Pokémon, hatching a Nergigante at the beginning

Chapter 325 Newcomer to the Forbidden Island

The three holy mushrooms held their hands together, and they released their power at the same time, and began to guide Bai Chen's will into Bolkenian's consciousness.

They were shocked when they felt Bai Chen's pure soul.

How could there be such a pure soul in this world.

And this is not the point.

They can feel Bai Chen's knowledge, emotions, and will.

They feel the unwavering will.

Feel the rich and pure emotions.

They can even feel Bai Chen's wisdom that can peek into the most profound knowledge in the world.

How can this be a trait that a human can possess? ?

The three holy mushrooms were slightly shocked.

They now want to take a closer look at this pure person who has never existed in the past and present.

But they still have professional ethics. Even though their curiosity has become so strong that it is terrifying, they still connect Bai Chen's will and soul with Bolkenian according to the previous agreement.

When Bai Chen opened his eyes again, he saw a very strong dark purple storm.

These storms have extremely strong erosion capabilities, and any soul that enters them will be eroded.

But Bai Chen was not affected. He had one of the most powerful and purest souls in the world.

The Soul of Origin gave him a purity comparable to that of a god.

Bai Chen slowly approached the center of the consciousness space under the guidance of the Three Sacred Mushrooms.

After walking for an unknown period of time, Bai Chen finally saw Porcanion in the consciousness space.

He was now protected and enveloped by a dark purple semicircular protective shield.

Looking carefully, you can find that the protective shield has gear-like patterns that are slowly turning.

Bai Chen understood that this was Magearna protecting Porcanion's last bit of sanity, so that Porcanion would not completely fall into infinite evil.

Bai Chen slowly came to the shield.

Looking at Porcanion inside, Bai Chen asked loudly: "Do you want to come to my forbidden island?"

Porcanion in the protective shield slowly opened his eyes.

Time in the outside world passed by minute by minute, and Pokémon such as Xerneas and Yveltal were quietly watching the Three Sacred Mushrooms, Bai Chen and Porcanion in the crystal ball.

About twenty minutes passed.

The sealed crystal ball made a series of crisp sounds.

A rich purple aura leaked out from it.

Xerneas and other Pokémon thought that Volkanien was about to break the seal.

They immediately prepared for the battle. With three legends joining forces, there was no reason for them to lose to Volkanien, even if he was strengthened ten times.

Suddenly, the crystal exploded.

Volkanien broke the seal.

But just when Volkanien opened his eyes, the evil aura on his body completely disappeared.

The soul heart hanging on Volkanien's chest slowly flew up.

The deep purple soul heart seemed to be purified, emitting a faint golden light.

Zygarde and other Pokémon were all surprised to see Volkanien, who had returned to normal.

Bai Chen succeeded?

The three legends looked at Bai Chen, and saw that Bai Chen also slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

Bai Chen waved to the soul heart in front of him, and Magearna's soul heart came into Bai Chen's hand.

Bai Chen looked at the three holy mushrooms in the air and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"Gu Ma." The three gods in the lake immediately agreed to Bai Chen's request.

They radiated their own power to awaken the remaining will of Magyana in the soul heart.

In a moment, Magyana's soul heart finally restored its former glory.

Bai Chen used instant movement to take back Magyana's body.

Put the soul heart into the body.

Everyone looked at Magyana nervously, and they didn't know whether Magyana could be restored to its original state.

After all, Jarvis had infinitely overdrawn the power of Magyana's soul.

Porkanian walked forward nervously and looked at Magyana.

Finally, in the expectant eyes of everyone, Magyana opened her eyes.


Porkanian asked telepathically: "Majiana, do you still remember me?"

"Giggle!" Magyana's eyes curved into a crescent, and she hugged Porkanian.

Seeing that Magearna was fine, Porcanion was finally relieved. When he looked at Bai Chen again, his eyes were full of gratitude.

He lowered his head and thanked: "Thank you, I will abide by the agreement. Thank you for letting us live in the forbidden island."

