It was a pure white giant dragon. She was as holy as the white queen in the dark night.

But at the same time, her forked purple horns added some demonic qualities to the opponent.

Ayulia stared blankly at Otuna with her six wings fully spread out in the sky.

Is this the culprit of the red fierce light, the pure white ancient dragon that destroyed the world, Ao Tu Na?

Ayulia's legs softened and she fell directly to the ground.

The monster just let her look at it, and she felt a deep powerlessness.

Is this a world-class enemy?

How could it be so powerful?

"Mi." Meng instantly moved to Aina and Ayulia's side.

Mew directly used teleportation and led the two of them to a safe place to watch the battle.

Although Ao Tu Na is only level 90.

But its strength made her feel a little scared. It was a really big guy.

Bai Chen looked at Autuna in front of him. The only difference between Aotuna's transformation and that in the game was her two wings.

At this moment, after Ao Tu Na completed her transformation, she was directly in the most powerful six-winged state!

In this form, she absorbs enough energy and has the real ability to destroy the world!

Various notification sounds appeared in my mind.

Autuna in this state is a powerful enemy with a danger level of 17. As long as Bai Chen defeats the opponent, she can provide Bai Chen with a lot of rewards.

In addition, Bai Chen can also rely on Aotu Na to complete his title mission called "Infinite Energy".

The ‘Infinite Energy’ title trial meets the triggering conditions!

[Trial Name]: The True Holder of Infinite Energy

[Trigger condition]: Origin core move proficiency increased to crown level

[Completion Conditions]: Defeat an individual with a danger level of 17 or above and an energy move of at least rarity 10

[Trial Reward]: Unlimited Energy - The level of the Origin Core is upgraded from myth level to rule level. Add affixes and remove the energy limit that the body can withstand.

In addition to the title mission of ‘Infinite Energy’.

Bai Chen also has a title mission called 'Dragon of Creation'.

This title requires Bai Chen to defeat 10 monsters with a danger level of 17, and Aotu Na can help Bai Chen complete a target.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

When Ao Tu Na saw Bai Chen, her anger reached its peak.

"Ang——!" Autuna roared angrily. Above her head, majestic energy gathered, and a huge light ball with a diameter of five hundred meters was condensing.

That was one of Aotuna's ultimate moves, a move with fire and thunder attributes - Fire and Thunder Shocking the Sky!

Bai Chen instantly activated his origin form, and he took out countless origin diamonds directly from his extra-dimensional space.

Huge wave of missiles condenses!

Miso miso miso~

Ayulia and Aina looked at the huge energy ball in the distance in shock.

This has gone beyond the capabilities of ordinary monsters!

Yayulia now understood why Bai Chen said that her Ice Tooth Dragon only needed a sneeze to defeat her.

That is an ability that is on par with the gods!

After condensing, Bai Chen and Ao Tu Na launched moves towards each other at the same time.

The Fire Thunder Sky and the Giant Wave Missile collided in the air.

Two light balls condensed with endless energy collided together.

The sounds of the world seemed to freeze at this moment.

For one second or two, the sound of energy collision exploded in my ears.


A violent explosion sounded.

The snow-capped mountains in the middle of Bai Chen and Aotuna were instantly annihilated.

No matter how far away Ayulia and Aina were, they were almost blown away by the powerful energy storm.

If Mengmeng hadn't deployed a shield to protect the two of them, they would have been blown down the mountain and fell to death.

When the energy storm ended, Aina and Ayulia looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Between Bai Chen and Ao Tu Na, a large pit measuring nearly a kilometer appeared.

The mountains disappeared.

Ayulia took a deep breath. He knew that Bai Chen was very strong, but he never dreamed that he would be as strong as this!

After a wave of confrontation, Bai Chen had a clear understanding of Ao Tu Na's energy intensity.

At this time, other partners also took action at the same time.

Lugia took the lead in releasing strong mental thoughts towards Autuna.

But his attack was instantly neutralized when he got close to Autuna.

Bai Chen looked at it, secretly surprised.

The light particles suspended around Autuna are not decorations at all, but real high-frequency energy shields.

Any objects and low-energy attacks that hit Otuna will be neutralized.

