon and the mysterious Red Light Tianhui Dragon on the island.

When the Three Holy Birds almost showed their weakness, the monsters took action to drive away the thieves.

Just when I thought things would end here, that group of invaders came to the Forbidden Island eight days ago.

This time they were better prepared and they quickly defeated all three of them.

In the end, the Thunder Wolf Dragon entered an overload state and shot down the opponent's flying ship before the invaders escaped with difficulty.

And this incident also made Lillie aware of some dangers.

The purpose of the other party's coming to the island was not to catch the Three Sacred Birds, nor was he here for Bai Chen's monsters.

The other party came for her Magearna.

After hearing this, Bai Chen knew who the other party was.

The other party is probably from a kingdom called Azote.

Pokémon like Magearna were created by Eliphas, the genius of the Azote Kingdom and the authority on mystical science.

The core of Magearna is called Soul Heart, which is the key and energy core that activates a dangerous weapon.

Those invaders probably wanted to find Magearna and use her soul to activate weapons and rule the world.

This is the plot of the movie "Bolkenion and the Clever Magearna".

Bai Chen didn't expect that this part of the plot would have already happened while he was away.

"So where are Lillie and the others?"

Bai Chen noticed that all the ancient dragons on his island had disappeared, and even the armored dragon in the volcano had left.

Flamebird explained.

"After Lillie knew the truth of the matter, she was worried that her Magearna would continue to be threatened, so she took the Thunder Wolf Dragon and the others to the Azote Kingdom. Tian Hui Dragon mother and son, Ice Curse Dragon, Thunder Wolf Dragon, All the armored dragons and unicorns have followed, and only Aiguanshi and the giant blacksmith are still in the Alola area."

Bai Chen laughed when he heard it.

Unexpectedly, Lillie did not rush over mindlessly, but chose to lead the monsters to kill them together.

This made Bai Chen very relieved.

With four ancient dragons, plus Thunder Wolf Dragon and Armored Dragon, two super ancient dragon-level creatures, Lillie would probably not encounter any trouble.

"How long have they been gone?"

"I left eight days ago and haven't come back yet."

Eight days?

Bai Chen was a little surprised when he heard this.

Thunder Wolf Dragon, Armored Dragon and many ancient dragon species followed. No matter how powerful the Azote Kingdom was, it would not be able to waste so much time.

Could it be that Lillie had a problem there?

Bai Chen nodded and said to the Three Sacred Birds: "Thank you for your hard work. I will leave the island to you temporarily. I will go to the Kalos area."

After saying that, Bai Chen let Xiao Nebula take him to teleport to the Carlos area.

Bai Chen first took out his mobile phone and tried to dial Lillie's number, but unexpectedly it said that the phone was turned off.

There won't really be any problems, right?

Seeing Bai Chen's serious look, Aina asked with concern: "Excuse me, what happened?"

Bai Chen shook his head and said, "I just can't contact my girlfriend."


Aina didn't expect Bai Chen to have a girlfriend.

It's not that she thinks Bai Chen is unworthy, but that she thinks Bai Chen is so powerful, just like a god. She didn't expect that Bai Chen would have the same desires and status as the world.

Since he couldn't be reached by phone, Bai Chen planned to go directly to Azote Kingdom to check out the situation.

After consulting the map, Bai Chen found the Azote Kingdom in the Kalos region.

Take Aina and fly to the vicinity of the kingdom.

Bai Chen stopped outside the wall of the royal city.

Bai Chen raised his head and looked at the city gate which was not very high.

Just when Aina was wondering why Bai Chen didn't go in, Bai Chen suddenly raised his hand and knocked on the air.

The strange thing is that as soon as Bai Chen knocked, the air unexpectedly made a muffled sound.

In front of them is a super thick protective shield.

Bai Chen estimated that even if he tried his best, he wouldn't be able to break the protective shield.

Could it be that Lillie was trapped inside?

Bai Chen thought for a moment and used teleportation directly inside. Something unexpected happened again.

The originally invincible teleportation actually failed in a short period of time.

"I didn't expect it to be a shield against super teleportation."

According to Bai Chen's understanding, the energy consumption of this kind of shield is very high.

It's amazing that the entire kingdom is covered with a shield of this strength.

Where does this energy come from?

Bai Chen pondered for a moment.

Although this kind of shield can block the transmission of super powers, the shield is also terrifyingly thick.

But it is by no means impossible to break through!

This kind of shield has a very intelligent sensing ability. If huge damage occurs locally, the energy in other parts of the shield will instantly fill it up, increasing the defense strength of a certain part of the local area.

And Bai Chen wants to enter the kingdom.

He only needs to release super powerful energy towards a certain point in an instant, and other parts of the shield will become very weak, so Bai Chen has a chance of using teleportation to enter it.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen led Aina out of the range of 100 meters.

Bai Chen asked Aina to hide behind him, and he drew the Emperor's sword from the space.

Behind Bai Chen, Yanfei Dragon and Yanwang Dragon came out of different dimensions at the same time.

Bai Chen took a deep breath and entered the origin state.