Bai Chen smiled with satisfaction and nodded: "Then please give me more advice in the future."

As a mythical Pokémon, Porcanion also has many powerful individual abilities, and some abilities cannot be copied. Only Bai Chen can understand and analyze them by himself.

If Porcanion can be kept by his side, Bai Chen will be able to learn all of Porcanion's skills one day.

"Bai Chen!"

In the distance, Liliae and others also rushed over.

Porcanion had no ill will towards Aina and Himaya, and the two had helped him before.

Seeing Porcanion and the resurrected Magearna, Liliae was sincerely happy for them.

Behind, Himaya's feet were as heavy as if they were filled with lead.

In the Kalos region, [Order] Zygarde, [Life] Xerneas, [Death] Yveltal, [Diamond Princess] Diancie, [Legendary Mythical Beast] Volkanion, [Lake Gods] Three Sacred Mushrooms, and [Moon] Lunala in the Alola region.

There are too many legendary Pokémon gathered here, right?

Just looking at the many legendary Pokémon, Himeya felt dizzy.

The pressure of these legends together is too strong!

Ina focused her attention on Bai Chen's ancient dragons.

In addition to the ancient dragons she had seen before, [Mythical Beast] Kirin, [Freeze All Things Dragon] Ice Curse Dragon, [Silver Winged Evil Star] Tianhui Dragon, and there are two of them.

In addition, there are the obviously abnormal Kailong and Thunder Wolf Dragon.

How many powerful partners does Bai Chen have? !

And just now, Tianhui Dragon and Thunder Wolf Dragon have all changed their forms, right?

Just looking at these ancient dragons, Ina felt cold all over.

Just when everyone was about to ask about the current situation, a teacup-shaped aircraft in the fortress behind them tried to sneak away while everyone was not paying attention.

That was Jarvis, who was still alive, and wanted to drive the spaceship away from here quickly.

But how could the angry Xerneas let him go?

Xerneas released his moon power and shot down the opponent's aircraft.

Xerneas was still too kind.

If Bai Chen himself encountered this situation, Bai Chen would probably let him go to the eighteenth level of hell.

Of course, the punishment Jarvis faced now was not much different.

Ji Meiya would not let Jarvis go.

Ji Meiya borrowed Qilin from Bai Chen to escort Jarvis back to the kingdom.

Watching Ji Meiya leave.

Bai Chen opened his own dimensional space and asked the ancient dragons and Pokémon to go back and rest first.

After nodding and thanking Bai Chen, Polkaneen entered with Magearna.

Xerneas and Yveltal thanked the Three Sacred Mushrooms for their help and returned to the other dimension.

Xerneas still had to heal the injured Pokémon.

Only Nergigante, Diancie, Softy, Z2 and the Three Sacred Mushrooms were left outside.

Bai Chen also thanked the Three Sacred Mushrooms and said, "Thank you for your help. If you need my help in the future, you can also find me. I will do my best to help you."

Now that Bai Chen has subdued Volkanien, the favor that Volkanien has endured needs to be repaid by Bai Chen, the trainer.

"Gu Ma~" The Three Sacred Mushrooms smiled and said it was okay, it was just a small favor.

After replying to Bai Chen, the Three Sacred Mushrooms had no intention of leaving at this moment. They looked at Bai Chen curiously and circled around him.

They curiously asked Bai Chen why he had such a pure soul.

The three legendary Pokémon asked Bai Chen a lot of questions.

To sum up, it's nothing more than why Bai Chen can check natural language, and why Bai Chen is so loved by nature.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Diancie quickly stood in front of Bai Chen and the Three Holy Mushrooms.

She said: "Master has just finished fighting and is very tired. If you have any questions, you should wait until Master is free in the future."

Diancie secretly thought that her intuition was true.

These three guys can't be driven away!

The Three Holy Mushrooms looked at Diancie standing in front of them and felt a little angry.

Bai Chen didn't say anything to others, why did you come out to stop us?

Feeling the emotions from the Three Holy Mushrooms, Diancie stood in front of Bai Chen without retreating.