Lugia was a little surprised. He strengthened his energy output. After all, he was also a first-level god equivalent to the taboo level!

Although he is not good at attacking, as long as he releases his attack, he can easily pass through Autuna's defense!

The water cannon attacked Autuna, and the attack passed through the high-energy shield very smoothly, causing damage to Autuna.

The six-winged Aotuna is a monster with five attributes: fire, thunder, ice, water, and dragon.

Lugia's attacks are difficult to cause effective damage to the opponent.

But there is more than just Lugia among the Taboo-level Pokémon here!

Yveltal released the Wings of Return towards Otuna.

The energy attack, which could directly take away the life of ordinary Pokémon, directly passed through Otuna's high-frequency energy shield, causing a large amount of damage to her body.

In the sky, the small nebula that entered the full moon state fired the light of shadow towards Autuna.

Her attack can directly ignore Otuna's high energy shield and cause damage to Otuna's body.

After releasing the control of the earth, Xerneas also released his moon power towards Otuna.

Fairy damage can cause a lot of damage to the opponent.

The four first-level gods attacked at the same time, and Otuna, who had just fought with Bai Chen once, let out a painful hiss.

She released energy attacks on the four first-level gods.

And these scattered energy attacks could not pose a substantial threat to them at all.

The four first-level gods only needed to use a little trick to offset the opponent's attack.

A Yulia and Aina originally thought that the battle between the four first-level gods and Otuna was just a small fight.

It was not until Otuna accidentally shot an energy ray into the distant mountains and flattened a mountain that they felt amazing.

Just a casual attack flattened a mountain. How powerful a force is needed to do it! !

At this moment, the two felt like they were watching a doomsday battle, or a battle in the era of the ancient five dragon legend.

This level of power really can't bring people a sense of reality.

With the help of four first-level gods, a big hole was punched through Aotuna's high-energy shield.

After waiting for a long time, the Exterminating Dragon directly entered the fourth gear state. After she got close, she slapped Aotuna's head with her amazing strength.

A large number of black thorns grew on Aotuna's face, and those thorns began to erode her body.

At this time, the Thunder Wolf Dragon, which had completed super evolution, also pounced on Aotuna.

When he came close, he released the terrifying voltage in his body.


The white scales on Aotuna's body were dissolved and burned under the high voltage.

Aotuna released huge energy in all directions.

The Exterminating Dragon and the Thunder Wolf Dragon were blown away by the aftermath of the energy, and the two monsters plowed a deep gully of a hundred meters on the ground.

Aotuna roared to the sky, and she released energy bombs again.

However, this time it was not the Fire Thunder of the Fire Thunder attribute, but the Frozen Stream Impact of the Water Ice attribute!

Seeing that Otuna had gathered her attacks, she attacked Nergigante and Thunder Wolf Dragon.

Lugia and Nebula rushed to defend at the same time.

Two Pokémon, one with the Multiple Scales attribute, and the other with the Phantom Defense attribute.

Both attributes can reduce the damage caused by enemy attacks.

The two Pokémon released the energy in their bodies.

With a shocking explosion, the two legendary Pokémon were slightly injured, but they still resisted the opponent's attack.

Pokémon such as Lugia and Nebula began to continuously reduce Otuna's physical strength.

With so many Pokémon attacking at the same time, Otuna was beaten and unable to fight back for a while.

Her physical strength was being greatly reduced.

Seeing that it was not good, Otuna released her third big move again-Dragon Riding!

This is a pure dragon attribute attack!

This time, Nebula directly released her exclusive Z move-Moonlight Splash Falling Sky with the help of Bai Chen!

The two attacks bombarded each other, and Nebula's energy attack and Dragon Riding move canceled each other out.

Aotuna saw that the situation was not good. Her physical strength was decreasing rapidly, while the physical strength of the enemies around her was still very high.

She knew that if she continued to fight like this, she would definitely die.

She flapped her wings and wanted to evacuate here.

But Bai Chen, who had been waiting for a long time, appeared above her head in an instant.

Bai Chen took out his Emperor's sword.

The Emperor's sword upgraded by the giant forger could now release all its abilities.

Bai Chen resonated with the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

"Natural Disaster Flow, the First Disaster, the Thunder of the God that resounded through the wilderness."