He resonated with the Flame Fei Dragon and Yan Wang Dragon. Following the Thunder Wolf Dragon, Ice Curse Dragon, and Ming Bo Dragon, a light wheel with the patterns of Yan Wang Dragon and Yan Fei Dragon appeared behind Bai Chen.

The fighting spirit all over Bai Chen's body turned into fire fighting spirit at this moment, and the Emperor's sword in his hand was now stained with red light.

Flames burned beside Bai Chen.

Bai Chen stored the Emperor's sword at his waist.

"The flow of natural disasters, the fourth disaster, the flare that burns away the stars!"

Bai Chen drew his sword instantly, and the scorching sun slowly rose on the side of the kingdom. It was an explosion that could swallow the earth!

Everyone in the kingdom saw the explosion of a supernova at this moment!

Even with the shield guarding them, everyone in the kingdom felt the shocking energy fluctuations.

The whole kingdom was shaken violently.

At this moment, in the palace at the highest point of the kingdom, a young young lady with blond hair looked in shock at the powerful attack that appeared in the corner of the capital.

Two bodies behind the blond shota, stood a purple-haired man wearing goggles.

His name is Jarvis, he is the most talented mysterious scientist in the kingdom today, and he is also the minister of this kingdom.

The earthquake in the kingdom lasted for ten seconds. When the sun disappeared, the blond young lady looked at Jarvis and said, "Jarvis, could that be an attack by thieves as well?"

Jarvis retracted his gaze in shock at this moment. Who was responsible for such a powerful attack that could cause an earthquake in the entire country?

Could it be that blond girl?

Didn't she say she would give the kingdom three more days to think about it?

"Jarvis?" The blond young lady looked at Jarvis in confusion.

Jarvis coughed and said to the blond young lady: "Dear Prince Raquel, an attack at this level should be an attack by that group of thieves."

Upon hearing this, Prince Rakel angrily hammered the marble guardrail in front of him with his hand.

His tone was full of confusion and confusion: "Why? Why are you trying to stop me!"

Jarvis smirked and said: "Dear Prince Raquel, it is the thieves who fear your power that threaten you in this way. Since ancient times, the truth has only been in the hands of a few people. They stopped you, which just proves that you The path to take is the right one.

Only by holding all the power of mysterious science in our hands can the kingdom prevent its decline and its citizens gain true happiness. Prince Rakel also asks you to cheer up. "

After hearing what Jarvis said, Prince Rakel showed a determined look on his face.

"Jarvis, you are right. The truth is only in the hands of a few people. Only by mastering all the secrets of mysterious science can we bring real happiness to the people!"

"Prince Rakel is wise. If the people of the kingdom know your thoughts, they will definitely praise your achievements."

A trace of disdain and contempt flashed in Jarvis's eyes.

He added silently in his heart.

What a stupid guy. As long as that plan is completed, both the kingdom and the world will become mine, Jarvis!

In the prison underground in the kingdom, a woman with blond wavy hair was leaning against the wall of the dungeon.

Suddenly, the whole kingdom trembled, and the woman looked up at the ceiling of the dungeon.

Some doubts.

Could it be that Lillie took action?

But didn't she say there were still three days?

The woman is the princess of the kingdom, Princess Jimiya.

Ji Miya clasped her fists unwillingly, silently praying for Lillie in her heart.

"Lilia, please, the future of the kingdom can only be left to you."

At this moment, under an unknown bridge in the kingdom, Bai Chen leaned against the wall, taking long breaths to calm his tired body.

He has unlimited energy, but he also has a short-term energy limit.

The upper limit has been used up, and he needs some time to rest to recover his strength.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Aina looked at Bai Chen and asked with concern.

Bai Chen waved his hands and said he was fine.

"Just let me rest."

Bai Chen told Aina not to worry too much.

In order to create an opportunity to come in, he directly bombarded the shield with 100% of his energy limit.

I finally created a little bit of opportunity for myself.

"This kingdom's shield is quite thick."

Bai Chen couldn't help but complain.

After resting for a while, Bai Chen finally recovered a lot of physical strength.

Bai Chen stood up from the ground again.

He patted the dust on his body and said to Aina: "Let's go and see what the situation is."


Aina still held the fire dragon egg in her arms.

When leaving the bridge cave, Bai Chen saw Aina's ears.

Said: "By the way, your ears need to be covered."

Bai Chen used his mind power to create an illusion, covering up all the special characteristics of the Ainalong human race, such as the pointed ears and four fingers.

"It's okay now, let's go."

After walking out of the bridge, Bai Chen unexpectedly discovered that there were no citizens on the street. The stores and mechanical devices on the street had all stopped due to loss of energy.

There was no energy, but Bai Chen still knew what was going on.

After all, such a thick shield cannot be maintained without using the energy of the entire kingdom.

Just where have all the people here gone?

Just when Bai Chen was confused, Aina suddenly found a flyer on the ground.

She picked it up curiously, took a look at it, and said to Bai Chen, "Your Majesty, look at this."

Bai Chen took the flyer from Aina's hand and was stunned when he looked at it.

What? Lillie wants to destroy the entire kingdom?

What happened?

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