It's already difficult to have Lilia as a rival in love now, don't add more competitors! !

Lilia seemed to have superpowers and immediately sensed Diancie's thoughts.

She didn't understand a little bit, when did she and Diancie become rivals in love?

The Exterminating Dragon on Bai Chen's shoulder looked at Diancie boredly, wondering what Diancie was doing.

Diancie fought three lake gods with one pet, and for a moment, he was not at a disadvantage.

Bai Chen ignored the four Pokémon who were staring at each other, he looked at Liliae and took her into his arms.

A short separation is better than a new marriage.

After almost a month of not seeing each other, Bai Chen felt peaceful in his heart when he hugged his familiar lover again.

Only here can he feel truly relaxed.

If there were no other people here, Liliae would also like to stay with Bai Chen like this.

But now, there is Aina watching behind them, so it is not suitable to continue hugging like this.

Liliae quickly pushed Bai Chen away and asked Bai Chen about Aina's identity.

"Who is this?"

Bai Chen briefly introduced Aina, and told Liliae about what he had encountered during his return.

Of course, there were some things that were not convenient to say in front of Aina, and Bai Chen told Liliae through telepathy, such as the fact that he had planned to use the Wings of Destruction as bait to seduce Aotuna.

After learning that Aina was a dragon person, and a dragon person from Bai Chen's hometown, Liliae's favorability towards Aina quickly reached the extreme.

After all, she was Bai Chen's friend.

As long as they were Bai Chen's friends, they were her friends.

However, when she heard that Bai Chen had planned to use a monster that had not yet been born as bait.

Liliae silently rolled her eyes at Bai Chen.

She would not be angry with Bai Chen for such a thing, but if Aina knew about this, Aina would definitely be angry.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Liliae."

Aina looked at Liliae curiously. Liliae looked very cute, and against the backdrop of the Golden Palace, Liliae was very elegant.

And faintly, Liliae exuded a strong sense of affinity.

For a while, Aina also had a strong liking for Liliae.

I feel that I can become a very good friend with her!

Aina also introduced herself politely.

Liliae said happily: "This is the first time that Baichen has brought people from another world to our world. After things here are dealt with, I will take you around our world."

Aina smiled and nodded.

Girls' friendship comes quickly. As long as they feel that they can get along, they can get familiar with each other quickly.

In a few words, the two have become friends.

Here, Bai Chen had just finished introducing Aina when Diancie's voice for help came from behind him.

Looking back, he saw that two of the three holy mushrooms were holding Diancie's hands on the left and right.

The knowledge-controlling Yuxie was doing hypnotic movements without energy fluctuations in front of Diancie's eyes with his hands.

Yuxie drew circles in front of Diancie with his hands, muttering something, as if he wanted to hypnotize Diancie completely.

It is said that Yuxie can control other people's memories, and it is easy to delete other people's memories.

Now the three holy mushrooms have united to scare Diancie, saying that they want to erase Diancie's memory.

Seeing that none of the four Pokémon showed signs of using energy, Bai Chen did not care about it.

After a while, Diancie began to surrender, saying that she would not make trouble again.

Seeing that the scare tactics of waiting for Pokémon worked, the two three holy mushrooms let Diancie go.

Diancie hid behind Nergigante as if escaping, fearing that her most precious memory would be deleted.

Seeing that she couldn't do it alone, Diancie pulled Nergigante to help.

When she came before, Nergigante had beaten her well.

Now it was time for Nergigante to take action.

"Ha~" Nergigante yawned, facing Diancie's instigation, she didn't care at all.

As long as these three guys don't come to grab the position next to Bai Chen, she won't bother to deal with them.

The three holy mushrooms flew in front of Bai Chen.

Uxie, who represents wisdom, asked Bai Chen if there was a lake on the forbidden island. The three of them also wanted to live there like Volcanion and the others.

They were able to get legendary Pokémon like Zygarde to help.

They were also curious about Bai Chen now.

For legends like them, decades of time is just a snap of a finger.

Staying on the island for a few decades is like traveling.

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