With a slash, amazing thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

Boom boom——!

Aotuna fell directly to the ground under the attack of this sword.

Bai Chen let out a long breath, as if he had just slashed an ordinary sword.

A Yulia swallowed secretly.

What kind of amazing strength is this?

Just one sword chopped the world-destroying monster to the ground.

Aina noticed that Bai Chen's strength had improved a lot compared to before, and she secretly sighed at Bai Chen's strength.

Bai Chen held the Emperor in his hand, and a cluster of swords with three attributes of fire, ice, and thunder were suspended beside him.

These three flying knives were made of the feathers of the three sacred birds.

Bai Chen looked at Aotuna below and threw out his olive branch.

"Either die or surrender."

Aotuna roared at Bai Chen angrily.

Her words were very simple and easy to understand.

Only those who defeated her could make her surrender!

Bai Chen laughed and waved his hand to let the Pokémon retreat. The next step was to conquer the battle.

Then let Aotuna, the future new favorite, feel the strength of her new master.

Bai Chen directly communicated with nature and exerted the wrath of nature!

The earth shook, and the dazzling pink light enveloped Aotuna, and her vitality was directly deprived of most of it.

Aotuna flew up from the ground again.

She increased her energy output and condensed a super high energy shield around herself.

With this level of shield, except for the characteristics of Nebula's moves, other Pokémon, unless they are going all out, will find it difficult to penetrate her defense.

Bai Chen and Thunder Wolf Dragon continue to resonate.

The first disaster of five swords was struck in an instant!

The thunder and lightning and the energy shields outside Otunna's body cancel each other out.

She shouted to the sky.

At this moment, all the energy around her was concentrated on her head.

A huge ball of energy gathered above her head.

It was not a fire and thunder that shook the sky, nor was it a freezing current impact, or even a dragon.

That is a fusion of five attributes, Ao Tu Na's most powerful skill and move - cleansing! !

The ultra-high concentration of energy exploded crazily.

In just a blink of an eye, the move reached an astonishing diameter of a thousand meters.

Ayulia and Aina were speechless at this moment. They didn't know what expressions they should use to face the terrifying attack in front of them.

That is definitely an attack that can annihilate snowy mountains with one strike!

Can Bai Chen really resist it?

Seeing Aotu Na release the strongest energy attack, Bai Chen raised his Z-power bracelet high.

"The true legend, the giant of origin!"

The Z-move's light flashed, and the ground began to tremble violently.

A golden mythical giant with a height of 100 meters crawled out of the earth.

That's Bai Chen's own exclusive Z move derived from his improved [Giant Guard Alola] move!

【The Titan of Origin】!

Like the Giant Guards, this origin of the Giant is also a headless giant.

But the difference is that this origin giant can add all of Bai Chen's attributes and moves!

Bai Chen released his own skill move—origin form!

Circles of golden halo appeared on the golden giant arm of the origin giant.

That was the mark left by Bai Chen's previous resonance with Thunder Wolf Dragon and the others.


It seemed like a roar from ancient times.

Profound white lines flashing with natural language appeared on the body surface of the origin giant!

Looking at the origin giant, Ayulia and Aina were numb at the moment.

This battle is not like a mythical battle, but a real mythical battle.

A hundred-meter-tall golden giant and a six-winged white dragon!

Autuna's attack has been concentrated.

She unleashed her cleansing moves towards Bai Chen.

The attack that gathered her most powerful energy bombarded Bai Chen's origin giant.

But Bai Chen just opened his arms and hugged the sin-cleansing move tightly.

In the blink of an eye, the giant from the origin plowed a thousand meters across the land.

Seeing that the energy cannot be offset.

Like Bai Chen, the origin giant had countless light wings growing out from behind, and those light wings were like Tianhui dragons.

Begins to emit high-energy energy.


The roar of energy was so harsh.

Bai Chen resisted Ao Tuna's attack.

At the last moment, Bai Chen finally stopped where he was.

He 'caught' the energy ball!

Bai Chen shouted loudly and threw Purify in the opposite direction towards Ao Tu Na!

Aotu Na quickly dodged.

Purge exploded in the air.


With this explosion, even from any corner of the Aikana continent, one can see the light of the explosion in the distance.

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